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Motivation Mondays: LABOR of LOVE


“There is honor in all work, in all tasks, but take it one step further. Make what you do a labor of love. Then your work will truly touch and change the world in the way you desire. The work you do, whatever your chosen field, will be work that heals.” Melody Beattie

Motivation Mondays: LABOR of LOVE

Motivation Mondays: LABOR of LOVE

As we celebrate Labor Day, we honor the men and women who fought tirelessly for workers’ rights, which are so critical to our strong and successful labor force. Elizabeth Esty
Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. Mother Teresa
A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them. Liberty Hyde Bailey

What do you know about Labor Day?  Aside from the important Labor history that shaped the world of work and opened doors for women, immigrants and countless others who have been sidelined over the years, this day marks the celebration and collective effort of workers and the laws/lawmakers and activists who fought to ensure that we remain safe at our workplaces, that children are not forced to work and that adults are not relegated to work in dingy unsafe settings for dreadfully low wages. This year, we celebrate it the day before the International Day of Charity. It makes perfect sense because Mother Teresa served the poor as a labor of love and her legacy continues to shine for so many workers around the world; especially those who work in thankless jobs and don’t seek the limelight for their effort.

On a less serious note, in the USA, Labor Day Weekend forces us to shift gears from our languid summer escapades, to a return to work mode, and focus on the impending Fall season. It sets the tone serving us notice that summer has ended and that new rules will soon apply. Labor Day marks the end of wearing white in some circles; the start of football season; the time to pack away summer things and do fall dusting and unpacking; watch the changing colors of falling foliage; a time to plan for Thanksgivings dinners, Christmas holiday shopping and other things that will soon take up our time… It is also a time for reflection on what the world of paid and voluntary work mean to us and how we can all serve each other better. Study the nature of problems in your community and think of how you can help.

A Story: Study The Nature Of The Problem To Solve It
A lion was taken into captivity and thrown into a concentration camp where, to his amazement, he found other lions who had been there for years, some of them all their lives, for they had been born there. He soon became acquainted with the social activities of the camp lions. They banded themselves into groups.
One group consisted of the socializers; another was into show business; another was cultural, for its purpose was to carefully preserve the customs, the tradition, and the history of the times when lions were free; other groups were religious — they gathered mostly to sing moving songs about a future jungle where there would be no fences; some groups attracted those who were literary and artistic by nature; others still were revolutionary, and they met to plot against their captors or against other revolutionary groups. Every now and then a revolution would breakout, one particular group would be wiped out by another, or the guards would all be killed and replaced by another set of guards.
As he looked around, the newcomer observed one lion who always seemed deep in thought, a loner who belonged to no group and mostly kept away from everyone. There was something strange about him that commanded everyone’s admiration and everyone’s hostility, for his presence aroused fear and self-doubt. He said to the newcomer, “Join no group. These poor fools are busy with everything except what is essential.”
“And what do you think is most essential?” asked the newcomer.
“Studying the nature of the fence.” via Zen Stories

“The miracle is not that we do this work, but that we are happy to do it.” Mother Teresa

Monday Motivations: Labor of Love & International Day of Charity

Monday Motivations: Labor of Love & International Day of Charity

Motivation Mondays: LABOR of LOVE

Motivation Mondays: LABOR of LOVE

Without labor nothing prospers. Sophocles
It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things.” Theodore Roosevelt
Patience; accomplish thy labor; accomplish thy work of affection!
Sorrow and silence are strong, and patient endurance is godlike.
Therefore accomplish thy labor of love, till the heart is made godlike,
Purified, strengthened, perfected, and rendered more worthy of heaven.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

What do you know about International Day of Charity? Did you know that it is the day after  Labor Day  this year?. International Day of Charity was established in 2012 by the United Nations Organization as a way to sensitize people to the issues of poverty worldwide, and also as a way to recognize the works and deeds of Mother Teresa of Calcutta who served the poor throughout her lifetime and passed away on September 5, 1997. Mother Teresa was canonized as a Saint last year and this year, we will celebrate both her death and her recognition as a modern day Saint in our world.  She will now be celebrated every year on September 5th as Saint Teresa of Calcutta MC. It makes perfect sense to me because when we labor and share the benefits of our work, we take an important step by offering help to those in need. Charity and Labor go hand in hand and are great qualities that we all want to have; to provide for our loved ones and to give back to our communities. On this auspicious day of recognizing the role both play in the lives of a community, a nation, and globally, we can recommit ourselves to help sustain each other through volunteering, working hard, and giving back.

A Story: The Charity We Extend Comes Back Tenfold. via my family. EOF
My paternal grandmother raised my dad alone after her husband died suddenly of a heart attack. They were poor farmers, in a West African village, who saw the arrival of  European missionaries up-end their lives at the turn of the 20th Century. When her hubby passed away, my Grandma sent her youngest son to the only school in a nearby village. It was a Missionary school that educated a handful of boys, sent by bold parents, in a fractious climate that didn’t encourage education as a way out of poverty. Many locals were against the missionaries who were determined to force people to abandon traditional practices and Ancestral worship for a new Christian order. With the Missionaries came laws on taxation and village leaders were also against the imposition of tax levies on communities that were barely eking out a living to support their families. So you can imagine that, in such a tense climate of imminent and eventual change, education was not available to all or even considered a road out of poverty. The missionary school was free and was offered to the community as a charitable effort to gain trust. Still, many turned away from it because they couldn’t imagine how an education would help grow their crops or raise their farm animals.

My Grandma, out of desperation to support her family, took a chance and sent her youngest son to the school. He was eager to learn and she was eager to find a path out of poverty.  As she struggled, others in the village rallied to support and encourage her and  became equally invested in seeing my Dad succeed. My dad stayed in school, holding onto the community’s dream of a better life. He received an education that led him down the path to entering the world of Accountancy, Banking and eventually Government.  As his career path expanded, he took up the role of  benefactor and helped educate many in our village. He never forgot the goodwill and charity that was extended to him as a little boy and repaid it tenfold.  We often forget that the hand that feeds one, creates an opportunity for many more hands to feed others. When we act charitably towards others, we benefit as much as the receiver of our philanthropy.

The details for Motivation Mondays are below. Join in! The themes for AUG/SEPT 2017 are:


08/06 –  01 National Girlfriend Day
08/13 –  06 Friendship Day, 12 International Youth Day
08/20 –  19 World Humanitarian Day
08/27 –  26 National Dog Day


09/04 – Labor Day,
09/10 – TBA
09/17 – TBA
07/24 – TBA
09/30 – Yom Kippur

Are You Looking for Ways to Stay Creative in 2017?

– Join the Daily Post Post-a-day or Post-a-week Challenge.


— Join the BlogHer Writing Lab

More Below!

“According to the law that governs the universe, all sufferings are your labor of love to unveil your real self.” Meher Baba

Motivation Mondays: LABOR of LOVE

Motivation Mondays: LABOR of LOVE

Motivation Mondays: LABOR of LOVE

Motivation Mondays: LABOR of LOVE

Writing is a labor of love and also an act of defiance, a way to light a candle in a gale wind. Alice Childress
The very longing for contentment that ought to drive us to simplicity of life and labors of love contents itself instead with the broken cisterns of prosperity and comfort. John Piper

Labor of Love Meaning – The quote ‘labor of love’ is used to describe a person’s reason for doing work that may not have a self-serving or monetary benefit. The work and energy, i.e. labor, is expended for the benefit of others or because it provides a sense of purpose, goodness, satisfaction or well being.

What Plans do You have for Labor Day? Does it remind you to do what you love? As we celebrate this special day by relaxing, enjoying the company of loved ones and indulging in good food and drinks, let us not forget to give thanks to those who toil daily to plant, harvest, transport, sell and serve us. Their daily grind makes it feasible for us to continue to enjoy the good things of life.

Have a Happy, Healthy 2017!


Positive Motivation Tip:  As we enjoy the fruits of our labor, let us not forget those who are unable to do so.

Motivation Mondays is open to anyone who wishes to share a motivational quote, photo, personal challenge or a post that encourages others to start the week on an upbeat note.
Basic Instructions: Each week, I will have a motivation word to help us create a response. (See listed words for the months above/below)
Email address: You may email or share your post as a comment and I will add it to the round-up of related posts. email it to: contact(@)mirthandmotivation(.)com
Category tag: – Share your post using Motivation Mondays
Twitter hashtag: – Use this on Twitter #MotvnM
Dedicated Page: There is a dedicated page for Motivation Mondays. It has the same instructions and will include other helpful tools and a link to the round-up
Facebook Page:MotivationOnMondays Join our page and add your post and/or any motivational piece you think will be helpful to others.
Facebook Community: We have a Facebook community forum to compliment the page. It serves as another way to share uplifting posts and thoughts. Please join in and add your voice.

Badge: – I created a fun badge using PicMonkey’s free photo editing tools. You can create your own, use WordPress’ integrated tool on your blog or you are welcome to use mine. (see dedicated page)
Tag: – Motivation Mondays
Hashtag: – #MotvnM

Related Posts

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos via Wikipedia  and/or Labor Day via Pixabay, International Day of Charity via UN.Org

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet


165 Comments leave one →
  1. eclectickristal permalink
    04/09/2017 12:16 pm

    I try to be kind to other people. It is so important to be kind and thankful for everyone who had helped you as well as going doing the same for others.

  2. lavandamichelle permalink
    04/09/2017 5:30 pm

    The opening quote is truly amaZing! It is always important to give thanks and do works with a labor of love!

    • 06/09/2017 12:20 pm

      It does make a difference!

    • lavandamichelle permalink
      07/09/2017 11:22 am

      I love post and it was a pleasure to read it again. It remains me of family and volunteering. I personally feel like everything should be done with a labor of love.

  3. Liz Mays permalink
    04/09/2017 5:34 pm

    Today is definitely an important reminder of all that workers were able to accomplish by banding together. I like the lion story. When people are able to work together, a lot of problems can be solved!

  4. In and Out of Vegas permalink
    04/09/2017 7:52 pm

    Motivation Monday, I love it. It certainly is the day when we need it the most, isn’t it? I love your frequent mention of Mother Teresa. I was so happy when she became a saint. She has one of my favorite quotes. It’s rather long but it ends with. ..”in the end it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.”

    • 06/09/2017 12:19 pm

      I know that one well… She was a beacon of light for many so I cherish her. As for that long poem, there is an interesting story to it. She didn’t write it. Kent Keith did and it was then painted on her missionary wall. I’ve written about it but here are the original and the adapted versions.
      The version found written on the wall in Mother Teresa’s home for children in Calcutta:

      People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
      If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
      If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.
      If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.
      What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.
      If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
      The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.
      Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.
      In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway. This version is credited to Mother Teresa

      The Original Version: The Paradoxical Commandments by Dr. Kent M. Keith
      People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
      Love them anyway.
      If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
      Do good anyway.
      If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies.
      Succeed anyway.
      The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
      Do good anyway.
      Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
      Be honest and frank anyway.
      The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
      Think big anyway.
      People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
      Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
      What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
      Build anyway.
      People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
      Help people anyway.
      Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth.
      Give the world the best you have anyway.
      © 1968, 2001 Kent M. Keith
      He wrote about it here: Mother Teresa Connection

      • In and Out of Vegas permalink
        06/09/2017 12:48 pm

        I’ve never seen that version. Thanks for posting! But because Im Catholic, I do believe in that last line about God and really like that 🙂

      • 07/09/2017 11:34 pm

        Yes, it is a deeply profound line…

  5. Shell permalink
    04/09/2017 10:11 pm

    I didn’t really know the true meaning behind the Labor Day holiday before… thanks for sharing with us…

  6. acraftymix permalink
    05/09/2017 12:34 am

    Happy Labor Day Elizabeth, I hope you and your family had a wonderfully relaxing time and that you got to enjoy all the fruits of the harvest that were made with love by the people who should be honored

  7. Ronnie Epsi permalink
    05/09/2017 1:34 am

    Beautiful story about your father and I’m glad he was able to excel toward an academic path. It’s so difficult to get out of a cycle of poverty, particularly growing up in poorer countries where educational opportunities are difficult to come by. One of my dreams is to open a programming center in Bolivia to teach children how to program and help the country advance technologically. There is much untapped potential!

  8. Tanvi Rastogi (@Tanviidotcom) permalink
    05/09/2017 4:54 am

    I am ashamed to say I had no knowledge about this day. I knew there were labor rights involved but nothing else much. I celebrated it at the movies with my husband 🙂

  9. jenny at dapperhouse (@dapperhouse) permalink
    05/09/2017 5:51 am

    This labor day we worked. Cleaning, repairing and paining some walls, and other things. We did not have a BarBQ because we needed the extra day to get things done. So it truly was a labor day.

  10. Carol Cassara permalink
    05/09/2017 6:38 am

    Honestly, I didn’t know about the international day of charity. It’s something that people should know about especially these days, when the world needs a little more kindness.

  11. brigettedanielle permalink
    05/09/2017 7:01 am

    I hope you had a nice Labor Day! Even though Labor day is not the last day of summer, it sure means it ends to me lol. WEll actually September 1st is the first day of Fall in my mind lol. I did not know today was International Charity Day… that day definitely should be highlighted more.

  12. Amanda Goodenough permalink
    05/09/2017 7:48 am

    What a great post! Happy Labor Day. I think we all need to give a little charity right now.

  13. jin permalink
    05/09/2017 7:49 am

    I really love the little personal and/or side stories peppered in this post. Especially the part about your Dad receiving an education and in turn, giving back to the community. It really gives Labor Day a new meaning.

  14. Ginger Mom permalink
    05/09/2017 8:24 am

    This was such a great post for Labor Day…I will admit I don’t think of it much except being a long weekend and time off work. Thanks for giving us something to think about 🙂

  15. Shawn Basey permalink
    05/09/2017 8:26 am

    Fun fact here about charity, is that it comes from the Latin word, “caritas” (like the Catholic charity group) and meant something more like love for your fellow human in Latin. So when we say “charity is love”, it really is, linguistically too. 🙂

    • 06/09/2017 12:08 pm

      It really is and Caritas was one of the few charities that helped us during the civil war in my father’s homeland.

      • Shawn Basey permalink
        11/09/2017 1:26 am

        Oh woah. I’m a big fan of Caritas and their work. I’ve a friend who works with them. They do a lot of good work. They were in Sri Lanka for a time, and in several African countries. Amazing people.

      • 11/09/2017 1:33 am

        They are fantastic and do a better job than The Red Cross.

  16. HuiXL permalink
    05/09/2017 8:39 am

    Thanks for this post. My country does not celebrate Labour Day on the same day as the US, thus it is interesting to know the history behind it.

  17. Josselyn Radillo permalink
    05/09/2017 8:40 am

    I spent labor day working! but I def work on what i love so it’s amazing!! I always tell myself that everything I do big or small should be done with the same amount of love.

  18. Stephanie JNote permalink
    05/09/2017 8:51 am

    I do get happy to do my work as a singer. Whether I am at home practicing, in my car just vocalizing or on the stage, it gives me a smile to do it. Doesn’t seem like labor at all. I love the quote you used in the beginning. Your grandmother seemed like an amazing woman.

  19. Erinn Sluka permalink
    05/09/2017 9:52 am

    This is a great topic especially for todays youth who expect everything and don’t want to put much effort or labor into earning it on their own. Seems to be the trend

    • 06/09/2017 12:04 pm

      Yes, and we see it in the blogging world too. Reckless, thoughtless reactions that leave you gasping and scratching your head.. Thank you Erinn!

  20. Courtney Blacher permalink
    05/09/2017 10:17 am

    I love these quotes, all of them! They’re truly motivational. Thank you for sharing!

  21. Alexa Brooks permalink
    05/09/2017 1:10 pm

    I had no idea about the national day of charity! Everyone should participate!

  22. Lisa Rios permalink
    05/09/2017 2:41 pm

    I love the term “labor of love”, it’s definitely something that describes all relationships – motherhood, fatherhood, and everything basically. It takes work to build them and maintain them.

  23. Jojo Hua permalink
    05/09/2017 4:34 pm

    I love the quote you put in the beginning. I really relate to it so much.

  24. Marvi permalink
    05/09/2017 7:19 pm

    Great inspirational post as usual 🙂 Indeed, on days, we should not forget the hardworking people who continues to do what they love most and gives value to the society 🙂

  25. Brown Sugar permalink
    05/09/2017 7:27 pm

    I am familiar with motivation Monday’s. I will be sure to participate in your following of this!

  26. Samantha permalink
    05/09/2017 10:47 pm

    I donated to the Houston SPCA to help with strays and abandoned pets in the wake of Hurricane Harvey (though I didn’t realize at the time that it was the a National Day of Giving). What an inspirational story about your grandma and dad! It’s great that he gave back to those around him.

    • 06/09/2017 12:02 pm

      Thank you for taking the time to read my post Samantha… it is all about the little step we take to support others. <3

  27. 05/09/2017 10:59 pm

    I love that you commemorated hard labor on labor day. How awesome. We don’t say thank you enough to those who work so hard day in and day out

  28. Neha Verma permalink
    06/09/2017 3:28 am

    So motivational. I sometimes see myself as that person who is always busy doing the not so important. I am trying to change my lifestyle

  29. Rebecca Swenor permalink
    06/09/2017 6:57 am

    I have never thought of Labor Day in this way before that you have pointed out. To me it was just a celebration of rights for those works who were treated unfair. I love Mother Teresa’s quote because I do believe there is no better reward than helping others just for the love of doing it. Thanks for sharing the information and your thoughts.

  30. amandakrill permalink
    06/09/2017 7:38 am

    I’m not even exaggerating – the story of the lions gave me CHILLS. Exactly what I needed to read today. Great post.

  31. keisha1989 permalink
    06/09/2017 7:55 am

    Happy Labor Day. I’ve learned so much about your labor day in this post. I didn’t even know that you guys were celebrating until i saw a few posts on my timeline. Its interesting to know the origin and all that it signifies. I had no idea about International Day of Charity either. Awesome post.

  32. joseph elon lillie permalink
    06/09/2017 7:58 am

    I really like that opening quote.

  33. nadaliebardo permalink
    06/09/2017 8:54 am

    There is honour and beauty in helping and working for others. Thanks for the reminder that I need to volunteer!

  34. Nancy L permalink
    06/09/2017 10:01 am

    Your posts are so beautiful, thought-provoking, and inspiring. I don’t think I’ll look at Labor Day quite the same again. I really never thought too much about it before now.

    Mother Teresa was such an amazing and special person. Her work was truly a labor of love.

    • 06/09/2017 11:44 am

      Even in death and sainthood she continues to inspire us to work with uplifiting others in mind. We all have our shortcomings but our intention is key.

  35. Parenting Healthy permalink
    06/09/2017 10:07 am

    With difficult times we forget to put love first and that to love is a verb and requires action and attention

  36. lexieanimetravel permalink
    06/09/2017 10:37 am

    thank you for this inspirational message, hearing your story with your grandmother it makes me want to participate and help charitable organizations. I would love to contribute in my own.

  37. bonjourzoe permalink
    06/09/2017 10:39 am

    This is my first time hearing about the International Day of Charity! Sounds like such a great opportunity to give thanks to what we have and to give back to those in need – almost like a second Thanksgiving. Thank you so much for sharing xx

  38. StephJ permalink
    06/09/2017 10:41 am

    I love the story you shared about your grandmother. I think it is important for people to remember the importance of labor day and what those who came before us went through to get us these simple rights.

    • 06/09/2017 11:40 am

      True. Sadly, so many see it as a shopping and feasting excessively day. It is really about showing gratitude for what is and the work that has gone into it.

  39. Eileen permalink
    06/09/2017 12:13 pm

    I hope you had a great Labor Day, Elizabeth. I spent mine with family. My sister hosted the family get together this year and we had a lot of fun catching up with cousins. Being closely knit, we are never too far from one another and it makes me happy that we get to spend so much time together. I hope the tradition is carried on by our children and grandchildren.

  40. Kristine Nicole Alessandra permalink
    06/09/2017 12:40 pm

    Everything I do for my family is my labor of love. I know I have the freedom to not cook or clean, or do housework, but I still do it because I love my family

  41. Jane permalink
    06/09/2017 12:47 pm

    I had no idea that labor day was the Day of Giving. It makes sense that it would be though. I love the opening quote. Thanks for sharing!

  42. rmeker permalink
    06/09/2017 2:15 pm

    Our generation needs this kind of reminders to what is the actual reason for all those holidays. It’s not about a day off from work you can spend shopping, it symbolises something much more profound.

  43. Monique permalink
    06/09/2017 3:05 pm

    I hope you had a lovely labour day! being from Australia I don’t know much about labour day so this article was great to read. lots of great information

  44. Brittany permalink
    06/09/2017 4:34 pm

    Wow. So much I didn’t know. Thanks for sharing this. I didn’t know the meaning until now. Great to be able to continue to learn about things like this. Thanks for sharing!

  45. kleebanks permalink
    06/09/2017 5:48 pm

    I did not know about the International Day of Charity. My Dad passed away on Labor Day in 2002 (it was on September 2 that year). I’ve thought in years since then how fitting it was for him, after working hard his whole life and performing many “labors of love,” to enter into his rest on Labor Day!

  46. lex permalink
    06/09/2017 7:06 pm

    i hope your labor day was wonderful dear!!! this was so nice to read and so important!

  47. chewoutloud permalink
    06/09/2017 7:42 pm

    I didn’t know about the International Day of Charity, but I”m so happy to see it there. And so glad you highlighted it! We are a family that thinks globally, and we’re passionate about helping others. It can be in our own backyard or across the globe. So important to get out of our own bubble and serve others with this short life we have 🙂

  48. franckxethee permalink
    06/09/2017 7:51 pm

    It’s nice that we celebrate both labor day and international day of charity. One helps us live and the other one helps us stay connected.

  49. Kelly Reci permalink
    06/09/2017 8:15 pm

    Very well said! Love that quote! We are working for our love once..Your article is really worth and awesome, I learned and know a lot! Looks like you had a great Labor Day!

  50. roadaviator permalink
    06/09/2017 8:15 pm

    I spent quality time with both my friends and with my family on this labour day. The story you shared about your grandmother is great, and the international day of charity is new to me.

  51. lucicoo permalink
    06/09/2017 11:12 pm

    Great post, I wouldn’t have thought that Labor Day really has a meaning behind it. To me, Labor Day is basically the last day of Summer and first day of Autumn,

  52. Odette permalink
    06/09/2017 11:30 pm

    I’m not American so we do not celebrate Labour day, but I hope that you had a good one. Your story about your grandmother is very touching

  53. ktmommyscene permalink
    06/09/2017 11:53 pm

    Wow thanks for sharing the history behind Labor Day. I honestly didn’t know much about it. It’s amazing how many people have paved the way for the life we have today.

  54. phyliciamarie permalink
    07/09/2017 2:08 am

    I love that story about your father. It shows the community effort to help raise a child, and how one act of charity starts a ripple.

  55. thenafranssen permalink
    07/09/2017 5:07 am

    What a wonderful and inspiring post! Thank you so much for this on an early morning. Great work!

  56. Terri Ramsey Beavers permalink
    07/09/2017 6:23 am

    I’ve been teaching the kids what Labor Day means. All they knew about Labor Day was that school was out. Now they know the meaning of it.

  57. bauble stories permalink
    07/09/2017 7:44 am

    I was quite sick on labour day so I spent my time in bed, mostly sleeping. But I make sure to make every other day count.

  58. Akshay Malhotra permalink
    07/09/2017 8:58 am

    What a great inspirational post aout Labor Day, learnt some new fun facts about Charity. To be honest I didn’t have this much in depth knowledge about Charity and Labor Day Celebration. Thank you for sharing this article with us.

  59. Jeuelle permalink
    07/09/2017 9:12 am

    What an awesome, inspirational post! I shared some of it with my kids as it was highly educational…

  60. Talina permalink
    07/09/2017 10:40 am

    I never really quite knew the meaning behind Labor Day so thank you for sharing that! I hope you had a wonderful Labor Day weekend! xo

  61. Kristine Nicole Alessandra permalink
    07/09/2017 1:18 pm

    I try to put in the best effort in every task I do, regardless of how menial it may seem. Preparing meals for my family is a labor of love everyday. I want to make sure they are nourished, not just “full.” I also make sure that we all sit down and have dinner together. It is one way to bond as a family. We get to stay in touch with each others’ activities. It makes me happy too to be appreciated and complimented on my cooking. I guess if you put love in everything you do, the rewards come back a hundredfold.

  62. Fashion Panache by Bhushavali permalink
    07/09/2017 2:01 pm

    When you say labour of love, the first thing that comes to my mind is pregnancy and the pain of delivering a child, all for love! Perhaps I’m connecting this coz of my current situation! 😉

  63. Kevin permalink
    07/09/2017 2:26 pm

    We achieve the best outcome if we do something out of love. I hope everyone see the deeper sense of celebrating Labor Day.

  64. IG @CurlsAndACamera_ (@CurlsAndACamera) permalink
    07/09/2017 4:09 pm

    I had a nice, relaxing Labor Day. Never really knew the history of the holiday, so thank you for that. I’ve always loved Labor Day because it ushers in one of my favorite seasons. I always say, the only thing I don’t like about Fall is that Winter is after it. lol

  65. Fred permalink
    07/09/2017 4:22 pm

    Labor Day is a way of thanking everybody who works around us to make our lives more comfortable and safe. People work hard everyday, and it is just right to give them due recognition for all their efforts and hard work.

  66. Stephanie JNote permalink
    07/09/2017 4:45 pm

    What a wonderful way to celebrate Labor Day. It is a day to acknowledge all those who work so hard at what they do to make things happen based on their passion or work space. Whatever it is they do.

  67. Anup Das permalink
    07/09/2017 7:12 pm

    I love the term “labor of love”, it’s definitely something that describes all relationships – motherhood, fatherhood, and everything basically. It takes work to build them and maintain them.

  68. Parenting Diary permalink
    07/09/2017 7:57 pm

    Every day is a motivation day for me but thank you for this reminders.There are lots of things we need to do and to make these things done we need some motivation. 🙂

  69. tararaquelfuller permalink
    07/09/2017 11:46 pm

    so informative and thought-provoking, I enjoyed reading your post.

  70. Anna Sherchand permalink
    08/09/2017 6:00 am

    I liked how you explained what Labour day meant to your foreign readers like myself. I wish you a beautiful fall and cozy happy days ahead 🙂

  71. Courtney Klimka permalink
    08/09/2017 6:39 pm

    It’s really quite sad how little this generation and others know about our history and what our ancestors went through to ensure our lives were good. Labour day is such an important reminder but I would love to have a more thorough example of the past to teach us what happened.

  72. Shawna permalink
    08/09/2017 8:40 pm

    I’ve always known what labor day was about. But your perspective on making it a labor of love is absolutely amazing. If more people, myself included at times, worked that way, then we surely could have a better existence all around with one another. Cute stories and great post!

  73. elenasts permalink
    09/09/2017 3:41 am

    I think that being kind is one of the most important things. i try to be kind to everyone, even to people who are not that kind to me.

  74. nicoleflintkontrol permalink
    09/09/2017 6:15 am

    I love Labor Day! It’s great to recognize those who work hard everyday!

  75. Nai Elle permalink
    09/09/2017 12:21 pm

    I always look forward to your motivational post on instagram, but the post on your blog are twice as awesome. Thanks for inspiring me everyday!

  76. shuttersandhoney permalink
    10/09/2017 6:24 pm

    We often forget where we come from and in order to receive the blessings we deserve we need to remember our roots. Love your post!

  77. stephaniebatz permalink
    10/09/2017 6:54 pm

    Wow, we learned so much from this post! Never took the time to lookup the purpose of Labor Day. Thanks!

  78. kaitielaw permalink
    10/09/2017 8:02 pm

    Great history lessons!! Perfect way to celebrate and thanks for all the resources as well!

  79. Words of a Texas Nerd permalink
    10/09/2017 10:09 pm

    I am so glad you wrote this post and included the history of why we celebrate Labor Day. I think all too often, we enjoy the time off and fun that comes with a holiday, but we forget what we are really celebrating. We all need time to reflect on what it means to be where we are today. Especially with jobs and freedom to work.

  80. tinahogangrant permalink
    10/09/2017 11:11 pm

    I had no idea about the history of labor day This will make for great conversations at the next BBQ. Thank you

  81. Female Traveler✈️ (@hrakaridi) permalink
    11/09/2017 1:36 am

    I didn’t know about Labor day… I love to learn new things.. This post is so informative, thank you for sharing with us 🙂

  82. Jovana permalink
    11/09/2017 3:53 am

    Thanks for all these amazing information about Labor day. I am from Serbia, and we celebrate Labor day on 1st of May, and it’s completely different! I love getting familiar with other cultures!

  83. Aireona-Nightborn Travel permalink
    11/09/2017 6:49 am

    I like the sentiment that your work be something you love doing and thus do well, but also that it gives back to you and those around you. However, sometimes work is just work and that’s ok too. Guess you can change anything into a labor of love!

  84. Tita Pacita permalink
    11/09/2017 8:12 am

    I’m not from there so I’ve always wondered how Labor Day is celebrated over there. It always feels like such a huge deal, too.

  85. Marissa permalink
    11/09/2017 8:35 am

    The quote by Mother Theresa really stuck with me because I hate when people help me because they feel they owe me one or have to. It’s a blessing to get joy out of tough work. As long as you know it’s for the right reasons.

  86. Andrea R Warren (@WaldorfFries) permalink
    11/09/2017 5:04 pm

    I had never heard of International Day of Charity. Mother Theresa is one of my heroes. Super informative post

  87. hannanabanana permalink
    11/09/2017 6:17 pm

    I loved the lion story! That was very interesting and I had never heard it before – adding other holidays in the month or that share the day was beneficial as well! Thank you

  88. Esti Berkowitz permalink
    11/09/2017 7:40 pm

    So interesting to know all of the holidays and what they stand for, great info!

  89. Kamille King permalink
    12/09/2017 3:55 am

    Great story of labor history. Another great knowledge I’ve picked up. Doing charity works is one of my goals. It’s always nice to help without expecting anything in return.

  90. fasetto permalink
    12/09/2017 11:42 am

    That opening quote is just great. We can do anything if we work together. As bad as the hurricanes have been, they have shown us that if we band together we can not be defeated. Hand in hand, people helping people. Also, I really liked the lion story.

  91. Anastasia Golovko permalink
    13/09/2017 9:51 pm

    I love Labor Day and try to thank all the hardworking people close to me. We need to spread the importance of it, because it is much more than a huge mattress sale. haha.

  92. Ithfifi permalink
    14/09/2017 5:36 am

    We don’t celebrate it quite the same here but it was an amazing post and very informative. Thank you for posting this, I feel like I learnt something and you’ve got my mind ticking away!

  93. Keeping Up With Candy permalink
    14/09/2017 12:48 pm

    My daughter asked me why we have Labor Day and sadly I couldn’t tell her why. Of course I made up something to remain the ‘smart mom’ she thinks I am. Thanks for this history lesson.

  94. Tiffany Yong permalink
    18/09/2017 8:34 am

    Interesting story about the lion… Studying the nature of the fence… does it mean, trying to see how to escape captivity?

  95. Tatiana Sieff permalink
    18/09/2017 2:06 pm

    Oh! I missed this instalment of Motivation Monday! Always making me feel very creative and wanting to learn more. Unity is the key to happiness. <3

  96. Shell permalink
    22/09/2017 9:25 pm

    I try to do all my things that must be done as a labor of love… I am grateful for all things in my life, easy or hard… I just try to do my best 🙂

  97. thenafranssen permalink
    23/09/2017 4:32 am

    Thank you for educating me on the true meaning of labor day. I honestly didn’t know that. I enjoyed your post a lot!

  98. Kids on Tour - Autism without limits permalink
    16/10/2017 1:59 am

    We dont celebrate labor day in the UK so its really interesting to read all about yours. I like that it marks the begimning of fall and all things start to change. -star harford

  99. Katie Wallace permalink
    09/11/2017 9:42 pm

    So many of the things that bless us were accomplished by those who came before us. This is a good reminder to be thankful and also be willing and eager to help others.

  100. ktmommyscene permalink
    09/11/2017 9:43 pm

    So many of the things that bless us were accomplished by those who came before us. This is a good reminder to be thankful and also be willing and eager to help others.


  1. Motivation Mondays: Patriot Day – Remembering 9/11 | Mirth and Motivation
  2. Motivation Mondays: STAY STEADFAST | Mirth and Motivation
  3. Motivation Mondays: Suicide Prevention Awareness Month | Mirth and Motivation
  4. Motivation Mondays: SAILING | Mirth and Motivation
  5. Motivation Mondays: PERCEPTION | Mirth and Motivation
  6. Motivation Mondays: LOYALTY | Mirth and Motivation
  7. Motivation Mondays: UN Day – Transcend Differences | Mirth and Motivation
  8. Motivation Mondays: Overcoming Adversity | Mirth and Motivation
  9. Motivation Mondays: Stumbling Blocks | Mirth and Motivation
  10. Motivation Mondays: Heart Of Transitions | Mirth and Motivation

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