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Motivation Monday: HUBRIS


“Hubris consists in doing and saying things that cause shame to the victim … simply for the pleasure of it. Retaliation is not hubris, but revenge. … ” Aristotle in Rhetoric

Motivation Monday: HUBRIS

Motivation Monday: HUBRIS

Hubris (/ˈhjuːbrɪs/, also hybris, from ancient Greek ὕβρις) describes a personality quality of extreme or foolish pride or dangerous overconfidence.[1] In its ancient Greek context, it typically describes behavior that defies the norms of behavior or challenges the gods, and which in turn brings about the downfall, or nemesis, of the perpetrator of hubris. Wikipedia

When you think of the word – HUBRIS – what comes to mind? Recently, I revisited the world of Greek Mythology as I shared a few stories with a young student of mine. We read some of the most famous stories that teach the dangerous lessons of the tragic impact of arrogance/excessive pride/hubris; The case of Meidias, Oedipus in Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex, Bellerophon and Pegasus. From there we segued to Paradise Lost and the fall of Lucifer… all in a day’s work. What struck me again and again about the stories is that for every action we take that is based solely on self-service, greed, jealousy, anger and arrogance the outcome is often far worse than we anticipated. When we perform our duties in the world, we must always remain vigilant about our motivation and the true drivers of our actions. Do we act because we want to serve or do we act because we want to be served?  There is nothing wrong with having dignity and pride about our duties but, hubris is an extreme and more destructive form of pride. When we choose to not seek counsel in times of chaos or we make rash decisions that impact the lives of others, we are turning the wheel of hubris and like the favorite wheel of karma, our actions bear fruit that come back to us. Be Vigilant. Be Mindful. Come back for my version of Bellerophon’s tragic fall story.

READ: Psychology Today – The Secret of Dealing With Fear and Stress

Two Wolves
One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.
He said, “My son, the battle is between two “wolves” inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.”
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf wins?”
The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”
Author Unknown


“When I’m considering an idea, and there is an element of hubris involved, I generally feel comfortable that it’s going to be a good story. Pride goeth before a fall. It’s an element of a lot of big stories.” Erik Larson

Motivation Monday: HUBRIS

Motivation Monday: HUBRIS

Motivation Monday: HUBRIS

Motivation Monday: HUBRIS

DEFINITIONS: Excessive pride or self-confidence Oxford Dictionary/exaggerated pride or self-confidence Merriam-Webster

What contributes to HUBRIS? When we lack humility, our actions can give rise to hubris. When we treat others with disdain or even with a certain air of superiority, we are opening the door to hubris and it is a door fraught with consequences. As the saying goes, those you step on on your way to the top, become the lamppost you beg to lean on on your way down. According to Greek mythology, one of the characteristics that impact those stuck in a hubristic mess is  that they have and exhibit Hamartia, which is a tragic flaw in a character that contributed to their tragic downfall. Do we all have the potential for over the top arrogant behavior? Yes. As we enter the holiday season and some find they can get and give bigger toys, it would be wise to stop and think about where and how your actions will be best served. Help a family in need. Honor your responsibilities to loved ones and don’t rub folks noses in your stuff. Enjoy it without throwing it all around.

A Zen Story – Sounds of Silence
Four monks decided to meditate silently without speaking for two weeks. By nightfall on the first day, the candle began to flicker and then went out. The first monk said, “Oh, no! The candle is out.” The second monk said, “Aren’t we not suppose to talk?” The third monk said, “Why must you two break the silence?” The fourth monk laughed and said, “Ha! I’m the only one who didn’t speak.”



The details for Motivation Mondays are below. Join in! The themes for OCT/NOV 2017 are:


11/05 — 05 Guy Fawkes, 7 Election Day,  10 Science Day, 11 Veterans Day
11/12 —  13 World Kindness Day,  14 Diabetes Day, 16 International Day of Tolerance, 17 National Unfriend Day
11/19 — 20 Universal Children’s Day,  21 World TV Day, 23 Thanksgiving Day
11/26 — 27 Cyber Monday, 28 Giving Tuesday



12/01 –  World Aids Day,  12/02 Abolition of Slavery,
12/03 –  Start of Advent,  12/7 Pearl Harbor Remembrance, 12/8 Immaculate Conception,  12/9 Anti-Corruption Day,
12/10 –  Human Rights Day,  12/11 Green Day, 12/12 Start of Hanukkah,
12/17 –   12/18 International Migrant’s Day, 12/20 End of Hanukkah,  12/21 Winter Solstice,  12/23 Super Saturday
12/24 –  12/25 Christmas, 12/26 Start of Kwanzaa, 12/31 New Year’s Eve


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More Below!
“Whenever I’ve had success, I never learn from it. Success usually breeds a degree of hubris. When you fail, that’s when you learn.” Moby

Motivation Monday: HUBRIS

Motivation Monday: HUBRIS

Motivation Monday: HUBRIS

Motivation Monday: HUBRIS

Ancient societies had anthropomorphic gods: a huge pantheon expanding into centuries of dynastic drama; fathers and sons, martyred heroes, star-crossed lovers, the deaths of kings – stories that taught us of the danger of hubris and the primacy of humility. Tom Hiddleston

How can we enjoy our successes without getting caught in Hubris?  Control your emotions. Watch what you say and how you treat others. Think before you speak and remember to give back to others in need. Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions shows that in an arena of emotional content that we all experience, arrogance falls into the negative range and can create additional emotional baggage for us. This season, check your arrogance at the door and replace it with gratitude. Come back for more on this topic.

A Zen Story – Without Fear
During the civil wars in feudal Japan an invading army would quickly sweep into a town and take control. In one particular village, everyone fled just before the army arrived – everyone except the Zen master. Curious about this old fellow, the general went to the temple to see for himself what kind of man this master was. When he wasn’t treated with the deference and submissiveness to which he was accustomed, the general burst into anger. “You fool,” he shouted as he reached for his sword, “don’t you realize you are standing before a man who could run you through without blinking an eye!” But despite the threat, the master seemed unmoved. “And do you realize,” the master replied calmly, “that you are standing before a man who can be run through without blinking an eye?”

READ: Literary Devices:Hubris


Have a peaceful and productive week ahead!

Any Zen Antics stories via


Positive Motivation Tip:  Check your arrogance at the door and replace it with gratitude.

Motivation Mondays is open to anyone who wishes to share a motivational quote, photo, personal challenge or a post that encourages others to start the week on an upbeat note.
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Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet


160 Comments leave one →
  1. Eileen permalink
    04/12/2017 5:29 pm

    This is the first I’ve heard of hubris, and it’s very enlightening. It’s important to control your emotion and be thoughtful of others.

  2. Kelly Reci permalink
    04/12/2017 5:47 pm

    We cannot do things better than anyone else. Nobody is perfect. We’re all victims of our own hubris at times. Humble yourself because you won’t lose anything admitting that you’ve failed.

  3. Shell permalink
    04/12/2017 6:13 pm

    I think that word reminds me that we should always be mindful of what comes out of our mouths and how we treat others around us with the words we use…

  4. Crystal Gareau permalink
    04/12/2017 6:14 pm

    I’ve never heard of this word before. Thank you for teaching me something new today.

  5. 04/12/2017 7:09 pm

    These are all valuable lessons we all should remember. How we treat others reflects back and it’s interesting how you can find examples of it in such ancient languages as Greek.

  6. Meghan permalink
    04/12/2017 10:18 pm

    Now this is a new word for me. We definitely shouldn’t act prideful or arrogant, especially during this season.

  7. acraftymix permalink
    05/12/2017 12:15 am

    That story of the two wolves has always been one of my favorites and I have to admit, I’ve heard the word hubris before but had absolutely no idea what it meant. Knowing me I would have used it completely out of context 😀 I actually had to go look up Hamartia too. Thank goodness, we’re never to old to learn

  8. 05/12/2017 2:34 am

    I love the story of the two wolves. It truly is about the one you feed and the mindset you have as you view things and events and other people.

  9. 05/12/2017 2:39 am

    i love anything greek mythology related! Lovely post gal x

  10. Joanna Davis permalink
    05/12/2017 4:06 am

    I actually didn’t know what this word meant until I read your post. It is not a nice word at all. I try to believe that all people have kindness in them and it’s difficult to think that someone would shame someone and have pleasure whilst doing it….

  11. thenafranssen permalink
    05/12/2017 4:27 am

    Anything great and motivating post. They are so thought provoking which is what I love about them.

  12. roadtowajnblom permalink
    05/12/2017 5:16 am

    What a great reminder to be kind to those around you, regardless of your status or theirs. Being prideful can be a positive trait or it could ruin all of the hard work you’re proud of.

  13. lexieanimetravel permalink
    05/12/2017 5:40 am

    One words comes to my mind when I hear this word. It’s “Pride” sometimes people have this sole factor inside them that when sometimes clogged by others it will surely explode. I’ve read a bunch of Greek mythology books as well and Hubris was a goddess of the reckless pride/violence/arrogance etc. Some thought that only good greek gods existed but there are these bad ones as well. It’s the same with humans! Bad and good but all of us are equal.

  14. Hey Sharonoox permalink
    05/12/2017 5:56 am

    I really like the story of the two wolves. Thank you for this good reminder. A great message to all this holiday season. Happy holiday!

  15. Pooja Kawatra Gupta permalink
    05/12/2017 6:09 am

    I feel that the festive season is the best time to realise and let go off that self pride and share our blessings with everyone.

  16. BehindTheSchmile permalink
    05/12/2017 6:48 am

    This is a great post and the first I’m hearing of the term Hubris. You defined it well!

  17. Jagriti Roy permalink
    05/12/2017 7:02 am

    Hubris is something that was totally unknown fact to me before reading your article. Such kind of super self – estimation should always been under control. I liked the way you have motivated readers to follow the pathway so that they can control Hubris of their nature.

  18. Alicia Taylor permalink
    05/12/2017 7:29 am

    I have always thought of arrogance when I think of hubris. Smug arrogance. On a side note, that story about the wolves – I have seen it attributed to many native cultures – not just the Cherokee. I think it’s kind of a shared philosophy which would make sense considering they lived in such close proximity.

  19. Heather permalink
    05/12/2017 7:49 am

    I love that quote about the wolves. It’s so true about which one you allow to have more power in your life. The one you feed more will surely win.

  20. pinkrimage (@pinkrimage) permalink
    05/12/2017 8:50 am

    i loved reading this..especially the part wherein you shared how arrogance can be replaced by gratitude to check in our emotions!

  21. Carol Cassara permalink
    05/12/2017 8:51 am

    This is a good reminder to stay humble especially when it comes to how we treat others. It’s something that I wouldn’t want to be caught under of which is why I always evaluate my actions and my thoughts too.

  22. Jacqui Odell permalink
    05/12/2017 9:02 am

    I am Cherokee and I have heard of the two wolves story before. It makes a lot of good points.

  23. Lisa Rios permalink
    05/12/2017 9:32 am

    I agree. When we become prideful, our minds become clouded and we have no sense of direction. It is important to keep our humility in check.

  24. Ithfifi permalink
    05/12/2017 10:06 am

    I’d never heard of the word Hubris before but I totally get the meaning. I love the story of the two wolves, the Cheerokes answer is spot on and so wise. Letting these emotions rule leads to great unhappiness in my opinion. Maybe not to start with but eventually, hubris leads to no real good outcome.

  25. jmanandmillerbug permalink
    05/12/2017 10:56 am

    I have not thought about Greek mythology since high school. I have totally forgotten about this god all together. At this time of year there is definitely no place for someone like that. We need to show love to each other.

  26. Kristen from The Road to Domestication permalink
    05/12/2017 11:45 am

    Hopefully I’m in no danger of getting caught in hubris. I happen to know some folks that this makes total sense for, though! HA!

  27. Jessica Hughes permalink
    05/12/2017 12:10 pm

    I learned much about hubris reading this. My understanding of the meaning of hubris was not entirely correct. I had the impression that it meant daring and confident. After reading this I have a much better understanding.

  28. Sarah Ann permalink
    05/12/2017 2:28 pm

    I completely agree about thinking before you speak. I honestly think if we all took a few moments before we open our mouths and consider how we are treating others, the world would be a little bit quieter.

  29. chewoutloud permalink
    05/12/2017 2:56 pm

    Pride totally comes before the fall. What a good reminder in the word Hubris. Humility is not for the meek; those who are courageous enough to be humble are really brave 🙂

  30. Mjchristine permalink
    05/12/2017 3:30 pm

    I liked the Zen story, it made me laugh in a way but as you meditate on it you’ll get the idea 😊

  31. lucicoo permalink
    05/12/2017 4:01 pm

    Two Wolves has to be one of my favorite proverbs because it is true. If you feed the jealousy, pride or envy they will win.

  32. Sarah permalink
    05/12/2017 6:01 pm

    This is a very informative article! I had no idea what hubris meant. Being too prideful is never good! Thanks for the great read 🙂

  33. 05/12/2017 6:18 pm

    I feel like this is completely essential. There is such a happy balance with enjoying yourself and even indulging but without being overly proud. I love the way you tackled the subject and broke it down!

  34. Monique Elise permalink
    05/12/2017 7:15 pm

    Interesting post with a valuable lesson. I know a few people that could benefit from reading this!

  35. newskira permalink
    05/12/2017 10:51 pm

    Loved your well researched post. Thanks for sharing this information about Hubris. I knew nothing about it previously.

  36. Samantha permalink
    05/12/2017 11:21 pm

    As I was reading this, I kept thinking of politics, particularly here in America. There seems to be a lot of hubris from politicians and sometimes their supporters as well. It’s quite sad.

  37. forkwardthinkingfoodinista permalink
    05/12/2017 11:35 pm

    What a read, deep but really got me thinking and tapped into the academic in me. I will deffo be reading over this again – thank you x

  38. Marnie Bonafe Torro permalink
    06/12/2017 1:51 am

    This is the first time I have ever heard about hubris and I love that it is rooted in Greek mythology! I would like to find more stories with this concept and read more.

  39. BuffaloPO permalink
    06/12/2017 1:51 am

    I have always been fascinated by greek mythology and all the lessons it can teach us about life and living a positive and productive life. it is important to stay humble sometimes!

  40. Jordan Cammie permalink
    06/12/2017 2:46 am

    It really cool seeing the wolf story here. In Korea they like to tell it all the time. They especially use it in dramas to showcase the stuggle of bad characters who aren’t essentially bad they just choose to walk in darkness. Hubris is a new word for me and one I’ll be keepingm Thanks.

  41. Indu permalink
    06/12/2017 2:54 am

    Sometime arrogance closes an opportunity. Sometime arrogance closes a relationship. So rightly said in your post, “Check your arrogance at the door and replace it with gratitude”

  42. drewandtrishstravelsandadventures permalink
    06/12/2017 2:54 am

    I have honestly never heard or read the word “hubris” before this article. Interesting article.

  43. 조이 Czjai (@RebelSweetHrt) permalink
    06/12/2017 3:37 am

    Great reminder during this season of love and forgiveness. I’ve always believed in the act of paying it forward, without expecting anything in return or bragging about your kindness. 🙂

  44. Ronnie Epsi permalink
    06/12/2017 4:22 am

    Truer words haven’t been spoken. I also feel that people who have had everything handed to them develop hubris, whereas people who work for it, are more humble about their success.

  45. Becca permalink
    06/12/2017 5:12 am

    I love the Two Wolves tale— it’s such an important message, and always makes me think about which “wolf” I’m feeding within myself.

  46. Candy Rachelle permalink
    06/12/2017 5:25 am

    This is such a great post. Hubris sounds like self-confidence and pride. This is very inspiring. Great photos.

  47. musicteachermentor permalink
    06/12/2017 5:32 am

    Thanks for the wise words about hubris! Fun fact: my husband taught my son a battle cry that is: your hubris will be your undoing!

  48. Saint Facetious permalink
    06/12/2017 5:54 am

    Pride can be okay, in regards to actual deeds done, and if it’s not waved about too much. Hubris comes about when people take pride in what they haven’t done. Many classes of Americans, for instance, have quite a bit of hubris. When people can’t detach from the past, as if that were their achievements, it brings in a lot of trouble. Well, not only America, but also many other countries have this same problem. Good write and great advice!

  49. Mandi permalink
    06/12/2017 5:54 am

    An interesting read, and it is a very reoccurring theme in books as it does make such a great story. My two daughters adore Greek Mythology.

  50. Helene permalink
    06/12/2017 5:57 am

    Without looking at the main picture I had to think of Ikarus. Hubris would indeed suit the character and he paid for it with his life. That should remind us of our beautiful mortal place in life. 🙂

  51. martin shajan permalink
    06/12/2017 7:11 am

    Hi friend…to be frank, its the first time am hearing “HUBRIS”. Its wonderful your article and specially the pictures.

  52. Tanisha Cherry permalink
    06/12/2017 7:21 am

    To be honest I didn’t even know what Hubris was before reading this. I got into greek mythology a little in junior high and found it very fascinating

  53. Preet@thevelvetlife permalink
    06/12/2017 7:26 am

    I was not aware of ‘Hubris’, extra of everything is bad and when it is pride, it will be destructive, not just outside but also inside of the person. On the other hand, a little act of Gratitude instead of Hubris can bring so much positive change. We should always remain vigilant about our motivation and the true drivers of our actions, they should not be greed, jealousy, and any short-term goals.

  54. Quirky Homemaker (@QuirkyHomemaker) permalink
    06/12/2017 8:16 am

    I have never really thought about the word hubris before, so didn’t really think about what it meant before now. I love the Cherokee quote about which one grows~~the one you feed. I’ve heard that before in other ways. I think the best thing is to just try to remain humble and kind.

  55. 06/12/2017 8:49 am

    Honestly, This is an entirely new word for me. Like I seriously have never heard it before, or if I heard it is one that I bypassed. I think it would be hard for me to overcome it, as my emotions are what drive me , having control over my emotions are very hard for me, simply because of how big I allow them to become.

  56. Beola Lawal permalink
    06/12/2017 9:17 am

    A very interesting post, I think it’s important to always seek help when their is chaos because this can surely get one to start misbehaving and get a negative mindset.

  57. lovemykids009 permalink
    06/12/2017 9:25 am

    Love this quote from Moby: “Whenever I’ve had success, I never learn from it. Success usually breeds a degree of hubris. When you fail, that’s when you learn.”

  58. Sassy N Dangerous permalink
    06/12/2017 9:36 am

    I always love reading your Motivation Monday’s but this one has to be a favorite. I love how you added the Two Wolves story – it was something my dad had told me when I was younger and it always stuck with me and it put a smile on my face to see you put it in your post. 🙂

  59. Betzy Cuellar permalink
    06/12/2017 9:48 am

    I have to admit the motivation you share does help me see the world in a more positive way.

  60. Corinne and Kirsty permalink
    06/12/2017 10:25 am

    I didn’t know the term “hubris” before reading this. Well, let’s admit that i have been a victim quite often. and as i did, trying not to have such a behavior towards others. I don’t get why people would be mean just by pleasure

  61. Gaby permalink
    06/12/2017 11:08 am

    Great post. I love reading about myths and legends! The last one about the Zen master was particularly good. Really makes you stop and put things into perspective.

  62. lifestylemav permalink
    06/12/2017 11:09 am

    Great post! I particularly like the bit about the zen master in the last paragraph. Makes you put things into perspective.

  63. Diana permalink
    06/12/2017 11:21 am

    Oh my God, the story with the two wolves is so simple, yet so powerful! I’m going to share it as well!

  64. roadtowajnblom permalink
    06/12/2017 11:31 am

    I love that you related the act of being hubris to the holiday season, because it’s exactly the time to reflect on how your year has gone and also, be more intentional in your gift-giving. I fail at keeping the gift-giving part of the holidays to a minimum, not for selfish reasons or anything like that but because I want to show my love for my family through the well-thought out gifts. I need to work harder on putting those who actually have needs this winter first, and fill in the materialistic gifts to my family second. 🖤

  65. Lyosha permalink
    06/12/2017 11:33 am

    Never knew about this myth. Thanks for new info for me! Your posts are always filling me with motivation, energy and kindness.

  66. Cindy Gordon permalink
    06/12/2017 11:47 am

    I had not heard this word before. I love learning new words. I didn’t know there was a word for this!

  67. Wendy Polisi permalink
    06/12/2017 11:50 am

    Putting others down for your own gain will soon put you in a ring you don’t want to be in. It always comes back to bite you in the butt.

  68. Nati permalink
    06/12/2017 1:24 pm

    This is the first time I read about the word hubris! I had no idea and I learnt a lot. However, I do know that one of the things I dislike the most in this world is arrogance and self-pride. I’ve been taught and reminded so many times not to show off, not to take the credit for the good things I could do or for my skills, that now I even have a slight difficulty to accept compliments or rewards, or even being proud of myself when I do things right. I can’t stand when people talk sufficiently about themselves and treat others with disdain.

  69. nicoleflintkontrol permalink
    06/12/2017 1:40 pm

    You seriously learn something new everyday! I had no idea what the definition of this word was! I love the collage you put together!

  70. Traveling Shana permalink
    06/12/2017 1:46 pm

    One of my recent graduates was black listed from a major employer in our area because he demonstrated excessive confidence and pride in himself during the interview process. The HR department felt that he came off cocky and wouldn’t be able to work in a team environment.

  71. Anna permalink
    06/12/2017 2:21 pm

    I didn’t even know about hubris until now! You mention some insightful topics I agree with.

  72. Tami Qualls permalink
    06/12/2017 3:40 pm

    I just learned a new word! However, hubris is something you will never accuse me of.

  73. Ruthie Ridley (@RuthieRidley) permalink
    06/12/2017 3:53 pm

    This is the first time in my life that I am hearing about Hubiris. Very enlightening

  74. Erica (@Erica's Recipes) permalink
    06/12/2017 4:40 pm

    I agree completely about the central importance of humility. Without it not only does hubris result, but without humility we are also not grateful. If one is not grateful, then there is no appreciate for life and everything and everyone in it.

  75. AnnMarie John permalink
    06/12/2017 6:12 pm

    I never liked the idea of thinking that you’re above other people when we clearly have different goals in life. I think it’s really important that we practice humility and never forget to teach it to our kids as well.

  76. smalltownnegal permalink
    06/12/2017 6:16 pm

    Wow… I must say that you lost me in this post, but it has piked my interest and I will read up on some of the greek mythology you spoke about.

  77. Rachael Burow permalink
    06/12/2017 6:16 pm

    I really needed to read something like this..I’ve been very negative lately and this hit home to me. You truly have a way with words. Great post..loving all the quotes and photos to go along with them! xx

  78. Daria Gora permalink
    06/12/2017 9:38 pm

    My friend is very much interested in the same topics, that you address here on your blog. She is also thinking of blogging but does not know where to start. I will follow her your blog.

  79. Nicole Shillings permalink
    07/12/2017 5:13 am

    This is a wonderful article. It’s nice to take time to be thoughtful about ourselves, especially this time of year.

  80. E H (@ehesketh) permalink
    07/12/2017 8:20 am

    This is an interesting word to discuss. I have never heard of it. English is my second language, so not surprising I guess. Now I know it. There are many situations in our modern life, especially the politics these days, where this word is highly applicable, I believe.

  81. Sami Summers permalink
    07/12/2017 8:48 am

    I love everything about this post, it makes me think and reconsidered so much about my own actions. My personal favorite is the Cherokee story with the two wolves. That has always incited reflection whenever I read it.

  82. Amanda permalink
    07/12/2017 1:19 pm

    I always think of hubris as a negative thing. I feel like with all of the sexual harassment and abuse of power men are displaying, it is a prime example of how hubris can really control and turn someone into a monster.

  83. Kim Lee (@KimsCravings) permalink
    07/12/2017 2:48 pm

    I had never even heard of this word! Love learning new things!

  84. Nisi Wanders permalink
    07/12/2017 6:09 pm

    I have heard the two wolves story but never the 4 monks one. I love them both! Thanks for imparting something I can share with others.

  85. franckxethee permalink
    07/12/2017 8:29 pm

    Hubris is not a good thing. We should really watch our action and choose to do good than harm.

  86. martin shajan permalink
    07/12/2017 10:07 pm

    Its the first time am hearing something about “HUBRIS”. Is a new information for me …thanks for the sharing. The pictures and contents are so nice to read.

  87. Eileen Mendoza Loya permalink
    08/12/2017 10:34 am

    I learned a new word today. Sad to know that there are a lot of people who have fallen into hubris. Most “leaders” nowadays are that way. They think they are the best, when in fact, they should remind themselves that they are the servant. The servant to the people who put him/her in that position. I love this quote you included in your post – “Whenever I’ve had success, I never learn from it. Success usually breeds a degree of hubris. When you fail, that’s when you learn.”So true!

  88. Coralie permalink
    08/12/2017 12:43 pm

    I enjoyed reading about this. It has been a great refresher. I love the message you shared – control your emotions and how you treat others.

  89. Laura Dove permalink
    08/12/2017 2:44 pm

    Ooh I’ve never heard of the word Hubris before either! That’s a new one for me! I think I could actually do with more Hubris in my life, I severely lack it!

  90. Jenny permalink
    08/12/2017 3:11 pm

    I would never want to shame anyone with hurtful comments. Thanks for this insightful post yet again. I hope people see this and incorporate it into their daily lives to rid the hate we have in the world.

  91. Prime Beauty Blog (@PrimeBeauty50) permalink
    08/12/2017 4:50 pm

    I try to remain very aware of my ego. Every time I’ve gotten a little ahead of myself, I get knocked down.

  92. Jhilmil permalink
    08/12/2017 5:48 pm

    So truly you’ve written, when you fail, then you learn, success doesn’t makes one learn and failures are the ones which makes us learn so much in this life. Loved this post and a new learning of Hubris!

  93. thetennisfoodie permalink
    09/12/2017 12:11 am

    I don’t know much about this topic. Very interesting. I love this quote: “When I’m considering an idea, and there is an element of hubris involved, I generally feel comfortable that it’s going to be a good story. Pride goeth before a fall. It’s an element of a lot of big stories.” Erik Larson

  94. jenniferlynncallahan permalink
    09/12/2017 1:01 am

    “When we perform our duties in the world, we must always remain vigilant about our motivation and the true drivers of our actions.” This is so true. It’s so important to pause and reflect on our motivations, and whether or not our actions are self-serving. Ultimately, the right choices will bear fruit and the others will not.

  95. Monica permalink
    09/12/2017 7:05 am

    What a powerful story of wolves. You always give me so much to think about. Wishing you a beautiful Holiday season.

  96. fashionandstylepolice permalink
    09/12/2017 8:46 am

    I love the message here. I need to remember to be grateful for all I have. No for arrogance here.

  97. thefashionwanderer permalink
    09/12/2017 9:36 am

    What a great Monday motivation story! I never knew about Hubris and it was great story to learn from and how we use think twice before we say or take an actions. I’ll check out more Monday motivation post.

  98. Cindy permalink
    09/12/2017 3:30 pm

    What a great post and a good reminder that we need to reflect on why we do something. What is our motivation? To serve or be served.

  99. The Blonde Diary permalink
    09/12/2017 8:52 pm

    Very educational. We should always consider our motivation for things we do and consider how they affect people!

  100. alisonrost permalink
    09/12/2017 9:06 pm

    Have you, by chance, listened to “The One You Feed” podcast? It’s based on the very quote about the Cherokee and his grandson. Also, I was struck by the idea of seeking counsel in times of chaos and how important it is to have someone who will walk with you when you can’t see clearly. There is one person in my life who I can count on to be steady when I’m not, and I’ve learned to say to him “Please, tell me what to do in this situation. I’m too close to it to make a rational decision” Never once has he (or the path he told me to take) let me down. x

    • 11/12/2017 9:57 am

      I haven’t heard the podcast but I do listen to the ones on NPR… Yes, to have a guide in life is a blessing… God has never let me down either.

  101. Eloise permalink
    10/12/2017 8:18 am

    I love the two wolves part were the boy asks ‘who wins’ and the elder says ‘the one you feed’ that is so TRUE!
    Unfortunately, I have lived in the Hubris house before, when I was married to a man who fed the wrong wolf. He took a lot of it out on my son, who is now 9 yrs old and has a little Hubris in him (which I worry about him being like his father!) I am working hard to get my son to feed the right wolf within him… I may have to save this post and share it with my son!
    thank you for this!

  102. Sarmistha Goswami permalink
    10/12/2017 9:00 am

    I had no idea about the term Hubris till I read your post! It’s really nice to know so much about it and take along some motivation too.
    Thanks for sharing.

  103. cvnxena permalink
    10/12/2017 11:31 am

    I’ve always looked at hubris as doing something with extreme enthusiasm but I love a bit of Greek mythology, I studied it for the first year in college 🙂

  104. Sarah permalink
    10/12/2017 3:34 pm

    This is an interesting piece, definitely means more meaning and history behind the word!

  105. permalink
    10/12/2017 4:20 pm

    Well, I just learned a new word.:-) I love the zen story – without fear. I always love to see when someone is fearless in front of a person who acts hubris (can I say it like that?)🤔😊

  106. Aditi permalink
    10/12/2017 5:50 pm

    Love the way you have explained Hubris! Lack of humility will always get you down! Great reminder during the what am I getting holiday gift season!

  107. In and Out of Vegas permalink
    10/12/2017 7:20 pm

    I think we’ve all experienced this at one point in our lives. ..maybe too proud to say sorry or too proud to ask for help. I know I have. .thankfully, with age came maturity with me and I learned, pride and arrogance would never benefit me in the long run.

  108. Justine @ Little Dove permalink
    10/12/2017 9:35 pm

    Good points, so important to remember our motivation for our actions and keep our hubris in check!

  109. kylie cre8tone permalink
    10/12/2017 11:22 pm

    I like the peacock photo…. Zen story is truly inspiring.. great motivation for everyone…

  110. London Mumma permalink
    11/12/2017 3:06 am

    Shaming to say, that I only really heard and digested this word yesterday, which is so funny. I heard it in a documentary and then googled it’s meaning.

  111. Jodi Major permalink
    11/12/2017 5:00 am

    I had never heard this term before. How true it is that the wolf you feed is the one that wins!

  112. keisha1989 permalink
    11/12/2017 5:50 am

    I’ve never heard the term Hubris before until now. I know a lot of people who are like this. I agree that controlling your emotions and watching how you treat others is a good way to not get caught in Hubris.

  113. Different Frame of Mind permalink
    11/12/2017 6:36 am

    I’ve actually never heard this term before. This was such a neat post, you learn something new every day! I’m surprised I have not heard this before from all the literature classes I have taken. Thank you for sharing!

  114. SMKoenig permalink
    11/12/2017 10:07 am

    I’ve always enjoyed Greek mythology, I studied it in school and loved it. Hubris can be the downfall of us if we’re not careful. I love the story of the Two Wolves, it’s a great analogy.

  115. Adaleta Avdić permalink
    11/12/2017 11:05 am

    I’ve actually never heard of this word before so it looks like I learned something new today!

  116. ojandcigs permalink
    11/12/2017 11:13 am

    Great post, and I love all the stories, quotes, and mythological references. Helps put our own actions and thoughts into perspective. Thank you for sharing!

  117. Ana Vukosavljevic permalink
    11/12/2017 2:02 pm

    I didn’t know this about hubris! It’s really important to control our emotions and to watch out what we are going to say. I think people are not paying enough attention to it. I’m still learning and trying to control certain emotions and my words!

    • Ana Vukosavljevic permalink
      11/12/2017 2:09 pm

      P.S. I love the fact that every Monday I learn something new from your blog!

  118. Love, Life & the little one permalink
    12/12/2017 9:52 am

    Wow! I always learn something new, everytime I read your blog. Thank you for that.

  119. All She Things permalink
    12/12/2017 12:52 pm

    I never knew the meaning of ‘Hubris’ though I have heard the word so many times. Very inspiring post! 🙂

  120. Vasundhra permalink
    15/12/2017 1:21 pm

    I had never heard of Hubris before and loved reading this post. It is so important to respect others, to be humble and give back to the society.The story of two wolves is so beautiful and teaches us an important lesson.


  1. Motivation Mondays: PRESCIENCE | Mirth and Motivation
  2. Motivation Mondays: MORAL COMPASS | Mirth and Motivation
  3. Motivation Mondays: Cherish Christmas & Holidays | Mirth and Motivation
  4. Motivation Mondays: Stumbling Blocks | Mirth and Motivation
  5. Motivation Mondays: Heart Of Transitions | Mirth and Motivation
  6. Motivation Mondays: DECEMBER WISHES | Mirth and Motivation

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