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Motivation Mondays: STAY STEADFAST


“With a firm and steadfast mind one should hold under all conditions, that everywhere the earth is below and the sky above, and to the energetic man, every region is his fatherland.” Tycho Brahe

Motivation Mondays: STAY STEADFAST

Motivation Mondays: STAY STEADFAST

Motivation Mondays: STAY STEADFAST

Motivation Mondays: STAY STEADFAST

Doubts and mistrust are the mere panic of timid imagination, which the steadfast heart will conquer, and the large mind will transcend. Helen Keller
I spent years studying the teachings of Patanjali, and he reminded us several thousand years ago that when we are steadfast – which means that we never slip in our abstention of thoughts of harm directed toward others – then all living creatures cease to feel enmity in our presence. Wayne Dyer

As we move from Summer to Fall, it is time to reflect on all the resolutions we made at the beginning of the year and see what we held unto with steadfast love and what we left alone or abandoned. The beginning of a new year is a time of great hope, and flurries of activity, as we prepare to face our demons of old, conquer them, and build steadfast goals and plans that will see us through the year.  This is the fourth and last quarter of the year and it’s time to step back, assess where we have been, and decide how we’d like to end the year. As we all know, by mid year, most of us get side-tracked as pressing demands fill the gaps and imagined victories over XYZ get replaced by the mundane and more demanding. Sometimes, our desire for steadfastness gets turned on its head and becomes a very stubborn steadfastness that can lead us to peril. Yet, there are areas of our lives that stay constant and these areas are reminders of what matter most to us. Even when other plans go awry, there are values and commitments we just don’t abandon. Looking back at those areas can be both motivating and enlightening because they show us where our commitments lie and where, with greater effort, we could really shine. What is still on your list of things to do or things you would not cross your line for?

This year, I made a commitment to focus on making constructive changes in my life; top of the list was getting back in shape after a two year stint with troubling health issues, getting outdoors more, and managing the worrywart in me. I also made a commitment to read more, spend time with loved ones and move negativity out of my space and life. Of course,  it takes great effort to maintain our plans and there are always moments that trip us up. But, one thing I know for sure is that when we make a commitment to honor our self, our  higher self, the universe rallies to support us.  I have had my share of unexplained miracles this year and they have shown up as reminders that I am on the right path for me.  While there are still daily challenges to face and action plans to execute, I stay resolute in the belief that my steadfast commitment to change will bear positive fruit. Even with that attitude in mind, we must take action, and there is still time to create a new list of five very important resolutions to help us stay steadfast and motivated in our lives. I’ll add them here and share more in the following paragraphs. What about you? What do you stay steadfast for every year?
1. Delete Hate
2. Practice Tolerance
3. Demand Wisdom
4. Remember Compassion/Empathy
5. Replace Fear with Love.

“Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art” By John Keats
Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art—
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like nature’s patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth’s human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors—
No—yet still stedfast, still unchangeable,
Pillow’d upon my fair love’s ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever—or else swoon to death. via poetryfoundation



The details for Motivation Mondays are below. Join in! The themes for AUG/SEPT 2017 are:


08/06 –  01 National Girlfriend Day
08/13 –  06 Friendship Day, 12 International Youth Day
08/20 –  19 World Humanitarian Day
08/27 –  26 National Dog Day


09/04 – Labor Day,
09/10 – TBA
09/17 – TBA
07/24 – TBA
09/30 – Yom Kippur


Are You Looking for Ways to Stay Creative in 2017?

– Join the Daily Post Post-a-day or Post-a-week Challenge.


— Join the BlogHer Writing Lab



“Wealth stays with us a little moment if at all: only our characters are steadfast, not our gold.” Euripides

Motivation Mondays: STAY STEADFAST

Motivation Mondays: STAY STEADFAST

Motivation Mondays: STEADFAST

Motivation Mondays: STEADFAST

Above our life, we love a steadfast friend. Christopher Marlowe
When I had no place to live and I had no place to sleep – and I did sleep in the Metro – I held steadfast to the fact that I had a dream, a reason why I’m doing this… that it was bigger than this moment. Jeremy Scott
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the Lord’s work, because you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58


When I think about motivation, what comes to mind is steadfastness and resoluteness in carrying through our goals, dreams and values in our daily exchanges. As I thought about this more, what my Pastor said yesterday came bubbling to the top. He said we should stand tall, firm and rock solid in our beliefs for the greater good of humanity. We should stay steadfast, both in times of abundance and in times of scarcity, because our steadfast spirit will straighten us out and help us get back on track. Often, people work hard for an achievement and once they get from survival mode to significant achievements in success city, they become lazy and self-satisfied; they become self-indulgent, self deceptive and eventually self-destructive. We need to be vigilant and stay steadfast in our commitment to continue to grow and serve our communities and families. When we focus on the more important ways our success can help others, we turn a corner from self indulgence to service.

If you could toss out this year’s resolutions and start over, what would you choose? As I pulled my collages together for this post, I came across a photo that had an apropos message on it; it was the perfect message that I believe we can all connect with if we want to stay steadfast about rising above pettiness and honoring our greater self and others. Instead of the typical lists we make of things we want to get, give and have, this list is offering us five very important resolutions worth holding close to our hearts this year and every year:
1. Delete Hate
2. Practice Tolerance
3. Demand Wisdom
4. Remember Compassion/Empathy
5. Replace Fear with Love.
What could be more perfect as a way to wrap up our year? We have a few months left of 2017 and it is never too late to be the change we wish to see in the world. Let’s go do it!
READ:The Samurai and the Tea Master

Forget Not Yet by Sir Thomas Wyatt
Forget not yet the tried intent
Of such a truth as I have meant
My great travail so gladly spent
Forget not yet.

Forget not yet when first began
The weary life ye knew, since whan
The suit, the service, none tell can,
Forget not yet.

Forget not yet the great assays,
The cruel wrongs, the scornful ways,
The painful patience in delays
Forget not yet.

Forget not yet, forget not this,
How long ago hath been, and is,
The mind that never means amiss;
Forget not yet.

Forget not yet thine own approved,
The which so long hath thee so loved,
Whose steadfast faith yet never moved,
Forget not this.
Poem by Sir Thomas Wyatt Via Poetrysoup


Have a Happy, Healthy 2017!




Positive Motivation Tip: Decide what matters to you and be steadfast in honoring it.

Motivation Mondays is open to anyone who wishes to share a motivational quote, photo, personal challenge or a post that encourages others to start the week on an upbeat note.
Basic Instructions: Each week, I will have a motivation word to help us create a response. (See listed words for the months above/below)
Email address: You may email or share your post as a comment and I will add it to the round-up of related posts. email it to: contact(@)mirthandmotivation(.)com
Category tag: – Share your post using Motivation Mondays
Twitter hashtag: – Use this on Twitter #MotvnM
Dedicated Page: There is a dedicated page for Motivation Mondays. It has the same instructions and will include other helpful tools and a link to the round-up
Facebook Page:MotivationOnMondays Join our page and add your post and/or any motivational piece you think will be helpful to others.
Facebook Community: We have a Facebook community forum to compliment the page. It serves as another way to share uplifting posts and thoughts. Please join in and add your voice.

Badge: – I created a fun badge using PicMonkey’s free photo editing tools. You can create your own, use WordPress’ integrated tool on your blog or you are welcome to use mine. (see dedicated page)
Tag: – Motivation Mondays
Hashtag: – #MotvnM


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Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet














210 Comments leave one →
  1. lavandamichelle permalink
    18/09/2017 5:10 pm

    I love your motivational Mondays. I find myself sharing with so many people. It’s the perfect thing to read to start your week.

    Congratulations✨! i have nominated you for the blogger recognition award… check my post and accept the award

    • 19/09/2017 8:18 pm

      Thank you Lavanda, I really appreciate the gesture! <3 I'm not very good at such things and I hope you understand if I don't continue the chain-mail that comes with these awards. I believe we are all deserving and to pick a handful would be a huge challenge for me. Thank you again! 🙂

  2. Carol Cassara permalink
    18/09/2017 6:15 pm

    I love it, bring in more positivity in your life and you’re going to enjoy the results without a doubt. This year for me is all about spreading kindness, fighting for the good of everyone, and showing compassion and love for others especially those who need it most.

    • 19/09/2017 8:14 pm

      Thank you Carol, we definitely need to remember those in dire need. It’s been a rough year for so many.

      • Blair Villanueva permalink
        25/09/2017 8:36 pm

        I truly agree. 2017 have such many hate and disaster happened, and we are not over yet. I do pray and hope that it will be different next year.

      • 26/09/2017 2:02 am


  3. bohemiannation permalink
    18/09/2017 6:41 pm

    I love this idea so much. I really like that you set out to make concrete goals. I relate to the getting back in shape after illness one A LOT. I just started being able to walk and exercise a very small amount, and I want to do more. I’m also a worrier, so I relate to that too (: Love motivation on Mondays (: such a great idea.

  4. Kendra permalink
    18/09/2017 6:53 pm

    Deleting hate and practicing tolerance are two things that I’ve held steadfast on this year. It’s put a positive change on my outlook and has made me a happier person!

  5. Queens of Virtue permalink
    18/09/2017 7:42 pm

    I loved that quote! Your blog is so inspirational. I always enjoy reading! Thanks for this great read!

  6. In and Out of Vegas permalink
    18/09/2017 7:51 pm

    It’s funny. When I read the title of your blog, ‘Stay Steadfast,” I also mumbled to myself..”and strong” because over the weekend I made my own resolution. People often make these on December 31st. I think these things should be a constant in one’s life. So, I made one over the weekend and I plan to stay steadfast and strong in order to follow through with it. I constantly ask myself,” Ching are you God’s best?” And,”Ching is this person’s God’s best?” It is with those two questions I remain steadfast and are my guidelines in life. It simply means I have to be the best I can be for myself and other people and surround myself with people who are worthy of that. It encompasses being one who is kind, who is compassionate etc

  7. Shannon permalink
    18/09/2017 8:08 pm

    The change of season often has me reflecting on my Intention for the year. I set out to be Calm and Balanced and i have had fairly good success in this area. But i have fallen short in other areas. I always try to celebrate my success and identify where I fell short.

  8. lavandamichelle permalink
    19/09/2017 2:01 am

    Once again I find myself in deep thought from your post. This year, I am steadfast in pursuing my dreams with blogging. I am also steadfast in losing weight. This has been on the top of my list for 3 years and I’m happy to be able to cross them off.

    • lavandamichelle permalink
      19/09/2017 5:45 pm

      I was happy to come across your page again and once again I find that I am learning more about myself. My mom sent me off to college with the below scripture and when I started my first job my dad gave me the same scripture. This is a hard month for me and once I read the scriptures I reared up on remembrance of my beloved father. I called my mom and thanked her for raising me with such good character and I pray I am doing the same for my girl. Thanks once again. Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the Lord’s work, because you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58

      • 19/09/2017 6:17 pm

        Yes, my Pastor shared it on Sunday and it was very empowering and enlightening… So sorry about your loss and I pray you will find comfort in all the good you learned from your Dad.

    • 19/09/2017 8:10 pm

      Congratulations! They are worthy goals and you met them.

  9. acraftymix permalink
    19/09/2017 2:48 am

    One of my all time favorite quotes from Hamlet is “This above all: to thine own self be true” and your post captures that message so beautifully Elizabeth. When we are true to ourselves, our soul energy resonates with the cosmos and all things become balanced

  10. Ithfifi permalink
    19/09/2017 4:37 am

    Actually, I don’t think our goals for this year have been too different. I like you embarked on fitness and getting out more after a couple of years of really neglecting myself and my health. Along with that came out a whole clean up of my life, getting rid of unhappy situations and unsupportive/negative people and just taking time to enjoy my family and all I do have. This post has been very lovely to read, thank you. I couldn’t agree more with tip 1-5.

  11. Cia Black permalink
    19/09/2017 5:50 am

    I got my email last night stating your posting. I read it right before bed which gave me a lot of time to reflect on our writing. It makes my measly 2 resolutions seem so mundane in comparison. I want to say I’ll give up on mine but, I don’t think that was your intention for us to do. I know next year I’ll look deeper inside when making my resolutions. Try to implement ones that have a positive effect on everyone.

    • 19/09/2017 8:07 pm

      Oh Cia, your 2 resolutions are personal to you and so they have merit. Don’t throw out yours, just add anything else you’d like to work on. Thank you for your thoughtful feedback!

  12. Czjai Reyes-Ocampo permalink
    19/09/2017 5:53 am

    Your resolutions are quite similar to mine. So far, I have been quite steadfast in imbibing positivity and seeing the good in even the worst of situations. 🙂

  13. Adriana permalink
    19/09/2017 6:03 am

    What a great post. We all make so many resolutions at the beginning of the year when we are motivated and then we forget about them. This year I promised to love and respect myself a lot more and of course get my blog up and running!

  14. The_Queen_of_Style (@PJ_Gach_Editor) permalink
    19/09/2017 7:03 am

    Great advice on how to stay motivated. And thank you for sharing what made you take action and what keeps you motivated. Too many times I’ve made lists of things I must do, and they fall by the wayside.

  15. Tasheena permalink
    19/09/2017 8:01 am

    I love the idea that you’ve made constructive changes in your life. So much motivating key points that I look forward to implementing.

  16. Kelly Reci permalink
    19/09/2017 8:01 am

    Stay steady fast is really important to our life. we need to be steadfast in every trial, of what we ought to do in life because if we are discouraged we will not have. Great post!!

  17. Sarah Crowther permalink
    19/09/2017 8:30 am

    Great suggestions for a better life! I don’t make new years resolutions, because a resolution means to solve a problem. I’m not solving anything, I’m just becoming a better version of myself.

  18. Kori Evans permalink
    19/09/2017 8:45 am

    I too always tell myself at the beginning of the year I am going to eat better and lose weight. Ugh. But I love food! LOL! However I have been making progress in my goal to leave my full time job. Its slow, but I’m getting there!

  19. Star harford permalink
    19/09/2017 9:17 am

    I really like the idea of deleting hate, I would add to deal with unforgiveness because both hate and unforgiveness can lead to bitterness which can eat away at you. Demanding wisdom is a great one too!

  20. Joanna permalink
    19/09/2017 9:29 am

    My new year resolution was to do more things and not be afraid. I took this decision while I was rafting for the first time, in the first days of the new year. I do hope to continue this resolution in the new year as well.

  21. Bhumi permalink
    19/09/2017 10:07 am

    The quotes you featured are so motivating! You are right, we need to cut hate and replace it with love to improve our lives.

  22. Shell permalink
    19/09/2017 10:28 am

    I don’t really have any resolutions to toss out because I don’t make them… I mean I have things I’d like to achieve but I don’t make resolutions to get them done by a certain time…

  23. Courtney Blacher permalink
    19/09/2017 10:38 am

    I love reading quotes you post. They’re always so motivating and inspiring. Thank you for making my Mondays better.

  24. Dawn McAlexander (@TheNewClassy) permalink
    19/09/2017 10:46 am

    I am making more constructive changes in my life, too. I have been working hard to surround myself with only loving, supportive people.

  25. Saint Facetious permalink
    19/09/2017 10:51 am

    I think your number 4: remember compassion, is always the biggest one for me. And the delete hate, but I feel I’m pretty relaxed in that department these days. Compassion and empathy are always an important struggle in my life, since it’s always so easy (especially as a white male American) to forget about what other people are going through.

  26. Amber permalink
    19/09/2017 11:32 am

    Your 5 resolutions are incredibly insightful. And BIG. I think it would be great to grab a dry-erase marker and write them on my bathroom mirror, as a daily reminder.

  27. Sian Lifts Weights permalink
    19/09/2017 11:32 am

    Replacing fear with love is a huge one for this year! So much fear and scare mongering, we need to all show more love in the world.

  28. Joline permalink
    19/09/2017 11:40 am

    Your post just made me realize 2017 is almost over! Time flies. Happily I’ve kept at least one of my resolutions – to eat healthier and to exercise regularly. I’m really glad about that.

  29. ashunexpected permalink
    19/09/2017 1:43 pm

    I hope you are doing well with the changes you’ve wanted to make in your life. It is hard to stay on the right track with everything. So, I give myself grace with the changes and as long as I try to be as kind as I can in any given day I accept those twists that life throws my way.

  30. Kristine Nicole Alessandra permalink
    19/09/2017 2:56 pm

    Great advice. I practice this especially during those times when people try to dissuade you, making you feel like the odd ball. I have firm beliefs and although I am open to learning about others’ beliefs. I am not one who would ditch my own and be “one of them” just to be “one WITH them.”

  31. alisonfay1 permalink
    19/09/2017 3:10 pm

    Motivation has definitely been on my mind lately. Finding myself lacking motivation in things like photography, blog writing, website designing. I have been lacking motivation. Reading this was thought provoking and has made me think about why – and how I could help build my motivation back up.

  32. Terri Ramsey Beavers permalink
    19/09/2017 3:11 pm

    I love your list and I’ve also made a commitment to Delete Hate! I’m going to practice more tolerance this fall.

  33. Venus Fitness-Shannon permalink
    19/09/2017 3:28 pm

    If you could toss out this year’s resolutions and start over, I would choose. to focus less on what i cannot control and more on focusing on my actions.

  34. Gladys S Parker (@momtograndma) permalink
    19/09/2017 3:57 pm

    I don’t make resolutions or promises, not even goals at the beginning of the year as that is a very ugly time for me. In the spring I make make a goal or two. All I am working on now is to lose a few pounds a month (I have successes to celebrate this way) and to be less judgmental which is very hard, but putting myself in others shoes makes it much easier.

  35. Eva permalink
    19/09/2017 4:23 pm

    This is so important to remember! I love the verse you selected from Corinthians!

  36. kleebanks permalink
    19/09/2017 5:11 pm

    Oh, absolutely. Being steadfast, consistent, faithful, staying the course… all those ideas for sure go together! I like the emphasis on compassion, especially since I enjoy offering encouragement on one of my blogs. My word for this year is “breakthrough” – and it does require remaining steadfast to achieve those breakthroughs!

  37. Via Bella permalink
    19/09/2017 5:37 pm

    I love the idea of using the fall as a way to look back at the first part of the year when we made our resolutions. I know, I have not hit all mine yet so it’s definitely an inspiration for me. Thank you!

    • 19/09/2017 6:19 pm

      Yes, it is a reminder for all of us to buckle down and refocus on what we had planned to do early in the year. Better yet, find a new focus.

  38. acheerymind permalink
    19/09/2017 5:40 pm

    I love your five resolutions! It is true, that days pass and we sometimes forget what was our resolutions back in January. I also like to re-assess my priorities as the year goes. Now that the last quarter has arrived here is my new five to finish strong 2017
    1. Create a new morning routine and stick with it
    2. Focus on a healthy lifestyle: Macros Nutrition counting at least 5 days a week
    3. Move more – Go to the gym 6 days a week in the morning
    4. Get out of my comfort zone and try something new – signed up for Socafit class 3 times a week
    5. Live more, Worry less – enjoy things as they come and stop stressing about the future

    I am turning 30 in December, this is key for me to finish my 20’s right! 🙂

  39. Drake Conan permalink
    19/09/2017 6:31 pm

    In our life, We need to be steadfast to overcome all our life’s trial. If we cannot be steady and are always discouraged, we will fall.

  40. The Blonde Diary permalink
    19/09/2017 6:34 pm

    Love that you are using Fall as a reason to look back at your accomplishments. Very motivational post!


  41. Carol permalink
    19/09/2017 7:30 pm

    Practicing tolerance was part of my new year’s resolution this year and, thanks to this post, I’ll add replacing fear with love, too 🙂

  42. Courtney from Antipodean Adventurer permalink
    19/09/2017 8:05 pm

    What an inspirational post. I loved the photos, the poems and the quotes. Thanks for sharing!

  43. Erica Ardali permalink
    19/09/2017 8:20 pm

    I have found myself getting sucked into others hateful comments and opinions. I had to take a stand and just not read into it. It was damaging me emotionally and I had to just as you said, delete it from my life.

  44. Josselyn Radillo permalink
    19/09/2017 8:23 pm

    I been thinking on my resolutions lately and I think I’m on the right path to achieve most of them. I’m scare on some but I really want to make the best of everything

  45. Samantha permalink
    19/09/2017 10:57 pm

    These are 5 really great resolutions. I think I stayed pretty close to mine (I’ll have to go back & look at them). Staying positive & removing negativity is something I’ve worked on the last few years & it has served me well.

  46. Nayna Kanabar permalink
    20/09/2017 12:29 am

    A lot of us make goals and then do nothing about them. I totally admire you as your are looking back on them and making sure that you are reflecting back on them.

  47. simplysensationalfood permalink
    20/09/2017 12:31 am

    A lot of us make resolutions and set gials and tgen firget about them, I admire that you are revisiting them and reflecting back on them to see what you have achieved. (Nayna Kanabar)

  48. Georgia Stallcop permalink
    20/09/2017 12:58 am

    I had never read the poem Forget Not Yet by Sir Thomas Wyatt, So much meaning in those words. I am going to put my notepad in m phone so I can glimpse at it when I need a little motivation

  49. Oursamyatra permalink
    20/09/2017 1:03 am

    The five resolutions (Delete Hate,Practice Tolerance,Demand Wisdom,Remember Compassion/Empathy,Replace Fear with Love.) that you give is really very important. everybody should maintain these for better future.
    Moreover the quotation of Helen Keller is so much motivational.

    BTW congratulation for getting nominee in blogger recognition award.

  50. Bhushavali permalink
    20/09/2017 2:04 am

    I have a 2 major resolutions over the next 3 months. Hope I’ll stay steadfast and achieve the goals…

  51. kriti permalink
    20/09/2017 3:06 am

    Replace fear with love is the best thing i ever read and i really want to accomplish it in my life too.. i wish i could read this motivatinal quotes before 2 months when i desperately need such a stuff…

    but as you said you never be too late too realise!!
    Thanks for sharing love !!

  52. smraiyyan permalink
    20/09/2017 5:31 am

    Wow! That feels so motivational! Your strategy looks super. This article kept me engaged for so long!

  53. Mayuri permalink
    20/09/2017 5:39 am

    I really liked the idea of constructive changes in life and also, I enjoyed all the quotes and poetry in this post. Doubts and mistrust, in my opinion, is the worst thing in one’s life…it destroys self-confidence and relationships.
    “Doubts and mistrust are the mere panic of timid imagination, which the steadfast heart will conquer, and the large mind will transcend.”- Helen Keller

  54. Roadside Pie King permalink
    20/09/2017 6:27 am

    Keeping a positive outlook is so important to ones mental health. Hate, grudges, and spite are so destructive. One emotion feed the next. Thank you for the inspiration to feed the good in my life.

  55. Kristen from The Road to Domestication permalink
    20/09/2017 7:04 am

    I liken staying fast a lot with keeping your word. This is so important these days. Not many folks have the decency to keep their word anymore, much less stay fast. I hope this becomes a trend!

  56. Utminh permalink
    20/09/2017 7:22 am

    I’m always looking for your articles to read. A great idea! Your blog has a lot of useful information.

  57. Keeping Up With Candy permalink
    20/09/2017 7:50 am

    You know, I never thought about at the end of the year looking back at the resolutions I made at the beginning of the year to see what I neglected. At the end of the year, I am always wondering what next year’s resolutions will be. I will have to remember this for next year!

  58. Jeannine Dippenaar permalink
    20/09/2017 7:53 am

    It seems that I find myself back here every monday for more… As allways I enjoy your inspirational words of wisdom. I am thinking about my new, new years resolution I would choose to delete hate – this is a tough one for me, I seem to dwell forever and find it hard if not impossible to forgive. I think by being able to delete hate so many of the others would disappear

  59. Margarette Puno permalink
    20/09/2017 8:17 am

    Your blog really inspire me with all of the quotes and motivation you put in your post.

  60. Thehyppomyselfthecat permalink
    20/09/2017 8:53 am

    I am not a religious person but I believe in the universe and that everything we do affects the others, even if on the other side of the world. Practice tolerance, I have to say, sometimes it is very difficult to me as I live in a big city where people just think about themselves with no consideration for others and this upsets me. I am trying to work on it anyway.I

  61. keisha1989 permalink
    20/09/2017 8:55 am

    I love this. I am all about positive vibes this year and enjoying the results of that. I love reading posts like these. It keeps me inspired. I will definitely be sharing this post. I hope it will have a positive effect on others.

  62. Kiwi permalink
    20/09/2017 9:15 am

    Wow if I can start over with my new years resolution it was be #5. I am learning to replace fear with love, I think I have feared love for a long time.

  63. Ruth I permalink
    20/09/2017 9:20 am

    For me, it is being generous ang humble. I was unemployed for a few years and my loved ones encouraged me. I am now with a job and do my best to provide and give back

  64. Alexa Brooks permalink
    20/09/2017 9:28 am

    Love this, you just have to keep going no matter how slow you think you are going!

  65. Words of a Texas Nerd permalink
    20/09/2017 9:32 am

    I think you posted several quotes that we need to be reminded of often. To be steadfast is not easy. So many times we are battered in the chaotic life. And to have friends that can display a steadfast attitude is also difficult to find.

  66. Jane permalink
    20/09/2017 9:51 am

    Love the post. I think deleting hate and practicing tolerance go hand in hand. When we delete the hate from our own speech and actions we are practicing being tolerant of others. And the same goes for deleting (or i guess ignoring) hate from other. We are being tolerant of their bad behaviors.

  67. lavandamichelle permalink
    20/09/2017 10:04 am

    Replace fear with love. I had to really think about that. I have a friend who is thinking about divorce because she feels her husband is not stable enough and his decision are constantly putting her and her children in danger of losing their home. He has declared a change but after seven years of this behavior she is afraid to believe in him. Although we all know she loves him. I wanted to share this with her when I first read it but I myself was afraid of the backlash. But I’m choosing my Lionel and sharing it. Once again, you love me to take action.
    Congratulations✨! i have nominated you for the blogger recognition award… check my post and accept the award

  68. Tanvi Rastogi (@Tanviidotcom) permalink
    20/09/2017 10:14 am

    I appreciate your thoughts and the list. I do not make resolutions but instead pick a word every year and try to incorporate it in my everyday life. My word this year is – Intention – I have tried my best to do things with intention rather just “just for the sake” this year.

  69. nadaliebardo permalink
    20/09/2017 11:04 am

    I can’t believe it’s that time of the year. You’re totally right, we must now analyze how this year went and take into considerations our achievements and what we need to improve on. I cannot agree with you more on the 5 changes you’ve chosen, then resonate with me as well.

  70. nicoleflintkontrol permalink
    20/09/2017 11:06 am

    Now that we are transition from Summer to Fall, I’m going to take advantage of the rest of the year and continue to work on my goals. It’s never too late!

  71. alokrana88 permalink
    20/09/2017 11:25 am

    I am bookmarking this motivational steadfast for so many reasons. I may need to share it with my followers and friends as I always like to motivate others in blogging work. Thanks for sharing this out.

  72. allthingslizzie permalink
    20/09/2017 12:01 pm

    This is bloody wonderful. I needed something like this as I find it so easy to fall into a melanthropic type life when anxiety rolls around so thank you!

  73. Ginger Mom permalink
    20/09/2017 12:41 pm

    I make so many resolutions at the beginning of the year. Really need to start reflecting on them 🙂 Thanks for sharing this!

  74. Betzy Cuellar permalink
    20/09/2017 1:22 pm

    I need to learn how to be steadfast and practice a couple of the tips you mentioned.

  75. NPC permalink
    20/09/2017 3:18 pm

    Very motivational and inspiring! Sure made my day after reading this post!

  76. nbosken permalink
    20/09/2017 4:02 pm

    I love this post! Deleting hate is so important, especially self-hate. I’ve decided to stay more steadfast and true to me to be more giving of myself. When you give, you put positive energy out there.

  77. Kylie permalink
    20/09/2017 4:15 pm

    This is such a beautiful post, I think it’s so important to reassess how we go and create resolutions! I think the one thing I’m trying to work on myself is tolerance. 🙂

  78. The Blonde Diary permalink
    20/09/2017 6:28 pm

    Great post and super motivational! Thanks for sharing! Have a great rest of your week!


  79. stylewithamanda444 permalink
    20/09/2017 8:08 pm

    I really enjoyed reading this post! Towards this time of the year I always reflect on my goals and get recharged to accomplish them!

  80. Anastasia Golovk permalink
    20/09/2017 9:14 pm

    You have some advanced resolutions planned for this year. Mine are much simpler, like being on time and listen to people more.

  81. Oyinkan permalink
    20/09/2017 10:12 pm

    Great that you decided to make constructive changes in your life. That’s so important. & I’m sure if you stay focused, it will happen

  82. Sabrina Barbante (@SabrinaBarbante) permalink
    20/09/2017 11:45 pm

    Your motivational mondays are so rich! I generally have shorter plans and a very daily motivational schedule…. and that’s why I come to your blog every now and then 🙂

  83. Angela Milnes permalink
    21/09/2017 12:18 am

    What a great poem I love to read more about this and I should change my fear with love and have a good tolerance.

  84. aniahalama permalink
    21/09/2017 1:03 am

    I look forward to your motivation mondays every week. It brightens my day. Always important to make goals and accomplish them 🙂

  85. RonRon permalink
    21/09/2017 4:49 am

    Inspiring and motivational indeed. Being steadfast at trying times is a must. Such a timely read for me.

  86. Jen S permalink
    21/09/2017 6:19 am

    I always love your motivational monday posts! Keats is my favorite poet so it was nice to see that in there 🙂

  87. Fred permalink
    21/09/2017 6:50 am

    As physical and emotional upheavals threaten us, we only have our steadfast faith in God to carry us through. Having this quality of steadfast faith gives us a positive attitude in life that we need everyday.

  88. White Pen permalink
    21/09/2017 7:21 am

    I need these motivations for my Mondays. Since I’m having a hard time on monday. I should take time to read each of it.

  89. rhianwestbury permalink
    21/09/2017 7:57 am

    Your resolutions this year are great ones and it’s good that you’ve seen a change this year even if things have happened x

  90. Aditi permalink
    21/09/2017 7:59 am

    This is such a great post. Love your list and that reminds me that I never actually make any kind of resolutions. I just try to be more and more conscious of my choices related to life, everyday tasks, people, my actions, and the like. Thanks for sharing this post.

  91. franckxethee permalink
    21/09/2017 9:51 am

    We should be firm with our decision and steadfast with our choices. We should also remain flexible for upcoming changes too.

  92. London Mumma permalink
    21/09/2017 10:31 am

    It can be so hard sometimes keeping on the right track with the plans and targets set out, but as long as you are able to keep track from what you have deviated from, that is good motivation in itself.

  93. Afroza Khan permalink
    21/09/2017 12:38 pm

    This post came at the perfect time in my life! I need to sit down and reassess everything in my life and goals. I forget to do that sometimes!

  94. Hey Sharonoox permalink
    21/09/2017 3:11 pm

    Replacing fear with love is on top of my to do list. By pushing inner fears away, it helps me feel love from people who I cared about. I do believe in love conquer all!

  95. ktmommyscene permalink
    21/09/2017 4:32 pm

    So true, Sturdy trees have roots that grow deep into the ground, allowing them to withstand many storms. It’s important to identify what grounds each of us. Resolutions can help and choosing to live intentionally.

  96. Ruthie Ridley (@RuthieRidley) permalink
    21/09/2017 6:27 pm

    This is such an inspiring post!! Your posts are always so motivating!

  97. Ellie permalink
    21/09/2017 7:08 pm

    Delete hate and replace fear with love, I love those two! Its good to sit down and re-evaluate things in your life to figure out how you want to be living your life. Practicing gratitude and bringing more positivity in to your life and removing the toxic elements will always make you happier and more at peace.

  98. Adaleta Avdić permalink
    21/09/2017 8:28 pm

    This is really great to focus on motivation and staying positive. It is so important to remove the bad or toxic things and people from your life.

  99. chewoutloud permalink
    21/09/2017 9:36 pm

    Love your depiction of tree roots and correlating that with the idea of steadfastness. It takes dedication, faithfulness, and commitment to remain steadfast. Though there will be moments of falling and faltering, if our roots go deep, we won’t be totally derailed though we may fail sometimes. Tree roots also grow stronger as they stretch and combine with other tree roots, forming a forest-like protection for each other. Likewise, we so need other people in our lives who can be steady for us, as we are for them too. Thanks for this beautiful post.

  100. toastycritic permalink
    21/09/2017 11:27 pm

    I don’t think that I could just toss out this year’s new year’s resolution. Not just yet anyway. But I love your idea of the tree as steadfast. I can think of no better example when it comes to that.

  101. phyliciamarie permalink
    22/09/2017 12:50 am

    I love the five things you put to delete this year. More than practicing tolerance, I think I need to exercise more patience because I’m a generally hotheaded person.

  102. Divyanka Krsna permalink
    22/09/2017 4:16 am

    Wow! This is just superb. The irony is we look after to change the world while we stay the same. Deleting hate is one of the first and necessary things to do. Hating would attract more hate! We create our environment by our own thoughts.

  103. TheMrsTee permalink
    22/09/2017 5:57 am

    I like that you specified ‘constructive changes’ . Sometimes making changes lacks the impact we expect because they aren’t made with the future in mind. Great post and images!

  104. Cătălina Nini permalink
    22/09/2017 1:23 pm

    If you could toss out this year’s resolutions and start over, I would choose the same resolutions: stay true to myself, take care of my body, mind and soul, spend more time with my loved one, travel more and overthink less. Your posts always relax me. Thank you ♥

  105. Kristine Nicole Alessandra permalink
    22/09/2017 2:32 pm

    “Remember Compassion and Empathy.” That is a very powerful habit. If would only imagine ourselves in the lives of others, then we can truly understand what they are going through and why their actions are such. If we show them that we care, we understand, then all the hate will disappear.

  106. Eileen permalink
    22/09/2017 2:44 pm

    I remain steadfast in my faith and my beliefs. i was born and raised a Catholic and that is what i will be until death. I know of some people who are religious fanatics, joining every sect that is “popular” at the time. Being steadfast, for me, it to be firm and fight for what I believe is right.

  107. Gladys S Parker (@momtograndma) permalink
    22/09/2017 3:29 pm

    The only commitment I have is my better health which is more of a goal. I have stayed with it all year but I have not done as well as I would have liked.

  108. lavandamichelle permalink
    22/09/2017 7:31 pm

    Today I opened my Facebook page to be treated with so much hate. My news feed hurt my feelings and I couldn’t allow that in my life. Then I remembered you suggested to be steadfast and delete hate. Therefore I borrowed it and decided to create a smaller Friend List. Again thank you.

  109. Ana Ojha permalink
    22/09/2017 7:59 pm

    Practicing tolerance and deleting hate are the two areas that I’m working on myself! I also try to keep away myself with negative people. These resolutions and reflections will help us to become a better human being.

  110. Jessica Hughes permalink
    22/09/2017 11:19 pm

    While I agree there are a few instances when staying steadfast where staying steadfast in not in our best interest, for the most part staying steadfast is a must in life. We will be handed challenges and obstacles but we must always stay true to our goals and dreams and carry on.

  111. lynifrika permalink
    23/09/2017 12:12 am

    Being a mum has help me delete hate, replace fear with love and made my tolerance level go really high. This is really great, I love the motivation Monday!!!!!!

  112. Aditi permalink
    23/09/2017 6:36 am

    Well said! Everey region is our fatherland and every human is created equal!

  113. Shalama Jackson permalink
    23/09/2017 7:10 am

    I continue to be steadfast in achieving personal and professional goals. I have some things I want to achieve in the next couple of years and requires me to keep pushing forward.

  114. Ruth permalink
    23/09/2017 9:44 am

    Wow, i really love this passion project and your writings made me think about how I am living my life

    I love how you share the importance of eliminating hatred and negativity 😀

  115. eclectickristal permalink
    23/09/2017 10:07 am

    Your post are always the best and it make me realize my area has so much to look at.

  116. Kristen from The Road to Domestication permalink
    23/09/2017 8:27 pm

    I find that in the areas that are hard for me to be steadfast…those are the areas in which my steadfastness is most needed. I hope that makes sense…

  117. Tita Pacita permalink
    24/09/2017 10:17 am

    Agree, mid-year resolutions are the best and I wish you (and the rest of us) luck and good vibes to make it all happen! 🙂

  118. Eileen permalink
    24/09/2017 1:54 pm

    Thank you for this inspiring post again, Elizabeth. After reading this article, I have decided to remain steadfast in practicing tolerance especially with those people whose beliefs are different from mine. I will show them respect and in the process I hope I earn that respect back too.

  119. Yes Missy permalink
    24/09/2017 6:08 pm

    Those are some great constructive changes you have in mind. Good luck with them!

  120. Jiawun | Beauty Nerd By Night permalink
    25/09/2017 1:11 am

    This is such a motivating and inspiring post! I love reading motivation posts, especially on a gloomy Monday. Thanks for sharing!

  121. Female Traveler✈️ (@hrakaridi) permalink
    25/09/2017 1:39 am

    I love to read your Motivational Mondays!! I want to start my week with positive thoughts!! Happy fall to all of us 🙂

  122. Garf permalink
    25/09/2017 1:43 am

    I like your motivational Mondays. I need this kind of motivating and inspiring post.

  123. Rosey permalink
    25/09/2017 1:56 am

    That small list of (5) packs a powerful punch. I couldn’t agree more that they are goals everyone should have.

  124. tissy permalink
    25/09/2017 9:29 am

    Very positive and insightful – focused writing. I enjoy the insertion of quotes and images – very fitting and helps to illustrate the meaning. Great read

  125. Ellie Augustin permalink
    25/09/2017 9:48 am

    Thanks so much for a very enlighting post. I really needed it. It’s been a couple of crazy weeks for us and I have to remember there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you again.

  126. waitingforrain28 permalink
    25/09/2017 10:09 am

    Staying steadfast is one of the hardest things to do in the face of challenges, but it is definitely the way to success for most of us. I know that for me, it is not giving up and continuing to try again and again that has gotten me places.

  127. GoodnightTheSkye permalink
    25/09/2017 12:53 pm

    This is some true wisdom for sure! I definitely feel more motivated!

  128. tinahogangrant permalink
    25/09/2017 9:57 pm

    Since battling breast cancer 4 years ago I have made many changes in my life and often reflect back to how toxic my life was. I only surround myself with those that are good for me, I spend more time with family and less time chasing the almighty dollar. What didn’t seem important 5 years ago now consumes me. I really do not do new year resolutions because I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. If I did make one it would be “to do more of what I am currently doing.”

  129. fashionenzymes permalink
    26/09/2017 2:39 am

    The five resolutions (Delete Hate,Practice Tolerance,Demand Wisdom,Remember Compassion/Empathy,Replace Fear with Love.) that you mentioned are already in my bucket list and I try everyday to abide by these rules since they are really very important.

  130. Courtney Stewart permalink
    26/09/2017 7:38 am

    Wow… and the images just brought even more life to everything you said for me. What a powerful piece…

  131. Christopher Mitchell permalink
    26/09/2017 12:10 pm

    It’s hard to really focus on what’s important until we’re jolted back to reality like you were. I think I’ll aim to adopt some of your resolutions to be honest, as they seem solid, pragmatic, and vital. Thanks!

  132. Tiffany Yong permalink
    27/09/2017 8:07 am

    While you are advocating to stay steadfast to goals and resolutions, I’m thinking about one of our fellow blogger’s post on learning to quit and saying no when they have to. It is important to stick to our plans and resolutions, at the same time, one will need to learn to realise the mistakes in their plan and learn to let go when they can.

  133. Aditya permalink
    27/09/2017 9:50 pm

    I find myself sharing with so many people. It’s the perfect thing to read to start your week.I dont know how you do all that. Can you mail me your subscription link or e-mail me so that I can read before office? These are really good.

  134. thenafranssen permalink
    30/09/2017 6:40 am

    Great motivation for those Monday mornings! Keep up your work, your blog is great!!

  135. Sin Yee permalink
    14/10/2017 10:12 am

    I have done some huge change and move too. Hope will be better and better!

  136. Nawal permalink
    04/11/2017 1:24 am

    You know what? Even though I haven’t written or made up any resolutions at the beginning of this year, I try to incorporate ” giving people of the benefit of the doubt ” which can be hard at times to bo honest with you, especially when you’re hurt


  1. Motivation Mondays: Suicide Prevention Awareness Month | Mirth and Motivation
  2. Motivation Mondays: SAILING | Mirth and Motivation
  3. Motivation Mondays: PERCEPTION | Mirth and Motivation
  4. Motivation Mondays: LOYALTY | Mirth and Motivation
  5. Motivation Mondays: UN Day – Transcend Differences | Mirth and Motivation
  6. Motivation Mondays: Overcoming Adversity | Mirth and Motivation
  7. Motivation Mondays: Be GRATEFUL | Mirth and Motivation
  8. Motivation Mondays: THANKFUL | Mirth and Motivation
  9. Motivation Mondays: GIVING BACK | Mirth and Motivation
  10. Motivation Mondays: Stumbling Blocks | Mirth and Motivation
  11. Motivation Mondays: Heart Of Transitions | Mirth and Motivation

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