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Motivation Mondays: Perfect Conditions


“You cannot afford to wait for perfect conditions. Goal setting is often a matter of balancing timing against available resources. Opportunities are easily lost while waiting for perfect conditions.” Gary Ryan Blair

Motivation Mondays: Perfect Conditions

Motivation Mondays: Perfect Conditions

If everything was perfect, you would never learn and you would never grow. Beyonce Knowles
Nothing is perfect. Life is messy. Relationships are complex. Outcomes are uncertain. People are irrational. Hugh Mackay

PERFECT CONDITIONS: Happy National Sibling Day! What are you waiting for? Do you have a sibling you need to reach out to and rebuild a relationship with? Do so. Our life on planet Earth  comes with a set of unforeseen challenges and unexpected conditions. We can choose to see the situations as barriers to our goals or as hurdles to jump over. We can sit around waiting for the perfect condition to move forward with our lives or accept that we are perfectly imperfect and the best time to get things done is now. My Pastor who keeps us inspired and often makes us laugh out loud, offered five tips that I will expand on in this post.  I have added a sixth tip as a bonus. We all need to be reminded that perfection is not a requirement for living a fulfilled life and that to fail is to live.
1. Live life with a sense of urgency – When we live in the present with a commitment to get things done, we will accomplish more because we are not putting off our goals/dreams. We are doing the work that needs to be done and the prize dances before us.
2. Challenge your endless excuses – We all have times in our lives when we procrastinate for a whole slew of reasons. We put off things because we don’t feel like it or are afraid to deal with it. Yet, when we finally make the effort to face a wall that has stood in our way and tackle it, we soon find out how easy it was to traverse that wall. So, let go of the excuses. Write your goals down, visualize them and act on them. Even baby steps are better than zero steps.



“In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they’re still beautiful.” Alice Walker

Motivation Mondays: Perfect Conditions

Motivation Mondays: Perfect Conditions

Motivation Mondays: Perfect Conditions

Motivation Mondays: Perfect Conditions

We see the world through the lens of all our experiences; that is a fundamental part of the human condition. Madeleine M. Kunin
So as long as I’m a human being and I’m not perfect, I’m able to say I’m having some growing pains. Mary J. Blige

IMPERFECT CONDITIONS: What would you choose if this was the only day you get to create a perfectly imperfect life? In a perfect world, all our plans will fall into place and things will unfold just the way we imagined them but, that is not reality. Things unfold in direct and indirect ways and if we surrender to the process, we will be wonderfully surprised by the achievements that come our way.
3. Do it today … start now – Don’t put off facing the areas of your life that need help and healing. What do we want for our family? Relationships? Finances? Health? Mental health? Face them squarely and begin the process of rebuilding your life.
4. Be comfortably uncomfortable – Instead of playing it safe all the time, practice reaching out to be a source of goodwill to others. Encourage at least 3 people every day and as you grow at doing so, increase that number to X. As we grow comfortable in our own body, we will no longer see others as a threat or envy them. We will be able to reach out and encourage them. Try it. Come back for the rest below.
READ: The Thankful Bird by Anon below!

The Thankful Bird by Anon
There was a bird who lived in a desert; very sick, no feathers, nothing to eat and drink, no shelter to live in.
One day, a dove was passing by so, the sick and unhappy bird stopped the dove and inquired:
“Where are you going?”
The dove replied:
“I’m going to heaven.”
So the sick bird said:
“Please find out for me when my suffering will come to an end.”
The dove said:
“Sure. I will,” and bid goodbye to the sick bird.
The dove reached heaven and shared the message of the sick bird with the angel at the entrance gate.
The angel said:
“For the next seven years of its life, the bird has to suffer like this. No happiness until then.”
The dove said:
“When the sick bird hears this, he will get disheartened. Could you suggest any other solution for this?”
The angel replied:
“Tell him to recite this verse: Thank you God for everything.”

Days later, the dove on meeting the sick bird again, delivered the message of the angel to it.
After 7 days, the dove was passing by again and saw that the bird was very happy. Feathers grew on his body, a small plant grew up in the desert area, and a small pond of water was even there. The bird was singing and dancing cheerfully.
The dove was astonished. The angel had said there would be no happiness for the bird for the next seven years. With this question in mind, the dove went back to visit the angel at heaven’s gate.
The dove put forth his query to the angel.

The angel replied:
“Yes, it is true that there was to be no happiness for this bird for the next seven years but, because the bird was reciting Thank you God for everything in every situation, his life changed. When the bird fell in the hot sand he said; Thank you God for everything. When it could not fly it said; Thank you God for everything. When it was thirsty and there was no water around it said; Thank you God for everything. Whatever the situation, the bird kept on repeating Thank you God for everything …. therefore, 7 years got dissolved in 7 days.
The narrator: (paraphrased) When I heard this story, it helped me to shift my life in every way. I shared it with everyone; my friends, family, co-workers and even strangers. It had a deep impact on my life and helped me to remember how the power of gratitude can change our attitude…. be humble and you will never stumble.



The details for Motivation Mondays are below. Join in! The themes for MAR 2018/APR 2018 are:


03/04 – Women’s History Month, National Nutrition Month, Irish-American Heritage Month, American Red Cross Month, 08 International Women’s Day, World Kidney Day, 04 Academy Awards
03/11 – 11 Daylight Savings, 14 Pi Day, 15 World Consumer Rights Day, 17 St Patrick’s Day
03/18 – 19 St Joseph, 20 International Day of Happiness, 21 World poetry Day, 22 World Water day, 24 Earth Hour
03/25 – Palm Sunday, 29 Holy Thursday, 30 Good Friday, 31 Passover


04/01   –   01, April Fool’s Day, 02, Autism Awareness, 06, International Day Sport Development Peace, 07,  World Health Day,
04/08   –   10, National Siblings Day, 10, Equal Pay Day,  12, Holocaust Remembrance Day
04/15  –   17 Tax Day
04/22  –    22, Earth Day,  23, World Book Day, 27, Arbor Day
01/29  –   29, International Jazz Day


Are You Looking for Ways to Stay Creative in 2018?

– Join the Daily Post Post-a-day or Post-a-week Challenge.

— Join the BlogHer Writing Lab


“Nearly every moment of every day, we have the opportunity to give something to someone else – our time, our love, our resources.” S. Truett Cathy

Motivation Mondays: Perfect Conditions

Motivation Mondays: Perfect Conditions

Motivation Mondays: Perfect Conditions

Motivation Mondays: Perfect Conditions

I think music is a lifting force, I think love is the lifting force in the human condition… David Crosby
To practice five things under all circumstances constitutes perfect virtue; these five are gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness. Confucius

Perfection Is Stagnation: What does perfectly imperfect look like? How are you living the last 2 tips? Yes, I added one more as a bonus. I don’t know about you but, over the years, I allowed all sorts of excuses and expectations others had of me to stand in the way of my dream. I hold myself 100% accountable for those limitations. When we find a path that resonates in our spirit, we owe it to ourselves to pursue that path; explore it, engage it, delve in fully.
5. Live with Passion  –  To live a passionate life is not to live a life that is contained and controlled by societal norms. We must leap with both feet into the air and embrace what calls us. It might take a a decade or two to get there but if our passion is real, we will find ways to stay fired up and keep pressing on. I look at entertainers in the creative arts; music, fashion, dance, writing and more, and their achievements didn’t come so easily. While the successes of some might seem like an overnight sensation, in reality, many have struggled for years to hone their craft, get their music heard, get a publisher to believe in their book and get their creative expressions delivered to the rest of us. It is the stick-to-it attitude that makes a huge difference. Perseverance and Passion are necessary tools for success. Stick to your goals and when you fail, believe that your perceived failure is success trying to be born in a bigger way in your life. Don’t give up.
6. Be a Blessing to Others – When we wish others well, the stars shower us with grace and good will. It is a mistake to believe that because you have X, you should stand in the way of others getting their X.  A candle is never diminished by sharing its light. When we help others grow, we grow. Take care of your health, encourage others to do same. Save the judgements for the trash can and burn them in a symbolic funeral pyre. Walk at least 10,000 steps every day and remember that others need to be encouraged to journey as far or farther. What we give, we receive. What we withhold, will wither away. Stay connected to people who inspire you and know that you are an inspiration to someone too. I’m getting off my soapbox now. Stay inspired!



Have a happy, peaceful and productive week ahead!

Any Zen Antics stories via


Positive Motivation Tip: A Perfect condition is exactly where we are right now. Embrace it!

Motivation Mondays is open to anyone who wishes to share a motivational quote, photo, personal challenge or a post that encourages others to start the week on an upbeat note.
Basic Instructions: Each week, I will have a motivation word to help us create a response. (See listed words for the months above/below)
Email address: You may email or share your post as a comment and I will add it to the round-up of related posts. email it to: contact(@)mirthandmotivation(.)com
Category tag: – Share your post using Motivation Mondays
Twitter hashtag: – Use this on Twitter #MotvnM
Dedicated Page: There is a dedicated page for Motivation Mondays. It has the same instructions and will include other helpful tools and a link to the round-up
Facebook Page: MotivationOnMondays Join our page and add your post and/or any motivational piece you think will be helpful to others.
Facebook Community: We have a Facebook community forum to compliment the page. It serves as another way to share uplifting posts and thoughts. Please join in and add your voice.

Badge: – I created a fun badge using PicMonkey’s free photo editing tools. You can create your own, use WordPress’ integrated tool on your blog or you are welcome to use mine. (see dedicated page)
Tag: – Motivation Mondays
Hashtag: – #MotvnM


Related Posts


PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos, Perfection, Imperfection, Perfect conditions, Perfect, via Pixabay,  AND/OR  via  Wikipedia


Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

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