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Motivation Mondays: Optimism. Life. Independence Day


“The American, by nature, is optimistic. He is experimental, an inventor, and a builder who builds best when called upon to build greatly.” John F. Kennedy

Motivation Mondays: Optimism. Life. Independence Day

Motivation Mondays: Optimism. Life. Independence Day

Aldebert – La vie c’est quoi ? (Clip officiel)

Optimism by Jane Hirshfield
More and more I have come to admire resilience.
Not the simple resistance of a pillow, whose foam
returns over and over to the same shape, but the sinuous
tenacity of a tree: finding the light newly blocked on one side,
it turns in another. A blind intelligence, true.
But out of such persistence arose turtles, rivers,
mitochondria, figs — all this resinous, unretractable earth.

Happy 242nd Independence Day!: As we gear up to celebrate this very important day in American history, I can’t help but stop to reflect on why this truly matters. 242 years ago, on July 4 1776, the forefathers commemorated the adoption of the Declaration of Independence; it was an auspicious day filled with optimism for the future of this newly birthed, great nation. It signified the birth of the United States of America and the liberation of her original thirteen colonies from British rule. The actual legal separation occurred on the 2nd but, the 4th is the date the documents were ratified and, like life, the circuitous  journey that many took to this new land in search of a new life reached a milestone. Let us not forget that this is a nation built on the backs of millions who had a dream of a better life; of gaining personal freedom.  What I love about this day, especially as an immigrant woman, is that it is a reminder of the possibilities that can inspire the human spirit to act and persevere. We embark on the journey of life with a million questions: Why/What/How/When? We keep asking, answering and reflecting on them until we take our last breath. It is that optimistic spirit that spurs many of us into the unknown and sends us on adventures that invariably become life changing and shape-shifting.

Optimism is a vital quality on the road to Independence: It is the same tenacious spirit the forefathers had that Jane Hirshfield sees in nature, plant life and invariably in human life. We carry our resilience with us throughout our lifetime, turning this way and that way, taking this circuitous pathway or that other serendipitous route as we find our way. Each person’s journey is unique and imbued with a measure of grace to help one through the dark periods of life. It is that same spirit of optimism that saved the lives of many who arrived on this soil against their will, as a last resort, or in an act of desperation. So, as we spend this day joyfully setting off fireworks, attending parades and enjoying picnics with friends and family, let us remember all who came before us … and all who continue to come with an optimistic dream of freedom in their hearts. Let us remember the families, the children and the dream they hold in their hearts.

READ: Reflections: On A Happy Fourth of July…
Motivation Mondays: Happy 4th Of July – Independence Day
Motivation Mondays: Dream BIGGER – Independence Day

Aldebert – La vie c’est quoi ?
C’est quoi la musique?
C’est du son qui se parfume.
C’est quoi l’émotion?
C’est l’âme qui s’allume.
C’est quoi un compliment?
Un baiser invisble.
Et la nostalgie?
Du passé comestible.
C’est quoi l’insouciance?
C’est du temps que l’on sème.
C’est quoi le bon temps?
C’est ta main dans la mienne.

English Translation of Lyrics: What is Life? by Aldebert
What is the music?
It is sound that perfumes.
What is emotion?
It is the soul that lights up.
What is a compliment?
An invisible kiss.
And nostalgia?
From the edible past.
What is carelessness?
It’s time we sow.
What’s the good times?
It’s your hand in mine.

C’est quoi l’enthousiasme?
C’est des rêves qui militate.
Et la bienveillance?
Des anges qui s’invitent.
Et c’est quoi l’espoir?
Du bonheur qui attend.
Et un arc-en-ciel?
Un monument au vivant.
C’est quoi grandir?
C’est fabriquer des premières fois.
Et c’est quoi l’enfance?
De la tendresse en pyjama.

What is enthusiasm?
It’s dreams that have effect.
And benevolence?
Angels who invite themselves.
And what is hope?
Happiness waiting.
And a rainbow?
A monument to the living.
What is growing?
It’s marking the first time.
And what is childhood?
Tenderness in pajamas. Contd below



“May we think of freedom not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.” Peter Marshall

Motivation Mondays: Optimism. Life. Independence Day

Motivation Mondays: Optimism. Life. Independence Day

What is Independent Life? As I sat pondering which direction to take on this post, I was struck by how much I wanted to consider the subject through a different lens. Sure, Independence Day is about celebrating our freedoms and enjoying the company of friends and family with a BBQ to boot but, it symbolizes a lot more and carries enormous weight in our lives. From the time we are born until the end of life, we inherit a legacy passed down from generation through generation that carries or contains an energy, passed down to us, pithy with inquiry and meaning. That energetic bond leads us in different directions in search of answers to goals and dreams deposited in our psyche or discarded by our ancestral ties. We feel them as impulses throughout our lifetime. Some pursue these impulses with a zeal and frightening focus that might lead to remarkable discoveries. Others meander through life, debating what to do with the impulses; we go from embracing the urge to investigate to simultaneously rejecting the impulses. They fascinate and frighten us. We carry these family stories in our DNA coding from birth to death. We ask this question again and again and the answer remains the same: C’est quoi l’essentiel? C’est de toujours y croire./ What is the essential? It is always to believe.

La vie c’est quoi/What is Life? Most of us are inquisitive in childhood and, like the little girl in Aldebert’s piece, we ask a zillion questions about life, death and more… As we mature, our questions might change but the impulse remains as we search for a way to achieve our version of a personal independence day … what some call our life purpose. We might grasp its meaning at some point and feel peace in our bones with the sudden realization that La vie est là, la vie est là/Life is here, life is here.  We might stay rattled and decide to keep exploring, to keep digging deeper for answers and searching for a denouement that might never arrive. No matter what, we must all stay motivated to ensure that our Independence remains a lifeline to freedom for us, for others, and for all generations. How? We do that by staying active in our communities; both local and global. We do not live in a bubble and what we wish for ourselves, we must wish for others because we share a planet and our global community matters even more today.  Our freedoms aren’t free; we must work to maintain them. We must also work to ensure that freedom is extended to others.

Aldebert – La vie c’est quoi ? Contd Above and below
Mais dis, papa,
La vie c’est quoi?
Petite, tu vois,
La vie, c’est un peu de tout ça, mais surtout c’est toi.
C’est toi.

But say, dad,
What is life?
Little one, you see,
Life is a bit of all that, but most of all it’s you.
It’s you.

C’est quoi le remord?
C’est un fantôme qui flâne.
Et la routine?
Les envies qui se fânent.
C’est quoi l’essentiel?
C’est de toujours y croire.
Et un souvenir?
Un dessin sur la mémoire.
C’est quoi un sourire?
C’est du vent dans les voiles.
Et la poésie?
Une épuisette à étoiles.

What is remorse?
It’s a ghost that loiters.
And the routine?
Desires that are going bad.
What is the essential?
It is always to believe.
And a memory?
A drawing on the memory.
What’s a smile?
It’s wind in the sails.
And poetry?
A landing net with stars.


The details for Motivation Mondays are below. Join in! The themes for APR 2018/MAY 2018 are:


06/03   –  05 World Environment  Day, 06, D Day, 08 National Best Friend Day,
06/10   –  13 St Anthony,  15 Eid al-Fitr,
06/17  –   17 Father’s Day, 18 Int’l. Picnic Day, MTV Movie Awards 19 Juneteenth, 20 World Refugee Day, 21 Summer Solstice, Int’l. Yoga Day, World Music Day
06/24   –  24 St John the Baptist, 26 Day against Drug Abuse/Illicit Trafficking


07/01   –  TBD
07/08   –
07/15  –
07/22   –
07/29 –


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“The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.” Denis Waitley

Motivation Mondays: Optimism. Life. Independence Day

Motivation Mondays: Optimism. Life. Independence Day

Motivation Mondays: Optimism. Life. Independence Day

Motivation Mondays: Optimism. Life. Independence Day


Optimism is Imperative: Why is Indifference dangerous? When my friend and neighbor, Thouria, sent me the link to Aldebert’s piece,  it took me back to my own childhood days and the endless questions I asked my parents and siblings. Being inquisitive about life is necessary for our growth and survival. If we are indifferent to our surroundings and others in it, we close the door to the development of friendships and life prolonging memories. It was Elie Wiesel who said that the opposite of love is NOT hate but indifference because indifference can lead to tyranny and the oppression of others. When we are blinded to the hum of life, we no longer give it our attention or affection.  When we have no curiosity about how things work and how they impact our lives, we languish. When we close our hearts and eyes to injustice, we become part of the problem not the solution. We must stay vigilant about the world we inhabit. Love thy neighbor as thyself is not a tired cliche but a life affirming message of hope and connection with others. Optimism resides there.

In La vie c’est quoi by Aldebert, the philosophical dialogue between father and daughter is one that we ought to have with ourselves because it forces us to consider the world we inhabit and how it is all tied together. As the father says to his daughter’s question in the piece, C’est quoi l’indifférence? C’est la vie sans les couleurs./What is indifference? It’s life without colors…  Who would want to live in a monochromatic world devoid of the vibrancy of nature’s rich bounty? Who would want to live in a monochromatic world devoid of the diversity and richness others bring to the conversation? Shed your indifference to others and live. The late Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, once said that Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph. To combat evil, to grow, we need to be fully engaged in the world; the indifferent need not apply. Here’s to another great Independence Day!


Aldebert – La vie c’est quoi ? More Above
C’est quoi l’indifférence?
C’est la vie sans les couleurs.
Et c’est quoi le racisme?
Une infirmité du cœur.
C’est quoi l’amitié?
C’est une île au trésor.
Et l’école buissonnière?
Un croche patte à Pythagore.
C’est quoi la sagesse?
C’est Tintin au Tibet.
Et c’est quoi le bonheur?
C’est maintenant ou jamais.

What is indifference?
It’s life without colors
And what is racism?
An infirmity of the heart
What is friendship?
It’s a treasure island
And truancy?
A croak-paw at Pythagoras
What is wisdom?
It’s Tin-Tin in Tibet
What is happiness?
It’s now or never

Mais dis, papa,
La vie c’est quoi?
Petite, tu vois,
La vie, c’est un peu de tout ça, mais surtout c’est toi.
C’est toi

But say dad, what is life?
Little one, you see
Life is a little bit of all that but most of all it’s you
It’s you

Dans tes histoires, dans tes délires, dans la fanfare de tes fous rire,
La vie est là, la vie est là
Dans notre armoire à souvenirs, dans l’espoir de te voir vieillir,
La vie est là, la vie est là

In your stories, in your delirium,
in the fanfare of your crazy laughs,
Life is here, life is here
In our treasured cupboard, we hope to see you grow old,
Life is here, life is here


Have a happy, peaceful and productive week ahead!

Any Zen Antics stories via


Positive Motivation Tip: Live life with a spirit of optimism, love, and independence for yourself and for others. Embrace it!

Motivation Mondays is open to anyone who wishes to share a motivational quote, photo, personal challenge or a post that encourages others to start the week on an upbeat note.
Basic Instructions: Each week, I will have a motivation word to help us create a response. (See listed words for the months above/below)
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Tag: – Motivation Mondays
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PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos, July  via Pixabay,  AND/OR  via  Wikipedia


Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

176 Comments leave one →
  1. Meghan permalink
    02/07/2018 10:10 pm

    I cannot wait for independence day. I hope you enjoy your week!

  2. Geraline Batarra permalink
    02/07/2018 11:44 pm

    Love this post and you always never failed us to give a very inspiring quotes. We always need to have hope for our freedom and hope on this coming 4th of July authorities can give a freedom to those parents who are separated from their child.

  3. Karla permalink
    03/07/2018 2:08 am

    Happy Independence Day! Everyone of us deserves the blessing of freedom!

  4. acraftymix permalink
    03/07/2018 3:44 am

    I’m so very glad you translated that beautiful song by What is Life? by Aldebert. Aren’t those words just amazing and I loved the video. It reminds me so much of the relationship my daughter has with her Dad. Too precious. Wishing you a Happy Independence Day for tomorrow Elizabeth

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      28/10/2018 10:00 pm

      Likewise dear one… i loved it. 🙂

  5. Nancie permalink
    03/07/2018 4:31 am

    Happy 4th of July from your Canadian neighbour. Our Canada celebrations were this past weekend. We celebrated 151 years and had a grand time.

  6. ninalehan21 permalink
    03/07/2018 8:08 am

    having an optimistic and cheerful mindset is essential in leading an independent life 🙂 thank you for reminding us

  7. Holly Lasha permalink
    03/07/2018 8:35 am

    The Fourth of July has always been one of my favorite holidays. I love the colors and the food and the celebration.

  8. Jenn Pereira permalink
    03/07/2018 9:15 am

    Aldebert – La vie c’est quoi ? is this a song. I would love to here. Or just a Poem? Have a nice Independence Day by the way. Thanks for sharing this lovely lyrics.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      28/10/2018 10:05 pm

      Glad you liked it… a bit of both

  9. Heather permalink
    03/07/2018 9:32 am

    I completely agree with that JFK quote. We do our best work when it is demanded of us!

  10. Indu permalink
    03/07/2018 9:41 am

    Without freedom there cannot be any life worth living. Independence brings joy and celebration.

  11. Samantha Deetz permalink
    03/07/2018 12:17 pm

    There are some really awesome thoughts guys here! I especially like the notion that independence requires optimism. I’d never thought I’d ot that way!

  12. Ann F. Snook-Moreau permalink
    03/07/2018 12:30 pm

    It’s so true that indifference kills everything. I don’t know why some people think it’s cool to not care because you will never achieve your goals or real happiness that way!

  13. 03/07/2018 1:17 pm

    Happy 4th of July Eliz!!

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      28/10/2018 9:59 pm

      Happy 4th and Happy fall season… it’s taken me a while to moderate my comments. I am way behind. Stay blessed

  14. Geraline Batarra permalink
    03/07/2018 5:15 pm

    I love everything about it. Talking about life and freedom is really perfect on today’s celebration. Avoid any differences in life because we are being created equally and everyone should have their own freedom to live.

  15. trinaellen permalink
    03/07/2018 6:58 pm

    I love all your motivation Mondays they are so inspirings! You always have amazing collages!

  16. lisa rios permalink
    03/07/2018 8:12 pm

    Your posts always make me feel joy. Thank you for sharing. Muah!

  17. Sam permalink
    03/07/2018 10:44 pm

    Over the last couple of years, it seems harder to celebrate Independence Day. I wonder what our forefathers would think of what the government has become. The current President seems to do everything that is the opposite of being an American and much of his party doesn’t seem to care. It’s beyond frustrating. But, I am optimistic. His time in office will pass. There will be much to repair, but when we do repair, I’m optimistic that we will make this country better for everyone.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      28/10/2018 10:04 pm

      Stay faithful…

  18. Sarah Stockley permalink
    04/07/2018 1:01 am

    I love that line “What is a compliment? An invisible kiss.” In general I am a very optimistic person. Happy 4th of July!

  19. Esme Sy permalink
    04/07/2018 1:46 am

    This is a special day for everyone, no matter where you are. I’m mostly excited for the wonderful activities and recipes people can come up with. And that’s how it feels to be free.

  20. Nancie permalink
    04/07/2018 3:04 am

    Often it’s the differences that keep a relationship growing. Sameness can get boring 🙂

  21. Corina permalink
    04/07/2018 3:46 am

    Very beautiful tribute to the Independence Day! And I absolutely agree, being inquisitive is very important to our development indeed!

  22. eliza permalink
    04/07/2018 5:07 am

    Great thoughts… Many drive and aspire for independency, but I like what you’ve quoted about it “… opportunity to do what is right”. I agree that’s a great part of it.

  23. Blair Villanueva permalink
    04/07/2018 5:15 am

    Happy Independence Day! Hope you celebrating it with pride. Everyday is a struggle but we must stay positive, always.

  24. Monice permalink
    04/07/2018 5:33 am

    I love this so much! I feel so motivated and ready to take on the day thanks to you 🙂

  25. Danielle permalink
    04/07/2018 5:48 am

    Loving all the positives you are putting out into world with this post!

  26. Divya Neelaiah permalink
    04/07/2018 6:47 am

    your Monday motivation articles really gives a great start for the week, just love it

  27. hillcitybride permalink
    04/07/2018 7:29 am

    Yay! Happy 4th of July. I love those steps. Stone steps always make me want to wander and find out where they lead.

  28. Yes Missy permalink
    04/07/2018 7:41 am

    I think optimism is so important too. It brings to life the thoughts you have!

  29. Ayana Nell permalink
    04/07/2018 7:43 am

    This was a great post to read on the 4th!! It’s nice to be reminded and learn a little bit about the birth of our country!! As far as optimism goes, I try to be optimistic as much as possible. There is enough to feel poorly about, might as well try to make your life feel a little brighter via your outlook!

  30. thekittycrumbles permalink
    04/07/2018 8:07 am

    I’m just loving these Motivation Mondays really makes me stand back and think of the opportunities that are reachable and try to be a better person. Happy 4th of July!

  31. Manju Sharma permalink
    04/07/2018 8:21 am

    Wow very beautiful pictures and the thought you shared it’s great.

  32. Holly permalink
    04/07/2018 9:23 am

    The Fourth of July is definitely one of my favorite holidays. I love celebrating it with family and friends.

  33. Tizzy Says permalink
    04/07/2018 10:21 am

    This is a great post. Most people tend to forget what Independence Day really means and just think about the fireworks and BBQing.

  34. Caroline Brandt permalink
    04/07/2018 11:36 am

    This is a great post. It’s so easy to overlook the reason behind celebrating July 4. I can’t believe we’ve had 242 of them! -Tonya Tardiff

  35. Ann Snook-Moreau permalink
    04/07/2018 12:15 pm

    I totally agree that optimism is key to independence. If you’re a pessimist, you are basically a slave to your negative thoughts!

  36. Deserted_Queen permalink
    04/07/2018 11:41 am

    First of all Happy 4th of July. I never knew so much about America’s Independence Day. And to be Honest I have not been through these quotes as well. It was indeed a lovely read full of new informations.

  37. Nailil permalink
    04/07/2018 1:47 pm

    I can’t believe July is already here! Hope you have a great time.

  38. Nicole permalink
    04/07/2018 12:55 pm

    This was such a great read on the 4th of July. A wonderful message about freedom, optimism, and about how we must take an active roll in our lives and communities. Happy 4TH of July!

  39. Jojo Hua permalink
    04/07/2018 4:19 pm

    I really do love how inspirational and motivating reading your Motivation Mondays posts are! They’re always so creative and uplifting.

  40. Amanda Arthur Krill permalink
    04/07/2018 4:27 pm

    I love the Positive Motivation tip: “Live life with a spirit of optimism, love, and independence for yourself and for others. Embrace it!”

    I really needed to read that today!

  41. Jhilmil Bhansali permalink
    04/07/2018 4:44 pm

    Indeed there is a much deeper meaning to being independent and asks a bigger and better contribution from us. Happy Independence day

  42. Czjai Reyes-Ocampo permalink
    04/07/2018 7:07 pm

    Happy 4th! Here’s hoping that all of us never forget that freedom isn’t free, and the independence that we’re enjoying right now is all thanks to the sacrifices of our ancestors and our valiant countrymen who fought for it. 🙂

  43. hawkandquill permalink
    04/07/2018 8:01 pm

    I like the style of this post of interjecting moments of reflection with poetry. It is very fitting and helps with it’s almost lyrical tone. The message is clear too. We must remain ever vigilant in preserving our freedoms.

  44. Geraline Batarra permalink
    04/07/2018 9:21 pm

    This is such a nice post so perfect for today’s celebration of our independence. I am so grateful to those who gave their lives for the sake of our life and freedom! Happy 4th of July everyone!

  45. Diana Tidswell permalink
    04/07/2018 10:38 pm

    Wow! What an inspiration poem you have for this special day. Happy 242nd Independence day.

  46. Nati permalink
    05/07/2018 3:07 am

    Thank you for letting us enjoy this wonderful poem about life that explains it so well. Optimism is the fuel of life, let’s keep it up.

  47. Emma Riley permalink
    05/07/2018 5:37 am

    This is such a great post to remind everyone of us that this special day of freedom. Thank you for sharing this encouraging and inspirational post.

  48. Jeypi Kyu permalink
    05/07/2018 4:49 am

    Freedom has always been one of the things that I give importance to. I always wanted to be independent since I was a kid. I believe it’s something that we all wanted no matter what country you are… 🙂 great post here.

  49. itsahotmess04 permalink
    05/07/2018 5:52 am

    I love seeing how songs or poms translate into English. Iv been singing since I was four, and hav sang countless songs lik this,

  50. Ali Ash permalink
    05/07/2018 7:29 am

    You’ve written it down so beautifully.Optimism is a vital thing not only as an individual but as a nation too. But at times, you understand what is good and necessary but you don’t do it or you strike out and betray.

  51. GiGi Eats Celebrities permalink
    05/07/2018 7:09 am

    I love my optomistic perspective on life. It helps me get through the day, every day. What’s the point of being negative? Life is a beautiful thing if you let it be!

  52. Joanna permalink
    05/07/2018 7:10 am

    I agree that we should not be indifferent and we should care about people around us, and about what is happening in the areas around us. Being indifferent is indeed worst than anything, worst than hate.

  53. Pujarini Mitra permalink
    05/07/2018 8:19 am

    I really liked the depth of this article. It makes me think about the legacy that we carry and how it can all go away if we do not bother to protect it.

  54. Sabrina Barbante permalink
    05/07/2018 7:52 am

    I love the Peter Marshall’s quote. I think that, together with celebrating independence (or liberation and freedom as we do in Italy in April) we should focus of the daily struggle for independence of spirit and mind and for the rights of people less privileged than we are. Only in this way celebrations still matters.

  55. fashionandstylepolice permalink
    05/07/2018 9:07 am

    I hope you enjoyed the Independence holiday yesterday. It is always good to celebrate freedom from whatever shackles there may be.

  56. Kim permalink
    05/07/2018 9:18 am

    This is beautiful. We celebrate Independence day every year but it’s important to be reminded of the meaning behind the day. I enjoyed reading about what the day means to you too. Have fun celebrating!

  57. Esme Sy permalink
    05/07/2018 10:18 am

    I agree, independence is something we should all learn to pass down to our descendants. It’s a part of life that we’ve always taken for granted.

  58. Kesha permalink
    05/07/2018 9:37 am

    With so many people dealing with various issues of life, it’s always good to remain optimistic. Someone is always going through something worst than you. The fourth is a special time in our country. While people may have mixed feelings about this country, we are a free nation and have many opportunities afforded to us to be grateful for.

  59. Katie permalink
    05/07/2018 10:15 am

    I love this… “Freedom is the opportunity to do what is right.” So true and I hope we can all be a beacon of truth this year. your photos are lovely, that capture so many aspects of life

  60. Nicole Lindsay permalink
    05/07/2018 11:48 am

    I always love reading your weekly inspirationals. I always enjoy the peoms and readings that you post, thanks for sharing!

  61. Jana permalink
    05/07/2018 1:37 pm

    Optimism and positivity is something my husband and I live by. It is very important for happy life

  62. Ana Vukosavljevic permalink
    05/07/2018 12:56 pm

    I’m not American, but happy Independence day!
    I loved your photos, especially the ones from butterflies. I love that you mention how important is that we know who was there before us. We should always remember and be grateful for everything we have.

  63. MD Kennedy permalink
    05/07/2018 2:11 pm

    Love your quote from JFK. We should all think about this when we call ourselves “American.”

  64. Fauzia permalink
    05/07/2018 3:42 pm

    Just a lovely read. I really enjoyed your blog. Happy Independence Day to you too. This is setting the mind set in right direction. So motivational.

  65. Melanie Poulos Walsh permalink
    05/07/2018 3:23 pm

    Even 242 years later, I look forward to what our nation can become. The 4th of July is a wonderful day to celebrate our history, but it is also a call to make the future better for the next generations.

  66. cleverlychanging permalink
    05/07/2018 4:29 pm

    Independence Day was never one of my favorite holidays. I love learning about history though. The best part of July 4th is the fireworks.

  67. Gladys Parker permalink
    05/07/2018 7:15 pm

    This comment is for the Optimism Independence post – What a wonderful post. It all goes back to the very beginning. I wonder if those men and the woman behind them had any idea how all their struggles and sacrifices would turn out? With our current situations I guess it still is work in progress.

  68. Caroline Brandt permalink
    05/07/2018 8:24 pm

    I love the social media tag for Monday Motivation and how you compiled everything into one post! Great idea!

  69. valerie christie permalink
    05/07/2018 8:36 pm

    Great post, love the flow and content. Staying present and appreciating all that is around us, is key. Never take things or people for granted. It is so encouraging the way you wrote this post. Thank you.

  70. Vivian permalink
    05/07/2018 10:18 pm

    I loved reading the quote by John F Kennedy at the beginning, really inspirational. I hope you had a lovely time celebrating!

  71. rhianwestbury permalink
    06/07/2018 1:24 am

    Happy 4th July, I hope you had a great day. I had no idea there had been 242 independence days before x

  72. Lyosha Varezhkina (@lyoshathegirl) permalink
    06/07/2018 2:11 am

    Happy 4th of July! I love watching Americans celebrate it, it is such a positive happy holiday. I wish my country could have such unity and joy at least once a year

  73. iyalouisa permalink
    06/07/2018 3:18 am

    I really needed this positivity from this post right now! I hope you had a great independence day!

  74. Jessica Martin permalink
    06/07/2018 3:42 am

    Happy belated 4th of July. I really love the quotes you used about optimism. Staying optimistic about the things is a way for us all to be positive so we can hopefully make a change. I always try to remain optimistic about everything.

  75. Becca Wilson permalink
    06/07/2018 4:16 am

    Living an independent life can definitely be rewarding. This is such a great inspiration to do just that.

  76. Koby permalink
    06/07/2018 3:18 am

    Optimism is indeed everything. It’s the hope and resilience to strive for freedom that has brought the freedom that America has enjoyed for 242 years. Great motivational post and poetry.

  77. London Mumma permalink
    06/07/2018 3:30 am

    Happy 4th of July lovely to you and your fellow Americans. Independence Day is not just americas true history but that of the world, paved the way for us all.

  78. Samantha permalink
    06/07/2018 3:47 am

    I agree that optimism is really important in the road towards an independent life. Those lyrics really embody the core of your post and everything you want to convey, thanks for sharing both the French and English version/translation!
    I especially liked:
    “What is emotion?
    It is the soul that lights up.”

  79. SimpleIndianMom permalink
    06/07/2018 3:56 am

    Life is all about enjoying and celebrating as much as you can. Your quotes are so motivating when I visit your blog it truly makes my day more happier. Lovely work. Hope you had great 4th of july 🙂

  80. Marja permalink
    06/07/2018 4:22 am

    Great article! Quotes are also appropriately written, I loved that one from Peter Marshall 😊 This is how people should think when they celebrate their homeland’s birthday. I’m from Croatia, we had it last month. I agree with everything you wrote.

  81. Alison Rost permalink
    06/07/2018 5:06 am

    I hope you had a lovely time celebrating Independence Day! It will always be a day to honor the freedom that we gained. I just love how despite all the things that our country is going through right now, people take the time to honor this day and show their patriotism. But enough about that. I like what you said that as we go through life we search for our own independence day, I think, personally, that’s a great way to describe one’s journey of growth and trials.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      28/10/2018 10:03 pm

      Yes, I feel strongly about that… 🙂

  82. Kevin permalink
    06/07/2018 6:19 am

    Now that’s an inspiring article! Happy independence day!

  83. fashionandstylepolice permalink
    06/07/2018 7:03 am

    This is such a motivating post. Independent day is about celebrating freedom and choices. I hope you had a nice time celebrating.

  84. Monica Grant permalink
    06/07/2018 9:01 am

    What a beautiful post, I love everything you have compiled. Independence gets lost in all the fireworks and bbqs, this really brightened my day.

  85. toastycritic permalink
    06/07/2018 9:39 am

    I love when you talk about how optimism is the road to independence. You cannot seek or want it unless you have hope in the future. And that takes a lot of optimism.

  86. Daisy permalink
    06/07/2018 11:20 am

    I hope you had a lovely and wonderful July the 4th holiday!

  87. Sarah permalink
    06/07/2018 11:17 am

    This is a wonderful post for Independence Day. Love the quotes, and the photography is astounding!

  88. Joanne permalink
    06/07/2018 1:31 pm

    I always try to look at things with a touch of optimism. If we can see the positive in each experience we can have a much happier life. I know life isn’t always easy and I have been though a lot of tough experiences myself but by trying to keep optimistic I have managed to make the best out of bad situations.

  89. Preet permalink
    06/07/2018 7:36 pm

    Happy Independence day to you all of us. This is such a great day for celebration and this is the day that we have been waiting for each year.

  90. Dalene Ekirapa permalink
    06/07/2018 9:08 pm

    Optimism and resilience even through the toughest of moments is the key to independence? And 242 years of being independent definitely calls for bigger and better celebrations! Happy Independence Day!

  91. Daisy permalink
    07/07/2018 8:17 am

    I am an American and I do find that by nature I tend to be optimistic and look towards the good in all things … My outlook is that we can find good or bad in every situation and I tend to seek out the good. 🙂

  92. Claire Justine permalink
    07/07/2018 7:34 am

    Interesting read, thank you for sharing. I am always looking for motivational posts to read. Hope you had a great Independence day 🙂

  93. marianne permalink
    07/07/2018 11:23 am

    This was a good read, “That energetic bond leads us in different directions in search of answers to goals and dreams deposited in our psyche or discarded by our ancestral ties”. This lune stood out to me.

  94. Cristina - Living Healthier Ideas permalink
    07/07/2018 7:13 pm

    Optimism is a great way to achieve things. It is a force that will move forward. Thaks for sharing.

  95. tanviidotcom permalink
    07/07/2018 9:19 pm

    I appreciate optimism but I am more about ‘realism with kindness’. It seems like a better path to grown rebuilding society worldwide. But I conquer the message behind the post 100% 🙂

  96. suchi permalink
    07/07/2018 10:35 pm

    Your posts are always inspiring! You are so right! Optimism takes you a long way!

  97. Nidhi Fouzdar permalink
    08/07/2018 12:34 am

    Great post 🙂 Hope you had a great day.. Inspiring and motivating quotes 🙂

  98. repnpepper permalink
    08/07/2018 1:32 am

    Do you speak French as well? I love the poem from Aldebert. It’s so picturesque!

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      28/10/2018 10:02 pm

      I should. I’ve studied it all my life 🙂

  99. MELANIE EDJOURIAN permalink
    08/07/2018 6:56 am

    I think being inquisitive about life is very important. I encourage my children to be as much as possible as through that we can all learn and develop.

  100. Akamatra permalink
    08/07/2018 7:40 am

    I am not sure I would label myself as an optimist but there is something about feeling proud for your origins that inspires a bit of optimism. Right?

  101. HilLesha permalink
    08/07/2018 8:03 am

    While I don’t celebrate Independence Day, I love the positivity that this post conveys! I also love the Jane Hirshfield poem.

  102. Ashley permalink
    08/07/2018 9:00 am

    What a great background on Independence Day! Love how you mention that we need to be fully engaged with the world in order to grow!

  103. bye:myself permalink
    08/07/2018 9:36 am

    (Personal) Freedom and independence are the motors that get me personally going. Great – very inspiring – post!

  104. toastycritic permalink
    08/07/2018 10:19 am

    I love the idea that there is beauty in the difference. I agree that life without variance is a dull life indeed. And I definitely celebrate our differences on this Independence Day.

  105. Criddlemethis permalink
    08/07/2018 10:55 am

    I love this idea, so important to start the week off with a positive attitude. Love that Aldebert poem too

  106. Sayanti | permalink
    08/07/2018 11:11 am

    Your posts always brings out the best in me and I love reading them to get me surrounded by positive vibes 🙂

  107. Lyosha Varezhkina (@lyoshathegirl) permalink
    08/07/2018 12:24 pm

    I thinking optimism makes your life happier. I strongly believe in attracting positive vibes by positive thinking

  108. kalliamanika permalink
    08/07/2018 12:42 pm

    Happy Independence day! I hope your 4th of July was lovely filled with fireworks! Also, thank you for sharing this with us “Love thy neighbor as thyself is not a tired cliche but a life affirming message of hope and connection with others. Optimism resides there.” I really needed to read this today! cheers!

  109. Kacie permalink
    08/07/2018 2:56 pm

    I hope you enjoyed celebrating Independence Day! I would love to be in the US to experience it one year for myself.

  110. Amanda permalink
    08/07/2018 7:46 pm

    This line here “Optimism is a vital quality on the road to Independence” really hit home for me. If the people before us didn’t have even a shred of optimism, independence and the rest of the positive experiences we get to experience would not have happened.

  111. phyliciamarie permalink
    08/07/2018 8:47 pm

    Happy July the 4th Elizabeth, and to all Americans out there!! I always think of independence as an optimistic thing, so you nailed it right there.

  112. Dee permalink
    08/07/2018 11:16 pm

    Last year I went to America for the first time and it surprised me how friendly and optimistic and positive Americans are. I wish I could go again

  113. Blair Villanueva permalink
    09/07/2018 12:03 am

    Happy Independence Day! I love your new photos here very vibrant.

  114. Yeah Lifestyle permalink
    09/07/2018 6:11 am

    Happy Independence Day to you too and hope you have had a lovely weekend celebrating it

  115. Evelyn Lo Foreman permalink
    09/07/2018 8:44 am

    Love the sentiment of this post and totally agree. We must all consider paying it forward and carry on protecting, forging freedom for the future. Xo Blessings, Evelyn, PathofPresence

  116. hellomyraeofsunshine permalink
    09/07/2018 7:47 am

    Perfect for this Monday! I like the motivation Monday posts, this is very inspirational. I love the optimism!

  117. Kate permalink
    09/07/2018 7:58 am

    Loved that quote: “the opposite of love is NOT hate but indifference because indifference can lead to tyranny and the oppression of others” It made me think about it from the different perspective. Thank you!

  118. Preet@thevelvetlife permalink
    09/07/2018 9:30 am

    Such a brilliant post! Being inquisitive is a very good quality which even kids have and keeps us from languishing. What an amazing quote ‘the opposite of love is not hate but indifference’. I really like the references, they are like the wise words and very true.

  119. Tiffany Yong permalink
    09/07/2018 9:41 am

    WOw, 242 years! It’s amazing to read about different countries’ history, and to digress a little, I feel that the inquisitive nature of kids is going down due to technology. Kids no longer ask, they want and they accept the knowledge they are given as it is. That’s pretty sad~

  120. Nati permalink
    09/07/2018 11:21 am

    Hello Elizabeth! The poem you chose is simply delightful, I love the images you took to illustrate it too.

  121. Lush Fab Glam (@LushFabGlam) permalink
    09/07/2018 12:12 pm

    Love the Dennis Waitley Quote, so poignant! The red white and blue Popsicle looks quite refreshing too!
    XO, MJ

  122. Aseky Bonnaire permalink
    09/07/2018 4:41 pm

    I love that quote by John. F Kennedy!!
    And I love all the photos you shared!

  123. Emily permalink
    09/07/2018 5:16 pm

    Happy Independence Day! What a great way to celebrate with those readings!

  124. Geraline Batarra permalink
    09/07/2018 7:56 pm

    This is such a great post and so perfect from the last week celebrations of American’s Independence. I am sure now even we already this freedom from the past we are still hoping and affirming to have a freedom to live in a more peaceful and free democractic country.

  125. levy230902 permalink
    09/07/2018 9:39 pm

    Thanks for writing this article. So meaningful. i am not American but I can feel the spirit of America during Independence Day.

  126. Jovane' permalink
    09/07/2018 10:41 pm

    Isn’t life grand!?! Love this. So much to think about to get my priorities straight! Thank you for your lovely thoughts.

  127. Aditinona permalink
    09/07/2018 11:23 pm

    Your posts are always so inspiring I really love reading them..keep them up.. helps keep the motivation high

  128. 10/07/2018 12:32 am

    Another awesome Monday Motivation! Thank You!

  129. Emily (@amummytoo) permalink
    10/07/2018 2:43 am

    Great read as always. The idea that the opposite of love is not hate but indifference (and what indifference can lead to in large groups) is a powerful one… interesting stuff!

  130. Travel with Karla permalink
    10/07/2018 2:19 am

    Your blog posts keep on getting better! I know it’s late but Happy Independence Day!

  131. Sharon Chen (@StSmartKitchen) permalink
    10/07/2018 4:21 am

    I like how you showed the relevance of optimism in our daily lives. Great read!

  132. Chuck permalink
    10/07/2018 8:00 am

    Very inspiring. Its good to read such post like this celebrating our Independence.

  133. lenajuice permalink
    10/07/2018 11:26 am

    Last week was so positive and had many happy moments 😉 I love poetry and thanks foe sharing this one! Have a nice day!

  134. momi berlin permalink
    10/07/2018 2:41 pm

    An independent life is enjoying a good sleep and a good wake up without depending on other people – even your family – for your happiness. It is not thinking of the consequences of how people think about you. It is living life freely and contentedly.

  135. BasicallyTesha permalink
    10/07/2018 5:17 pm

    I absolutely love this post.People forget why we celebrate, its great to have a reminder like this.

  136. Aditi permalink
    11/07/2018 9:52 am

    Love your sentiments! Not everyone has a glass half full lens unfortunately. We can all work on our optimism.

  137. Lyosha Varezhkina (@lyoshathegirl) permalink
    11/07/2018 10:43 am

    I absolutely love how Americans celebrate 4th of July. Such unity, such love and so big! My country have a lot to learn about national pride and ability to celebrate

  138. Taryn permalink
    12/07/2018 11:07 am

    “Optimism is a vital quality on the road to independence.” No true words have been said, and I think the message of this post is greatly needed. So inspiring!

  139. toastycritic permalink
    12/07/2018 10:26 am

    Love the Kennedy quote. Even though we have our own set of issues, we really are an optimistic country. We look on the bright side of things.

  140. Tizzy Says permalink
    12/07/2018 11:12 am

    I always enjoy the photos that are in your posts. The poem was really nice too.

  141. Sigrid Says Blog permalink
    15/07/2018 10:13 pm

    Independence…That is making me feel good. I am finally independent of something — a toxic relationship. And I am actually happier.

  142. Nancie permalink
    16/07/2018 5:08 am

    I too believe that indifference is dangerous. When people stop caring I think we end up with a lot of negativity in the world. On a personal level, I don’t think anyone one who displays indifference often is happy with their life.

  143. Taslyn Russell permalink
    16/07/2018 3:05 pm

    I love this poem the part regarding what is friendship really stuck out to me would love a poem regarding that.

  144. Tara permalink
    16/07/2018 9:56 pm

    It is exciting to think of Independence Day. Even though we are not “American” I still consider the US to be our brother to the South and I love to celebrate together.

  145. Geraline Batarra permalink
    17/07/2018 6:49 am

    Wow! This is such a wonderful post and very encouraging. Loved the poems and this article. Thank you for sharing this to us.

  146. Emily (@amummytoo) permalink
    18/07/2018 2:43 am

    “the sinuous tenacity of a tree” – what a gorgeous poem and sentiment. Thanks so much for introducing me to it.

  147. Ann Snook permalink
    18/07/2018 12:09 pm

    I love how you bring up that while we enjoy our own freedom, we should work to help others achieve it too. Our country isn’t truly free until everyone has equal opportunities!

  148. Nancie permalink
    30/07/2018 4:07 am

    Without optimism I think we shrivel up and life is long. Plus, there is so much to be optimistic about. I’m looking outside right now, and sun is beaming off my deck. 🙂

  149. Ramona Cruz-Peters permalink
    23/08/2018 11:24 am

    I love this! Some would say optimism is a weakness, but here I love that you showed it’s potential for strength and perseverance.

  150. banx63 permalink
    07/07/2022 7:05 am

    Happy 4rh of July. Have a great weekend!


  1. Motivation Mondays: PLANNING #WorldPopulationDay | Mirth and Motivation
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  19. Motivation Mondays: 100 July 4th Quotes – Independence Day | Mirth and Motivation
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