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Motivation Mondays: GIVING


“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”Maya Angelou

Motivation Mondays: #GIVINGTUESDAY

Motivation Mondays: #GIVINGTUESDAY

Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need. Khalil Gibran
Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others. Booker T. Washington
I believe that we all have a responsibility to give back. No one becomes successful without lots of hard work, support from others, and a little luck. Giving back creates a virtuous cycle that makes everyone more successful. Ron Conway
Each day offers us the gift of being a special occasion if we can simply learn that as well as giving, it is blessed to receive with grace and a grateful heart. Sarah Ban Breathnach

We are in the Giving Season! Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday/#GT and, as the month of December rolls in, we will have ample opportunity to give gifts and celebrate all the great things we accomplished this year. In case you don’t know, Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving our time, money, and skill-set to better the lives of others. It is also a time of reflection; we can hit that pause button and review our goals, failures and successes of the ending year and give thanks for what is. How do we give back? According to the #GT site, as individuals, we can give our voice, our stories, our time, our extras, our communities, pro bono, our paycheck, our #UNSelfie, and our bequeathed money. As organizations, we can join the movement in many ways, both massive and small, by downloading the toolkit and using other recommended resources. Our effort will surely spark a light in others to join forces with us. Instead of spending more money on gadgets and toys we don’t need, a simple act of generosity could make a world of difference to a family in need. Why don’t we set aside a portion of our extravaganzas this year and help our fellow men and women? There are so many ways we can be of service to each other and the short list above from the #GT site is a great way to start giving back. What are you planning to do to help you give back?
READ: Khalil Gibran: On Giving And Taking…
Motivation Mondays: GIVING SEASON #mondaymotivation

Giving & Receiving: The Story of The Thanksgiving Turkey by Unknown
Once upon a time in the long, long ago, the Eagle and the Turkey were very good friends. Everywhere they went, these friends went together.  It was not uncommon for people to look up and see the Eagle and the Turkey flying side by side through the air
One day while flying, the Turkey said to the Eagle:  “Let’s drop down and get a bite to eat.  My stomach is growling.”  “Sounds like a good idea to me,” replied the Eagle.  So the two birds glided down to earth, saw several animals eating, and decided to join them.  They landed next to the Cow.  The Cow was busy eating corn, but noticed that the Eagle and the Turkey were soon sitting on the ground next to her.  “Welcome,” said the Cow.  “Help yourself to the corn.”
This took the two birds by surprise.  They were not accustomed to having other animals share their food quite so readily.  “Why are you willing to share your corn with us?” asked the Eagle.  “Oh, we have plenty to eat here.  Mr. Farmer gives us all we want,” replied the Cow.  With that invitation, the Eagle and The Turkey jumped in and ate their fill.  When they finished, the Turkey  asked more about Mr. Farmer.  “Well,” said the Cow, “he grows all our food.  We don’t have to work for the food at all.”
“You mean,” said the Turkey, “that Mr. Farmer simply gives you all you want to eat?”  “That’s right,” said the Cow.  “Not only that, but he gives us a place to live.”  The Turkey and the Eagle were shocked!  They had never heard of such a thing.  They had always had to search for food and work for shelter. Continued below…



“Giving is the master key to success, in all applications of human life.” Bryant McGill

Motivation Mondays: GIVING

Motivation Mondays: GIVING

Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present. Albert Camus
Failure at some point in your life is inevitable, but giving up is unforgivable. Joe Biden
Joy multiplies when it is shared among friends, but grief diminishes with every division. That is life. R.A. Salvatore
People always say that I didn’t give up my seat because I was tired, but that isn’t true. I was not tired physically… No, the only tired I was, was tired of giving in. Rosa Parks

In case you are wondering, a family member forwarded the Turkey story on Thanksgiving Day. Initially, it was hysterically funny but, over time, the story embedded itself in my brain and has made me rethink the concept of giving and receiving. Read the full story and tell me what lesson is learned from it. Is it a warning to the lazy or greedy? A reminder to exercise moderation in all things? What have you learned in a lifetime of giving and receiving? One thing I know for sure is that our cups are never emptied from helping others or giving back to our communities. The more we give from an intrinsic motivation, the more we understand the true meaning of sharing, and the less attached we become to our extrinsic motivation for giving. If we can learn to give as well as receive, we will learn to appreciate the great synergy that it creates. We can give and receive without losing sight of what matters. Let’s use this holiday season to appreciate the art of giving/receiving a bit more. I promise you won’t end up like the turkey in the story. What about the wisdom of Khalil’s message about Giving? What are you planning to do to help you give back?
READ: Motivation Mondays: GIVING BACK
Motivation Mondays: WINNING

Giving & Receiving: The Story of The Thanksgiving Turkey by Unknown
When it came time to leave, the Turkey and the Eagle began to discuss the situation.  “Maybe we should just stay here,” said the Turkey.  “We can have all the food we want without working.  And that barn over there sure beats those nests we have been building.  Besides, I’m getting tired of always having to work for a living.”
“I don’t know about all this,” said the Eagle.  “It sounds too good to be true.  I find it hard to believe that one can get something for nothing.  Besides, I kinda like flying high and free through the air.  And providing for food and shelter isn’t so bad.  In fact, I find it quite challenging.”
Well, the Turkey thought it over and decided to stay where there was free food and shelter.  But the Eagle decided that he loved his freedom too much to give it up, and enjoyed the consistent challenge of making his own living.  So, after saying good-bye to his old friend the Turkey, the Eagle set sail for the unknown adventure. Continued below


Giving Chapter V by Khalil Gibran
Then said a rich man, “Speak to us of Giving.”
And he answered:
You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.
For what are your possessions but things you keep and guard for fear you may need them tomorrow?
And tomorrow, what shall tomorrow bring to the over-prudent dog burying bones in the trackless sand as he follows the pilgrims to the holy city?
And what is fear of need but need itself?
Is not dread of thirst when your well is full, thirst that is unquenchable?
There are those who give little of the much which they have – and they give it for recognition and their hidden desire makes their gifts unwholesome.

And there are those who have little and give it all.
These are the believers in life and the bounty of life, and their coffer is never empty.
There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward.
And there are those who give with pain, and that pain is their baptism.
And there are those who give and know not pain in giving, nor do they seek joy, nor give with mindfulness of virtue;
They give as in yonder valley the myrtle breathes its fragrance into space.
Though the hands of such as these God speaks, and from behind their eyes He smiles upon the earth.
It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give unasked, through understanding;
And to the open-handed the search for one who shall receive is joy greater than giving
And is there aught you would withhold? Contd below


The details for Motivation Mondays are below. Join in! The themes for OCT 2018/NOV 2018 are:


10/01   –  01 Nigeria Independence Day, International Coffee Day
10/07   –  08 Columbus Day
10/14  –  16 World Food Day
10/21   –  21 World Mission Day, 24 UNO Day
10/28 –    28 National Chocolate Day, 31 Halloween


11/01   –  01 All Saint’s Day, 02 All Soul’s Day,
11/04   –  04 Daylight Saving Time  ends USA, 06 Election Day, 07 Diwali
11/11  –  11 Veterans Day, 13 World Kindness Day, 14 World Diabetes Day, 16 International Day for Tolerance
11/18   –  19 International Men’s Day, 20 Universal Children’s Day, 21 World Hello & TV Day, 22 Thanksgiving Day
11/25 –    26 Cyber Monday, 27 Giving Tuesday,  30 St Andrew

Are You Looking for Ways to Stay Creative in 2018?


More Below!
“The wise man does not lay up his own treasures. The more he gives to others, the more he has for his own.” Lao Tzu

Motivation Mondays: GIVING

Motivation Mondays: #GIVINGTUESDAY

No one has ever become poor by giving. Anne Frank
Happiness… consists in giving, and in serving others. Henry Drummond
We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. Winston S. Churchill
Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give. Eleanor Roosevelt

If you could grant planet Earth one wish this season, what would it be? We often forget that we are part of the Earth’s blessing and we ought to fend for Mother Earth the way she fends for us. As members of a global community that enjoys the fruits of the earth, we owe the planet our conscientious effort and goodwill. When we plant new crops, help those in need, and participate in actions that sustain our planet, we are doing karmic work that reverberates across the world. This work, in turn, nurtures us and helps us grow so we can start the cycle of giving back all over again. So, remember as the holidays approach that each kind gesture, each act of generosity to others and to the earth, will be returned to us tenfold. Give with a joyful heart and receive with an equal measure of joyfulness.
READ: 10 Tips: Cultivating An Attitude Of Gratitude & Thanksgiving
Reflections: 10 Tips on Giving Up Blaming

Giving & Receiving: The Story of The Thanksgiving Turkey by Unknown
Everything went fine for the Turkey. He ate all he wanted. He never worked.  He grew fat and lazy. But then one day he heard the farmer’s wife mention that Thanksgiving was coming in the next few days and it would be nice to have roast turkey for dinner.  Hearing that, the Turkey  decided it was time to check out and rejoin his good friend Mr. Eagle. But when he attempted to fly he found that he had grown too fat and lazy. Instead of being able to fly, he could only flutter. So on Thanksgiving Day the farmer’s family sat down to roast Turkey. Via Unknown


Giving Chapter V by Khalil Gibran SEE Above
All you have shall someday be given;
Therefore give now, that the season of giving may be yours and not your inheritors’.
You often say, “I would give, but only to the deserving.”
The trees in your orchard say not so, nor the flocks in your pasture.
They give that they may live, for to withhold is to perish.
Surely he who is worthy to receive his days and his nights is worthy of all else from you.
And he who has deserved to drink from the ocean of life deserves to fill his cup from your little stream.
And what desert greater shall there be than that which lies in the courage and the confidence, nay the charity, of receiving?

And who are you that men should rend their bosom and unveil their pride, that you may see their worth naked and their pride unabashed?
See first that you yourself deserve to be a giver, and an instrument of giving.
For in truth it is life that gives unto life – while you, who deem yourself a giver, are but a witness.
And you receivers – and you are all receivers – assume no weight of gratitude, lest you lay a yoke upon yourself and upon him who gives.
Rather rise together with the giver on his gifts as on wings;
For to be over-mindful of your debt, is to doubt his generosity who has the free-hearted earth for mother, and God for father. Khalil Gibran

Any Zen Antics stories via


Positive Motivation Tip: Giving is as important as receiving. Be open to the flow.

Motivation Mondays is open to anyone who wishes to share a motivational quote, photo, personal challenge or a post that encourages others to start the week on an upbeat note.
Basic Instructions: Each week, I will have a motivation word to help us create a response. (See listed words for the months above/below)
Email address: You may email or share your post as a comment and I will add it to the round-up of related posts. email it to: contact(@)mirthandmotivation(.)com
Category tag: – Share your post using Motivation Mondays
Twitter hashtag: – Use this on Twitter #MotvnM
Dedicated Page: There is a dedicated page for Motivation Mondays. It has the same instructions and will include other helpful tools and a link to the round-up
Facebook Page: MotivationOnMondays Join our page and add your post and/or any motivational piece you think will be helpful to others.
Facebook Community: We have a Facebook community forum to compliment the page. It serves as another way to share uplifting posts and thoughts. Please join in and add your voice.

Badge: – I created a fun badge using PicMonkey’s free photo editing tools. You can create your own, use WordPress’ integrated tool on your blog or you are welcome to use mine. (see dedicated page)
Tag: – Motivation Mondays
Hashtag: – #MotvnM

Related Posts


PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos: Giving  via Pixabay
,  AND/OR via  Wikipedia

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

169 Comments leave one →
  1. Surekha Busa permalink
    26/11/2018 10:08 pm

    Giving is an act of kindness without expecting anything to receive from what you give to that person.

  2. Clare Minall permalink
    27/11/2018 2:07 am

    Giving is the best way to spread happiness to everyone around you. Each of such should become an influenced do something extra special.

  3. travelwisesr permalink
    27/11/2018 5:06 am

    So many motivational articles to choose from.Your blog is really inspiring. Positive thoughts are the key to happiness.

  4. adriana lately permalink
    27/11/2018 6:08 am

    I love Khalil Gibran. I enjoy reading his work! He is so inspiring! I went to his elementary school when I was younger and I remember his quotes being posted all around the building. I love how you incorporated his writings into this post.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      02/12/2018 6:00 pm

      Wonderful to have visited his school. 🙂

  5. Kate Loves Travel permalink
    27/11/2018 6:36 am

    I’ve not heard of Giving Tuesday – what a great idea! I didn’t know the story of the Thanksgiving Turkey before either…

  6. Joshua permalink
    27/11/2018 7:30 am

    Giving and receiving are important concepts for people, not only on giving tuesday. Great message to share.

  7. Tiffany permalink
    27/11/2018 10:34 am

    My favorite post this year! I love giving and these stories are wonderful. We’re thinking of volunteering at an elderly home and shelter with the kids this year to teach them about giving back and we’ve already wrangled up toys to donate too. We also get stockings off of a tree and buy new toys for children in need.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      27/11/2018 11:47 am

      That’s a great idea for the season.

  8. Gladys Parker permalink
    27/11/2018 12:26 pm

    This is one post I actually read then re read. It definitely gets to the heart of giving. I am still mulling over the Turkey story. What I will never understand is–why is there a need for a Giving Tuesday–Giving should be everyday whenever you happen upon something-whether in the grocery store–on-line–or even on the street corner!

  9. Jessica Lynn Martin permalink
    27/11/2018 4:03 pm

    I love this time of year because I love to give gifts to everyone. Throughout the year I enjoy giving, but for some reason this time of year is my favorite time to give to others. We are reaching out to a family that lost everything in a fire. I cannot imagine what they are going through. We plan to make sure they get a Christmas this year and that they have all the necessities they need to get back up on their feet.

  10. Neely Moldovan (@Neelykins) permalink
    27/11/2018 4:41 pm

    I really try to do as much giving as possible. I think its important in such a time of consumption

  11. Brittnie Anderson permalink
    27/11/2018 4:45 pm

    Giving is such a fundamental part of life. I love sharing my blessings with others. True gift is the joy it brings others.

  12. Ally Jones permalink
    27/11/2018 4:59 pm

    This is beyond great and it is always so good to give to others.

  13. presiiicom permalink
    27/11/2018 5:12 pm

    My best giving tuesday tradition is to pay it forward. Either at the store or a fast food restaurant. With work now, i don’t have much time to volunteer but I cherish thise moments

  14. Jennifer Brock permalink
    27/11/2018 6:11 pm

    I love giving. This time of year is really a huge time to give back for us. When I was younger my family would take toys to the children in the hospital during Christmas and now we donate to Ronald McDonald House CCahrities because we have experienced first hand how those donations can bless a family with a extremely ill child.

  15. worldlytreat permalink
    27/11/2018 6:41 pm

    What a lovely post. We will be giving more of our time this year. Probably assisting in a toy drive initiative.

  16. Stephanie permalink
    27/11/2018 6:48 pm

    I don’t think I’ve ever heard the story about the Thanksgiving Turkey! We try to give back what we can. It isn’t easy sometimes with having two young boys, but they will be going through their toys soon to donate anything they don’t play with.

  17. marjiemare permalink
    27/11/2018 6:49 pm

    What a beautiful post. My purpose is this world is growing and giving. I made it my mission to fulfill that purpose everyday!

  18. BMB permalink
    27/11/2018 6:57 pm

    Love motivational posts. One of my favorites, if you have never read it, is called One at a Time from Chicken Soup for the Soul.

  19. Christa Anne permalink
    27/11/2018 7:09 pm

    It’s so important to be generous with our time and our resources. I am where I am today because of the goodwill of others, and that is something I am always very aware of. I hope that the giving season is something that extends yearlong.

  20. folabest permalink
    27/11/2018 8:11 pm

    It’s an interesting post. I love this one. @ Gbadamosi

  21. Surekha Busa permalink
    27/11/2018 8:46 pm

    When you are giving more, you will be bless more. I absolutely love this post, it keeps me inspiring and motivate to live happy.

  22. Rhian Westbury permalink
    27/11/2018 10:34 pm

    I love giving as I love how people react when you give them something whether it’s a physical gift or just a smile or your attention x

  23. Mum Mum Ma permalink
    27/11/2018 10:57 pm

    I loved your turkey story. It definitely gives food for thought. I also think how amazing it is that every culture has concept of giving and caring for each other. Happy holidays 😊😊

  24. Ruth permalink
    27/11/2018 11:59 pm

    Giving is my favourite part of Christmas. I love buying presents for people and seeing the smile or shock on their face when they open it. It makes me very happy 🙂 This is a lovely post. Thank you for sharing :3

  25. Lyosha Varezhkina (@lyoshathegirl) permalink
    28/11/2018 1:54 am

    I didn’t know about this but ti came naturally to me during December. I love the spirit of sharing and giving more than you expect to have back.

  26. Hirra Pervaiz permalink
    28/11/2018 2:33 am

    This is a wonderful post. The stories are awesome. We should definitely try to give back and teach everyone to contribute for giving and kindness is all we need.

  27. Melanie permalink
    28/11/2018 3:25 am

    Thus post has got me feeling festive and happy…Love this. It’s good to give and not just recieve at Christmas xx

  28. Non stop family - Tips for family travels permalink
    28/11/2018 4:02 am

    Soo cool to discover the story of the Thanksgiving Turkey. here in Portugal we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving and, we don’t really know the story behaind that tradition. We love turkey but, didnt know about the historical part of it. Great post, once again.

  29. Joanna permalink
    28/11/2018 4:05 am

    Oh, poor turkey! That’s actually a good lesson that nothing comes for free in life. I am trying to give back to Mother Earth as much as I can, by stop using plastic, by recycling and by doing what I can to produce less waste.

  30. maartjevansandwijk permalink
    28/11/2018 5:18 am

    Favourite post so far! Love giving people presents for Christmas (even though my wallet hurts now). Definitely an important thing that people should talk about more!

  31. The Color Coded Mom permalink
    28/11/2018 6:17 am

    This is such important message, especially in today’s society! What a wonderful reminder in the importance of giving!

  32. With Love Moni permalink
    28/11/2018 6:38 am

    Even research suggests that giving leads to greater happiness for the giver. In numerous studies, scientists found that those who spent money on others even though they had the option to spend the money on themselves were happier.

  33. StressedMum (@stressedmum01) permalink
    28/11/2018 7:03 am

    Giving is one of the greatest pleasures I have, even if it is something so little as long as it makes the other person smile

  34. Lovely Perez permalink
    28/11/2018 7:38 am

    Great post! I’d really love giving back especially this Christmas because that is our family tradition. Giving is the best gift for myself.

  35. munniofalltrades permalink
    28/11/2018 9:08 am

    It was great to know about the Eagle and Turkey story. While we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in India, we definitely believe in the sentiment of being grateful for whatever we have. 🙂

  36. aisasami permalink
    28/11/2018 10:22 am

    I don’t have a lot of money this year to give. But it shouldn’t be about giving money only? How about giving time or love to loved ones but also strangers?

  37. Kristine Nicole Alessandra permalink
    28/11/2018 12:43 pm

    There is definitely more happiness and fulfillment in giving. My parents taught me this at a very young age, and I am grateful that they did. My children are one of the first to volunteer their time in community services and in fund raising campaigns for victims of natural calamities. Every year at Christmas eve, I make packed hot meals and I give them to the homeless people sleeping on the sidewalks.

  38. Nicole permalink
    28/11/2018 12:59 pm

    These are all wonderful stories of giving! I always looks forward to your motivational posts, they are so inspiring! Thanks for sharing!

  39. Sondra Barker permalink
    28/11/2018 2:42 pm

    I love motivation Mondays. Mondays are truly hard to get through, thanks for sharing this!

  40. lavandamichelle permalink
    28/11/2018 3:33 pm

    What a wonderful post! Monday’s sure are days you might need some motivation. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  41. Danielle permalink
    28/11/2018 4:24 pm

    I think that it is so much more important to give then to get. I try and make sure that my children know the importance of giving back during this time of the year.

  42. Kemi permalink
    28/11/2018 5:01 pm

    I try to give when I can not just on #givingtuesday and not just money but time and mentorship. Just like everyday is thanksgiving to me and not just on Thanksgiving day.

  43. Ally Jones permalink
    28/11/2018 7:40 pm

    Thank you so much for posting this. It is so important to give back to your community.

  44. GiGi Eats Celebrities permalink
    28/11/2018 8:13 pm

    I do love to give when and wherever I can. Whether it be stuff or a lending hand or some food. It’s one of my favorite things to do!

  45. Jessica Hughes permalink
    28/11/2018 8:26 pm

    I love the stories you have used to illustrate giving. I firmly believe that giving is blessing and it’s something I try hard to instill in my children.

  46. Alexandra permalink
    28/11/2018 8:27 pm

    Yes!!! I donated yesterday to the Camp Fire survivors. What a great feeling to be able to bless a family in need!

  47. Shannan P permalink
    28/11/2018 8:34 pm

    Such a great post. Even in years when money is tight, we always make a point to give to those less fortunate, especially at the holidays. Sometimes we adopt a family, while in leaner years we give our time to local charities that help the underserved and underprivileged. We’re blessed to be in a place where we always have enough and when we’re short, we have people to lean on. Not everyone has that.

  48. Jeannette permalink
    28/11/2018 10:09 pm

    I never heard of the The Story of The Thanksgiving Turkey! I can’t wait to share this with my kiddos. Giving and receiving are important concepts to understand.

  49. Diana Tidswell permalink
    28/11/2018 10:50 pm

    This post is really wonderful. I remember, when I was a kid I was told by my dad that, it’s better to give than to received.

  50. Rose A (@mail4rosey) permalink
    29/11/2018 12:23 am

    It’s definitely food for thought (no pun intended). I think the Eagle was definitely smarter than the lazy bird. 😉 I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! And I do think, ’tis the season to be giving!

  51. Gervin Khan permalink
    29/11/2018 1:15 am

    Love this! My family and I are planning to do some good things this year like giving gifts to those kids that are in needs on this Christmas day. Giving is a good act that should come from the heart.

  52. Nikki Wayne permalink
    29/11/2018 4:02 am

    Those quotes about giving are inspiration. You will think to give more and expect less.

  53. Geraline Polintan permalink
    29/11/2018 4:18 am

    It’s always in the saying that Ït is better to give than to receive.” Great and very overwhelming activity. suitable for this season 🙂

  54. THE JOYOUS LIVING permalink
    29/11/2018 6:12 am

    i love quotes! thanks for sharing the booker t washington quote. hope your giving tuesday was productive.


  55. forkwardthinkingfoodinista permalink
    29/11/2018 6:17 am

    Love posts like this. Christmas is a great time to give especially to charity and have a clear out of clothes no longer required xx

  56. Catherine Santiago Jose permalink
    29/11/2018 6:20 am

    Giving for me is an act of showing your gratitude for all the blessing that you received from Him and I think it should not be done once or twice in a year because it should be done everyday.

  57. Kim permalink
    29/11/2018 7:52 am

    Ahh I love this! It is so important to give! Giving is the best gift 🙂

  58. Angela Tolsma permalink
    29/11/2018 8:03 am

    Giving Tuesday is only something I learned about this past month and I love the idea of it. The story of the eagle and turkey is awesome.

  59. munniofalltrades permalink
    29/11/2018 8:24 am

    I work for a non profit and Giving Tuesday is one of the biggest events of the year for us. It is thanks to generous folks around the world that we are able to do good work in India. We are forever grateful to all our donors. 🙂

  60. ♡Stephanie Stebbins♡ (@stephsteb) permalink
    29/11/2018 11:24 am

    Giving is always a wonderful thing for the gifter and the giftee…everyone gets warm fuzzies!

  61. Kate Kreates permalink
    29/11/2018 1:11 pm

    Great post! Personally, I try to give throughout the year, not just in the run up to Christmas…

  62. Daphne permalink
    29/11/2018 3:59 pm

    I love the season of giving and that’s my number one focused this time of year.

  63. philandkat permalink
    29/11/2018 5:09 pm

    Such a perfect post for this time of year. Giving is our favourite part of the season! Love the quotes you provided as well.

  64. Flossie permalink
    29/11/2018 6:17 pm

    Fascinating and thought-provoking story in lots of ways. I love all your quotes, and that turkey story – aiyiyi!

  65. Bindu Thomas permalink
    29/11/2018 7:38 pm

    Its really inspiring. I have never heard about the story of thanksgiving turkey. Giving and receiving are very important. I should teach these my kids.

  66. Lakshmi permalink
    29/11/2018 8:03 pm

    Its so lovely to see so much gratitude and giving around us 🙂

  67. Fairuz Ibrahim permalink
    29/11/2018 9:28 pm

    Great collection of quotes about giving. Maya Angelou sums it well. She’s an inspiration. Anne Frank’s quote is also interesting. No one has ever become poor by giving. It’s subtle but poignant. Sometimes we think we can’t give because we can’t afford it, but we forget that we can give non-material things too – being kind is one of them.

  68. Chloé Hamard permalink
    29/11/2018 9:55 pm

    I like this quote saying that giving is the key to success. It’s quite an important reminder

  69. Diana Tidswell permalink
    30/11/2018 2:53 am

    That was great. Give love, spread love, even if it’s not Christmas or Thanksgiving day. I admire selfless generous helpful people.

  70. 30/11/2018 5:52 am

    I just love this time of year! I particularly enjoy giving back to my community during the holiday season!!

  71. Chad permalink
    30/11/2018 5:55 am

    Love your Monday motivation posts! Giving is an important part of my life and it should be part of everyone’s life because it is so fulfilling! I am the happiest when i give. Thanks again for the awesome post, love it!


  72. Amanda Arthur Krill permalink
    30/11/2018 6:02 am

    Oh that turkey story hit me like a ton of bricks! So spot on for how entrepreneurs choose to live. Love that.

  73. MaJAc Collection permalink
    30/11/2018 7:20 am

    To me, giving is considered as an everyday thing and it’s a way of showing your gratitude towards others

  74. DoiBedouin (@BedouinDoi) permalink
    30/11/2018 7:46 am

    Your blog is really inspiring. Always a motivation. I have a request. In the meantime I would be searching for the same through your blog. In case I do not get kindly send me a mail. Thanks in advance.

  75. travelwisesr permalink
    30/11/2018 9:21 am

    I came across your post again today. And went through it again. Living is about giving. And that happiness is perhaps unmatched.

  76. Margaret permalink
    30/11/2018 10:03 am

    Every thoughtful, inspiring blog post is like giving a bit of yourself as well. Your thoughts can uplift others. Sometimes it’s giving an hour of your busy life to do something to help another person with whatever they need. That’s all that’s needed.

  77. Jack branson permalink
    30/11/2018 10:47 am

    Thats true, giving always is a blessing and make people happy as they struggle with their life. We need to give to the community always!

  78. Next Level Blogging (@next_levelblog) permalink
    30/11/2018 10:57 am

    I love the story you included about the eagle and the turkey. It’s always better to earn our place in this world than to find the “easy” way..the “easy” way will bite us in the end.

  79. shoma permalink
    30/11/2018 11:18 am

    My mother always told me that the act of giving is like doing something for GOD. I completely have followed that saying till this day!

  80. Kennedi McCall Christopher permalink
    30/11/2018 11:38 am

    Such a great post and reminder to give in the midst of all of the craziness!

  81. annerbananer1 permalink
    30/11/2018 11:41 am

    I didn’t end up contributing to anything on Giving Tuesday this year but I still plan to do something charitable before the end of the holiday season. Even though I’m kind of broke right now, I know that I am so much more fortunate than many others.

  82. Ellie Plummer permalink
    30/11/2018 12:34 pm

    This time of year is all about giving. A lot of the time we get so caught up in our own lives that it’s nice to just give selflessly to someone in need.

  83. Marcie permalink
    30/11/2018 3:44 pm

    I hadn’t heard that turkey story before and it’s a good one! Always better to work hard for everything you have!

  84. wayfarerkate permalink
    30/11/2018 4:21 pm

    Giving is so important, as well as having gratitude for the things we receive! What a beautiful post, thank you!

  85. Ana Ojha permalink
    30/11/2018 6:31 pm

    Giving back to the society is such an overwhelming experience!I also liked the story of eagle and the turkey!

  86. ehdesignmn permalink
    30/11/2018 6:38 pm

    Thanks for the turkey history lesson! I needed that for sure!

  87. Amays Ziing 💋 (@sairdaK) permalink
    30/11/2018 6:45 pm

    One of the best feelings in the world is giving. you can inspire others like share your blessing. Always giving what you have without any hesitations.

  88. happyandbusy permalink
    30/11/2018 7:41 pm

    Yey to another motivated monday! YEs I agree giving is very awesome especially this Christmas season

  89. Dragon Sunsets permalink
    30/11/2018 10:27 pm

    Giving is uplifting. It feeds your soul. I do my best to give/volunteer my time and share my blessings to others. I am not a rich person, but as long as I can still give, I feel that my the more important, intangible joys increase in my life.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      02/12/2018 5:57 pm

      Well said… 🙂

  90. Diana Tidswell permalink
    30/11/2018 10:33 pm

    Everyday is a perfect day for giving, even if it’s just a small amount, the important thing is that you help by any means

  91. 30/11/2018 11:52 pm

    Tis the season for sharing and giving and time with family and making memories

  92. Alyssaallday permalink
    01/12/2018 12:03 am

    Had never heard of Giving Tuesday! But it’s so important, and not just during the holidays! We need this motivation all year round, thank you!!!

  93. Nati permalink
    01/12/2018 12:37 am

    Your posts have always this thought provoking effect on me Elizabeth! I keep wondering what kind of idea I have from giving and receiving.

  94. nicol permalink
    01/12/2018 1:14 am

    people always think that giving also means receiving but it isn’t. it’s the feeling you get when you give. it’s priceless.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      02/12/2018 5:55 pm

      To give and to receive are both blessings… One doesn’t negate the other.

  95. Fibi Tong permalink
    01/12/2018 4:28 am

    I never heard this story before! good to heard that, thank you

  96. Becca Wilson permalink
    01/12/2018 6:12 am

    Giving and paying it forward is so very important. This time of the year is always great for that!

  97. Easter Babe permalink
    01/12/2018 6:13 am

    Great motivational post. I love Motivation Mondays and Giving Tuesdays. All the quotes and photos are amazing.

  98. permalink
    01/12/2018 6:29 am

    It wasn’t until I got older that I understood the meaning of giving, and how not only did it help the person I was giving too, but how it helped me to feel good about my own life. Even when I can not afford a monetary gift, I find that the gift of myself, helping others, whether it is cleaning, taking someone shopping or even just spending time with someone in a nursing home that does not have family, is the best gift I have to offer! Thank you so much for this beautiful post!!

  99. cleverlychanging permalink
    01/12/2018 6:34 am

    This quote is a foundational principle in my life. “Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.” Booker T. Washington also used his life to remind us that if you’re a garbage collector be the best collector that anyone has ever seen. He comes to mind when I think of integrity.

  100. THE JOYOUS LIVING permalink
    01/12/2018 9:03 am

    your motivation posts are always lovely. i especially like quotes. this time the best has to be Winston Churchill.


  101. toastycritic permalink
    01/12/2018 11:36 am

    It is always better to give than receive because in giving we always receive. We just don’t realize it . And mostly ten times. I really do love the Khalil Gibran story. Very cool.

  102. everythingbeautiful permalink
    01/12/2018 4:05 pm

    Giving is act of kindness, giving brings blessings from God.

  103. Nicole Escat permalink
    01/12/2018 9:24 pm

    Giving to others is like acting like God’s disciples. God is goodness. We may not see him but his goodness should be in ou hearts.

  104. Kimberly Caines permalink
    01/12/2018 10:07 pm

    Great post! For me giving is an act of gratitude to the ones we love. and it’s a great way to express our love to others especially for Christmas.

  105. Elizabeth O permalink
    02/12/2018 1:12 am

    So many nice articles to choose from. Always give and you will also positively gain from it .

  106. Elizabeth O permalink
    02/12/2018 3:37 am

    The best key to success is giving. 🙂

    • Elizabeth O permalink
      02/12/2018 3:44 am

      It soothes your soul and gives contentment.. Making other people happy could be the best way to help them. 🙂

  107. The Haute Christian permalink
    02/12/2018 6:01 am

    I love this because some look at giving as just monetarily, but giving goes beyond money

  108. toastycritic permalink
    02/12/2018 7:31 am

    Giving is one of the most important and beautiful things one can do. It’s when you give that you are truly able to receive the blessings out there and available for you.

  109. fashionandstylepolice permalink
    02/12/2018 9:34 am

    Great post. I love the message here. We need to give and receive cheerfully. And this is the season of giving and receiving.

  110. Criddle Me This permalink
    02/12/2018 10:23 am

    I love finding presents for people at Christmas! Giving can be great for both x

  111. love faith more permalink
    02/12/2018 10:30 am

    Yes giving is so important. It gives us more happiness if we give and make people happy.

  112. everythingbeautiful permalink
    02/12/2018 12:31 pm

    God bless you for this post. Giving is what the world needs

  113. BluKatDesign Upcycled Jewelry permalink
    02/12/2018 1:34 pm

    I have never heard of Giving Tuesday! I like this idea!

  114. April Marquardt permalink
    02/12/2018 3:56 pm

    It is such a good feeling knowing that you are helping people. Thank you for posting..

  115. melisvida permalink
    02/12/2018 4:34 pm

    The best is when you get your children involved in the giving as well.

  116. Lexi permalink
    02/12/2018 5:40 pm

    I have not heard of Giving Tuesday until this year! I think it’s such an amazing thing. I love how easy it is to make donations now with social media, just using a hashtag or retweeting a tweet can do so much! I loved the thanksgiving turkey story 😂

  117. nicole gilbert permalink
    02/12/2018 7:28 pm

    I love that Giving Tuesday has really taken off. We spend so much money on ourselves at this time of year and it’s so important to give to something that is bigger than ourselves.

  118. Kim Seghers (@thisolemom) permalink
    03/12/2018 2:44 am

    It’s good o be kind to others and not expect something in return. Thank you for sharing your motivational quotes and telling us about giving Tuesday.

  119. Words of a Texas Nerd permalink
    03/12/2018 3:18 am

    This is a hard subject for me right now. I’ve always been a giver. In every way that I can. It brings me pleasure. But with us being as broke as we have been (since I lost my job), My giving has been severely limited. Even this Christmas is slim and not everyone is getting a gift from us this year. I’ve had my eyes opened to the fact that I have to be open to receiving more than giving at this time.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      03/12/2018 5:36 pm

      Sending prayers and abundant blessings your way. May you experience a financial breakthrough in your household. Stay lifted and encouraged.

  120. kage2015 permalink
    03/12/2018 4:55 am

    I have heard the story about the turkey before it was good to re-read it. We give all year long. Not always with money or items but especially in giving service.

  121. waitingforrain28 permalink
    03/12/2018 5:01 am

    A friend of mine runs a non-profit so Giving Tuesday is a huge thing for her. As for me, I am definitely trying to get my family back into the habit of giving gifts. There really is just something special about that whole emotional experience. Giving and receiving is a great thing.

  122. Marcie permalink
    03/12/2018 7:19 am

    I used to work at a nonprofit and Giving Tuesday was always a big deal for us. It helps so many organizations continue to provide services.

  123. Mary B permalink
    03/12/2018 7:49 am

    I agree that giving is key to success. You often hear the phrase you have to give in order to get.

  124. Ruth I permalink
    03/12/2018 7:51 am

    This is one of my struggles before. But I eventually learned that the more you are generous, the more blessing will come your way.

  125. Hannah Marie permalink
    03/12/2018 8:05 am

    There are people who are born generous but it’s important to also learn this. Giving gives way to more blessings.

  126. Cătălina-Iuliana Nini permalink
    03/12/2018 11:43 am

    “When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” People need to read this couple of time to get the true meaning. Most of the time, we think giving means money or material things, when in fact time and attention are the most precious gift, and love. Praying sincerely for the ones in need.

  127. luciwest permalink
    03/12/2018 12:42 pm

    There are so many great sayings about giving in this post. It’s worth revisiting again and again.

  128. Jazmin Williams permalink
    03/12/2018 3:33 pm

    I love giving so much more than receiving. It really makes me feel so good and the best thing is, I do receive something; I receive joy.

  129. Ray @ Superpowers Sold Separately permalink
    03/12/2018 5:09 pm

    It’s really easy to become jaded by the commercialization of the holidays and thinking about stuff and forget what it’s all really about. Giving doesn’t have to be fancy gifts either. Time, smiles, kindness… they’re all forms of giving.

  130. thebusyboymama permalink
    03/12/2018 7:07 pm

    That Gibran quote is beautiful and the picture of the heart smiling actually made me smile. Such a happy post.

  131. Jayashree Sengupta permalink
    03/12/2018 9:05 pm

    Monday’s child is fair of face
    Tuesday’s child is full of grace
    Wednesday’s child is full of woe
    Thursday’s child has far to go,
    Friday’s child is loving and giving,
    Saturday’s child works hard for a living,
    And the child that is born on the Sabbath day
    Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.

    My mother used to read this out to me when I was a child. Both my mother and I are friday borne so she used to teach me that giving without expecting is one of the greatest achievement in life. Indeed it is.

  132. Michelle Catallo permalink
    03/12/2018 9:08 pm

    I was just talking to my eldest son about giving and receiving a couple hours ago; you are stating it much better than my conversation went though. Will have a re-talk with him tomorrow on this point. Thank you for lifting my spirits; your motivational posts give topics another depth.

  133. The Delicious Spoon permalink
    04/12/2018 12:28 am

    Giving is the best gift to yourself I believe. There are so many people who need help all year long outside of Christmas so we try and give back whenever we can in our family.

  134. Justyna E Butler permalink
    04/12/2018 5:03 am

    Giving is so much more than receiving. It really makes me feel so fortunate and feels so good! It makes me happy!

  135. Jane permalink
    04/12/2018 6:43 am

    The story behind the thanksgiving is quite funny tho but it does really have its own lesson. This is my first time reading about this

  136. Danielle permalink
    04/12/2018 7:27 am

    I love giving back during the holiday season. I especially love teaching my son about the art of giving back especially when he has so much.

  137. Blair villanueva permalink
    04/12/2018 7:48 am

    During yuletide season , i tend to not spend for gifts except for my Mom coz its filial piety. But when i have moments of generousity during no-special days, I tend to do it and makes me happy. Giving is an act of sharing without thinking of return.

  138. Clarice permalink
    05/12/2018 12:49 am

    This is definitely my favorite time of the year. People are nicer and kinder. Surely, the season of giving. There is a certain kind of joy that is derived from giving and we’re all lucky to have the opportunity to experience that.

  139. Kaitlyn permalink
    05/12/2018 2:09 am

    This is an important lesson to instill in children, especially around the holiday time. I feel like receiving many gifts grows a sense of entitlement and less gratitude.

  140. Sudip Saha permalink
    05/12/2018 4:44 pm

    Happiness is a misaddressed emotion. The more we give, the more it comes back to us. Thanks for sharing the stories on Thanksgiving.

  141. Coleccion De Fotografia permalink
    06/12/2018 5:34 pm

    Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need. Khalil Gibran

    I have been selfless all my life. True, sometimes I get tired of it but at the end of the day, I still thank the heavens up above that I am blessed and that I am still capable of giving. Thanks for sharing as always.

  142. marta_the_traveler permalink
    16/12/2018 11:00 pm

    I appreciated all your positive articles. They have many good points and the most recent are really matching the special period we are in now 😊

  143. sharilee20 permalink
    17/01/2019 11:45 am

    I don’t think he was lazy or greedy but just wanted a change of pace. Sometimes though a change of pace can become a way of life that is bad for us.

  144. Minh permalink
    21/07/2020 7:14 am

    Giving is living


  1. Motivation Mondays: Enjoyment of Life | Mirth and Motivation
  2. Motivation Mondays: HUMAN RIGHTS | Mirth and Motivation
  3. Motivation Mondays: International Migrants Day | Mirth and Motivation
  4. Motivation Mondays: Happy Holiday Wishes | Mirth and Motivation
  5. Motivation Mondays: Ending & Beginning #HappyNewYear2019 | Mirth and Motivation
  6. Motivation Mondays: Power of Gratitude | Mirth and Motivation
  7. Motivation Mondays: Reflections on #MLKDay | Mirth and Motivation
  8. Motivation Mondays: Lunar New Year #YearOfThePig | Mirth and Motivation
  9. Motivation Mondays: Black History Month | Mirth and Motivation
  10. Motivation Mondays: Day of Happiness & Spring #internationaldayofhappiness | Mirth and Motivation
  11. Motivation Mondays: Earth Hour #Connect2Earth | Mirth and Motivation
  12. Motivation Mondays: The Seven Selves | Mirth and Motivation
  13. Motivation Mondays: Live Your Wild & Precious Life | Mirth and Motivation
  14. Motivation Mondays: Protect Our Earth | Mirth and Motivation
  15. Motivation Mondays: Self-Care | Mirth and Motivation
  16. Motivation Mondays: Down Memory Lane | Mirth and Motivation
  17. Motivation Mondays: Giving Thanks | Mirth and Motivation
  18. Motivation Mondays: THANKSGIVING POEMS & QUOTES | Mirth and Motivation

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