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Motivation Mondays: UN Day – Transcend Differences


“We have to transcend our differences to transform our future. When we achieve human rights and human dignity for all people – they will build a peaceful, sustainable and just world.” 2017 UN Secretary-General António Guterres,

Motivation Mondays: UN Day - Transcend Differences

Motivation Mondays: UN Day – Transcend Differences


United Nations Day – Video Message by UN Secretary-General

The world’s problems transcend borders.
We have to transcend our differences to transform our future.
When we achieve human rights and human dignity for all people – they will build a peaceful, sustainable and just world.
On United Nations Day, let us, ‘We the Peoples’, make this vision a reality.
Thank you. Shokran. Xie Xie. Merci. Spasibo. Gracias. Obrigado. Yet  António Guterres, Secretary-General‘s Message for 2017

What do you know about United Nations DayTomorrow will be the 72nd anniversary of the creation of this international organization. At the end of WW11, on October 24 1945, 51 nations gathered to sign an agreement/charter of cooperation and unity as a way to prevent such armed conflict from happening again. The two world wars had decimated Europe and Japan and member nations were eager to collaborate on a treaty that would uphold the task of promoting global peace. In the decades since that first gathering and vote of confidence, the United Nations Organization‘s (UNO) membership has grown to 193 nations, and made economic and social development, peacekeeping and, most recently, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) the focus of its expanding mission.  The SDG agenda addresses key objectives that member nations need to focus on from now till 2030 and was adopted on September 25th 2015. At its core are aspirations to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. Each goal has specific targets to be achieved over the next 15 years. Of course, the sooner we achieve them the better but, at least, the 193 member nations are being challenged to step up and work towards overhauling their infrastructures and champion change. Is this feasible? YES. Can nations meet these goals? Definitely.

What Global Challenges Does the UN Face today? Even with member nations adding their economic might and voice to the (SDG) effort, we still face many global challenges, that will continue to have enormous impact until we come to grips with our shared humanity and responsibility to the planet. In a message for UN Day 2017, Secretary-General António Guterres, highlighted several areas of concern that must be tackled by member nations: conflicts and inequality, climate/weather changes and ethnic intolerance, Security threats – including nuclear weapons, border and growing immigrant concerns. All of these issues can be handled effectively if we can all rise above our differences and see the value of our shared global community. As he put it in the message, our global problems transcend borders and we must work harder to transcend our differences. I believe that it is NOT enough for us to depend solely on this global organization with 193 countries who contribute their share in sustaining the work of the UN, we must all do our part by connecting with others around the world and working to overcome/transcend our differences. The 17 Goals listed below are suggested ways to consider helping locally. You can participate in creating change by signing up on Global Solutions.Org. and then decide which goal or goals  you want to see achieved most in your lifetime.


What would you like to know about the United Nations? The principle arms of the UN are the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice, and the UN Secretariat. All were created in 1945 and serve very important roles in shaping the functions and actions carried out by its membership. The leadership of the UN is headed by the Secretary General and the current leader, António Guterres of Portugal, replaced the beloved Ban Ki-moon of South Korea who stepped down by end of 2016.  António Guterres will assume the role of guiding the UN family system which is composed of many specialized groups;  affiliated programs, funds, and specialized agencies.  We can look to the growth of this organization as we work towards our own personal goals and dreams. Even in the face of a post-war world, the UN focused on creating peace and goodwill around the world. Transcending borders and differences, and accomplishing goals for positive change can take place if we stay motivated.

READ: The Essential UN
About The UNO

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals to be achieved by 2030: Which are most important to you?

Goal 1: No Poverty
Goal 2: Zero Hunger
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Goal 4: Quality Education
Goal 5: Gender Equality
Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Goal 13: Climate Action
Goal 14: Life Below Water
Goal 15: Life on Land
Goal 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals


The details for Motivation Mondays are below. Join in! The themes for SEPT/OCT 2017 are:


09/04 –   03 National Boyfriend Day, Labor Day, 05 International Day of Charity,
09/10 –   Grandparents Day, 11 Patriot Day/Sept 11, 15 National POW/MIA Recognition Day,
09/17 –   Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, 20 Navaratri, 21 Rosh Hashana, 22 September equinox
09/24 –   Gold Star Mother’s Day
09/30 –  Yom Kippur


10/01 – World Communion Sunday, Int’l. Coffee Day, Nigeria Indep. Day, World Vegetarian Day, 02 Child Health Day,
04 Feast of St Francis of Assisi, World Animal Day,  05 First Day of Sukkot, 06 World Smile Day
10/08 – 09 Leif Erikson Day, Columbus Day,  Indigenous People’s Day/Native Americans’ Day, 10 World Mental Health,
11 Int’l. Day of the Girl, Come Out Day, Sukkot ends, 12 World Sight Day, 13 Friday the 13th
10/15 – 16 Bosses Day, World Food Day, 19 Diwali, Spirit Day
10/22 – World Mission Sunday, 23 Mole Day, 24 United Nations Day, 28 St Simon/St Jude, Nat’l Chocolate day
10/29 – Nat’l. Cat Day, 31 Halloween


Are You Looking for Ways to Stay Creative in 2017?

– Join the Daily Post Post-a-day or Post-a-week Challenge.


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More Below!

“In this, the Organization’s 71st year, we have 17 goals to propel us towards a better future for all on a healthy planet.” 2016 UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon

Motivation Mondays: UN Day - Transcend Differences

Motivation Mondays: UN Day – Transcend Differences

Motivation Mondays: UN Day - Transcend Differences

Motivation Mondays: UN Day – Transcend Differences

Contd Above
Our world faces many grave challenges.
Widening conflicts and inequality.
Extreme weather and deadly intolerance.
Security threats – including nuclear weapons.
We have the tools and wealth to overcome these challenges. All we need is the will. António Guterres, Secretary-General’s Message for 2017

What is your perspective of the United Nations Day?  As we come together to celebrate this global organization whose mission has always been to promote international cooperation and unity, let us not forget our brothers and sisters in difficult situations.  We live in a fractious world with so many issues that affect us all. Some of us live in war zones, others in poverty-stricken nations or nations that withhold equal rights for women. The member nations gather to discuss ways to build a safer, more economically secure world and even though some have not been very successful at meeting the recommendations of the SDGs, they are working towards change. Whether you choose to stop and think about the enormous amount of work the UN has done for global peace and unity over the last 72 years or not, what remains constant is that member states are working hard to honor and maintain the tenets of their agreement for mutual cooperation; they are motivated to improve the lot of people around the world. This is one organization worth fighting for.

As I suggested in a previous post, the UN motivates us all by reminding us that, even in the face of difference, there is room for unity if people work at it.  Our foundation must begin at home and then spread out to the world beyond our communities. I  believe that the work of building unity begins in our homes and neighborhoods. When we extend a hand in friendship, we are transcending our differences. We must make the effort to connect with others around the world because our shared humanity depends on it for our collective survival. To achieve the potential for diversity and unity, start where you are and then spread it out to the world.

READ: More UNO Resources
The Lazy Person’s Guide to Saving the World
UN Path towards Closing Gender Gap
Have a peaceful and productive week ahead!

Any Zen Antics stories via


Positive Motivation Tip:  Extend a hand of friendship to transcend our differences.

Motivation Mondays is open to anyone who wishes to share a motivational quote, photo, personal challenge or a post that encourages others to start the week on an upbeat note.
Basic Instructions: Each week, I will have a motivation word to help us create a response. (See listed words for the months above/below)
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Facebook Community: We have a Facebook community forum to compliment the page. It serves as another way to share uplifting posts and thoughts. Please join in and add your voice.

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Tag: – Motivation Mondays
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Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos –  UN Day Posters via  UN.Org,  UN Flag & Principal organs of the United Nations via Wikipedia, and/or United Nations  via Pixabay

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet







186 Comments leave one →
  1. Queens of Virtue permalink
    23/10/2017 6:58 pm

    The UN is such an awesome agency. My daughter wants to work for them when she finishes grad school!

  2. helench1k permalink
    23/10/2017 9:19 pm

    For me the important goals that I would love to see achieved from the UN would be addressing the poverty issue and lack of access to clean water and sanitation. We’ve got a long way to go but tackling the basic necessities of life is a start!

  3. zulemanall permalink
    24/10/2017 1:03 am

    The 17 Sustainable Development Goals sound like a great list!

  4. TeeShares permalink
    24/10/2017 1:33 am

    Yes I know about the UN. I’m glad someone is reminding us about it. I learnt about it in school. I hadn’t taken note of the new Sec General. The last one I remember was Koffi Anan.

  5. acraftymix permalink
    24/10/2017 2:05 am

    I learnt so much now Elizabeth, we can honestly only save our beautiful planet if we all stand and work together. I really do hope that the 17 Sustainable Development Goals are achieved in the time frame. They sound like big goals but we can all still do our bit, by cutting down on our wastfulness and being kind and considerate to others no matter where they come from.

  6. Carol Cassara permalink
    24/10/2017 3:00 am

    It’s so nice that we’re celebrating an organization that never stops from helping those in need! I think without the UN, there would be more struggles in the world when it comes to addressing issues like abuse, slavery, hunger, terrorism, and more.

  7. nktsharma28 permalink
    24/10/2017 3:47 am

    Yes i agree there is room of unity if we all work together .well described role of UN and very informative post for all of us.thnku

  8. thenafranssen permalink
    24/10/2017 3:50 am

    Another great Monday motivation post. You do a great job of starting my week of great each and every time!

  9. 24/10/2017 6:13 am

    I didn’t know that it was United Nations day. I actually didn’t even know that there was a day for to begin with. I know that United Nations is supposed to as the names says united the nations and with the world in such a disarray we as planet have given them a very tough road to follow, fix, and reunite.

  10. 조이 Czjai (@RebelSweetHrt) permalink
    24/10/2017 6:26 am

    United Nations Day was one of my favorite (school) events when I was a kid. Back then, we’d dress up in national costumes of different countries and parade around the school grounds while waving the flags of the nations we represented.

  11. Lindsey Mozgai permalink
    24/10/2017 7:50 am

    I didn’t know what United Nations Day was before this post! Thanks so much for sharing as this was a great way to learn more information.

  12. Venus Fitness-Shannon permalink
    24/10/2017 8:16 am

    Another socially relevant and thought provoking post. thank you for sharing. I learnt something new here.

  13. famousashleygrant permalink
    24/10/2017 8:42 am

    It’s so frustrating that when people see someone different from them, their first instinct is to run, judge or fight it. I love the line “We have to transcend our differences to transform our future.” It’s so true. Let’s put aside what is different about us and work together towards making the world a better place for all. Although the UNs 17 goals are lofty ones, if people would just come together, they could actually become realities.

  14. Jacinta Grand permalink
    24/10/2017 8:45 am

    Thanks for such an informative post! The United Nations has so many strong causes that they are fighting to achieve each day. It’s hard for me to rank them in importance as they’re all so incredibly profound.

  15. Gladys S Parker (@momtograndma) permalink
    24/10/2017 9:59 am

    I believe all seventeen are important, however I feel clean water, zero hunger, sustaining the earth and peace no matter how it is achieved are the most important.

  16. Ithfifi permalink
    24/10/2017 10:02 am

    I think it is amazing that the UN get together to discuss such important world relating issues, We can only help the world if we all come together. I didn’t know there was an actual day for the UN so I learnt something new 🙂

  17. Aitza B permalink
    24/10/2017 10:34 am

    This is a great pratice though the tag line rubs me the wrong way. I don’t want us to transcend difference, but to embrace them and respect those differences as humans.

  18. Sandra.J.Lopes permalink
    24/10/2017 10:36 am

    Beautiful peace about the UN and what it support and stands for. An example to be followed and practiced by everyone. Sadly politics, money and corruption gets in the way to prevent these projects from being completed.

  19. Gillie permalink
    24/10/2017 11:03 am

    Some of those goals are a bit abstract but the message is clear. We must grow up and think about all these things outside of ourselves. I am glad the UN reminds us of this.

  20. sarganser permalink
    24/10/2017 12:23 pm

    Thanks for sharing, did not know there is a day known as UN transcend day,but then we never stop learning something new.

  21. Samantha permalink
    24/10/2017 12:44 pm

    It’s great that the UN leads the initiative, but I agree with you that it’s up to all of us to work together. In the end, we are more alike than different and we need to remember that we’re all in this together.

  22. Hey Sharonoox permalink
    24/10/2017 1:08 pm

    Happy United Nation Day! This is a great reminder to all. To set aside our differences and be united for the sake of humanity.

  23. dawnwairimu permalink
    24/10/2017 2:10 pm

    this is great, thanks for the motivation!

  24. angie permalink
    24/10/2017 2:59 pm

    I saw that our local university was having a day devoted to the United Nations as well. Thanks so much for sharing more informationg
    come see us at

  25. platformsandpacifiers permalink
    24/10/2017 4:10 pm

    There are so many issues that are global and not just in one country or nation.

  26. poojakawatra permalink
    24/10/2017 5:28 pm

    It is so important to connect with different people across the world to know them and accepting them as they are!

  27. Shell permalink
    24/10/2017 6:00 pm

    This is so I interesting because I’ve never heard of United Nations Day before…. I learn so many fascinating things from you!!

  28. CultiVitae permalink
    24/10/2017 6:05 pm

    Wow. So many important goals but I would say poverty and zero hunger are also my top two causes.

  29. DrKLeeBanks permalink
    24/10/2017 6:15 pm

    The United Nations Organization is certainly in the news a lot these days! Rather timely for UN Day to occur right now, too (I didn’t know – there are days for everything, it seems!) I have never really bothered, to be honest, to fully understand the function of the UNO, other than seeing them as attempting to monitor human rights on a global basis and attempting to keep the world a safe and peaceful place to live and thrive.

  30. Tanvi Rastogi (@Tanviidotcom) permalink
    24/10/2017 6:58 pm

    As always … you make me think about topics I had never thought about before. I appreciate the information about UN Day and the purpose behind it.

  31. brigettedanielle permalink
    24/10/2017 7:33 pm

    I honestly had no idea there was a UN Day. Reading your post has opened my eyes to just how little I know about this organization. I will definitely be researching more on what they do and how it helps the world.

  32. Kristen from The Road to Domestication permalink
    24/10/2017 8:10 pm

    I’ve always been fascinated with the UN. Such a complex organization. I think the key to transcending differences is in caring for others.

  33. Sian Lifts Weights permalink
    25/10/2017 12:06 am

    I couldnt pick a goal, they are all just so important for us!! tbh it doesnt seem achievable by 2030!

  34. Crueltyfreebeautyhq permalink
    25/10/2017 3:05 am

    What an amazing post, I never knew there was a day dedicated to the good things the UN do for our world. I’m so grateful for the world we live in!

  35. Joanna permalink
    25/10/2017 4:07 am

    I know about the existence of the UNO but I never actually knew their role in the world’s economics and stability. It was interesting to read your post and find out that they are working together for better living conditions, no hunger, education and gender equality.

  36. balanceandblessings1 permalink
    25/10/2017 6:44 am

    I do not like to watch the news or anything politics related, so thank you for refreshing me on the UN and what it is about. i do not even remember a United Nations Day.

  37. Nikki R. permalink
    25/10/2017 6:45 am

    This was very useful/ great information. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are great and I believe they go hand-in-hand with each other.

  38. keisha1989 permalink
    25/10/2017 7:56 am

    I had no idea that there was a United Nations Day. Happy 72nd anniversary. I like their list of sustainable goals to be achieved by 2030. No poverty and good health and well being is probably the two goals that are most important to me.

  39. Quirky Homemaker (@QuirkyHomemaker) permalink
    25/10/2017 7:59 am

    The goals that mean the most to me are: education, gender equality, clean water, sustainable communities & peace & justice, although all of those goals are important!

  40. Preet@thevelvetlife permalink
    25/10/2017 9:41 am

    This is so informative post. I knew about United Nations Organization and the United Nations Day, knowing the goals is so interesting. I am going to be more responsible and helpful in any way I can to help with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, whether it is a donation, volunteering, etc.

  41. Love, Life & the little one permalink
    25/10/2017 10:28 am

    Zero hunger!!!! There’s nothing worse than the lack of the most basic of needs – food!

  42. adkinsdomain permalink
    25/10/2017 10:42 am

    I had never heard of this day. Had you always known about it or did you just find out about it? And what made you want to learn about it?

  43. ktmommyscene permalink
    25/10/2017 11:26 am

    It’s amazing how many elements, peoples, and cultures come together to make our world what it is. Easy to take for granted but United Nations Day is a great opportunity to learn more!

  44. 25/10/2017 1:07 pm

    You put so much work into your posts Eliz, it’s so generous of you.

  45. Mama in heels permalink
    25/10/2017 1:19 pm

    Definitely world peace, clean energy, green living, and good health and well-being are my top list.

  46. Kristine Nicole Alessandra permalink
    25/10/2017 3:06 pm

    I truly wish there was such a thing as United Nations. Right now, the world seems to be “Divided Nations” I fear for my children and grandchildren’s future with so much discord, hate and divide going on. I hope we all do our part to bringing peace back in the world. Let us start with small acts of kindness and see it multiply.

  47. Tiffany permalink
    25/10/2017 4:20 pm

    I remember learning about the UN in school and was so interested in the topic. Out of all the sustainable goals set to be achieved i!n 2030, most important ones to me personally are number 3,4 and 8.

  48. Kelly Reci permalink
    25/10/2017 6:36 pm

    Some schools celebrate the United nation day and it looks so great. Being able to learn a different places tradition.

  49. Jeana permalink
    25/10/2017 10:05 pm

    Totally agree. Our differences is what makes us great as a whole. How boring would the world be if we were all the same?

  50. Nawal permalink
    25/10/2017 10:06 pm

    Their goals are very noble and it would be the best thing to ever occur if they actually got done but I haven’t seen much done by the united nations because we still have war and poverty and other crap to deal with.

  51. jeanabeena permalink
    25/10/2017 10:06 pm

    Totally agree! Our differences is what makes us awesome. How boring would the world be if everyone was the same?

  52. Deb B. permalink
    25/10/2017 10:43 pm

    I didn’t even know when the designated UN Day was. We should absolutely acknowledge, celebrate, and commemorate. It’s so true – we have to unite and support one another, and it all starts in our homes and neighborhoods. What a beautiful world this would be when our mindset shifts on a global scale!

  53. Shubhada Bhide permalink
    26/10/2017 1:16 am

    United Nation Day always celebrates in other places. at my kid’s school, they always celebrate that United Nation Day. They have a task to wear the ones they wear like a Japanese costume or other tradition costumes.

  54. Anne Dela Cruz permalink
    26/10/2017 4:52 am

    Celebrating United Nation Day is so fun and exciting. Some others school tend to wear their students with different costumes and attire. and it’s pretty cool.

  55. Ronnie Epsi permalink
    26/10/2017 5:48 am

    It saddens me to say, but I think the UN has evolved away from its original intent. It has become too large and misguided. I used to be such a devout supporter of the UN and even wanted to work within it. However, over the years I’ve seen it do very little at actually targeting the global issues it was meant to handle. It’s a platform for a lot of talk and very little action and it’s continuously steered away from real and difficult situations it should have focused on.

  56. ayeshafarhad permalink
    26/10/2017 6:08 am

    I am in awe at what the United Nations are doing to promote peace and equality around the world but I do believe that sometimes they turn a deaf ear to the main problems in the world which create further sad circumstances!

  57. Jane permalink
    26/10/2017 7:35 am

    I couldn’t agree more with your last paragraph. All good behaviors are taught in the home. Teaching our kids to love one another is so incredibly important.

  58. TheMrsTee permalink
    26/10/2017 8:18 am

    I remember celebrating UN Day when I was in school. This is such an important part of making unity and equality the focus of our world.

  59. Beola Lawal permalink
    26/10/2017 8:52 am

    To be sincere I only knew a bit about united nations and never really gone deep to understand their goals. This was a good read for me and I have learnt a lot, hopefully most of this goals can be achieved on time. The human race deserves this goals and I know Canada is particular about most of the 17 goals stated, I believe we as individuals can also work towards these goals in any viable way within our capabilities. Thanks for all the information provided here, I have really learnt a lot.

  60. Brains & Bodies permalink
    26/10/2017 10:27 am

    I think United Nations day is great to bring everyone together but I should not just happen on this day alone.

  61. Cindy Gordon permalink
    26/10/2017 11:00 am

    No hunger and clean water is pretty important to me. However, many things on that list would be amazing to accomplish.

  62. The_Queen_of_Style (@PJ_Gach_Editor) permalink
    26/10/2017 11:02 am

    Lot of food for thought. Thinking about what the world was like when the UN was created and how it is today. We NEED to do better.

  63. lazygirlloves permalink
    26/10/2017 11:05 am

    the UN motivates us all by reminding us that, even in the face of difference, there is room for unity if people work at it. WOW I loved this sentence, never mind the whole post. Granted I really enjoyed reading the article as a whole too

  64. Ruthie Ridley (@RuthieRidley) permalink
    26/10/2017 11:49 am

    human rights, human dignity… this is everything.

  65. chewoutloud permalink
    26/10/2017 4:08 pm

    We’ve been encouraged SO much every Sunday at church to embrace all people of all nations, here and everywhere. I really love what you shared here. Amazing that it’s the 72nd anniversary for this special (and very important!) day. We are all the same inside, we all bleed the same, and every human being is of unsurpassable worth. No matter what clothes we wear or the color of our skin.

  66. jenny at dapperhouse (@dapperhouse) permalink
    26/10/2017 6:02 pm

    I totally agree that building unity begins in our homes and neighborhoods. We have neighborhood groups where we support each other and we even order untiy/peace/acceptance themed signs for our yards every few months.

  67. Agnes permalink
    26/10/2017 6:16 pm

    I love that the UN’s number one goal of reducing poverty. I really feel that with all the resources this planet has no-one should be living in poverty.

  68. Sarah Crowther permalink
    26/10/2017 6:47 pm

    What a great and meaningful post about an organization that changed history. This is also very informative, good information to anyone who wants to know more about the UN.

  69. Eloise permalink
    26/10/2017 8:20 pm

    I’m studying Sustainability so talking about the UNO and the sustainable development goals is very important for me. Thank you for raising awareness on this topic 🙂

  70. Aditi permalink
    26/10/2017 8:51 pm

    All your sentiments and choices are great but I would vote for reduced inequalities and eradicate hunger.

  71. Mrs. D permalink
    26/10/2017 8:54 pm

    Unity and cooperation is very important no matter what race or culture you came from. Thanks for this informative post.

  72. roxy permalink
    26/10/2017 9:17 pm

    i never knew about UN day. the goals are pretty amazing. have a great weekend 🙂

  73. sajad permalink
    26/10/2017 10:52 pm

    This is true , if we have to unite the world. we have to start from our home. There is a famous proverb for it, charity begins at home. So if we want a peaceful world, then we have to create that environment by ourselves.

  74. Dannii Summerfield permalink
    26/10/2017 11:06 pm

    Great post. I couldn’t choose just one of the sustainable development goals as mlst important. Personally, gender equality would effect me but on the whole, clean water & sanitation should be a given

  75. franckxethee permalink
    27/10/2017 1:43 am

    I remember we do hold UN day and UN week in school. It does remind us of being united with other nations.

  76. Erica Ardali (@EricaEverAfter) permalink
    27/10/2017 3:31 am

    I honestly did not even know what the UN was. I knew it was a group of representatives from around the globe who decided what’s cool and what’s not cool. I ‘m glad I found your post, now I know a little more than I did previously.

  77. Tami (@ThisMomsDelight) permalink
    27/10/2017 4:21 am

    I would love to see them achieve their first goal, poverty. That’s going to take some extreme measures to achieve. The people are worth it, of course!

  78. Lisa Phillips permalink
    27/10/2017 7:43 am

    I really enjoyed your post. I am always interested in reading up on important topics like this 😊

  79. Garf permalink
    27/10/2017 8:21 am

    I always need motivation. Not only on Mondays but every day. Mondays are especially the hardest day to get motivated. Ugh!

  80. Kristine Nicole Alessandra permalink
    27/10/2017 9:20 am

    I am glad that the United Nations still stand by their principles, their vision and mission despite all the ruckus going on in the world. I wish they won’t get tired of always extending assistance to the peple who need it most.

  81. Linda permalink
    27/10/2017 9:23 am

    Thanks for sharing this info, I didn’t know there’s something called The UN Day. I love your motivation Monday posts, thanks for always motivating me!

  82. Melanie Poulos Walsh permalink
    27/10/2017 9:39 am

    It’s almost Halloween and this week it has been over 90 degrees every day. Climate change is something I am very concerned about. It’s good that the world’s leaders understand it is a global concern. Now let’s hope we can come together to resolve it.

  83. lucicoo permalink
    27/10/2017 9:45 am

    I agree with you, all countries and every being should be united as one. We are all humans and that’s all that should matter.

  84. Rebecca Swenor permalink
    27/10/2017 10:06 am

    I believe the United Nations was a great thing for us all. It is so important It is up to all of us to become friends and keep the peace. Thanks for sharing the information.

  85. 27/10/2017 10:33 am

    United Nation is a wonderful way to unite countries and to bridge the differences. Everyone deserves a safer and healthy home and UN plays an important role in that. Our school used to celebrate UN national day every day where we used to sit and discuss the global issues as different country presidents. It was fun and also enlightening to know how we can help each other and live a better life

  86. Whimsy Soul (@TheWhimsySoul) permalink
    27/10/2017 12:41 pm

    I love your MM series! You always do such a great job at rounding up so much information.

  87. Nayna Kanabar (@SIMPLYF00D) permalink
    27/10/2017 2:32 pm

    The 17 sustainable goals are really good , they are all equally necesary so difficult to select just one.

  88. sodapoplove permalink
    28/10/2017 1:00 am

    It is fantastic that you have dedicated an entire post to the United Nations. They teach us that despite diversities, we can be unified, and we should be unified- As humans, for the upliftment of all mankind.

  89. Ingrid Rizzolo permalink
    28/10/2017 1:44 am

    The UN has its finger in a lot of projects. They may have good intent but their actions are not as impactful as they could be

  90. Brittany DiCologero permalink
    28/10/2017 2:53 am

    This was so informative! Thanks for posting this

  91. TheGracefulMist permalink
    28/10/2017 3:21 am

    We need to respect each others` differences in order to see the beauty of God`s diverse creations. Compassion and love for others conquers any inequities.

    ❀ Grace ❀

  92. Frank permalink
    28/10/2017 4:18 am

    Great post and the best thing is the handshaking world picture i think thats cool,and that’s true we brothers and sisters in difficult situations are the most needed help and by cooperating together we can help em all.

  93. helene dsouza permalink
    28/10/2017 8:35 am

    I like the UN video messages on Twitter. In fact I noticed them on other social networks too and they do show them as “ads” on TV channels such as DW.
    The video messages are clear and easy to understand and I think that is important so that the knowledge of the message becomes the norm, even those who don’t have the means or school education.

  94. Bhushavali permalink
    28/10/2017 9:41 am

    That’s beautiful! The day we realize that we are indeed different and learn to accept our differences and live together peacefully is the day world would become a better place.

  95. Tizzy Says permalink
    28/10/2017 10:20 am

    Thank you for all of the info here in your post. I don’t think many people know about the UN and all it has to offer. Your post is very eye opening. Kudos!

  96. Ana Ojha permalink
    28/10/2017 6:26 pm

    United Nation day is a perfect example of celebrating international democracy! I totally agree with you that our foundation should start at home and then to the community and beyond!

  97. Megha Saraf (@megha811) permalink
    28/10/2017 11:26 pm

    Wow just a detailed post! i agree there needs to be a good understnading between nations!

  98. Military Family of 8 (@MilitaryFamOf8) permalink
    29/10/2017 12:03 am

    It always feel good reading something like this about UN and its goals. Whatever country we belong to, whatever skin color we have, this world is always created to be at peace.

  99. A Busy Bees Life permalink
    29/10/2017 1:51 am

    Growing up in a UN family, and going to International schools, I am very familiar with UN Day and all that it represents. Celebrating unity is so important.

  100. GiGi Eats Celebrities permalink
    29/10/2017 5:57 am

    I wish it were so easy for the world to “all just get a long”.

  101. kage2015 permalink
    29/10/2017 6:10 am

    When you read in black and white what the UN is suppose to do and accomplish it look wonderful. Unfortunately doesn’t always happen.

  102. MomTraNeur permalink
    29/10/2017 10:05 am

    Belated Happy United Nations Day!

    There are just so many people in the world and with all our ethnic, cultural, religious, political and personal differences, it’s just so amazing how we can all unite as one under very specific goals. Let’s keep it up so we can continue to make this world a better place to live in for future generations. <3

  103. Sarah permalink
    29/10/2017 11:17 am

    This is a great post to raise awareness of this day and its events. I had not heard about it before so it was informative!

  104. Sondra Barker permalink
    29/10/2017 12:26 pm

    Very interesting dialogue. Would love to read more.

    Sondra xx

  105. Heather ♥ permalink
    29/10/2017 2:13 pm

    Absolutely! We should look beyond our differences and accept everyone for who they are because being different is beautiful If we were all the same, the world would be a very boring place to live.

  106. stephaniebatz permalink
    29/10/2017 2:29 pm

    What an educational post! Loved learning more about what United Nations day was and the goals behind it.

  107. Elizabeth O permalink
    29/10/2017 3:24 pm

    How do we transcend differences? By welcoming all with an open mind.

  108. Wynne Katherine permalink
    29/10/2017 3:39 pm

    I dont think there are enough blogs out there that talks about things like this. Your blog is very unique and I love it

  109. Erica (@Erica's Recipes) permalink
    29/10/2017 3:40 pm

    I think the goals of the UN are great but it has a long way to go to enact real change. My primary concerns are the environment and treatment of women and it seems that countries that are the worst on these issues get a free pass. But I feel the same way about the US doing business or providing any aid to those countries as well.

  110. Anita Anderson permalink
    29/10/2017 3:43 pm

    The United Nations stands for so many positive things. We truly need to extend our hands and give each other a good handshake.

  111. Lyka permalink
    29/10/2017 5:46 pm

    I really appreciate what the UN does. As someone who lives in a third world country where disaster always strikes, I deem the UN very much helpful in keeping peace in my country.

  112. Lyka permalink
    29/10/2017 5:46 pm

    I really appreciate what the UN does. As someone who lives in a third world country where disaster always strikes, I deem the UN very much helpful in keeping peace in my country.

  113. Tennille M. permalink
    29/10/2017 8:06 pm

    This is such a critical and important message needed to be read by all. Thank you for taking the time to put this blog together with video and topics of discussion. Praying that the words lead to action, and that action becomes reality.

  114. Ingrid permalink
    29/10/2017 11:44 pm

    The UN attempts to bring unity but I think they have to contend with cultural and political barriers that sometimes seem insurmountable. As as you said that unity must begin at the level of our homes and communities

  115. RenaissanceGirl permalink
    30/10/2017 2:01 am

    Thank you for this in-depth information on United Nations Day. Especially nowadays with intolerance and hate crimes becoming an every day occurrence, it’s inspiring to know there are large, dedicated organisations committed to encouraging tolerance and helping those who need it most.

  116. Lauren Becker permalink
    30/10/2017 2:03 am

    Thanks for sharing all of this information. I especially appreciate learning what the 17 goals are. Almost all of these are extremely important to me but definitely 1-10.


  117. Ave Hla permalink
    30/10/2017 2:03 am

    I know a little bit about United Nations but had not heard about United Nations Day before. I really like their Sustainable Development Goals but I’d put the no hunger as a goal number 1.

  118. Corinne and Kirsty permalink
    30/10/2017 2:26 am

    I have always thought the our differences were what made us interesting. When you learn about others, you get to better understand different point of views and how things work and shape a better future together. I appreciate the UN and all it is doing but I also don’t really like the fast that they don’t pay their interns…

  119. Jocelyn @ Hip Mama's Place permalink
    30/10/2017 7:33 am

    It’s amazing how long UN has come. We have a day to celebrate UN in my homeland as well. They have helped so much especially with countries that have suffered from unfortunate events. This organization proves how much we can do if we stick together.

  120. Tizzy Says permalink
    30/10/2017 9:54 am

    It would be great if more people knew about this and actually came together. The world would be a better place.

  121. Words of a Texas Nerd permalink
    30/10/2017 10:07 am

    I think we should be pushing for more unity in the world. I’m so glad to see what is being done towards that goal!

  122. Ana De-Jesus permalink
    30/10/2017 11:43 am

    Happy Belated United Nation Day, I hope that it was a blessed day for you and yours. As someone who advocates for human rights on a daily basis I firmly believe that it is important that we keep raising awareness of issues like poverty, inequality, human rights, climate change among other issues. We need to speak out and work out measures to tackle these issues at present x

  123. MyMomtasticLife permalink
    30/10/2017 12:06 pm

    Lord knows I pray for these things, but honestly, as long as we have freedom, social classes will exist. I hope we can help those living in poverty, but there will always be rich and poor. We can’t all be on the same level. I know I probably sound like a rich person haha. Not true! I struggle, but I’m working towards better days. Anyways, I love your post! I hope at least some of these things happen!

  124. Jhilmil permalink
    30/10/2017 5:10 pm

    True, we have to transcend differences to have a beautiful and sustainable future ahead of us all around the world. What a motivational post this was!

  125. Sully permalink
    30/10/2017 9:16 pm

    I like the detailed information in this article.

  126. Jenny permalink
    30/10/2017 9:19 pm

    I honestly didnt know much about United Nations Day. This is great and super insightful!

  127. Sadhna Shanker permalink
    31/10/2017 1:08 am

    Thanks for so much information on the UN. As on organisation it does manage to focus on things that are relevant.

  128. Rosey permalink
    31/10/2017 1:50 am

    The more I learn, the more there is to know. I do know that if everyone lived peacefully and responsibly, the world would be a much nicer place for us all.

  129. rhianwestbury permalink
    31/10/2017 4:41 am

    I’m going to be honest I don’t really know anything about UN day x

  130. Brandi permalink
    31/10/2017 5:42 am

    I’ve never really thought deep about United Nations day. Thanks for sharing and opening my eyes.

  131. ashley denae permalink
    31/10/2017 8:34 am

    wow didn’t know there was a UN day. I guess you learn something new everyday. such great information about the united nations!

  132. Mei permalink
    31/10/2017 8:45 am

    Reduced inequalities is the most important one imo because it practically sums it all up. If there are no more inequalities then everybody will get a decent home, a job, a good health, a decent meal, clean water, a good infrastructure etc…
    Keep up the good joob with you motivation mondays, always great to read

  133. Rebecca Swenor permalink
    31/10/2017 2:36 pm

    United Nations Day to me means working together for a better future. When people work together positive things happen as long as everyone is on the same page. It is so important that we use this day to make a better future for our children. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and the information.

  134. rochkirstin permalink
    31/10/2017 5:37 pm

    I think there must be a lot more visible promotions on social media regarding the issues that are tackled in the UN general assembly. This is so that more people and especially millennials can take part in the action and voice out their suggestions as well.

  135. alisonrost permalink
    31/10/2017 9:35 pm

    The list of world goals is truly amazing when you step back and think about it. I’m sobered by a list that includes ending poverty or hunger and I think “Is it even attainable?” But you’re right, it has to be more than just countries who are championing the cause. I think of all of the different people and organizations (independent of their country of origin) who are lending their resources to the cause. For example, Bill and Melinda Gates and the work their foundation does. Volunteers who join causes like the Peace Corp. Just goes to show that no matter how big or small the problem is, it truly takes a (global) village.

  136. jajwalyark permalink
    01/11/2017 2:36 am

    Oh motivation reminds me, I am going o be consumed by NaNoWriMo this whole month. I am glad a community of writers can motivate each other to get writing done! Apart from that, Daily Post sounds good too. Thanks for the info on UN as well!

  137. Denni permalink
    01/11/2017 6:47 am

    beautiful post Elisabeth! spread thankfulness motivation and joy like confetti! Happy United Nations day

  138. Jake Ferrer permalink
    01/11/2017 7:38 am

    Yes this is so right! We should be united all. It may be white people, black people. We may be different religions too. But we are still be one.

  139. Jagriti Roy permalink
    01/11/2017 8:36 am

    This article is so informative.. If all if those goals are met in time then it can create a wonderful mother earth for all if us.. Truly saying, I was not aware about UN day before.. From your article not only I come to know about this but also understood it’s positive aspects to bring prosperity in world..

  140. stephaniesherlock permalink
    01/11/2017 9:24 am

    Motivation Mondays. What a great way to be inspired and start the week off on a positive note! Thanks for creating these communities open to all.

  141. EG III permalink
    01/11/2017 12:11 pm

    I’ve never heard of UN day until this post but I think it’s a wonderful thing promoting world community. I’m always willing to extend a hand to those both alike and different!

  142. toastycritic permalink
    01/11/2017 12:55 pm

    In theory, I do like all of the things that the United Nations could do and all of the amazing things in could offer. In practice, I feel like it’s a bunch of rogue nation states, not excluding us either, who all look out for their own self interest. I think in practice it is far too unwieldy and doesn’t work. I wish it did though.

  143. kalliamanika permalink
    01/11/2017 2:24 pm

    The Un has achieved so much for world peace over the last years and it still does! It is great to have a date to celebrate them. Yes, the work for unity starts in our homes and starts with all of us! We are the change and we can make it happen! Lovely words!

  144. Cătălina Nini permalink
    01/11/2017 5:13 pm

    All goals are extremely important and it`s hard to choose. I always had a specific interest in Climate Action & Responsible Consumption/ Production. I try to keep up by being informed and learning how I can get involved.

  145. Blair Villanueva permalink
    01/11/2017 6:12 pm

    I can’t imagine of today without the UN. It makes huge difference, and helped many countries globally.

  146. Via Bella permalink
    01/11/2017 7:25 pm

    What a beautiful day when the UN goals will be met. I really think if we hadn’t had UN we would be in a much different place.

  147. Oyinkan permalink
    01/11/2017 8:02 pm

    This post makes me sing “where is the love” b/c it’s about the earth intertwining & loving one another.

  148. Tamala Baldwin permalink
    01/11/2017 10:40 pm

    I read this post the day after the attack in NYC and 20 days after the Vegas attack. There are so many things going on all over the world and I just hope collectively we get it together… to create an existence that is equal and overflowing with love for ALL.

  149. TheGracefulMist permalink
    02/11/2017 8:06 am

    Our differences is what make the world a beautiful place. In order to live harmoniously, we ought to respect each others` differences.

    ❀ Grace ❀

  150. Ut Minh permalink
    02/11/2017 9:24 am

    I like the secretary’s words: “We have to overcome the difference to change our future.” Corresponding to the organization’s mission is to bring equality and peace. Congratulations on the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the United Nations.

  151. rdkocurek permalink
    02/11/2017 5:14 pm

    Very informative. You’re so right, understanding must start at home then extend outward. I look forward to reading more of your Monday posts.

  152. Sin Yee permalink
    02/11/2017 11:33 pm

    Never know about UN Day. Thanks for sharing. Yes, we are all different but we are all human being! We should love each other, embrace the difference, respect one another!

  153. Belinda Alban permalink
    02/11/2017 11:43 pm

    So important to look after your skin. I will check this out, thanks!

  154. Travel tips permalink
    03/11/2017 2:11 am

    You write really a lot! Keep going. Congrats

  155. London Mumma permalink
    03/11/2017 5:45 am

    A very interesting and informative read and lots learned about the United Nations and peace.

  156. In Veronica's Corner permalink
    03/11/2017 5:59 am

    I couldn’t agree more with the UN Secretary General. It’s so important that we overcome our differences. It’s the only way we will progress as a society.

  157. Courtney Blacher permalink
    03/11/2017 10:27 am

    I would love if we could achieve human rights and human dignity for all people, but it seems really hard, especially for poor countries. But definitely, we all should work on that.

  158. carocaoticaca permalink
    03/11/2017 12:00 pm

    we need change our future and the future for our childs

  159. Remy permalink
    03/11/2017 1:48 pm

    Very thoughtful article. I never knew it before. Now I understand better.

  160. Marin Justinian permalink
    03/11/2017 3:54 pm

    wow, the information is very good. you did a great research

  161. firsttimetravel permalink
    03/11/2017 10:31 pm

    During UN day, students dress up in various traditional costumes from all over the world. But for someone who has worked with nonprofits, I have come to appreciate the efforts of the UN and its agencies in addressing various needs in our society.

  162. Chelsea permalink
    03/11/2017 11:05 pm

    I had no idea there was such a day! It’s so important for us all to come together for the future of the world

  163. Melanie Poulos Walsh permalink
    04/11/2017 8:20 am

    Watching the UN meetings is always a sight to see. All of those people, speaking different languages, working together for a common goal. They don’t always agree, but realize they’re there for a common goal. I appreciate that the UN is a reminder to come together.

  164. Denni permalink
    04/11/2017 10:14 am

    Happy United Nations Day ! lovely list of motivation, I’m going to inspire myself from it and see how much of this challenge I can do

  165. Aditi permalink
    04/11/2017 4:32 pm

    Great detailed post on the UN! You are right- we all do need to transcend our differences!

  166. Tiffany Yong permalink
    05/11/2017 1:32 am

    I hope USA president will do something good to change the current situation and make a difference instead of using fight! May this day bring some sense to him!

  167. Summer Mitch Ryan permalink
    06/11/2017 7:17 am

    I couldn’t agree more! If we couldn’t transcend beyond what we see physically, we will never attain the kind of equality we are striving for. It takes two to tango, and so if we keep on pointing fingers and forget to look at ourselves then nothing good will be reached.

  168. Oma permalink
    07/11/2017 10:45 am

    Very informative post. I didn’t know their was a United Nations Day. I appreciate efforts made to bring a diverse world closer together.

  169. Kirstie permalink
    10/11/2017 10:26 pm

    I am really a believer of the United Nations and I think that it is really the biggest agent that maintains world peace. It shows to us that we can all be united and move towards a greater and more united world

  170. Marnie Bonafe Torro permalink
    15/11/2017 7:01 am

    Learned a lot about the UN here. i hope they will able to successfully reach the goal of no poverty. Everyone deserved to enjoy life without having to worry about where to get food every single day.

  171. flora_the_sweaterist permalink
    20/11/2017 12:07 pm

    I never knew there was such a thing as UN Day! One learns something new every day. On the Sustainable Development Goals list, I’d personally mention “Zero hunger” before “No poverty,” but the points are impressive and hopefully will be truly achieved. This was a really educational post for me, thank you!

  172. Calvin permalink
    03/08/2018 11:18 am

    Important to know about this. Humans need to connect on one level or another


  1. Motivation Mondays: Overcoming Adversity | Mirth and Motivation
  2. Motivation Mondays: Be GRATEFUL | Mirth and Motivation
  3. Motivation Mondays: THANKFUL | Mirth and Motivation
  4. Motivation Mondays: GIVING BACK | Mirth and Motivation
  5. Motivation Monday: HUBRIS | Mirth and Motivation
  6. Motivation Mondays: PRESCIENCE | Mirth and Motivation
  7. Motivation Mondays: MORAL COMPASS | Mirth and Motivation
  8. Motivation Mondays: Cherish Christmas & Holidays | Mirth and Motivation
  9. Motivation Mondays: Stumbling Blocks | Mirth and Motivation
  10. Motivation Mondays: Heart Of Transitions | Mirth and Motivation
  11. Motivation Mondays: Heart & History Matter | Mirth and Motivation
  12. Motivation Mondays: International Women’s Day #GenerationEquality #EachforEqual | Mirth and Motivation

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