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Motivation Mondays: Disrupt Your Paradigms


“If you want small changes in your life, work on your attitude. But if you want big and primary changes, work on your paradigm.” Stephen Covey

Motivation Mondays: Disrupt Your Paradigms

Motivation Mondays: Disrupt Your Paradigms

Definition: Paradigm Shift an important change that happens when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new and different way. This discovery will bring about a paradigm shift in our understanding of evolution. Merriam-Webster dictionary

The first time I came across the phrase – Paradigm shift a term coined by an American physicist and philosopher, Thomas Kuhn, it spoke to my teenage heart and prompted the reactionary in me to push the boundaries of the strict, conservative home I grew up in. The notion that each of us had a responsibility to make choices that could be both creative and liberating seemed so refreshing, and the rebellious youth in all of us would have seized the message and set off into the sunset transforming our beliefs and behaviors along the way. I did. I had to disrupt the existing paradigms of my upbringing to embrace a new perspective that was fraught with possible mishaps. I had to stifle the hypercritical voice that fed me an endless diet of my Catholic school Dos and Don’ts list and what could get me years in purgatory or potentially a permanent spot in hell.
You see, I was a shy child, bookish, observant and a day dreamer. It took my teen years and exposure to a wide range of new age thinking and old world philosophy to snap out of it … and try on a new exuberance. I liked it. It was a deliberate mental shift to be positive, passionate about life and adventurous that led me from the comfort of my upper middle class life in the UK to the uncertain, uncharted waters of life in the US as a student, immigrant, and minority female. It was as disconcerting to be in a new country by myself without my usual safety nets as it was exhilarating to possibly imagine what it could mean to reinvent myself. Yet, I threatened to leave many times during my first six months here. It took some time to embrace the idea that my move to the US was part of my effort to make a few mental shifts including the ones shared by Benjamin Hardy in the article below. Shift 1: The power of choice which is self-explanatory, and Shift 2: The power of context which recognized that with the right allies and a set of positive strategies, I’ll be just fine. And so would you. More later

READ: The 2 mental shifts highly successful people make by Benjamin Hardy



“Your paradigm is so intrinsic to your mental process that you are hardly aware of its existence, until you try to communicate with someone with a different paradigm.” Donella Meadows

Motivation Mondays: Disrupt Your Paradigms

Motivation Mondays: Disrupt Your Paradigms

Motivation Mondays: Disrupt Your Paradigms

Motivation Mondays: Disrupt Your Paradigms

Paradigms are like glasses. When you have incomplete paradigms about yourself or life in general, it’s like wearing glasses with the wrong prescription. That lens affects how you see everything else. Sean Covey

How do we Disrupt Our Paradigms?: Over the years, I learned many lessons that made my geographical move bearable; even enjoyable. In life, we don’t always know everything that might cross our path but with effort, grace, patience and a stick-to-it attitude, we will get to a place within that is richly rewarding. While our external circumstances might not be filled with glitter, the support, stability and miracles of life will fill our homes and hearts with  gratitude. But enough with my sermonizing, here are a few concrete steps we can all take to make that  disrupting shift; a shift to get us out of a rot, out of old hackneyed beliefs and habits and on a path to self revelation and awareness. 1. Be careful of using limiting labels to describe yourself and your condition. I hear people use their age as a reason to not try new things or go on adventures. We are as old as we choose to believe ourselves to be. In this century, there are so many life-changing medical and wellness options available to us and with discipline and a passion for living life fully, we will thrive. Disrupt the belief that because you are …. you should be doing …

Act with Clarity and Confidence: 2. Fill your head and your heart with positive action driven affirmations. They don’t have to be filled with superlatives. Start with affirmations that fill you with life, love and laughter. Call yourself by your name with pride and gratitude. Being dismissive about who we are is not self-affirming. We can only disrupt our paradigms if we disrupt the labels and diminishing names we’ve held unto for years. 3. Be Preemptive and reject any negativity or hypercritical feedback by the toxic people in your life and limit their access to your space. Sometimes we allow people in our lives who serve to hurt us and instead of being clear about our line in the sand, we accommodate their behavior. Disrupt that people pleasing pattern for it will be a key factor to your survival.  4. Don’t be afraid to admit what you don’t know and ask for help. If you read the article below, you’d learn that the many folks who found success after a certain age were not embarrassed to solicit the help of others, nor were they afraid to face the possibility of ridicule in their new venture. To disrupt our beliefs, and others beliefs about our limitations, we must be open to failure and to fail publicly. It sharpens our resolve and strengthens our backbone. What have you done recently to counter the expectations others held about you?

READ: Business leaders who found success after 40


The details for Motivation Mondays are below. Join in! The themes for DEC 2017/JAN 2018 are:


12/01 –  World Aids Day,  12/02 Abolition of Slavery,
12/03 –  Start of Advent,  12/7 Pearl Harbor Remembrance, 12/8 Immaculate Conception,  12/9 Anti-Corruption Day,
12/10 –  Human Rights Day,  12/11 Green Day, 12/12 Start of Hanukkah,
12/17 –   12/18 International Migrant’s Day, 12/20 End of Hanukkah,  12/21 Winter Solstice,  12/23 Super Saturday
12/24 –  12/25 Christmas, 12/26 Start of Kwanzaa, 12/31 New Year’s Eve


01/01 –    01/01 New Year’s Day, 01/04  World Braille Day, 01/07 Orthodox Christmas, Golden Globes Award
01/08 –   01/11 Human Trafficking Awareness,  01/14 Orthodox New Year,
01/15 –   01/15  Martin Luther King Day,  01/21 World Religion Day,
01/22 –   01/26 International Customs Day, 01/27 International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust
01/28 –   01/28  Grammy Awards,


Are You Looking for Ways to Stay Creative in 2018?

– Join the Daily Post Post-a-day or Post-a-week Challenge.


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More Below!
“It’s a struggle for anybody to take their paradigms and set of beliefs and understandings and completely flip the script.” Matt Bomer

Motivation Mondays: Disrupt Your Paradigms

Motivation Mondays: Disrupt Your Paradigms

Motivation Mondays: Disrupt Your Paradigms

Motivation Mondays: Disrupt Your Paradigms


Who is the ideal candidate for a disruption of paradigms? If you are the rigid type who can’t see a way out/in but your own, you need to disrupt your patterns. When people feel powerless unless they are hurting others to prove a BS point, a paradigm disruption is in order. Some wounded people like to wound others to make themselves feel better. If that is you, seek professional help and heal your wounded child. Disrupting the pattern will open new doors and ways of thinking about situations. Let it GO!
What more can we do? 5. Ask questions, seek answers and believe that you will find solutions: Sometimes we put off finding answers because we think no one cares or will listen. The great thing about the internet is that we have access to a global database of information that can also lead us to others who can help. So don’t give up on that idea percolating in your head. Act on it. 6. Don’t shut the door on that creative impulse or small still voice that encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and try new, positive, life affirming things  to do. That voice is your joyful spirit wishing you on to be bold and creative and not timid. Take a chance on yourself. You’d be delightfully surprised along the way.  Most importantly, to disrupt your paradigms you must learn to stifle your inner critic and coax it with positive  affirmations. Give these a try and come back later for more tips. What tips would you recommend?


This post was partly inspired by a WP Daily Post – Stifle – Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt. Not sure how to participate? Here are the steps to get started.

Have a peaceful and productive week ahead!

Any Zen Antics stories via


Positive Motivation Tip: To disrupt your paradigms you must stifle your inner critic with positive  affirmations

Motivation Mondays is open to anyone who wishes to share a motivational quote, photo, personal challenge or a post that encourages others to start the week on an upbeat note.
Basic Instructions: Each week, I will have a motivation word to help us create a response. (See listed words for the months above/below)
Email address: You may email or share your post as a comment and I will add it to the round-up of related posts. email it to: contact(@)mirthandmotivation(.)com
Category tag: – Share your post using Motivation Mondays
Twitter hashtag: – Use this on Twitter #MotvnM
Dedicated Page: There is a dedicated page for Motivation Mondays. It has the same instructions and will include other helpful tools and a link to the round-up
Facebook Page: MotivationOnMondays Join our page and add your post and/or any motivational piece you think will be helpful to others.
Facebook Community: We have a Facebook community forum to compliment the page. It serves as another way to share uplifting posts and thoughts. Please join in and add your voice.

Badge: – I created a fun badge using PicMonkey’s free photo editing tools. You can create your own, use WordPress’ integrated tool on your blog or you are welcome to use mine. (see dedicated page)
Tag: – Motivation Mondays
Hashtag: – #MotvnM

Related Posts


PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos, Shift, Paradigm, via PixabayAND/OR Duck/Rabbit Illusionvia  Wikipedia


Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

149 Comments leave one →
  1. Gladys S Parker (@momtograndma) permalink
    29/01/2018 3:44 pm

    I don’t know if I have ever disrupted my paradigms. I’ve never been one to take chances or go out of my comfort zone. Maybe when I woke up half with it in the hospital on a ventilator, although I did not shift anything. My life was definitely shifted though never to be the same again.

    • 29/01/2018 4:03 pm

      That must have been very frightening. So the paradigm shift was made for you and that can happen too. <3

    • 29/01/2018 6:41 pm

      How true, Gladys! A major event can certainly tip our would upside down and shift our worldview, perception and priority.

      Thank you, Ms Elizabeth Obih-Frank, for your insightful post. It is much easier to be less complacent and rigid in our thinking when one realises how even the sensory perceptions that we most take for granted have often fooled us in various ways, as I attempted to uncover them in my special post at

  2. Jenna permalink
    29/01/2018 5:07 pm

    I love the last bit about not shutting down your creativity or questions before you can ask them. So often, I find that I don’t do something because I’m nervous to step out of my comfort zone. So. Here’s to trying new things!

  3. Carol Cassara permalink
    29/01/2018 5:15 pm

    It’s important that we open our hearts and our minds to change, because that’s something we cannot control most of the time. I do love the idea of being positive all the time, it helps you so much in life. I think the biggest change that I’ve made so far is finally starting that business that I’ve been dreaming of. Life was never the same again.

  4. melclayville permalink
    29/01/2018 5:34 pm

    Your posts are always so great! I especially love the advice to avoid limiting labels and preemptively reject negativity. Sometimes we need to give into negative feelings to really be able to feel deeply, but in general , the more we smile the better we’ll feel. Thanks for the positive message!

  5. Emily Fata permalink
    29/01/2018 5:39 pm

    Love this post! I agree that shifting our paradigms are super important for building ourselves up for a more positive life. It’s important to not allow ourselves to be stuck in the same day-in-day-out ruts that we can sometimes find ourselves in.

    Thank you for this reminder, Elizabeth! 🙂

  6. Megan B permalink
    29/01/2018 5:53 pm

    I need a little motivation to get out of my creative block –– thanks for this! This is fabulous.

  7. Evelyn Foreman permalink
    29/01/2018 6:39 pm

    Yes, it seems these days, pattern disruption is part and parcel of my life. Outgrowing my comfort zone is a very valid way to grow, and I expect and embrace it when it comes. Sometimes, I fall on my face. Sometimes, I stumble. Every time, I rise again because well- I’m stubborn :-D. I would also add that in my journey, knowing that it is a process (that I am a process), I allow myself to contemplate deeply – and internal process of going back and forth, and back and forth – until I reach “new land” and until realignment happens. <3

  8. Patricia G. permalink
    29/01/2018 8:47 pm

    Disrupting my paradigms is very difficult for me, because part of my personality loves routine and order, and besides that, I tend to be very perfectionistic sometimes. However, I think I NEED to in order to grow. This is why I am not going to give up on myself and strive to try new things (i.e disrupt those paradigms!) to improve myself.

  9. Heather permalink
    29/01/2018 8:50 pm

    We changed our paradigm back in June. Outside of moving to Arizona when I was five, I never thought I’d live in another state. But circumstances forced us outside our comfort zone and we had to leave the state for work purposes. I can say on the other side of 8 months, that decision to uproot our lives and move to another state we were in no way familiar with was a good decision. Sometimes we don’t realize what’s good for us until we have to do it.

  10. Jeanne permalink
    29/01/2018 8:50 pm

    This post is quite thought provoking. I love the idea of not living be labels you’ve been given or given yourself. Age is a number, and doesn’t mean that one can’t try new things. Thanks for this post. It’s given me some things to think about.

  11. kylie cre8tone permalink
    30/01/2018 1:22 am

    Those photos are amazing…. I’m still thinking if I ever disrupted my own paradigms…

  12. acraftymix permalink
    30/01/2018 3:38 am

    Awesome read Elizabeth. Many years ago I went to a life coach to try figure out what I wanted to do with myself. At that stage I held a very senior position at an IT company and I was feeling stifled and missed the creative side of me. He challenged my belief system that IT and creativity can’t mix and it felt like a huge door just fell over. I have never looked back again. Paradigm shifts incredible, often mind blowing growth experiences

  13. hellomoonies permalink
    30/01/2018 4:03 am

    I haven’t heard of this phrase until now! Extremely interesting read – you always get so in depth with your posts, I love it. “Sometimes we put off finding answers because we think no one cares or will listen.” this line in particular resonates with me!

  14. Brit Strawbridge permalink
    30/01/2018 4:21 am

    This is interesting! I would say my paradigm shift was all about me focusing and enjoying the little things in life, which actually made a huge difference!

  15. Cleo permalink
    30/01/2018 4:28 am

    I like the mention of being careful of using limiting labels to describe yourself. Something that everyone does as a bad habit but should be broken!

  16. permalink
    30/01/2018 4:46 am

    I’m so glad you included the definition of paradigm above – as until I understood what they actually were, that quote didn’t mean as much. But yes, I completely agree with Covey – though not sure whether I’ve ever shifted my paradigms… Maybe it’s time I tried! x

  17. hftours12 permalink
    30/01/2018 4:49 am

    I wasn’t aware of these paradigm shifts. I do like to go outside the comfort zone to get things done. Loved read this much informative post.

  18. emmanuel damian permalink
    30/01/2018 4:56 am

    I agree. We must act with Clarity and Confidence. Let’s always fill our head and our heart with positive action driven affirmations. We should always practice positive thinking or optimism.

  19. tanviidotcom permalink
    30/01/2018 4:56 am

    What a thought to start my day with it … I do not know if I have disrupted my paradigms but I sure have the tools to do so after reading your post!

  20. hadassah permalink
    30/01/2018 5:34 am

    i dont like taking chanc es but ive been trying to do more. this a cool concept

  21. 조이 Czjai (@RebelSweetHrt) permalink
    30/01/2018 6:16 am

    Getting rid of toxic people in my life is on my to-do list this year. I’d rather be surrounded by a few good people rather than a crowd of toxic ones.

  22. Venus Fitness-Shannon permalink
    30/01/2018 7:51 am

    I think being a victim of a violent crime was a paradigm shift for me. You cant give back that type of knowledge, it becomes a part of you.

  23. kanishka permalink
    30/01/2018 7:55 am

    oh wow, a very definitive piece of writing. I believe in challenges and changes and I totally believe in accepting those. I have gone out of my comfort zone and learned what I want in life. People around me use limiting labels but I act otherwise which is liberating and fulfilling. I really enjoyed the new perspective that I was introduce to through this post <3

  24. Shell permalink
    30/01/2018 7:58 am

    Absolutely if we want to make changes to our lives we definitely need to work on our attitude… A positive attitude and way of thinking makes all the difference in the world….

  25. Alicia Taylor at permalink
    30/01/2018 9:30 am

    Changing perspectives is never easy. I moved from a small, southern town of about 30,000 people to Minneapolis – one of the largest cities in one of the coldest states. Being out of my comfort zone really taught me a few things.

  26. Kendra permalink
    30/01/2018 9:46 am

    Looking for the positive in certain situations and reacting positively can give us better outlooks on life.

  27. Hey Sharonoox permalink
    30/01/2018 10:16 am

    I like to hold on to my sets of paradigms without compromising its tradition and values. Having said that, I still have things that need to let it go!

  28. Ayana Christine Nell permalink
    30/01/2018 11:14 am

    I’ve never known much about paradigms…thanks for teaching me something! I believe positive affirmations are such a huge help in many aspects of life! I’m glad your move worked out to be a good thing for you 🙂

  29. Ithfifi permalink
    30/01/2018 11:22 am

    Once again you leave me thoughtful and inspired. You are so brave for making the massive changes you did, and even more so for sticking at it, can you imagine where you’d be if you hadn’t? I’m not sure I’ve had a shift with paradigm either, I’ve made a lot of big decisions that don’t feel like they really got me anyway, just age up a few years but all in all I am a much more positive person because of those experiences.. not sure if that is the same thing.

  30. 30/01/2018 11:30 am

    You really are remarkable you know, creating these amazing posts every week.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      02/04/2018 12:39 am

      And so are you… Thank you Sister. 🙂

  31. Jacqui Odell permalink
    30/01/2018 12:02 pm

    I need to step out of my comfort zone a little more. Honestly I really need to open my eyes and readjust how I look on life.

  32. Marissa Zurfluh permalink
    30/01/2018 1:34 pm

    It can truly be hard to break out of something such as a strict upbringing. At some point though, especially as youngsters, we have to eventually break out of those restrictions and find who WE are and not what someone else has shaped us to be.

  33. Nelly Kung'u permalink
    30/01/2018 2:16 pm

    I have been trying to work on myself and improve my relationship with people, it involved cutting out all negativity and it feels just great. This article found me at the best time as I am on my journey now.

  34. Lakesha permalink
    30/01/2018 5:04 pm

    One of the things I base my life on are affirmations. I believe our words have power and if we are going to say positive things over our lives, who will. Speaking affirmations boost confidence and can turn your mood around immediately.

  35. DrKLeeBanks permalink
    30/01/2018 5:23 pm

    I find it fascinating when similar themes appear across a number of blogs, as I’ve been seeing while visiting blogs. I’ve also blogged about attitude for the past 2 days. I like this line of yours:

    “In life, we don’t always know everything that might cross our path but with effort, grace, patience and a stick-to-it attitude, we will get to a place within that is richly rewarding.”

    My focus this year is on “change and growth,” so the concept of paradigm shift or disruption is especially relevant for me this year.

  36. dgutkowski permalink
    30/01/2018 6:20 pm

    Really interesting read. I’ll have to look into this more. Thank you for the food for thought.

  37. laveremis permalink
    30/01/2018 7:14 pm

    Such a good way of looking at and examining our thought processes. It’s so important to have a positive outlook, but certainly not easy to do!

  38. Allyssa permalink
    30/01/2018 7:40 pm

    Omg this is such a great concept!

  39. mammabearsays permalink
    30/01/2018 8:01 pm

    This is such a great concept. It is so difficult to switch perspectives. Thank you for sharing.

  40. Ophelia T permalink
    30/01/2018 8:06 pm

    I really like the topic of your post. I think we should all question our paradigms and world view from time to time. Thanks for sharing.

  41. justine @ permalink
    30/01/2018 8:14 pm

    my husband is in the military and our life changes ALL THE TIME. so i don’t know if WE’RE disrupting it or if outside factors are doing and we need to adjust.

  42. Erica @ Coming up Roses permalink
    30/01/2018 9:56 pm

    I’ve found positive affirmations to be so helpful as I go about my day.

  43. Samantha permalink
    30/01/2018 10:08 pm

    I’ve had various paradigm shifts, but the largest one was about three years ago. I noticed how negative I was and my thoughts were. I decided I didn’t want to go through life like that, so I changed my mindset. I spent more time with myself and spent less time with friends who don’t align with how I think & live life now. I’ve continued to grow and worked hard to live a life with (mostly) positivity and gratitude.

  44. Meghan permalink
    30/01/2018 10:39 pm

    I am currently working on a paradigm shift about my interactions with people as I network. I’m often scared that they are judging me and I get nervous. But in order for myself to get out of my comfort zone and realize that no one is judging me. I am just anxious and need to remember that people are open to meeting me too

  45. Jocelyn @ Hip Mama's Place permalink
    31/01/2018 12:42 am

    I’d say the biggest change in my life would be marrying my husband and moving to a different country. It was not easy and I definitely missed life at home but it opened a lot of doors for me as well.It’s good to have that paradigm shift every once in a while.

  46. hotlunchtray permalink
    31/01/2018 3:26 am

    A parallel I draw here is to my career fo education. Education is going through a paradigm shift too. I constantly refer to my upbringing which revered a union I now sometimes see as inhibitors of new knowledge. Excellent read, thank you!

  47. Suzanne permalink
    31/01/2018 4:11 am

    This is so interesting. I’ve always thought about working on my attitude, but to work on my paradigm is new. Love it.

  48. Phea permalink
    31/01/2018 4:31 am

    This post would be nice for a lot of people I know ….

  49. Emily Anne permalink
    31/01/2018 5:26 am

    Really really interesting post to read! Thank you for sharing!

  50. Amy-Lynn Vautour permalink
    31/01/2018 6:08 am

    YES to all of this. It is so important to shake things up now and then – to see from different perspectives – to challenge our views of ourselves and the world – to really adventure outside of our comfort zones!

  51. Drake Conan permalink
    31/01/2018 6:58 am

    I always used my paradigms when talking about doing something different. And use it to create new ideals for a better life.

  52. Joanna Davis permalink
    31/01/2018 7:01 am

    Your post reminded me of this couple that I met during my trip to Malta. We were together in a private tour of the island. She was an ex-nurse, vibrant and chatty, dressed stylish and wearing a nice hat on her head. He was an ex-pilot for American Airlines and was still keeping straight, wearing proudly his jacket. She was almost 80, he was 90. They were in Malta for a short stopover before taking a cruise on the Danube and then flying to Patagonia for a trip to Antarctica. I will never forget them and their enthusiasm, together with the courage they had to discover the world alone, at that age.

  53. Yes Missy permalink
    31/01/2018 7:49 am

    I found this post to be extra inspiring. I feel like I need to disrupt my paradigms and make a change in my life!

  54. Marie permalink
    31/01/2018 8:21 am

    I never heard the term `paradigm shift’ before but this is something that I’ve always aspired to . It’s not an easy process but it’s worth it.

  55. Chelley Martinka permalink
    31/01/2018 10:20 am

    “If you want small changes in your life, work on your attitude. But if you want big and primary changes, work on your paradigm.” THIS!!!! I needed this.

  56. Kristine Nicole Alessandra permalink
    31/01/2018 10:37 am

    There are many times in the past that I had to stop and look at things through a different perspective. Sometimes the obvious route is not always the best path to take. I have learned that through paradigm shifts.

  57. Betzy Cuellar permalink
    31/01/2018 11:19 am

    I’ve never thought of disrupting my paradigms but will look into it.

  58. ladysworldoffashion permalink
    31/01/2018 11:27 am

    Hello, I love your positive thinking and writing and encouraging people. I thing anybody i never too old to make a positive change in life. I have so many dreams and I am working for it but also do not know if I make the right decisions. But I also think we learn from mistakes.

  59. Shubhada Bhide permalink
    31/01/2018 12:38 pm

    This is such an interesting post to read. This is such a lovely reminder for all of us to not be afraid of taking a risk.

  60. Sweet Coralice permalink
    31/01/2018 12:44 pm

    I think that is how every young person feels when transitioning from the teenage/early 20 years to adulthood and living on their own. I don’t think you have to change your core beliefs in making these changes though. If our life is surrounded by toxic circumstances, then make the necessary changes to find a balanced, happy environment that is positive, yes. That, I believe, is something we all go thru though.

  61. lucicoo permalink
    31/01/2018 2:06 pm

    Creating my blog was one of my biggest leaps of faith that I ever made because you don’t know if it is going to work out or fail. I am happy now that I never gave up.

  62. Esme Sy permalink
    31/01/2018 3:11 pm

    Not surprised to hear a Covey line here. Man is just full of inspirational and optimistic insights!

  63. karinuhomes permalink
    31/01/2018 5:44 pm

    This is a great post! Really gives me some new perspectives!

  64. Amanda | The Glorious Grape permalink
    31/01/2018 5:56 pm

    #4 really hits home for me! As a scientist we are always searching for more answers because the more we discover, the more we realize we don’t know as much as we think. So it is always important to keep asking questions and seeking others’ help!

  65. amandalikesbread permalink
    31/01/2018 5:59 pm

    As a scientist, #4 really hits home – the more we discover and learn, the more we realize we do not actually know. So it is important to continually ask questions and seek help from others to improve our understanding.

  66. Candice permalink
    31/01/2018 8:08 pm

    I’ve just recently done this, and it’s both frightening and exciting. Change is good, especially when you’re bettering your world. 🙂

  67. lexieanimetravel permalink
    01/02/2018 12:44 am

    I have already heard of this before about Paradigms, it’s true in life we if we want small changes we have to start on ourselves but If we want biggers changes It’ll be our paradigm. Sometimes to tend to just ignore and not ask about what’s happening instead we should ask and seek answers. Everything on earth is explanable whether scientifically or not. For sure a lot of people out there wil be inspired by this!

  68. Kylie permalink
    01/02/2018 3:02 am

    The first thing that struck me about reading your post is how eloquent you are – it’s so refreshing to read something that is so well written.

    I also love the emphasis towards positive affirmations – I’ve only started them recently and it’s made such a big difference to my day in general. Keep up the amazing work!

  69. flora_the_sweaterist permalink
    01/02/2018 3:55 am

    “You see, I was a shy child, bookish, observant and a day dreamer. ” – That sentence got me. I was similar as a child, and I must say I haven’t changed much, although I am trying to be more open towards people. It isn’t easy to shift our paradigms, but one can always try to improve.

  70. Emily Leary permalink
    01/02/2018 6:10 am

    “Don’t be afraid to admit what you don’t know and ask for help” – Absolutely! Learning when and how to ask for help during my life has been so, so valuable and I’m so thankful for everyone who has taken the time to help me.

  71. barbaradepoche permalink
    01/02/2018 6:58 am

    Thank you for article, the quote of Sean Covey is so right

  72. Mary Galbraith permalink
    01/02/2018 8:43 am

    It can be so scary to make these major changes in life and move into a new chapter!

  73. EmpowerandHelp permalink
    01/02/2018 8:50 am

    Going out of comfost zones requires another level of courage and confidence. Sometimes its easier and sometimes its harder to break those barriers

  74. nadaliebardo permalink
    01/02/2018 9:01 am

    You offer some great tips and findings, for me I feel every couple of years or so there is a slight shift in my paradigms. You’re right, we should limit ourselves by using our age to hold us back from trying new things or even limit our timeline to achieve certain expectations.

  75. Marissa Zurfluh permalink
    01/02/2018 9:20 am

    That green image is mesmerizing. Almost like those 3d ones they had/have. These images are perfect.

  76. Preet@thevelvetlife permalink
    01/02/2018 12:35 pm

    Such a beautiful post, this is so important to have the right and complete paradigm. Disrupting the people pleasing pattern to stay positive and keeping the negativity away is so important. All the quotes mentioned are so powerful

  77. Sheree permalink
    01/02/2018 1:12 pm

    Your post is very inspiring and thought-provoking. It made me think about my past experiences, especially when many times I’ve struggled with my own fears and was able to overcome them with many tries. It is true that in reality we fail many times, but in fact, sometimes the solution is just within ourselves, and even just finding the right mentor to guide us. I love your positivity.

    Thank you for sharing your insights.

  78. Cindy Gordon permalink
    01/02/2018 1:58 pm

    This is a really new topic for me. I never even realized what paradigms were!

  79. Sue Tanya Mchorgh permalink
    01/02/2018 2:06 pm

    I don’t normally like to take changes or be out of my comfort zone but i am learning how to now that i have had some things happen in my life. Because of these events in my life my whole thinking and perspective has changed. I can totally relate to this post.

  80. Alyssa Dawson (@LyssaDawson) permalink
    01/02/2018 3:39 pm

    I really like that first quote. It’s so true, and like my mom always said… attitude is everything. It’s amazing how different your day can go if you just choose to be happy.

  81. Chelley Martinka permalink
    01/02/2018 5:38 pm

    It’s all about making change- big or small. Make change to bring change! Right?!

  82. chewoutloud permalink
    01/02/2018 6:21 pm

    Totally agreed that it makes a world of difference what we fill our heads/thoughts with… I, too, was an observant and shy child who completely paradigm-shifted in my teen and college years. I think through the seasons of life, there continue to be paradigm shifts throughout.

  83. Sian Lifts Weights permalink
    01/02/2018 8:41 pm

    I definitely need to change my inner dialogue and use more positive affirmations, the kinder we are internally can really affect our day to day lives!

  84. fabiolazefi permalink
    01/02/2018 11:53 pm

    Sounds like this whole article describes me, I am the queen of disrupting my paradigms. I don’t like sitting in my comfort zone, I could say I get anxiety being too comfortable, for too long and love taking chances. So I deal with this all the time.

  85. Nati permalink
    02/02/2018 12:00 am

    I think I’ve disrupted my paradigms a few times during my life, I had the impression to start over my life every time, and it was challenging and exciting but also frightening. Now that I approach my 40s, I feel uncomfortable with some aspects of my life, but I feel I no longer have the energy to re-make my universe again. I don’t know if this is something normal for someone of my age, but I seek a little more stability, and serenity, even if everything is not quite perfect.

  86. ❤ TheMrsTee 👓 (@themrstee) permalink
    02/02/2018 11:02 am

    These are such great tips. Definitely a few thing I don’t think I’ve ever even considered. Thanks for giving me something to think on.

  87. Stephanie Jeannot permalink
    02/02/2018 5:16 pm

    I also grew up in a strict conservative home. But they always challenge he’s me to be strong and use my gifts to excel and change boundaries.

  88. Msddah permalink
    02/02/2018 8:49 pm

    I make a conscious effort to do things mindfully and one of the things I do is to avoid being around negativity. I recognize and can tell it has got nothing to do with me and then I go about my day.

  89. franckxethee permalink
    03/02/2018 4:13 am

    I like Paradigm Shifts since it really opens your mind to different perspectives. People can look at things differently and still be have a correct perspective.

  90. Bhushavali permalink
    03/02/2018 4:24 am

    First time I came to know of the term was with some political economic reform that happened here. Somehow I never associated the term for personal life! Interesting view…

  91. Britney permalink
    03/02/2018 8:34 pm

    I love that Donella quote. Those photos are totally unique and Trippy in a sense.

  92. itsnadianelson permalink
    04/02/2018 9:33 pm

    The one that I struggle with the most is #4- admitting when we do not know something and ask for help. I tend to search for answers or explanations before reaching out to someone to provide his or her insights.

  93. Sian Lifts Weights permalink
    05/02/2018 3:12 am

    I definitely should try to critique my inner self and add more positive affirmations to my thoughts and mind

  94. Cia Black permalink
    05/02/2018 6:52 am

    While for some it may not be the greatest to disrupt it. But for me I think I feed on changing my outlook on life and it perception often. At 20 I enlisted, Why because it was something I’d never or anyone for that matter thought I’d do. I hated outdoors, physical work and pushing myself. Since then it’s been a rolling stone. At 40 I’m planning a drastic shift of hiking a trail for 9 months straight through.

  95. Stylish Paradox permalink
    05/02/2018 6:52 am

    I love what you are doing! In this world, people need to know how to change their mindset! And your motivational Mondays are great! Keep inspiring!

  96. Lyosha Varezhkina permalink
    05/02/2018 8:46 am

    Never heard about that! Disrupting paradigms is a right thing to do, we should be remember to it ourselves from time to time for better or worse.

  97. serena permalink
    05/02/2018 10:48 am

    Oh that inner critic! It’s such a butt kicker when we try to shift our paradigms.

  98. dilorahblog permalink
    05/02/2018 12:57 pm

    Your posts are always so inspiring! Love how you explain everything. Paradigm disruption is definitely one way to improving yourself.

  99. clare permalink
    05/02/2018 2:15 pm

    I’ve been really struggling with motivation lately but I know that I need to make some changes – will definitely have to consider your suggestions!

  100. Rose Mont permalink
    05/02/2018 6:54 pm

    Who wouldn’t want to change at least something? I don’t think change is as hard as when to change. Knowing what you want and how to achieve it is easier then saying I’m going to start working on it right now.

  101. acupofassamtea permalink
    05/02/2018 7:49 pm

    I believe it is human nature to feel that the paradigm we grew up with may not be the best fit for us and there ought to be another paradigm that is better. But the fear of unknown stops us from making the paradigm shift you are talking about. It is a good idea and should be pursued rather than regret later.

  102. Are We Adults Yet permalink
    05/02/2018 7:52 pm

    Very interesting, love the “stick-to-it attitude” -sometimes that’s all you need!

  103. Deserted_Queen permalink
    25/08/2018 1:16 am

    I didn’t know so much about paradigms leave alone disrupted ones. Learnt something new. Thank you.

  104. Heather permalink
    25/08/2018 8:38 am

    This is so true! It took me until my 30’s to learn how limiting self-labeling is! I’m still working to eradicate all the ways I’ve internally labelled myself.

  105. Ramona Cruz-Peters permalink
    26/08/2018 6:11 am

    I love this idea of a “paradigm shift,” and think I need this in my current business direction. The positive affirmations sound really helpful to fight against self-doubt when making a shift.

  106. Monica Suri permalink
    28/08/2018 1:01 am

    What a great Monday motivation. I loved reading every sentence as it makes so much sense and I guess most of us can relate to it. Disrupting existing paradigms of upbringing to embrace a new perspective requires a lot of confidence and struggle.

  107. Feira permalink
    28/08/2018 8:06 am

    I love this as a means of self improvement. Way to go mirthandmotivation!


  1. Motivation Mondays: Heart Of Transitions | Mirth and Motivation
  2. Motivation Mondays: Beyond Valentine’s Day | Mirth and Motivation
  3. Motivation Mondays: Black Panther Movie Review – Lessons On Leadership | Mirth and Motivation
  4. Motivation Mondays: Heart & History Matter | Mirth and Motivation
  5. Motivation Mondays: International Women’s Day #TimeisNow | Mirth and Motivation
  6. Motivation Mondays: St. Patrick’s Day Traditions, Toasts & Tales | Mirth and Motivation
  7. Motivation Mondays: International Day of Happiness & Global Goals | Mirth and Motivation
  8. Motivation Mondays: REBIRTH | Mirth and Motivation
  9. Motivation Mondays: VOLUNTEER – #NationalVolunteerWeek | Mirth and Motivation
  10. Motivation Mondays: CLOSED DOORS | Mirth and Motivation
  11. Motivation Mondays: Why Mother’s Day Matters | Mirth and Motivation
  12. Motivation Mondays: LIFE CHOICES | Mirth and Motivation
  13. Motivation Mondays: VALUE YOURSELF | Mirth and Motivation
  14. Motivation Mondays: A Passion For BOOKS | Mirth and Motivation
  15. Motivation Mondays: Love & Laughter | Mirth and Motivation
  16. Motivation Mondays: Wonderfully Made | Mirth and Motivation
  17. Motivation Mondays: Grow & Blossom | Mirth and Motivation
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  24. Motivation Mondays: Fountain of Youth | Mirth and Motivation
  25. Motivation Mondays: Twenty Life Lessons Pets Teach Us | Mirth and Motivation
  26. Motivation Mondays: Take a Chance | Mirth and Motivation
  27. Motivation Mondays: Simple Pleasures | Mirth and Motivation
  28. Motivation Monday: Make Peace with Pain | Mirth and Motivation
  29. Motivation Mondays: Do Not Disturb | Mirth and Motivation
  30. Motivation Mondays: PEOPLE PLEASING | Mirth and Motivation
  31. Motivation Mondays: HONOR | Mirth and Motivation
  32. Motivation Mondays: HUMAN RIGHTS | Mirth and Motivation
  33. Motivation Mondays: Power of Gratitude | Mirth and Motivation
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  39. Motivation Mondays: Down Memory Lane | Mirth and Motivation

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