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Motivation Mondays: Mandela Day #ActionAgainstPoverty


“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.” Nelson Mandela

Motivation Mondays: Mandela Day #ActionAgainstPoverty

Motivation Mondays: Mandela Day #ActionAgainstPoverty

António Guterres (UN Secretary-General) on Nelson Mandela International Day 2018

Nelson Mandela International Day 2018 marks 100 years since the birth of Nelson Mandela (18 July 1918). The Centenary is an occasion to reflect on his life and legacy, and to follow his call to “make of the world a better place.” The Nelson Mandela Foundation is dedicating this year’s Mandela Day to Action Against Poverty, honoring Nelson Mandela’s leadership and devotion to fighting poverty and promoting social justice for all.

What is Mandela Day about? On Wednesday, July 18, supporters and leaders around the world will gather to celebrate the life and legacy of the great Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, Tata Madiba, Khulu, Dalibhunga, who passed away in 2013.  Mandela left a shining legacy of determination and duty. He devoted 67 years of his life on this planet to service and spent 27 of those years as a prisoner on Robben Island, banished to a lifetime of hard labor by the Apartheid led regime. That he survived it to become a beacon of hope for many in South Africa and beyond is remarkable. He also became that nation’s first democratically elected black leader. This year’s anniversary is special because it marks the 100th birthday of this inspirational leader and the focus this year is the battle against poverty. Poverty remains a grave concern around the world because despite the abundance we see in some parts of the world, 1.3 billion people live in abject poverty. 1 billion are children, 850 million don’t have enough food to eat and 750 million lack adequate water in their areas.  The Nelson Mandela Foundation invites us all to do our bit by contributing to those folks in need in our communities, by advocating for changes that will help more people get access to resources and by being mindful and conscious of our consumption and impact on the resource supply around the world.
READ:Nelson Mandela: Madiba R.I.P.


“Men and women who fight the suppression of the human voice, who fight disease, illiteracy, ignorance, poverty and hunger. Some are known, others are not. Those are the people who have inspired me.” Nelson Mandela

Motivation Mondays: Mandela Day #ActionAgainstPoverty

Motivation Mondays: Mandela Day #ActionAgainstPoverty

President Cyril Ramaphosa’s message for Mandela Day

It is easy to break down and destroy. The heroes are those who make peace and build. Nelson Mandela
Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice Nelson Mandela
Today we should all ask ourselves: What have I done to improve the surroundings in which I live? Do I litter or do I protect my surroundings? Do I buy stolen goods or do I help reduce crime? Nelson Mandela

What can we do to not only champion Mandela’s dream of global unity but bring about change for the good of all? We can all make a difference on this planet by taking even small steps to help others around us. The UN offered a list of actionable plans that any of us can easily choose from. By donating our time to public service, we can take concrete action that will inspire change in our communities and beyond. Here is the UN’s tentative action list of things to do:
Make a new friend. Get to know someone from a different cultural background. Only through mutual understanding can we rid our communities of intolerance and xenophobia.
Read to someone who can’t. Visit a local home for the blind and open up a new world for someone else.
Help out at the local animal shelter. Dogs without homes still need a walk and a bit of love.
Help someone get a job. Put together and print a CV for them, or help them with their interview skills.
Many terminally ill people have no one to speak to. Take a little time to have a chat and bring some sunshine into their lives.
Get tested for HIV and encourage your partner to do so too.
Take someone you know, who can’t afford it, to get their eyes tested or their teeth checked.
Donate a wheelchair or guide dog, to someone in need.
Buy a few blankets, or grab the ones you no longer need from home and give them to someone in need


The details for Motivation Mondays are below. Join in! The themes for APR 2018/MAY 2018 are:


06/03   –  05 World Environment  Day, 06, D Day, 08 National Best Friend Day,
06/10   –  13 St Anthony,  15 Eid al-Fitr,
06/17  –   17 Father’s Day, 18 Int’l. Picnic Day, MTV Movie Awards 19 Juneteenth, 20 World Refugee Day, 21 Summer Solstice, Int’l. Yoga Day, World Music Day
06/24   –  24 St John the Baptist, 26 Day against Drug Abuse/Illicit Trafficking


07/01   –  TBD 04, Independence Day
07/08   – 11  World Population Day, 14 Bastille Day
07/15  – 15 National Ice cream Day, 18 Nelson Mandela Day
07/22   – 22 Parents Day,
07/29 –  30 International Day of Friendship, Day against Trafficking,



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“When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace. I believe I have made that effort and that is, therefore, why I will sleep for the eternity.” Nelson Mandela

Motivation Mondays: Mandela Day #ActionAgainstPoverty

Motivation Mondays: Mandela Day #ActionAgainstPoverty

Nelson Mandela on the Apartheid Convention – 1994

Our march to freedom is irreversible. We must not allow fear to stand in our way. Nelson Mandela
Peace is not just the absence of conflict; peace is the creation of an environment where all can flourish, regardless of race, colour, creed, religion, gender, class, caste, or any other social markers of difference. Religion, ethnicity, language, social and cultural practices are elements which enrich human civilization, adding to the wealth of our diversity. Nelson Mandela

What more can we do to make an impact on this year’s theme? The Nelson Mandela Foundation specifically recommends that we SPREAD THE WORD! Since Mandela Day campaign is a celebration of our collective power to create a global movement for good and make a positive impact on the world, we can make a huge difference by spreading the word and encouraging others to do same. Knowledge is power and our collective power for good can bring about changes. Other tips the Foundation has suggested is to:
Use our own network of family, friends, media connections, corporations and organizations to get involved and make a difference. Share our actions on social media, especially on Nelson Mandela International Day, 18 July.
Identify folks who give back and who make positive changes in our community and celebrate them
Share their good deeds via social media and remember to use the hashtag #ActionAgainstPoverty.
Make a commitment to add our voice to help the voiceless and stay informed by joining the MANDELA DAY COMMUNITY Let’s all celebrate Nelson Mandela 100 Centenary by being/becoming/ the legacy for change!
More later


Have a happy, peaceful and productive week ahead!

Any Zen Antics stories via


Positive Motivation Tip: A famous Xhosa saying asserts that Ubuntu ungamntu ngabanye abantu – A person becomes a person through other people. Mandela was a man for all people.

Motivation Mondays is open to anyone who wishes to share a motivational quote, photo, personal challenge or a post that encourages others to start the week on an upbeat note.
Basic Instructions: Each week, I will have a motivation word to help us create a response. (See listed words for the months above/below)
Email address: You may email or share your post as a comment and I will add it to the round-up of related posts. email it to: contact(@)mirthandmotivation(.)com
Category tag: – Share your post using Motivation Mondays
Twitter hashtag: – Use this on Twitter #MotvnM
Dedicated Page: There is a dedicated page for Motivation Mondays. It has the same instructions and will include other helpful tools and a link to the round-up
Facebook Page: MotivationOnMondays Join our page and add your post and/or any motivational piece you think will be helpful to others.
Facebook Community: We have a Facebook community forum to compliment the page. It serves as another way to share uplifting posts and thoughts. Please join in and add your voice.

Badge: – I created a fun badge using PicMonkey’s free photo editing tools. You can create your own, use WordPress’ integrated tool on your blog or you are welcome to use mine. (see dedicated page)
Tag: – Motivation Mondays
Hashtag: – #MotvnM
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Motivation Mondays:

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PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS:All Photos: Nelson Mandela portrait via, Nelson Mandela with Desmond Tutu via, Nelson Mandela with President Obama via Wikipedia, Nelson Mandela’s prison cell via, Nelson Mandela taken in Johannesburg, Gauteng, via Wikipedia, Nelson Mandela portrait and Nelson Mandela Father of Freedom Mural via Nelson Mandela images via Pixabay
,  AND/OR  via  Wikipedia


Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

151 Comments leave one →
  1. Sarah permalink
    16/07/2018 10:01 pm

    Nelson Mandela is an inspiration for all and is definitely a great topic for a #MotivationMonday. Thanks for sharing this with us!

  2. Deserted_Queen permalink
    17/07/2018 12:59 am

    Nelson Mandela is an inspiration but I didn’t know that there is a Mandela day. It is great to know about it.. And as I read your blog more I gain more knowledge.

  3. Sarah Stockley (@kipperscurtains) permalink
    17/07/2018 2:06 am

    Nelson Mandela is an inspiration to all of us. What an amazing human being he was!

  4. fivelittledoves (@fivelittledove5) permalink
    17/07/2018 2:11 am

    What a great awareness day! Poverty is such a huge issue globally and any awareness raised, and helping those in needs, is always a great thing!

  5. Mattie Lacey-Davidson permalink
    17/07/2018 3:24 am

    One of the greatest men who ever lived! He definitely deserves a blog post lol x

  6. Nati permalink
    17/07/2018 3:48 am

    Mandela’s legacy is universal. I grew up singing a song about his life although in a total different continent, I was a child when he was liberated and a teen when became president and he was an example of life that marked mine.

  7. Dalene Ekirapa permalink
    17/07/2018 5:06 am

    Nelson Mandela was surely a great leader who ensured he impacted the lives of people. He left a peaceful man for sure and we definitely celebrate Mandela Day by giving back to the society!

  8. Emma Riley permalink
    17/07/2018 5:13 am

    I do love everything about your post and I really enjoyed reading this it so inspiring. I do agree with you that overcoming poverty is not an act of charity but an act of justice.

  9. hillcitybride permalink
    17/07/2018 5:31 am

    He did so many great things. I love that you are highlighting him. He even has a friendly, welcoming face – it represents so much!

  10. chris permalink
    17/07/2018 6:00 am

    Nelson Mandela was such an influential man. I love the quote about overcoming poverty. I think it’s something that we as a community need to do better to directly help others by giving our time and resources that we have to spare.

  11. Ashley permalink
    17/07/2018 6:01 am

    Nelson Mandela was definitely a leader who did great things for not only South Africa but around the world! We need more leaders like him who promote positivity and peace!

  12. Renata permalink
    17/07/2018 5:32 am

    Mr Mandela was such an inspiration and should be a great role model for many politicians. Thanx for this inspiring post on his ideals.

  13. Geraline Batarra permalink
    17/07/2018 6:38 am

    Wow, this is such a nice post and its really so inspiring that a man from poverty become to richness.

  14. Megan permalink
    17/07/2018 6:40 am

    Thank you so much for sharing this, it is so important. I appreciate learning the history of this day and what we can do to help create change. x

  15. acraftymix permalink
    17/07/2018 6:50 am

    Love this Elizabeth. As a proud South African it makes me feel all warm and fussy inside that the world still remembers and honors Tata’s legacy. He was the most incredible human being

  16. Akamatra permalink
    17/07/2018 6:33 am

    Even if we don’t have a lot to donate our time is always of great value. We should all follow this example the best we can

  17. Tiffany Yong permalink
    17/07/2018 7:34 am

    Spending 27 years in jail, and still emerging as a leader. I’m full of respect for him, and hopefully, I will be able to contribute the action against poverty in future.

  18. Czjai Reyes-Ocampo permalink
    17/07/2018 7:39 am

    People definitely need to know more about Nelson Mandela, his works, his sacrifices, and his visions. Sharing this inspiring post. 🙂

  19. Lyosha Varezhkina (@lyoshathegirl) permalink
    17/07/2018 7:54 am

    It is such a great person! Pure inspiration, so wise. it’s great there is a special day to think of him and share his thoughs. It is a way to make our world a little bit better.

  20. Mama permalink
    17/07/2018 8:00 am

    Nelson Mandela is one of my personal heroes. He has done so much good for the world.

  21. WhoMadeTime permalink
    17/07/2018 9:21 am

    A man of wisdom and inspiration, he will never be forgotten and his vision will carry in through other who were touched by his word!

  22. Angie permalink
    17/07/2018 9:03 am

    Great article about celebrating a great man!

  23. Preet@thevelvetlife permalink
    17/07/2018 10:43 am

    What a great cause and focus of the Mandela Day campaign. Everyone can try and make a positive impact on the world and people around by even a small deed.

  24. Ann Snook permalink
    17/07/2018 11:38 am

    I love that the UN made a list of nice things you can do in Mandela’s honor. I think that’s how he would want us to remember him, rather than just doing a lot of empty talk.

  25. Holly permalink
    17/07/2018 10:42 am

    Nelson Mandela is such an inspiring person. It’s awesome that they have established a day honoring him.

  26. Kayla permalink
    17/07/2018 11:58 am

    Oh wow, I didn’t know all those events were on, thanks for all of the links!

  27. Everything On A Plate permalink
    17/07/2018 1:15 pm

    He was such a great man. This was a perfect read to start the week ! thanks!!

  28. Azlin Bloor permalink
    17/07/2018 12:29 pm

    I think it’s a great initiative, helping those in your own community. Charity begins at home, they say, after all.

  29. 14DaysOF permalink
    17/07/2018 12:36 pm

    What a great man and inspiration he was! Luckily we have writers like you here to remind us of people like him, thank you !

  30. Ann Snook permalink
    17/07/2018 1:56 pm

    With how the world is today, we really do need to recognize the people who do good. Mandela was such an inspiration!

  31. fashionandstylepolice permalink
    17/07/2018 1:15 pm

    Nelson Mandela was a great man. One of the greatest to ever come out of Africa. Good to celebrate him.

  32. lexieanimetravel permalink
    17/07/2018 2:17 pm

    Such a great and inspirational man! and I totally agree on you, we can make a huge difference by spreading the word and encouraging others to do same. What’s the essential part is to lived life by doing good deeds and helping your family and other people who needs help from you.

  33. Eileen Mendoza Loya permalink
    17/07/2018 4:17 pm

    His legacy cannot be equaled. I only wish that someone like him would open the eyes of the people around the world and move to bring peace across nations again.

  34. Kristy B permalink
    17/07/2018 7:42 pm

    I love all of the suggestions you give on how to help others. This article about Nelson Mandela is very interesting. I learned a lot of new things about him.

  35. Carol Cassara permalink
    17/07/2018 9:17 pm

    He will always be an icon and someone to look up to especially when it comes to kindness and being in the service of others. With everything happening these days, it’s good to make sure that we do the best we can to help those in need and to be kind to one another.

  36. rhian westbury permalink
    17/07/2018 9:49 pm

    I had no idea that Nelson would have been 100 years old today. I can’t believe how quick the time has gone since he passed away x

  37. Preet permalink
    17/07/2018 10:54 pm

    This is such a great day to clebrate and honour one of the great hero Nelson Mandela. He is truly an inspitration,

  38. Geraline Batarra permalink
    18/07/2018 12:11 am

    He is such a man of wisdom and a man with a good heart. I agree that we can make a difference by making a small steps in fighting poverty.

  39. Sam permalink
    17/07/2018 11:20 pm

    I heard a clip of Barack Obama’s speech & it was an uplifting message that we all need right now. The UN’s list of actionable steps are great and any of them can be easily implemented.

  40. Emily (@amummytoo) permalink
    18/07/2018 2:48 am

    With the political landscape the way it is, the dream of global unity seems too far out of reach right now, but I’m keen to do my part to help us all head in the right direction.

  41. Geraline Batarra permalink
    18/07/2018 3:25 am

    This is such a nice post, everything is so inspiring. We should help ourselves and others to fight against poverty by doing that we also helping our world to be a better place for everyone.

  42. Kaelyn Gray permalink
    18/07/2018 3:45 am

    This is great! I agree, we really need to step up to spread the word. It’s great to see people taking initiative!

  43. Kansas Bonanno permalink
    18/07/2018 4:21 am

    He was such an inspiration to all, if everyone cared as much as he did about mankind we would live in such a better place.

  44. Waren Jean permalink
    18/07/2018 5:40 am

    Nelson Mandela is an inspiration to everyone. I can’t remember how many quotes coming from him I’ve used just to inspire myself. He is truly a legend.

  45. Valerie Durias permalink
    18/07/2018 7:38 am

    “Knowledge is power and our collective power for good can bring about changes.” This line is really worth quoting. Thank you for telling more people about this inspiring man.

  46. GiGi Eats Celebrities permalink
    18/07/2018 7:00 am

    What a great day of remembrance.

  47. Karla permalink
    18/07/2018 8:55 am

    Mandela was an amazing man. Thanks for bringing more interest to this man.

  48. tanviidotcom permalink
    18/07/2018 10:09 am

    He was/is such an inspiring personality. I am always amazed to read about his journey and achievements.

  49. Kesha permalink
    18/07/2018 10:17 am

    These are no words that can adequately express the life and legacy of Nelson Mandella. This was a beautiful tribute to Madiba. His legacy will continue to live on as we continue to fight to eradicate poverty and hunger throughout the world.

  50. Mary George permalink
    18/07/2018 11:34 am

    Great ideas for ways to make the world a better place.

  51. Ann Snook permalink
    18/07/2018 11:39 am

    Before I read this, I didn’t know there was a Mandela Day. But it’s so important that we all take some time to help out those less fortunate than we are!

  52. Ayana Nell permalink
    18/07/2018 11:19 am

    My husband is from South Africa and left in 2007, I know I’ve heard him mention Nelson Mandela before but I’m not quite sure what all he had to say lol. He sounds like a great leader though!!

  53. Jennifer Prince permalink
    18/07/2018 6:12 pm

    It’s so great to honor him. He really did so much, and it’s hard to believe he is gone. He has such kind eyes, too.

  54. Sara Welch permalink
    18/07/2018 8:26 pm

    What he did for the world will resonate forever. More people need to live like him.

  55. Vanessa Delia permalink
    18/07/2018 8:27 pm

    I never knew too much about Mandela. A lot of people are missing out on what this man has done!

  56. Aseky Bonnaire permalink
    18/07/2018 9:01 pm

    I’ve always heard of Nelson Mandela, but I never really learned about him. Reading this post I got to know more about him! He was definitely a very wise man! Thank you for sharing

  57. Eileen Mendoza Loya permalink
    18/07/2018 10:34 pm

    Nelson Mandela’s words will live on forever. He was a great man and must be emulated by the world leaders of today.

  58. Kate permalink
    19/07/2018 12:56 am

    Amazing post, great to know more about great minds and wonderful people who are doing good things for our society!

  59. Pujarini Mitra permalink
    19/07/2018 1:18 am

    Mandela is one of my favorite leaders of all time. Such an inspiration and so much to learn from his journey.

  60. Simple Indian Mom permalink
    19/07/2018 12:50 am

    The quotes of Nelson Mandela is so motivating. Poverty eradication will help to grow economy. We should definitely work for it

  61. kumamonjeng permalink
    19/07/2018 1:13 am

    Mandela is a great man and a legend. Glad that you have this post to honor him.

  62. Sigrid Says Blog permalink
    19/07/2018 3:11 am

    What a great man Nelson Mandela is. We can all continue his legacy but being more accepting.

  63. amiroseblog permalink
    19/07/2018 3:22 am

    A fab celebration for a wonderful man. I enjoyed reading through the UNs action list, they are some really rewarding things to do.

    Ami xxx

  64. Rose Ann Sales permalink
    19/07/2018 3:48 am

    I really enjoyed reading this post. He is such a great man with a big heart and he is such a big inspiration to all of us.

  65. Geraline Batarra permalink
    19/07/2018 4:23 am

    I have never heard Nelson Madela before and I have never knew that this day exist. But base on what I’ve read on this post he is a great man that willing to give and help others to have good life here on earth.

  66. Claire Justine permalink
    19/07/2018 6:10 am

    Interesting read. I didn’t know a lot of this information. It is good to raise awareness. Thanks for sharing.

  67. Czjai Reyes-Ocampo permalink
    19/07/2018 6:44 am

    Thank you for sharing UN’s action list. These are simple things that we often overlook.

  68. toastycritic permalink
    19/07/2018 8:15 am

    We definitely need to love our neighbors and help those out in need. It’s so great they have a day encouraging people to give to those in need.

  69. Nicole permalink
    19/07/2018 9:09 am

    I didn’t know that much about Mandela day. It seems that he did alot for those affected by poverty. Thanks for sharing!

  70. IG:Suetanyamchorgh (@suetanyamchorgh) permalink
    19/07/2018 10:03 am

    Nelson Mandela was such a great man. Happy birthday Nelson Mandela! Another awesome Monday Motivation.

  71. With Love From P permalink
    19/07/2018 11:56 am

    Mandela what a wonderful man I wish more of us could follow his ethos. Great post.

  72. Ann Snook permalink
    19/07/2018 1:30 pm

    It’s terrible the number of people who still live in poverty today, and not only in 3rd-world countries! We should all try to do our part to help out those in need whether it’s someone on our street or halfway around the world.

  73. Jojo Hua permalink
    19/07/2018 12:47 pm

    This is so inspiring. I didn’t know it was Nelson Mandela Day. I’m glad you chose that topic over National Ice Cream Day, but I’m also intrigued what you could have come up with for that.

  74. mamabee1981 permalink
    19/07/2018 3:44 pm

    I had no idea there was a Mandela Day, this is really great. I love hearing about new celebrations and life of those who were inspirational too!

  75. Rosey permalink
    19/07/2018 3:16 pm

    I agree that donating your time can really matter to your community. We do so regularly and always have, even when we lived in the country (which had its own unique challenges in the winter).

  76. janna permalink
    19/07/2018 5:29 pm

    can’t believe it’s already been 5 years since he passed! I really enjoyed seeing all the Mandela posts yesterday all over the internet. Nice to have a positive influence for a change!

  77. Blair Villanueva permalink
    19/07/2018 6:30 pm

    He is indeed a great and compassionate leader. It is rare to have meet that kind of person nowadays. A good leader with a great smile.

  78. Lisa Rios permalink
    19/07/2018 7:44 pm

    Wow, I love this post. Nelson Mandela was so inspiring, I am sure he would be proud of the legacy and example he has left behind. I love the steps that we can use to bring peace and unity, and I will definitely implement them even more!

  79. mily jain permalink
    19/07/2018 8:31 pm

    He is such a powerful champion for the rights of the not-so-privileged. I have always admired him for his dedication towards eradicating discrimination.

  80. Anvita permalink
    19/07/2018 8:03 pm

    There is so much poverty in this world. We should all do whatever we can do our little bit will also help.

  81. Nailil permalink
    19/07/2018 9:10 pm

    Mendela left behind such a great legacy! So much to learn from his way of living!

  82. Christa permalink
    19/07/2018 8:22 pm

    Mandela was such an inspiring, beautiful soul. This was a great way to honor his legacy and inspire others to continue his work.

  83. Claire permalink
    20/07/2018 1:35 am

    Great post. Nelson Mandela is one of the most key figures in world history. There’s an exhibition on his life on in London at the moment which I want to go to!

  84. 20/07/2018 6:43 am

    He will forever be remembered. Amandla! 🙂

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      10/11/2018 12:39 am

      Amen to that!

  85. Nancie permalink
    20/07/2018 6:48 am

    Mandela was a great man, and he deserves to be remembered and honoured.

  86. Czjai Reyes-Ocampo permalink
    20/07/2018 7:02 am

    I’ve seen quite a few interesting #ActionAgainstPoverty posts on my Facebook feed. Hope this campaign becomes a success!

  87. Preet permalink
    20/07/2018 8:12 am

    Poverty is something that we need to pay attention off. It is a serious mater that everyone should give awareness.

  88. Sheree permalink
    20/07/2018 11:15 am

    This is a great post I enjoyed reading, I like all the quotes at the end!

    ~xo Sheree

  89. worldlytreat permalink
    20/07/2018 11:29 am

    What a lovely post! May his beautiful soul continue to rest in peace. He is truly an inspiration. It’s my hope that the world begin to know and show love to one another, maybe, we will be at peace.

  90. Sarah Bean permalink
    20/07/2018 11:07 am

    Love Nelson Mandela. So inspiring!!

  91. Yahoo2info permalink
    20/07/2018 11:36 am

    Rich in money but poor in heart are the selfish ones. Those who are selfless are rich in deeds and kindness of heart.

  92. Amy permalink
    20/07/2018 11:55 am

    Overcoming poverty truly is not about charity, so right! It is about love, mercy, and justice. Thanks for this highlight and reminder!

  93. Sabrina Must permalink
    20/07/2018 1:15 pm

    I love Mandela’s ideology so much, thank you for this post. I cannot wait to SPREAD THE WORD!

  94. Ann Snook permalink
    20/07/2018 2:06 pm

    I love the Mandela quote about him being inspired by people who aren’t famous for their philanthropy. The people who do it out of the goodness of their hearts who don’t want anything in return are the real heroes!

  95. Sara Welch permalink
    20/07/2018 3:06 pm

    Mandela really had a steadfast way about his beliefs. So many people can learn a lot from him.

  96. Gideon Akachukwu Okorie permalink
    20/07/2018 4:19 pm

    What a legend he is, the Great Nelson Mandela will never be forgotten, his overwhelming legacy lives on..

  97. sothisisfate permalink
    20/07/2018 4:34 pm

    I never knew the UN had an initiative with suggestions on how to keep Mandela’s legacy and spirit alive. I wish/hope all countries, but particularly the US where I’m from, can remember this man and his work and keep it going.

  98. Daria Gora permalink
    20/07/2018 6:14 pm

    His actions in his own lifetime are his legacy and they will remain indelibly etched in history for generations to come as a living example to inspire the leaders of tomorrow.

  99. rhian westbury permalink
    20/07/2018 11:04 pm

    I can’t believe it’s been 5 years since he passed away. It’s good to see if the world come together to remember and honour him x

  100. Corina permalink
    21/07/2018 1:54 am

    Nelson Mandela was such a unique man, so much wisdom and strength in one person, it is amazing how fate has its chosen ones!

  101. eliza permalink
    21/07/2018 3:05 am

    He is indeed always inspiring… He just deserve a commemoration. Not all leaders have a heart and soul, and as mindful as him.

  102. IG:Suetanyamchorgh (@suetanyamchorgh) permalink
    21/07/2018 10:49 am

    Nelson Mandela was such a great man. I am happy to see you that you made this week’s monday motivation about him.

  103. brie permalink
    21/07/2018 8:13 pm

    Mandela impacted people across various nations around the world.

  104. Eileen Mendoza Loya permalink
    22/07/2018 1:47 am

    Nelson Mandela inspired many people to work to achieve peace by doing good. I recently joined a friend’s campaign that she calls “The Kindness Revolution.” We do a random act of kindness in the hope that it will create ripples of kindness. So far, so good.

  105. Kristine Nicole Alessandra permalink
    22/07/2018 6:20 am

    He is a truly inspiring man. If everyone living today would follow his lead, we’d see a better world! A simple act of kindness that we can do to a friend, a family member, or even a stranger may help start to change the world.

  106. lunenburgmama permalink
    22/07/2018 7:15 am

    What a wonderful and powerful message. You have really moved me to taking some action and getting even more involved

  107. Tizzy Says permalink
    22/07/2018 10:05 am

    Nelson Mandela was a great man. I wish there were more people like him in this world. It would be a better place.

  108. thekittycrumbles permalink
    22/07/2018 6:14 pm

    Happy Belated Birthday Nelson Mandela! We all need to be the change. Amazing man his legacy will always live on.

  109. Daisy permalink
    23/07/2018 7:37 am

    I did not know that this was a day.., I agree so much with the idea that it is what we give of ourselves to others that really matters in the long run…

  110. toastycritic permalink
    23/07/2018 6:39 am

    He was definitely an inspiration to many. I love celebrating his life you put down make a friend from a different cultural background. I think it would be a great thing to do.

  111. Rachel Simmonds permalink
    23/07/2018 7:26 am

    What a wonderful way to commemorate such a wonderful person. Nelson Mandela is the epitome of selflessness and forgiveness.

  112. Carmen Edelson permalink
    23/07/2018 3:57 pm

    What an incredible man and such a beautiful post to remember him!

  113. Janine Ella permalink
    23/07/2018 11:03 pm

    To be honest, I don’t know much about Nelson Mandela but reading this post made me know him a bit. I’ll be reading more about the Nelson Mandela Foundation and will help spread the word about it 🙂

  114. Geraline Batarra permalink
    24/07/2018 1:33 am

    We all loved Nelson Mandela and who doesn’t. He is a great leader with full of wisdom, he know’s what he is talking.

  115. Sharon Chen (@StSmartKitchen) permalink
    24/07/2018 1:16 am

    He’s such an inspiration. The life he’s led is so great.

  116. Amna Tariq Shah permalink
    24/07/2018 6:16 am

    Mandela has always inspired me for being so strong, consistent and having such amazing leadership qualities to bring about a revolution. This was indeed a very interesting insight into why the day is celebrated. Thanks for this wonderful post 🙂

  117. Sigrid Says Blog permalink
    24/07/2018 9:55 am

    Nelson Mandela is such an inspiration to do good in this world. May more people follow him.

  118. Katz Voyage permalink
    24/07/2018 10:24 am

    this is such a great read. thanks for sharing!

  119. scrapbookadventures365 permalink
    27/07/2018 5:19 am

    Wow cool post, very inspirational – just like Nelson Mandela himself!

  120. Jenn Pereira permalink
    28/07/2018 2:29 pm

    I love these quotes. Thank you for sharing!

  121. Iya - louisa permalink
    04/08/2018 1:32 am

    I loved all of these quotes. Nelson Mandela was such an amazing person and an inspiration for everyone! Beautiful post!

  122. JC Cross-Jones permalink
    04/08/2018 3:34 am

    Hey was such an inspirational man, a sad loss to society

  123. Razena | permalink
    04/08/2018 12:30 pm

    I remember the day Nelson Mandela was released from Victor Verster prison and the feeling of happiness that came over us. It was indeed a long walk to freedom but one that has been cheapened by every type of retail item being sold in his name. From postcards to handbags.

  124. NAMRASTAN permalink
    06/08/2018 11:40 am

    It is so important to shed som light on the challenges we face when it comes to poverty, our own consumption and how we are treating out planet! We can do so much more! Thank you for sharing this.


  1. Motivation Mondays: DECISIONS | Mirth and Motivation
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  25. Motivation Mondays: Down Memory Lane | Mirth and Motivation
  26. Motivation 2020: Nelson Mandela Day #MandelaQuotes #MandelaDay | Mirth and Motivation

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