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Motivation Mondays: Day of Happiness & Spring #internationaldayofhappiness


“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Motivation Mondays: Day of Happiness & Spring #internationaldayofhappiness

Motivation Mondays: Day of Happiness & Spring #internationaldayofhappiness


Motivation Mondays: Day of Happiness & Spring #internationaldayofhappiness

Motivation Mondays: Day of Happiness & Spring #internationaldayofhappiness

Pharrell Williams – Happy (1AM)


What do you know about International Day of Happiness? On March 20th, we will honor the 7th celebration of International Happiness Day and the First day of Spring! If you’ve been wondering about what to do on Wednesday, I’ll say cheer up, look around you and find one thing to make you smile.  The 2019 theme is Happier Together! Happiness is a choice and, while there is much suffering on our planet, we can make an effort to spread love, joy and acts of kindness to our fellow men/women; when we stop to consider all the good in our lives, we will begin to realize that we have plenty to be happy about. Another important event we can’t ignore is the start of spring. After months of cold wintry days and hibernation, we are ready for the coming of spring flowers and longer,brighter days. What’s not to love? More on spring later!

How did IHD start?  In 2011, Jayme Illien of Illien Global Public Benefit Corporation approached the United Nations Organization with a proposal to have March 20 designated as International Happiness Day. It was a project close to Jayme’s heart and the UN was delighted to jump aboard. With the support of United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki moon and all the 193 member states,  on June 28, 2012, the United Nations General Assembly  unanimously adopted UN resolution 66/281  which agreed, in part, that “the pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human goal…”   You can join in today by taking the pledge and dowload a free happiness guide to shift your mood and thoughts : – “I will try to create more happiness in the world around me” (The Action for Happiness pledge) Come back for more!

READ: Motivation Mondays: International Day of Happiness & Global Goals
Motivation Mondays: International Day of Happiness & Spring
International Day Of Happiness: Celebrate #internationaldayofhappiness
Motivation Mondays: BEING HAPPY

“Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can only come from you.” Ralph Marston

Motivation Mondays: Day of Happiness & Spring #internationaldayofhappiness

Motivation Mondays: Day of Happiness & Spring #internationaldayofhappiness

Peak Films: Day of HAPPINESS

Why is Spring so special? Why is it tied to a Day of Happiness? For starters, spring is a time of reawakening and rejuvenation. After many months of dormancy, darkness and hibernation, nature and all around it awakens to a new day. It is a time of rebirth and hope. Plants send out shoots. Trees send out buds for leaves and early spring flowers add their colors to the grimness around us. The temperature starts to shift, and both man and beast feel a stir in the heart to venture out and recoup the losses of the winter. I love spring and all its beauty. I love spring flowers and the tentative sun that grows stronger everyday. I usually add more outdoor exercises to my routine in spring, and I enjoy watching my perennials pop back up to say hello again after a period of deep, deep sleep. What about you? What does spring mean to you?
READ: Motivation Mondays: REBIRTH
INEVITABLE: Winter’s Adieu
Haiku: The First Day Of Spring…
Photo Challenge: Spring’s Surprise
SPRING: First Day Flowers

The details for Motivation Mondays are below. Join in! The themes for FEB – MAR 2019 are:


02/03   –  04 World Cancer Day, 05 Chinese New Year
02/10   –  10 Grammy Awards,   14 Valentine’s Day
02/17  –  18 Presidents Day, 14 Image Awards,
02/24   –  24 Black History Month



03/03   –  08 International Women’s Day/Women’s History Month
03/10   –  10 iHeart Awards, 14 Pi Day
03/17 –   17 St Patrick’s Day, 20 Start of Spring/International Day of Happiness
03/24   –  30 Earth Hour
03/31 –    31 Day of Visibility

Are You Looking for Ways to Stay Creative in 2019?


“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” Jim Rohn

Motivation Mondays: Day of Happiness & Spring #internationaldayofhappiness

Motivation Mondays: Day of Happiness & Spring #internationaldayofhappiness

UNIC: International Day of Happiness


How can we add to our Happiness Quotient? If we look at the World Happiness Report, we would see that the top countries rank higher because people who live there feel very comfortable in six areas of their lives: the six factors – levels of GDP (gross domestic product/earnings, life expectancy, generosity, social support, freedom of choice, and less corruption. How do we view these factors and their impact on our lives? How can we work to reduce stress and discomfort? Once we begin to tackle the impact that social, economic and environmental effects have on our lives and make saner options, we will begin to reduce our stress levels. What more can we do? Jayme of offers 10 tips also known as – Ten Steps to Global Happiness Challenge: Tell everyone about your joys, Do what makes you happy, Pledge to add to the happiness of others, Celebrate your happiness, Share your happiness with others, Promote events like this, Host a happy event, Advance the 17 Sustainable Global Goals, Badge in and share, AND Find joyful moments with others. I would also add the importance of gratitude. Happiness begins with gratitude for what is…

READ: International Day of Happiness – Measuring Well-Being: Quick Guide
Report on the First UN High-Level Meeting on Well-being and Happiness – WORLD HAPPINESS REPORT 2012 – 2018 DEFINING A NEW ECONOMIC PARADIGM
Action for Happiness


Any Zen Antics stories via


Positive Motivation Tip: Find the sweet spots in your life and be grateful for them. Happiness begins with gratitude.

Motivation Mondays is open to anyone who wishes to share a motivational quote, photo, personal challenge or a post that encourages others to start the week on an upbeat note.
Basic Instructions: Each week, I will have a motivation word to help us create a response. (See listed words for the months above/below)
Email address: You may email or share your post as a comment and I will add it to the round-up of related posts. email it to: contact(@)mirthandmotivation(.)com
Category tag: – Share your post using Motivation Mondays
Twitter hashtag: – Use this on Twitter #MotvnM
Dedicated Page: There is a dedicated page for Motivation Mondays. It has the same instructions and will include other helpful tools and a link to the round-up
Facebook Page: MotivationOnMondays Join our page and add your post and/or any motivational piece you think will be helpful to others.
Facebook Community: We have a Facebook community forum to compliment the page. It serves as another way to share uplifting posts and thoughts. Please join in and add your voice.

Badge: – I created a fun badge using PicMonkey’s free photo editing tools. You can create your own, use WordPress’ integrated tool on your blog or you are welcome to use mine. (see dedicated page)
Tag: – Motivation Mondays
Hashtag: – #MotvnM
Related Posts


PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos:  Happiness via Pixabay, AND/OR International Day of Happiness, via  Wikipedia

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

234 Comments leave one →
  1. aisasami permalink
    19/03/2019 12:34 am

    I love Happy by Pharrell Williams. Now, after reading this post, I want to dance to the song by playing Just Dance.

  2. Taryn permalink
    19/03/2019 4:11 am

    It’s hard not to hear Pharell’s song ‘Happy’ and not be in a good mood. That’s one of the songs I listen to when I need a pick-me-up. And I do believe that having balance in all aspects of life from finances to health will make one generally more happy. I think countries with great economies, universal healthcare, and liberal employment leave are happier, because people feel supported and can take time off.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      18/04/2019 2:55 am

      I agree with you and the research confirms it too.

  3. Krysten (@WeirdGirlBlog) permalink
    19/03/2019 4:12 am

    Ugh I could really use come happiness. 2019 in general has not been very funny. Hopefully it gets better.

  4. italiantripabroad permalink
    19/03/2019 4:15 am

    Positive vibes in this post. Good boos for a blue monday. At usual due I am living in London, especially in winter time, the blue monday could be every day. A couple of good tips on how to be motivated are always well accepted.

  5. You, Me and Benny permalink
    19/03/2019 4:53 am

    I LOVE that Ralph Waldo Emerson quote! That is amazing and I had never heard that one before so now I think I’m obsessed haha

  6. SincerelySnide permalink
    19/03/2019 7:21 am

    My day did not start of that great, but after reading the tip I was reminded of what is important. The happy song was the icing on the cake.

  7. briezyy97 permalink
    19/03/2019 7:42 am

    I completely agree that if you don’t choose to be happy then you won’t be. Besides mental health issues, that is true in most cases. Love this post, thanks for sharing it!

  8. Luna S permalink
    19/03/2019 8:31 am

    I knew about the first day of spring celebrations but this is the first time hearing about an international day of happiness! You learn something new everyday, thank you for sharing this.

  9. cendu permalink
    19/03/2019 8:32 am

    What a cute holiday! I didn’t know about international day of happiness but we could all use more reasons to be happy and celebrate. I’m going to make it my goal to make people smile. How will you be celebrating?

  10. Maureen permalink
    19/03/2019 8:56 am

    Who knew spring is a day of happiness! It sure feels like it in Dallas today, and that’s all the many reasons to celebrate.

  11. BeaufyFoodymom permalink
    19/03/2019 10:51 am

    That is crazy I didn’t even know that this was a holiday!

  12. Leyla permalink
    19/03/2019 12:14 pm

    Hard to be happy these days, I read this generation is the most depressed generation ever, and I’m not even surprised. Thank you for sharing!

  13. Eileen M Loya permalink
    19/03/2019 12:33 pm

    Today I will be happy. Today I will start my happiness journey. Every time I start to feel upset or anxious, I will focus on the things that give me joy. I only have one life and I will make it the best ever.

  14. Ara Patria permalink
    19/03/2019 12:56 pm

    What a wonderful insight indeed! Happiness is something we should always try to work on for the better life. In this way, we can also make our mind healthier and prevent ourselves from depression.

  15. Michael David Oyco permalink
    19/03/2019 12:58 pm

    Haha! Isn’t this day great?! Didn’t know that there is such a day but lets celebrate it everyday woohooo

  16. Nicole Anderson permalink
    19/03/2019 1:03 pm

    It is so true that we all have a conscious choice to decide to be happy and spread a bit of happiness, irrespective of our circumstances. No matter what the situation we have the choice to recognise things can always be worse and see the bright side of things, however slight. It all makes a difference to the quality of life that we end up with.

  17. Neil Alvin Nicerio permalink
    19/03/2019 1:17 pm

    I really do feel motivated whenever I read your articles. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Lydia Smith permalink
    19/03/2019 1:27 pm

    I always learn a lot from you. Thanks for sharing and educating me. Great post.

  19. Jennifer @coffeeandcreativity permalink
    19/03/2019 3:10 pm

    I love the renewal and rejuvenation that comes with spring, but I also miss the cozyness of winter!

  20. Alexandra Cook permalink
    19/03/2019 3:38 pm

    Happy International Day of Happiness everyone. Never knew that there’s a day for it until I read this post. it is such a great thing to be celebrate!

  21. Preet permalink
    19/03/2019 3:39 pm

    I had no idea that the International Day of Happiness existed. Happiness should be celebrated not only o this special day but for our everyday life.

  22. Christa Anne permalink
    19/03/2019 3:59 pm

    I love that there is a day dedicated to happiness. I trying that happiness is a thing that can be studied and improved. Who doesn’t want more happiness? 😁

  23. Jess permalink
    19/03/2019 4:06 pm

    I adore the quote In the beginning it sets the stage for your post

  24. Kisha Stewart-Harris permalink
    19/03/2019 5:11 pm

    I think it’s perfect that the day is in spring– everything just feels new and fresh and it’s just a time when people’s moods begin to shift for the better. Plus, daylight savings time and the addition of more sunlight makes people happier too. International day of happiness is a day more of us should know about.

  25. Neha permalink
    19/03/2019 5:43 pm

    I had zero clue that a day like IHD ever existed! Thanks for sharing this awesome piece of information. I feel like this is a much needed day in everyone’s life!

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      18/04/2019 2:53 am

      Great.. IT SURE IS.:)

  26. ramzy permalink
    20/03/2019 12:16 am

    We must always live happily ,happy international day of happiness

  27. Gervin Khan permalink
    20/03/2019 1:02 am

    A very timely article that will motivate everybody to get on the right mood. Happiness should and a must definite emotions we must always acquire to help everybody and live happy on this life.

  28. Jasmine M permalink
    20/03/2019 1:42 am

    I didn’t know about Happiness Day. I know that Spring definitely makes me happy. Everything becomes brighter… Even when it rains, the grass looks prettier and I feel like I am in an overall better mood in comparison to the Winter time.

  29. Joanna permalink
    20/03/2019 1:45 am

    I had no idea that today it was the international day of happiness. What a wonderful reason to celebrate! I agree that we make our own happiness and we shouldn’t let things or other people bring us down.

  30. Bee permalink
    20/03/2019 2:10 am

    I’m always happy on the first day of spring and today I woke up feeling more alive. I’m so glad I’m reading this today. Wish everyone nothing but happiness this spring.

  31. alwaysusebutter permalink
    20/03/2019 3:35 am

    I never had of International Happiness Day before – but I do like the sound of it!

  32. Kalyan Panja permalink
    20/03/2019 4:08 am

    Thanks for spreading the happiness around. I would love to take part in the initiative mentioned.

  33. Maartje van Sandwijk permalink
    20/03/2019 4:17 am

    I can’t wait for spring to actually begin 🙂 So sick of winter.

  34. Kristine Nicole Alessandra permalink
    20/03/2019 4:38 am

    We do not need to chase happiness because it is already within us. We just fail to acknowledge its presence because we think happiness is in amassing wealth and material things. We must change our mindset when it comes to being happy.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      18/04/2019 2:51 am


  35. Geraline Batarra permalink
    20/03/2019 5:39 am

    I agree, even though there are so many bad news every single day. We should always make efforts to make our selves and everybody happy.

  36. BeaufyFoodymom permalink
    20/03/2019 5:47 am

    funny i was just looking up holidays too for three day weekends, didn’t know this one existed!

  37. Emmy M. permalink
    20/03/2019 6:01 am

    Love this! I had no idea, but I’m definitely going to celebrate today. Maybe buy some flowers to bring some spring and happiness into my home.

  38. toastycritic permalink
    20/03/2019 6:48 am

    It is so important to be grateful for the things around you. That gratefulness produces internal happiness. Hope you have an amazing first day of Spring.

  39. Razena permalink
    20/03/2019 7:04 am

    Somehow the Day of Happiness sneaked by under the radar for me today. I always remind myself to be grateful for the big and the small, the good and the bad, because there is a lesson in everything.

  40. Riana permalink
    20/03/2019 7:06 am

    Wow, I didn’t know there was such a thing as International Day of Happiness. If you like this kind of thing, check out @goingforsmiles on Instagram. They post about spreading joy and happiness to all those around you.

  41. sdamasceno permalink
    20/03/2019 8:22 am

    I always leave your blog posts feeling very grateful and inspired. Thanks for being a light always!

  42. IG:Suetanyamchorgh (@suetanyamchorgh) permalink
    20/03/2019 8:52 am

    I had no idea there was an International Day of Happiness. I feel like your blog is always teaching me something new. Happy International Day of Happiness everyone.

  43. Monét Hardaway permalink
    20/03/2019 9:48 am

    I love reading about Happiness & I think it’s so prevalent today while depression & suicide rates are skyrocketing.

  44. Erica Ardali (@EricaEverAfter) permalink
    20/03/2019 1:14 pm

    This post made me smile so big. Loved it!

  45. Teekay permalink
    20/03/2019 1:49 pm

    We can either be happy or be miserable, the amount of work is the same. I choose to be happy!

  46. Lyosha Varezhkina permalink
    20/03/2019 5:06 pm

    A Day of Happiness! How cool is that! I totally wouldn’t mind having it celebrated around me everyday!

  47. Rebecca Sanchez permalink
    20/03/2019 5:14 pm

    Happy international day of happiness. It si such a great way to share our happiness with ithers and hope that everyone take this day ato celebrate the joyful moment.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      18/04/2019 2:50 am

      Happy international day of happiness!

  48. thebusyboymama permalink
    20/03/2019 5:58 pm

    I didnt know this day existed! I need a whole week of happiness to make up for my bummer of a week so far

  49. Elizabeth | Tired Mom Supermom permalink
    20/03/2019 6:28 pm

    Super motivational! Thank you for writing.

  50. Yonnah M permalink
    20/03/2019 7:06 pm

    I love that there is a happiness day. I also agree when you said that spring signifies a time of reawakening making it perfect for IHD.

  51. 20/03/2019 8:51 pm

    Happy spring my dear 🙂

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      18/04/2019 2:50 am


  52. amayszingblogs permalink
    20/03/2019 8:51 pm

    Happiness can heal everything. We have always be happy no matter what. Happy international happiness day spread love.

  53. Ritu Sharma permalink
    20/03/2019 9:10 pm

    Monday motivation is indeed need for everyone.

  54. sincerelymissj permalink
    20/03/2019 10:38 pm

    Great motivational post, just in time for spring.

  55. Dalene Ekirapa permalink
    20/03/2019 11:17 pm

    Indeed, spring is such a beautiful season- to enjoy the warmth after months of winter cold. Cheers to more happiness!

  56. blair villanueva permalink
    21/03/2019 12:02 am

    Thanks for sharing the happiness! No matter how hard life is and how many people stops us to be happy, we will shower them with love and smiles.

  57. Huda permalink
    21/03/2019 1:18 am

    This was such a refreshing post. I actually didn’t know there was an international day of happiness! But its great to know how it all started. And the quote at the beginning is so cute ☺️

  58. Elena Toma permalink
    21/03/2019 1:51 am

    Happy Spring! You really made me dance on that song from Farrell, still dancing !

  59. Chelle Dizon permalink
    21/03/2019 2:36 am

    Yes I do agree that Happiness will be always your choice. Remove negativity and toxic people or dramas in your life and choose your battles wisely. Thanks for the trivia.

  60. emman damian permalink
    21/03/2019 2:42 am

    All we can give to others are our smiles and happiness. I personally believe that we can share our happy thoughts and make the world a better place. Say No to Negativity!

  61. That Dog Momma permalink
    21/03/2019 2:58 am

    I wonder if Earth Hour and Earth day are the same thing or different things. I use to love that back in the day.

  62. KeshiaRichmond permalink
    21/03/2019 4:17 am

    I never knew about the international day of happiness as it coincides with the first day of spring until reading this. I am so happy to learn about it.

  63. StressedMum (@stressedmum01) permalink
    21/03/2019 4:42 am

    Love the quote and very true happiness canbe infectious x

  64. Chad permalink
    21/03/2019 5:12 am

    This is awesome!!! Very happy day of happiness and Spring day. Love the energy that Spring brings along. Thanks for yet another awesome post.

  65. Whitney Kutch permalink
    21/03/2019 5:44 am

    What a great source of Motivation! I’m always on the lookout for motivation halfway through the week 🙂

  66. Monidipa Dutta (@MonidipaDutta51) permalink
    21/03/2019 6:07 am

    I did not know that it is an International Day of Happiness. But this is a great feeling. Wishing u a very blessed month.

  67. TheKitchenDoc permalink
    21/03/2019 6:38 am

    I love spring because we usually have really cold winters and do not get to be outdoors much!

  68. jaynaylee permalink
    21/03/2019 7:59 am

    I’ve never heard of international happiness day but I’m glad it’s a thing! Being happy is so very important. Thank you for sharing this post! Hopefully someone reads it and sees how important happiness is in life!

  69. Ben Butler permalink
    21/03/2019 10:12 am

    I really love this idea. Until I read this post, I didn’t realize there was an International Day of Happiness. We need it, though. There’s not enough joy in the world.

  70. Catherine Santiago Jose permalink
    21/03/2019 2:31 pm

    Such a wonderful day to cheer about and celebrate. A day of Happiness is truly good for everybody but for me it should be not just one day but everyday.

  71. Nina permalink
    21/03/2019 2:37 pm

    The essence of happiness is the more we give it, the more that it’ll bounce back to us.

  72. terristeffes permalink
    21/03/2019 3:55 pm

    I love that there is a day dedicated to happiness. I love that we intentionally focus on what brings happiness to you and others.

  73. Ms. Health-Esteem permalink
    21/03/2019 4:21 pm

    How have I not heard about International Happiness Day until now?! I love it! And spring is absolutely the perfect time for it. Thank you so much for sharing all of this goodness and teaching me about a new awesome day to enjoy. Happiness is something to be celebrated ♡

  74. May Arcenal permalink
    21/03/2019 4:39 pm

    I love this. Spring really brings a sense of renewal and hope. And that quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson is simply beautiful.

  75. Kemi permalink
    21/03/2019 7:20 pm

    Well, spring has definitely sprung with all day rain here but at least it’s cool and not freezing cold so that’s a plus. We are in dire need of happiness and good news in the world because the news is just…ugh.

  76. Lyka Chiang permalink
    21/03/2019 8:06 pm

    I didn’t know this was a thing! In such a stressful world, I think it’s nice that there’s a whole day dedicated to being happy. 🙂

  77. Katherine Rose Rivera permalink
    21/03/2019 11:24 pm

    Love that you are sending inspiration to all the women here. Hope you had a blast during International Women’s Day. It’s an everyday celebration too!

  78. artch33 permalink
    22/03/2019 12:01 am

    I’ve never heard of international happiness day. :0) This is great if everyone can celebrate it!

  79. blair villanueva permalink
    22/03/2019 12:36 am

    We all have different levels of happiness and that great! Now makes me curious why yellow is associated with happiness?

  80. Ellie Plummer permalink
    22/03/2019 12:56 am

    I find that Spring makes me feel a lot happier because of the longer days and warmer weather

  81. Lyosha Varezhkina permalink
    22/03/2019 1:05 am

    I always vote for happiness! I special day! yes please, it is just one more day but it is a day when you need to be happy and I am all for it

  82. Snehal permalink
    22/03/2019 1:06 am

    Oh, I did not know that there is an international day of happiness! Gosh I missed it! But I believe that every day can be celebrated as happiness day just by helping people around you. 😊

  83. Subhashish Roy permalink
    22/03/2019 2:14 am

    It is for us to choose happiness to lead a life of fulfillment. Your perspective was great to go through.

  84. happyandbusy permalink
    22/03/2019 2:56 am

    I am always a fan. Thanks for sharing something motivating today 🙂

  85. Roger Willis permalink
    22/03/2019 3:30 am

    I did not know this day existed for the purpose of promoting happiness! We can all use a little extra happiness in our lives, and what a perfect day to do that!

  86. Porsha Carr permalink
    22/03/2019 4:04 am

    Such a wonderful day to celebrate!

  87. Nyxinked permalink
    22/03/2019 4:07 am

    Love this! I didn’t realise the origins of International Day of Happiness – I suppose you learn something new everyday! x

  88. Gaica permalink
    22/03/2019 4:22 am

    Happy International Day of Happiness. We should be joyful and grateful each day. As we celebrate this special day I want to share this with my family and friends. Let start sharing happiness to everyone each day.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 8:02 am

      Thankyou sis

  89. TheSuperMomLife permalink
    22/03/2019 5:27 am

    I wonder why it’s only celebrated once a year. Shouldn’t we celebrate happiness every day of our lives?

  90. moondreams permalink
    22/03/2019 6:24 am

    i love that international day of happiness and spring happen on the same day! Spring definitely makes me happy!

  91. The Social Tumbleweed permalink
    22/03/2019 6:41 am

    Thanks for putting this out there, a lot of people forget that Happiness is a choice and not dependent on other people or thing. 🙂

  92. Hannah Marie permalink
    22/03/2019 6:45 am

    I agree, happiness is a choice. We should not depend it to any person but try to appreciate the small things.

  93. Lore permalink
    22/03/2019 7:04 am

    Thank you for sharing the happiness, a must read article.

  94. Rose A (@mail4rosey) permalink
    22/03/2019 7:53 am

    There really are a lot of ways to be happy. Like you said though, it has to come from within.

  95. A Nation of Moms permalink
    22/03/2019 8:01 am

    I didn’t know this was a day, but it is worth celebrating! Thanks for sharing this – it’s nice to have a day of positivity!

  96. jaye shields permalink
    22/03/2019 8:01 am

    I’m so stoked that it’s spring. I love to watch it rain, but also to watch the days get longer.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 7:04 am

      I’m stoked too! 🙂

  97. Sophia Damasceno permalink
    22/03/2019 8:53 am

    Thank you for the inspiring post again! Happiness is the most important thing we can have.

  98. toastycritic permalink
    22/03/2019 9:04 am

    Gratitude is such an important part to being happy in life. You need to be able to be thankful for those things around you. And telling others what you are thankful for, especially if you are thankful for them spreads that joy and happiness.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 7:03 am

      That is a valid point. 🙂

  99. Gill Trotman permalink
    22/03/2019 9:43 am

    It’s funny, I never realized March 20th was International Day of Happiness. My daughters birthday is March 20th and she definitely brings joy into my life. Great read, thanks for sharing!

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 7:00 am

      That is awesome.You should let her know.:)

  100. Glorious Heights permalink
    22/03/2019 11:56 am

    Very nice.. oral health day is also the same day at International happiness day 👍🏻

  101. Melissa permalink
    22/03/2019 2:31 pm

    I love being happy!! 🙂 I had no idea there was a day for it!! 🙂 Wearing a smile can put a smile on everyone around you.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 6:59 am

      Hahah… love your comment!

  102. Liz Bayardelle permalink
    22/03/2019 3:15 pm

    It’s so cool that there is actually an international happiness day. This is not something on many people’s readers, but it is so important.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 7:00 am

      It is very important but some people are jaded.

  103. Mary Edwards permalink
    22/03/2019 3:43 pm

    International happiness day..I had never heard of it before. Sad I didn’t know about it on the day it happened…but I was happy the first day of spring!!

  104. Lydia Smitj permalink
    22/03/2019 4:16 pm

    Yippee spring is here. Great post and thanks for sharing.

  105. BMB13 permalink
    22/03/2019 4:38 pm

    I didn’t know there was an international day of happiness until I read your blog!

  106. Joyce Brewer (@MommyTalkShow) permalink
    22/03/2019 4:42 pm

    We need more days of happiness. Given this country’s politics climate I think most Americans are depressed.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 6:59 am

      Oh dear… I hear you <3

  107. Clare Minall permalink
    22/03/2019 5:03 pm

    I never heard of this celebration but I appreciate it and how it allow us to celebrate being happy in one special day despite of every circumstances in our lives.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 6:59 am

      I love the idea of it too.

  108. Dino Pebenito permalink
    22/03/2019 5:14 pm

    thanks for the tips! great list!

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 6:58 am

      What tips? What list? Please make an effort to read a fellow blogger’s post!

      • Dino Pebenito permalink
        29/03/2019 7:53 am

        I did read your blog post and I read many of your post also. I am referring to your series of motivation Monday’s. I also enjoyed reading your previous one which is the St Patrick’s post. My apology for not being clear about my comment.

      • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
        07/04/2019 6:43 pm

        Thank you. I appreciate the follow up Dino!

  109. Bindu Thomas permalink
    22/03/2019 7:37 pm

    Your tips are so great, I’d agree with everything that you mentioned here. I better share this post.

  110. Sheela Khadgi permalink
    22/03/2019 8:10 pm

    Yes spring flower and all the bright colors make me really happy.

  111. Surekha Busa permalink
    22/03/2019 9:07 pm

    Oh we should really take time to be happy even times get tough. It’s self love… It’s one of our responsibilities..

  112. Surekha Busa permalink
    23/03/2019 1:05 am

    That was such a nice article,I agree that you couldn’t make anyone else happy if you’re not even happy with your self.

  113. remo permalink
    23/03/2019 3:48 am

    Really motivational post as always. My fav happiness quote should be “happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like”

  114. PinoyFreelancingMom (@pinoyfreemom) permalink
    23/03/2019 3:53 am

    Honestly, I did not know there is an International day of happiness. Thanks for sharing! It’s good that we recognize these kind of celebrations.

  115. You, Me and Benny permalink
    23/03/2019 3:54 am

    I love that Ralph Waldo Emerson quote!! Great post!

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 6:57 am

      Glad you did! 🙂

  116. brie permalink
    23/03/2019 8:23 am

    love that there is a day dedicated to being happy. we could all use a little more happiness in our lives. Thanks for sharing!

  117. Sarah Church Carroll permalink
    23/03/2019 2:07 pm

    I love the happiness quote.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 6:57 am

      Which one? Did you even read this post?

  118. Hannah Marie permalink
    23/03/2019 2:30 pm

    I honestly didn’t know International day of happiness exist. I’d love to celebrate it. Agree that happiness is a choice!

  119. A Nation of Moms permalink
    23/03/2019 2:46 pm

    What a positive thing to celebrate! I love that there is a day of happiness.

  120. Eloise permalink
    23/03/2019 3:13 pm

    Happiness make life much better! In times of hardship it’s always best to focus on good we have and be hopeful of the future. I choose happiness! : )

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 6:57 am

      I believe that is very important too.

  121. Samar permalink
    23/03/2019 3:26 pm

    I must say, it’s a very detailed and well researched post about motivating people.

    Thanks for sharing.

  122. wishfulluxury permalink
    23/03/2019 10:29 pm

    I’m finding it really hard to stay positive and happy at the moment, but with the days getting longer and spring approaching it’s definitely getting better!

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 7:03 am

      Good…you are not alone

  123. Kenneth C. Agudo permalink
    23/03/2019 11:24 pm

    I’ve never heard about this celebration – International Day of Happiness but in our country we make sure everyday we put smiles in our faces even life is hard. Great motivational tips, very inspiring!

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 7:03 am

      Thank you Kenneth!

  124. Lore permalink
    24/03/2019 2:45 am

    A good article to read. Thank you!

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 6:56 am

      Did you read it? Any what did you get from it?

  125. andag2 permalink
    24/03/2019 5:47 am

    Nice idea, love the idea of IHD

  126. Matija Antonić permalink
    24/03/2019 8:59 am

    I love Spring, today we had a tour of some castles in my country since the weather decided to be nice, and it was amazing, the sun, the gentle breeze, everything was perfect 😀

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 6:55 am

      It’s my favorite

  127. Shannon Gurnee permalink
    24/03/2019 10:59 am

    I love the sound of the Day of Happiness! I hope you have a great week!

  128. SiennyLovesDrawing permalink
    24/03/2019 1:55 pm

    Thanks for this inspiring motivational sharing, always loving your sharing here 😀 cheers, siennylovesdrawing

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 6:55 am

      Thanks Love!

  129. stylelullaby permalink
    24/03/2019 4:37 pm

    everyday is a good day to be happy! thanks for the reminder!

  130. Lyosha Varezhkina permalink
    24/03/2019 4:43 pm

    Only the fact it is spring is making me happy! Nature waking up and grass turning green is enough to make me happier person. Great motivating post!

  131. Marjie Mare permalink
    24/03/2019 5:01 pm

    This quote of Waldo Emerson is one of my favorites “Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.” It does not cost a lot to spread kindness, do little favors that will make others and your own self happy.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 6:55 am

      Agreed… Glad to see you got it

  132. TheKitchenDoc permalink
    24/03/2019 5:11 pm

    For me, doing what makes me happy is a great one. I love your posts,..thanks!

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 6:54 am

      Thank you Vaishali!

  133. Samar permalink
    24/03/2019 6:42 pm

    Thanks for the sharing the information with us.

    Feels good to know about an International day.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 6:54 am

      Could you please leave me a comment that is NOT canned? You say the same thing on all my posts. UGH! 🙁

  134. Abu zaid permalink
    24/03/2019 7:42 pm

    I always like your motivation that related with happy feeling that you mention on your article

  135. Lydia Smith permalink
    24/03/2019 10:50 pm

    I just love your motivational talks, I keep learning everyday from it and am always looking forward to read.

  136. Nina permalink
    24/03/2019 10:55 pm

    Sharing your happiness with others is so important. I know that I always feel happier when I do that.

  137. sincerelymissj permalink
    25/03/2019 12:15 am

    Happy International Happiness Day! Winter being over and spring coming def. helps with people’s happy mood.

  138. fashionandstylepolice permalink
    25/03/2019 12:38 am

    I love the quote at the top there by Ralph. I love being around happy people. It makes me happy.

  139. dardeals permalink
    25/03/2019 12:39 am

    good content! thanks for sharing

  140. Sania Ahmed permalink
    25/03/2019 1:19 am

    Happiness – brings positivity within you and also to people around you. It actually changes the perspective of life.

  141. Jesslyn permalink
    25/03/2019 1:34 am

    Love this, happiness is contagious!! I always try to choose positivity and smile throughout life!! Thanks for the read!!

  142. Nina permalink
    25/03/2019 2:37 am

    “Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy.” This is so true. Most of the times, the secret to happiness is found right inside us.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 6:53 am

      Yep…. starts with us

  143. Alina permalink
    25/03/2019 3:46 am

    International Day of Happinness … I never knew it existed. It’s a great reminder though that our Happinness is only our own responsibility.

  144. Joyce Osiango permalink
    25/03/2019 4:37 am

    Light is needed in our lives and spring creates that momentum of what summer brings to people. I love your content.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 7:01 am

      I love your feedback

  145. Czjai Reyes-Ocampo permalink
    25/03/2019 4:43 am

    For me, spring means flying back to Korea and going on a much-needed vacation. 🙂

  146. Dalene Ekirapa permalink
    25/03/2019 5:57 am

    Days of happiness? Sounds great. I heard of a country that has the minister of happiness and was intrigued. Anyway, for people to be happy, they have to be satisfied with what they have in all aspects.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 6:52 am

      Yes and there are a lot of dis-satisfied people globally so a touch of happiness is a blessing.

  147. laura permalink
    25/03/2019 6:38 am

    A great inspirational post. That bring me joy and happiness that spring is here

  148. kage2015 permalink
    25/03/2019 6:51 am

    Seems to be a celebration day for anything and everything. Happiness is always something to have and enjoy.

  149. HeidiDee permalink
    25/03/2019 8:01 am

    I love this so much!! Happiness is definitely a choice – something that you must consistently work toward!

  150. Vera permalink
    25/03/2019 9:04 am

    Your post was very inspirational! I didn’t even know march 20th was International Happiness Day if it wasnt for your post,

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 6:51 am

      Thanks again Vera. Glad to share

  151. SIncerleeni permalink
    25/03/2019 11:04 am

    So sad I missed out on this amazing celebration!

  152. Krysti J permalink
    25/03/2019 11:50 am

    Love International Day of Happiness! Great opportunity to spread more love and positivity.

  153. A Nation of Moms permalink
    25/03/2019 3:24 pm

    There are so many things that go into happiness. It is interesting that some places have higher “levels” of happiness than others.

  154. Blair villanueva permalink
    25/03/2019 3:58 pm

    I agree with Emerson’s quote, indeed happiness is like a perfume. And when you got it, savour it.

  155. Lisa Rios permalink
    25/03/2019 5:16 pm

    I love the video – it’s amazing to see how kids can be happy about even the simple things. Happiness can be a choice! 🙂

  156. Lyosha Varezhkina permalink
    25/03/2019 5:20 pm

    Happy day of friendship to you! I think happiness is a way not a destination but we do all need to remember being happy must be your life daily

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 6:45 am

      Same to you dear blog friend! 🙂

  157. kattyscreamery permalink
    25/03/2019 8:00 pm

    What a great Motivational Monday post! It’s a great way to start the week with a smile and happiness! Thanks for sharing!

  158. Sarbjit permalink
    26/03/2019 5:47 am

    That’s a lot of motivational and happiness source. One must enjoy every bit of his life !!! Keep on sharing such a good stuff !!!

  159. Megan kerry permalink
    26/03/2019 5:54 am

    Happier together. Great theme for this year!!

  160. wishfulluxury permalink
    26/03/2019 10:52 am

    I think everyone should always have a smile on their face and make others happy!

  161. Keshia Richmond permalink
    26/03/2019 10:56 am

    It’s interesting how the first day of spring is tied to happiness day. It makes great sense to celebrate both on the same day.

  162. Shelby permalink
    27/03/2019 4:22 am

    I absolutely love spring! Everything starts blooming and wonderful colors start appearing! I can see why the national day of happiness is linked…

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 6:44 am

      Same here!

  163. Danielle W. permalink
    27/03/2019 11:48 am

    Spring truly brings so much happiness! There is something about seeing new life blossom and grow that puts a smile on my face!

  164. Karen Monica permalink
    27/03/2019 7:07 pm

    I have always believe that you have to create your own happiness because no one can does it for you. And everyone should be happy and spread happiness.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 6:46 am

      Easier said than done… that is why it is a multi-billion industry. 🙂

  165. gerrywhyte permalink
    29/03/2019 5:35 am

    Happiness has always been something each adult human yearns for, so for us to start celebrating a day where you can truly be happy with yourself and spreading it to other people. That will be wonderful

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      29/03/2019 6:46 am

      I completely agree 🙂

  166. alwaysusebutter permalink
    01/04/2019 2:06 am

    A day of happiness sounds like such an amazing thing! And how suitable to have it connected to spring!

  167. itsasweetsweetworld permalink
    01/04/2019 1:36 pm

    I had no idea there was such a thing as International Day of Happiness! But it’s such a wonderful day to celebrate. After all, it’s what we strive for in every action that we take and is the most powerful emotion of all.

  168. Michael David Oyco permalink
    01/04/2019 4:49 pm

    What a happy post. This is such a simple post but very impactful to readers. it brings joy that there is such a day. well, it brought some out of me so thanks.

  169. Geraline Batarra permalink
    01/04/2019 6:00 pm

    Yep, happiness is a choice not a result. I’m glad that there is a day for this. It will constantly remind us that we should be always happy.

  170. Ritu Sharma permalink
    01/04/2019 8:22 pm

    Appreciation is such an important part to being life happy. we have to thankful for all the small things in life.

  171. momelite2 permalink
    02/04/2019 1:17 am

    What a fantastic day to celebrate! Everyone needs little more happiness in their lives!

  172. DrKLeeBanks permalink
    05/04/2019 8:10 am

    I’m still waiting for spring to actually arrive here in Maine! We just had snow again a few days ago, with more predicted over the weekend or early next week. 🙁 When it gets here, for real, with warmer weather, I will TRULY be happy! 🙂

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      07/04/2019 6:41 pm

      Hahhaha. I feel the same way!

  173. adriana permalink
    05/05/2019 7:36 pm

    Spring is my favorite time of the year. It is just so enlightening and warm. I just love it. Happy Spring my dear

  174. TweenselMom (@TweenselMom) permalink
    07/09/2019 4:38 am

    So happy to know that there’s a day when everyone should choose to be happy, worldwide. Happiness is a big deal because we only have one life.


  1. Motivation Mondays: Earth Hour #Connect2Earth | Mirth and Motivation
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  24. Motivation Mondays: International Day of Peace & World Gratitude Day | Mirth and Motivation

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