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Motivation Mondays: Stumbling Blocks


“Are you going to let the obstacles in your life be stumbling blocks or stepping stones? Choose the positive. You are the master of your attitude.” Bruce Lee

Motivation Mondays: Overcoming Stumbling Blocks

Motivation Mondays: Overcoming Stumbling Blocks

Ultimately, success is not measured by first-place prizes. It’s measured by the road you have traveled: how you have dealt with the challenge and the stumbling blocks you’ve encountered along the way. Nicole Haislett
There’s so much happenstance, so many accidents – stumbling into something and finding it interesting and living with it over time and building on it. It’s okay to work from doubt. You need to be willing to not know. Ellen Gallagher

What are YOUR Stumbling Blocks? What is your most persistent Stumbling Block? We all have them or have experienced them at different points in our lives. They are barriers that we either come up against, create in our minds, or allow others to pass on to us and they stop our movement forward. The most ubiquitous blocks we have tend to come from a number of emotional upsets; REGRET over actions we took that derailed our plans and now we are stuck. PEOPLE we have in our lives who have a frozen image of who/what we are and these folks could include those close to us who are well meaning and those toxic people we need to lose. CONFUSION that mars our ability to make clear choices and this type of stumbling block creates chaos and indecision in our lives. EXPECTATIONS we hold about how others perceive us or how we wish to be perceived and sooner or later this creates a dichotomy in our thinking that leads us down a path of self delusion and not speaking our truth. DEFEAT over promises we made to ourselves or others and the deep sense of paralyzing failure that lingers. The most pernicious of all is FEAR or the unknown, of failure, success, of life and of all sorts of imagined and real adversaries that create blocks in our path. But we do NOT have to stay down or live in that space permanently.

A Story: The Headache & Halo by Anon
One day, a man walked into his doctor’s office complaining… ” Doctor, I have this awful headache that won’t go away. Please, could you give me a prescription for it?”
“I will,” murmured the doctor, pondering what had set off his usually calm patient. “but first, I want to check out a few things and ask you a few questions… Tell me, do you drink a lot of alcohol?”
“Alcohol?” the man shouted back indignantly. “I never touch that filthy stuff. Nor do I go near people who drink it. All filthy!”
“How about smoking?” the doctor calmly inquired.
“I think smoking is disgusting. I’ve never touched tobacco in my life.”
“Okay,” the doctor continued, “I’m a bit embarrassed to even ask this, but… Do you run around at night seeking dangerous pleasures?”
“Of course not! What do you take me for? I’m a highly spiritual and disciplined man, and I’m in bed by 10 o’clock every night.” The man spat back.
“Then, tell me…” said the doctor, “This pain in your head, is it a sharp, shooting kind of pain?”
“Yes, yes!” The man eagerly replied, his eyes lighting up… “It is… a sharp, shooting kind of pain.”
“Well, that’s simple, my dear fellow!” the doctor replied with a smile on his face. “The trouble is that you have your halo on too tight. All we need to do for you is loosen it up a bit; loosen you up a bit! Avoid the bad habits I mentioned earlier, and enjoy some innocent pleasures in life – Create some balance. Let go of the rigidity. Live!”


“A stumbling block to the pessimist is a stepping-stone to the optimist.” Eleanor Roosevelt

Motivation Mondays: Overcoming Stumbling Blocks

Motivation Mondays: Overcoming Stumbling Blocks

What we sometimes consider a stumbling block is rather a rock we can step on. Mother Teresa
The right attitude can transform a barrier into a blessing, an obstacle into an opportunity or a stumbling block into a stepping stone.
Cory Booker
What are stumbling blocks and defeat to the weak and vacillating are but stepping stones to victory to the determined soul. Orison Swett Marden

How Can We Overcome our Stumbling Blocks? According to the article below, we can make great changes to our fears, challenges and stumbling blocks by taking a number of crucial steps along the way. Preston Ni offers 8 ways we can change that barrier to our growth and it begins with 1. The power of perspective – our attitude and beliefs about events in our lives make a huge difference. If we face them down, we can break them down. The others are listed and do come back for the details 2. Don’t focus on the mud. 3. All you have to do is ask…the right individuals 4. Thrive on your strengths while exploring new potential 5. Keep the fun and enjoyment 6. Keep your options open 7. Keep the faith 8. Resolve to never, ever give up.

Read Psychology Today: Turn Your Stumbling Blocks into Stepping Stones! by Preston Ni M.S.B.A.



The details for Motivation Mondays are below. Join in! The themes for DEC 2017/JAN 2018 are:


12/01 –  World Aids Day,  12/02 Abolition of Slavery,
12/03 –  Start of Advent,  12/7 Pearl Harbor Remembrance, 12/8 Immaculate Conception,  12/9 Anti-Corruption Day,
12/10 –  Human Rights Day,  12/11 Green Day, 12/12 Start of Hanukkah,
12/17 –   12/18 International Migrant’s Day, 12/20 End of Hanukkah,  12/21 Winter Solstice,  12/23 Super Saturday
12/24 –  12/25 Christmas, 12/26 Start of Kwanzaa, 12/31 New Year’s Eve


01/01 –    01/01 New Year’s Day, 01/04  World Braille Day, 01/07 Orthodox Christmas, Golden Globes Award
01/08 –   01/11 Human Trafficking Awareness,  01/14 Orthodox New Year,
01/15 –   01/15  Martin Luther King Day,  01/21 World Religion Day,
01/22 –   01/26 International Customs Day, 01/27 International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust
01/28 –   01/28  Grammy Awards,


Are You Looking for Ways to Stay Creative in 2018?

– Join the Daily Post Post-a-day or Post-a-week Challenge.


— Join the BlogHer Writing Lab



More Below!

“Our wounds ultimately give us wisdom. Our stumbling blocks inevitably become our stepping stones. And our setbacks lead us to our strengths.” Robin Sharma

Motivation Mondays: Overcoming Stumbling Blocks

Motivation Mondays: Overcoming Stumbling Blocks

Motivation Mondays: Overcoming Stumbling Blocks

Motivation Mondays: Overcoming Stumbling Blocks

The little troubles and worries of life may be as stumbling blocks in our way, or we may make them stepping-stones to a nobler character and to Heaven. Troubles are often the tools by which God fashions us for better things. Henry Ward Beecher
The difference between stepping stones and stumbling blocks is not in the event itself but how you think about it and what you do after it. Every failure and setback can become part of your success or an excuse for quitting or failing. People who develop the discipline of positivity are both happier and more successful. Michael Josephson

What more can we do? Choose to focus on what strengthens you instead of what weakens you. Stop the blame game and get on with making necessary changes to help you move forward. Get Up and get moving… it works.
This post was partly inspired by a prompt from WP Daily Post:  – Forlorn –   This week, write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt. Not sure how to participate? Here are the steps to get started.


Have a peaceful and productive week ahead!

Any Zen Antics stories via


Positive Motivation Tip:  Choose to focus on what strengthens you instead of what weakens you. Live!

Motivation Mondays is open to anyone who wishes to share a motivational quote, photo, personal challenge or a post that encourages others to start the week on an upbeat note.
Basic Instructions: Each week, I will have a motivation word to help us create a response. (See listed words for the months above/below)
Email address: You may email or share your post as a comment and I will add it to the round-up of related posts. email it to: contact(@)mirthandmotivation(.)com
Category tag: – Share your post using Motivation Mondays
Twitter hashtag: – Use this on Twitter #MotvnM
Dedicated Page: There is a dedicated page for Motivation Mondays. It has the same instructions and will include other helpful tools and a link to the round-up
Facebook Page: MotivationOnMondays Join our page and add your post and/or any motivational piece you think will be helpful to others.
Facebook Community: We have a Facebook community forum to compliment the page. It serves as another way to share uplifting posts and thoughts. Please join in and add your voice.

Badge: – I created a fun badge using PicMonkey’s free photo editing tools. You can create your own, use WordPress’ integrated tool on your blog or you are welcome to use mine. (see dedicated page)
Tag: – Motivation Mondays
Hashtag: – #MotvnM

Related Posts


PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos  Stumbling blocks, Stumbling, Challenges, RoadBlocks, via PixabayAND/OR via Wikipedia


Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

155 Comments leave one →
  1. Our Mini Family (@ourminifamily) permalink
    08/01/2018 4:59 pm

    I have a few things that I consider to be my own ‘stumbling blocks.’ I try my best to overcome them on a daily basis and a long-term basis, and do my best to not let it stop me from achieving my goals

    • 08/01/2018 8:59 pm

      Thank you for the honest feedback… we all have them and we can choose to face them, tackle them or pretend they dont exist. 😉

  2. Jessica Hughes permalink
    08/01/2018 5:32 pm

    We are all going to come up against stumbling blocks in our lives and we all need to learn how to deal with them without letting them throw us off of our paths. We can choose to let them break us or to let them strengthen us!

  3. bestiesnotepad permalink
    08/01/2018 5:51 pm

    Such a great post! Love your blog and the motivation it brings 🙂

  4. Cassie permalink
    08/01/2018 7:48 pm

    This post was very motivating for me. I love this idea and I feel like you are truly helping so many people. I will start following along with your Monday Motivation posts. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  5. Marissa permalink
    08/01/2018 7:51 pm

    I don’t have one set stumbling block. I feel like they’re constantly changing as I go through life, but each one gives me the strength to conquer it if I run into it again!

  6. thetennisfoodie permalink
    08/01/2018 10:32 pm

    I have to agree. Success is not measure on how you placed, it’s how you were able to overcome the challenges. On how you were able to enjoy the journey! Nice post!

  7. acraftymix permalink
    08/01/2018 11:04 pm

    So very true Elizabeth. I think my biggest stumbling block has always been my shyness and your post just got me thinking about how I can turn that into a stepping stone instead. It’s not going to be easy and I’ll probably have to dig a little bit deeper to find the root cause, but I will be thinking about it a lot.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      02/03/2018 1:32 am

      I was a shy child and find great comfort in my own head and space so it takes effort to push myself out and connect with the world at large.. we do it one step at a time. You are awesome anyway! 🙂

  8. Garrile Blog permalink
    09/01/2018 2:32 am

    I think for me my biggest stumbling block is defeat or rather impatience and ultimately defeat. I believe success is achievable through commitment, hard work and dedication but also through patience!

  9. Ronnie Epsi permalink
    09/01/2018 2:55 am

    Fear is my stumbling block. Rather than move forward, I stay still on certain decisions that are risky but if successful, could do wonders. I need to work on that to push through the fear.

  10. Anna permalink
    09/01/2018 4:25 am

    I definitely need to work on expectations in my life. Thank you for such an inspiring article.

  11. Czjai Reyes-Ocampo permalink
    09/01/2018 5:07 am

    One of my favorite quotes from Bruce Lee! 2017 wasn’t an easy year for our family. We had a few stumbling blocks towards the end of the year, but we somehow managed to kick those blocks out of our way. 🙂

  12. Amanda Rolfe permalink
    09/01/2018 5:08 am

    The 2nd half of 2017 was one huge stumbling blocks. This year no more. I am actually getting rid of whatever stumbling block are in front of me. I am sure I will come up against more in the future, but for now I clearing my path!

  13. Suzanne permalink
    09/01/2018 8:46 am

    Love the idea of turning a stumbling block into a stepping stone. Going to take that one with me. Thank you!

  14. Chelsee permalink
    09/01/2018 10:30 am

    I have a few stumbling blocks right now. Leaving my full time job and starting my new role as SAHM. There will definitely be stumbling blocks that pop that I’ll need to learn to overcome. Learning how to stay motivated!

  15. Travel Tips permalink
    09/01/2018 10:36 am

    you are absolutely write when saying thatThe difference between stepping stones and stumbling blocks is not in the event itself but how you think about it and what you do after it…
    That is really true. Being positive when things go wrong is difficult but if we learn to handle it then it can turn into a easy stepping stone

  16. Becca Wilson permalink
    09/01/2018 10:50 am

    Sometimes I believe that me and my anxiety is my biggest stumbling block. I need to just take a breath and keep moving forward.

  17. Ruth-Ann Ridley permalink
    09/01/2018 10:51 am

    We definitely all have our stumbling blocks but I love the analogy to use them as stepping stones. This is such a great mentality to have.

  18. balanceandblessings1 permalink
    09/01/2018 10:51 am

    My stumbling blocks lately: laziness, sluggishness, mind going in too many directions with ideas instead of focusing on one or two before pursuing more, forgetting about my strengths….Thank you for this reminder they do not have to be permanent!

  19. lucicoo permalink
    09/01/2018 10:55 am

    Super post. Really love the Bruce Lee quote. Throughout the years it has been hard to choose a positive path but I am working on it every day.

  20. Cindy permalink
    09/01/2018 11:06 am

    Love your post. I, too believe fear is the top stumbling block for mist people, including myself. I definitely have to check in and see if fear is influencing my decisions. Love the Mother Teresa quote too!

  21. Joanna Davis permalink
    09/01/2018 11:08 am

    I think that when we stumble upon a stumbling block in our life we should stop and look at it before we react. We should analyze it, see how big or small it is and then make a plan on how we can step on it without falling off.

  22. Ithfifi permalink
    09/01/2018 11:15 am

    Inspiring as always, life really is better with positivity. I like the thought of stumbling blocks also being stepping stones, I guess it depends in which light you are looking and I’d never considered it before. Your posts truly are very eye opening and I am sure there are many people’s days that are improved by your words 🙂

  23. Cindy Gordon permalink
    09/01/2018 12:01 pm

    Stumbling blocks are everywhere. The world does a lot to try and stop us. But they are stumbling blocks, not stopping blocks. We need to overcome those obstacles. Love it!

  24. Corinne and Kirsty permalink
    09/01/2018 1:08 pm

    I do think it is all about perspective. If you see obstacles as a challenge, they no longer are obstacle, are they? and it is always motivating and rewarding when you overcome them

  25. Gladys S Parker (@momtograndma) permalink
    09/01/2018 1:21 pm

    Most stumbling blocks I allow to make me fall, although I am working on this with God, my therapist, hopefully my blog and my support system. I appreciate your posts as they always make me reflect on the positive side.

  26. Preet@thevelvetlife permalink
    09/01/2018 1:45 pm

    Such an amazing post as always. With past experiences, I have learned and started to focus on my strengths instead of my weaknesses, it has really changed the way I think and conceive the failures in my life. I always look forward and appreciate your Monday motivation posts.

  27. Wiola & Mike permalink
    09/01/2018 2:02 pm

    Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately most of us come up against some stumbling blocks at some point, and our job is to find a way to deal with them….. Let’s just hope they won’t make us weaker but that they will contribute to our growing and getting stronger! Thank you for your motivation post!

  28. Emily Fata permalink
    09/01/2018 4:29 pm

    Thank you for sharing these great motivational pieces each Monday! What a great way to help people along through sometimes difficult weeks. <3

  29. Lakesha permalink
    09/01/2018 5:29 pm

    I think the underlying stumbling block is self. Many times we don’t understand how much power we have. We try to blame others or circumstances but I truly believe we can overcome anything with our thoughts, words and actions. If we allow those things to become our stumbling blocks, they will. If we are determine to overcome obstacles that come our way, we will.

  30. RonRon permalink
    09/01/2018 6:51 pm

    Truly inspiring and motivating posts. If I can only count the stumbling blocks I have, I think I have enough to erect a great wall!

  31. Kymberlee Smith permalink
    09/01/2018 7:04 pm

    Thank you so much for your words of wisdom. I never knew I needed to hear this but it helped so much. I love the monday motivation post

  32. nicoleflintkontrol permalink
    09/01/2018 7:33 pm

    Definitely needed this motivation! Especially for the new year. I have had some some stumbling blocks in 2017, but I’m happy it’s the new year for a fresh start and I’m a whole lot stronger!

  33. Sasha permalink
    09/01/2018 8:29 pm

    This is good stuff. I’ve spent years trying to overcome fears and I’m trying to tackle wacky expectations (meaning not trying to meet everyone else’s!)

  34. Karlee permalink
    09/01/2018 8:47 pm

    I think the majority of my stumbling blocks are the problems I make up in my head or things that I make worse for myself by thinking them worse. I guess the first part of getting over them is to acknowledging them!

  35. Erica @ Coming up Roses permalink
    09/01/2018 9:57 pm

    I lovelovelove that quote by Bruce Lee!! So true! We can’t always choose what happens in our lives, but we can choose how we respond. We can see things as a stumbling block… or as a stepping stone!

  36. Kristen from The Road to Domestication permalink
    09/01/2018 10:28 pm

    I love that Bruce Lee quote! Reminds me of another quote – something about using the bricks people throw at you to build something…

    Great post!

  37. Shubhada Bhide permalink
    09/01/2018 11:19 pm

    Love those beautiful thoughts that you’ve shared. I agree with your ideas. Indeed, both of the stones are always rolling towards us. It will only be our choice on how we perceive each stone, whether to jump and step on it or let it block our way to success. It’s just a matter of choice. Let us all be positive.

  38. Samantha permalink
    09/01/2018 11:36 pm

    I really like the halo anecdote. It’s easy to focus on the negative, but it’s important to remember that we can overcome our stumbles and to put importance on the positive things in our lives.

  39. Agnes Vazhure permalink
    09/01/2018 11:47 pm

    You never failed me in your motivational posts. I have some stumbling blocks in 2017, but this 2018 I will assure that I will not let my dreams become a stumbling block.

  40. Erica Ardali (@EricaEverAfter) permalink
    09/01/2018 11:51 pm

    I get so stuck on what I lack. I need to remember how far I’ve come and how much i HAVE. Thanks for the reminder.

  41. RenaissanceGirl permalink
    10/01/2018 1:09 am

    This is a great motivation post! The quote by Cory Booker really hit home – It’s all about how you frame obstacles and problems in life,

  42. Alicia Taylor at permalink
    10/01/2018 6:28 am

    My stumbling block has always been my past. Learning to move through tragedy, betrayal, and pain was sometimes like moving through tar. However, learning gratitude for small things has helped me start to move past them.

  43. Yes Missy permalink
    10/01/2018 8:04 am

    I think we all come across stumbling blocks in our lives, and its our mindset and attitude that help us through it!

  44. pinkrimage (@pinkrimage) permalink
    10/01/2018 8:12 am

    I feel that it is really important to understand your weaknesses and work on strengthening them…They help a lot in getting ahead in life..

  45. I'm Busy Being Awesome permalink
    10/01/2018 8:57 am

    What a fantastic post, and I love your story about the too tight halo. My biggest stumbling block in EVERYTHING is perfectionism. I can’t wait to go read the article you mentioned. I definitely need to learn how to turn that block into a stepping stone.

  46. Evelyn Foreman, Path of Presence permalink
    10/01/2018 10:29 am

    The notion of stumbling blocks gives me a visual- it is there to call my attention, and if I should trip, then I can use that which I’ve stumbled over (upon?) to move forward as a stepping stone. <3

  47. Garf permalink
    10/01/2018 12:05 pm

    I try my very best to get motivated especially on Mondays. Ugh, it is just so hard for me to get motivated that day.

  48. Kristine Nicole Alessandra permalink
    10/01/2018 12:47 pm

    This is a good read. I have had major stumbling blocks in my life and honestly, there were times when I felt stumped and just stayed there, dwelling on my failure and misfortune. Until such time that I realized that it was not going to take me anywhere, I picked myself up, started with “what was left of me” and embraced my scars and battle wounds like they were the fire that made me keep going.

  49. Ania permalink
    10/01/2018 1:29 pm

    I really need to learn how to turn it into something better. I need to read that article you mentioned: Turn Your Stumbling Blocks into Stepping Stones! Sounds very interesting.

  50. Eileen Mendoza Loya permalink
    10/01/2018 2:35 pm

    I am a big fan of your Motivation Mondays posts. It does set me off on the right foot every week. I just love this quote – “Our wounds ultimately give us wisdom. Our stumbling blocks inevitably become our stepping stones. And our setbacks lead us to our strengths.” Success is out there waiting for us with her arms outstretched. Get up and move forward!

  51. Melanie Poulos Walsh permalink
    10/01/2018 3:55 pm

    I appreciated the inclusion of the quote about the optimist and the pessimist. Often it’s our outlook that changes what is limiting us.

  52. Momma Chef permalink
    10/01/2018 5:03 pm

    This was such a timely article, I feel like I so many of my stumbling blocks are due to social media and balancing what is needed and what is too much. Thank you!

  53. Cris F permalink
    10/01/2018 5:16 pm

    I have many, ever-changing stumbling blocks. I’m okay with that, though. I think we grow through the obstacles and adversity in our lives.

  54. Prime Beauty Blog (@PrimeBeauty50) permalink
    10/01/2018 5:35 pm

    My stumbling block is fear of success which I hope to work on this year.

  55. AnnMarie John permalink
    10/01/2018 5:50 pm

    I feel like for the past years, I have been my own stumbling block and once I overcame loving myself, it felt so much better. It became my ladder to improvement rather than a hindrance.

  56. DrKLeeBanks permalink
    10/01/2018 6:42 pm

    Thought-provoking post. I think of stumbling blocks as similar to strongholds, those things that prevent us from moving forward. I like the emphasis on turning stumbling blocks into stepping stones! And yes, we really do need to focus on our strengths instead of our weaknesses if we’re going to be successful.

  57. karriefrost permalink
    10/01/2018 7:39 pm

    It’s all about what you learn about yourself as a result of the stumbling blocks. They are what make you who you are, so it isn’t about moving them, it’s about making the best of them. Thank you for the inspirational post.

  58. nadaliebardo permalink
    10/01/2018 8:33 pm

    I really love that quote you used about “a stumbling block to the pessimist is a stepping-stone to the optimist.” It is so beautifully written! And I also agree with creating and maintaining balance in our lives.

  59. Lauren Ashley permalink
    10/01/2018 9:00 pm

    Yes, I know I have a few stumbling blocks. They are some of the things that I’ve decided that I have to work on this year in order to take better care of myself and therefore perform better in my business. Great post.

  60. Lisa Rios permalink
    10/01/2018 9:09 pm

    Many of my stumbling blocks are limiting beliefs I have. we always have to start with the inner to work on the outer

  61. Glitter On A Dime permalink
    10/01/2018 9:11 pm

    Choose to focus on what strengthens you! I love this. This is all such a great reminder and I hope I can let my setbacks be stepping stones!

  62. Heather permalink
    10/01/2018 9:27 pm

    I have two! Lack of confidence and distractability. I might be a bit ADD. I really have tried to hone in sticking to a schedule and using my planner to plan out my days. I often let go of those responsibilities when my confidence waivers. I have to change that this year!

  63. Stargazer Writes permalink
    10/01/2018 9:41 pm

    We are the boss of our life. I consider blocks as challenges that offers rewards when I overcome them. That’s what drives me forward.

  64. helench1k permalink
    10/01/2018 11:11 pm

    I completely agree with you and always believe the journey is always so important and it’s those stumbling blocks that teach us very valuable lessons in life!!

  65. Ut Minh permalink
    11/01/2018 1:06 am

    I think we all will face different obstacles. I also encounter a lot of obstacles and I always try to clear the distance with it every day. We must find every means to overcome obstacles to achieve our goals.

  66. danielle permalink
    11/01/2018 3:24 am

    This is so true. Life gives us stumbling blocks that we all need to learn how to deal with!

  67. majorclicksphotographygmailcom permalink
    11/01/2018 4:54 am

    Seeing the stumbling block and recognizing that it is one is half the battle. Mind over matter is not always as easy as it sounds.

  68. Tiffany Yong permalink
    11/01/2018 6:44 am

    It sounds a little weird, but I’m right in front of the stumbling block right now. My laptop is down and I feel handicapped without it working properly. The expenses is making me really stressed out!

  69. Ellie Plummer permalink
    11/01/2018 11:43 am

    I have a few stumbling blocks at the moment but I hope to get around them this year.

  70. Mama in Heels permalink
    11/01/2018 6:43 pm

    I think a majority of people are afraid to stumble on anything because they are scare and afraid. I think that it is okay if you stumble and fall…just get up and keep going because you never know where it leads you.

  71. alainamonster permalink
    11/01/2018 6:48 pm

    I think, if I’m being honest with myself, my biggest stumbling block is myself and the high expectations I put on myself. I need to learn to take baby steps toward a goal.

  72. Lauren Sheriff permalink
    11/01/2018 7:46 pm

    Thanks for sharing! I’ve had a lot of stumbling blocks to start off my new year, which has been discouraging! I know I need to stay positive and see them as stepping stones and a chance to learn and grow!


  73. Jake Smith permalink
    12/01/2018 12:56 am

    I always think then when I have stumble block in life, I just hold me head up high and let it hit me. Because I know when I overcome it the only thing that it’ll do to me is make me better.

  74. EasterBabe permalink
    12/01/2018 3:11 am

    I love motivational Mondays! This year I’m going to make stepping stones and be positive.

  75. chewoutloud permalink
    12/01/2018 10:18 am

    I love “what we consider a stumbling block is a rock we can step on.” For sure, it’s not easy, and some “blocks” are truly painful and challenging. But there is always, always hope.

  76. Different Frame of Mind permalink
    12/01/2018 11:35 am

    I really enjoyed reading about stumbling blocks. This post made me aware of my own blocks that I have. As always I love your collars that you create for these posts. Thank you for sharing.

  77. Mallorie Owens permalink
    12/01/2018 2:26 pm

    I think my stumbling blocks are just me needing to get passed the initial overwhelmed feeling, once I get started it always flows!

  78. Kylie cre8tone permalink
    12/01/2018 4:08 pm

    Everything comes into our life for a reason, including obstacles… lessons will b learnt n continue moving on..

  79. Stephanie Jeannot permalink
    12/01/2018 8:06 pm

    When we hold expectations on how people are supposed to receive who we are, sometimes we can be setting our own selves up for hurt. Weird right!

  80. Fashion Panache by Bhushavali permalink
    13/01/2018 11:29 am

    Hahaha!! The story got me laughing.. Yes, we do need to loosen up a bit. No point strangling ourselves with work and duties.

  81. sofieyah permalink
    13/01/2018 11:33 am

    i love that you do this!! i really need to sit down and think about what my stumbling blocks are in my life.. <3

  82. jerchap1ver5 Serena Hale permalink
    14/01/2018 3:15 pm

    Keeping the options open and being to learn from each and everyone of them no matter how bad they do suck is what I have had to do to get beyond the stumbling blocks. Don’t stay there, but keep moving.

  83. jerchap1ver5 permalink
    14/01/2018 3:22 pm

    Our attitudes can keep us somewhere we do not need to be if we let it. Perspective is always apart of getting past stumbling blocks and not remaining knocked down and out by them.

  84. kage2015 permalink
    14/01/2018 5:12 pm

    The glass is always half full. Stumbling blocks make us stronger and better person. Do we have the fortitude to keep going

  85. Shell permalink
    14/01/2018 7:37 pm

    I look at the trials and tribulations of my life not as setbacks but rather stepping stones to something else… all things good and bad lead us to where we are supposed to be 🙂

  86. lavandamichelle permalink
    15/01/2018 1:14 am

    Somnay things can know of our path causing us to stumble. It takes pure determination to overcome these obstacles and to continue on our path. I truly love this powerful post!

  87. Amanda Rolfe permalink
    15/01/2018 5:15 am

    My biggest stumbling block is fear. Fear of the unknown. I don’t to put myself out there for fear of failing. Hopefully I will get past that one day!

  88. Kyla Matton Osborne permalink
    15/01/2018 8:09 am

    I love the quote about making our stumbling part of the dance! It’s sort of like when a cat falls. He will always pick himself up and carry on as if he meant to do that 🙂

  89. Cia Black permalink
    15/01/2018 9:52 am

    Stumbling blocks, lately they seem like boulders that are impossible to move. Weather they are factual problems or ones that are running a muck in my head this post was greatly needed to serve as a reminder to keep going.

  90. The Stinson Crew permalink
    15/01/2018 10:30 am

    I love this article! I am currently evaluating my life for stumbling blocks! The quotes in this have really energized my motivation!

  91. In Veronica's Corner permalink
    15/01/2018 2:31 pm

    What a motivational post! Loved the Bruce Lee quote about you being the master of your attitude and how you look at obstacles.

  92. Andrea R Warren (@WaldorfFries) permalink
    15/01/2018 2:42 pm

    I love this post! Last year I knocked out a lot of my stumbling blocks to clear the path to my purpose. But is always a good reminder to keep a look out for them because new ones can always show up

  93. Emily Leary permalink
    15/01/2018 4:03 pm

    Worry/fear are my stumbling blocks, I guess, but I’m much better at working through them now that I’m a little older.

  94. Ana Vukosavljevic permalink
    15/01/2018 4:12 pm

    I love what Eleanor Roosevelt said about the blocks and I totally agree to it. It’s always like it!! It was always about the perspective and how you see the obstacles and blocks! I always try to push myself to see them as a good things and not real obstacles just motivators to do and achieve more.

  95. waitingforrain28 permalink
    15/01/2018 7:00 pm

    My main stumbling block is myself. I have very little self-confidence, and it is pretty difficult. Luckily, I just keep on keepin on. 😀

  96. Courtney from Antipodean Adventurer permalink
    15/01/2018 8:17 pm

    Hahahah I loved that story – everyone needs a little fun every now and again right?! Thanks for sharing – I’ll use this post when creating my goals for 2018 🙂

  97. tina grant permalink
    15/01/2018 9:41 pm

    For me, stumbling blocks are obstacles slowing down my path in life and most of the time teaching me a lesson. It could be an obstacle caused by an action I did or was thinking or caused by someone else, either way, I pause, learn from it, fix it and move on down my path.

  98. Nicole Hood permalink
    15/01/2018 10:55 pm

    I am loving this idea of Motivational Monday! The quote about stepping stones is inspiring!

  99. 16/01/2018 7:02 pm

    A stepping stone towards success and happiness in life! Those blocks will lead yourself to your dreams if you’ll try to line it up and step on it. I love how inspiring this post is!

  100. Ms. P permalink
    16/01/2018 9:04 pm

    I need to train my mind to not create problems rather find solutions. Your blog is a freat find. Thanks for sharing.

  101. Philip V. Ariel (@PVAriel) permalink
    17/01/2018 2:47 am

    Hi Eliz,
    It’s indeed a great joy to be here today.
    Glad to read this motivational post, indeed this is an inspiration to many.
    Keep sharing
    Have a blessed time ahead.

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      02/03/2018 1:26 am

      How are you Philip! I need to chat with you again… so busy with flu season!

  102. theworldthroughascholz permalink
    18/01/2018 7:26 am

    my stumbling blocks are myself for sure. Expectations without voicing them, time management in both my free time and work, fears of defeat. Thank you for bringing this up, its time to really work and voice these stumbling blocks so they turn into stepping stones.

  103. Path of Presence (@pathofpresence) permalink
    25/01/2018 4:58 am

    Thanks for another great post, Elizabeth! This quote resonates deeply: “Our wounds ultimately give us wisdom. Our stumbling blocks inevitably become our stepping stones. And our setbacks lead us to our strengths.” Robin Sharma. Thanks for the inspiration!! <3 Blessings, xo Evelyn

  104. Vasundhra permalink
    27/01/2018 6:09 pm

    There are times when I fell that my stumbling blocks occupy my mind and do not let me think about anything else. But this is something that can be overcome. I would love to follow your advice and focus on my strengths.

  105. 29/01/2018 8:32 am

    Stumbling blocks are the real test of our fortitude. Everyone faces at some point of time. This is all about how do we perceive and get along when encounter such situations and emerge.

  106. Jeannette (Jay Joy) permalink
    04/01/2019 1:59 pm

    I love Eleanor Roosevelt’s quote. It truly is a special thing when we as people use the troubles to learn or to go through them with grace. #8 is perfect to never resolve to give up— ever.


  1. Motivation Mondays: Walk in the Light #MLKDay | Mirth and Motivation
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