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Motivation Mondays: Life Is a GIFT


“Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.” Tony Robbins

Motivation Mondays: Life Is a GIFT

Motivation Mondays: Life Is a GIFT

What if you gave someone a gift, and they neglected to thank you for it – would you be likely to give them another? Life is the same way. In order to attract more of the blessings that life has to offer, you must truly appreciate what you already have. Ralph Marston
To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. Oscar Wilde

Life is a precious gift, do you love yours? Today is National Purple Heart Day, Raksha Bandhan Day, and a birthday for all of us who share this day. While some don’t give much thought about the day they came into this world, life is precious and worth our motivation to make the best of it. We must stop and think about the beauty and great gift that life is… our human life comes after many months of preparation, celebration, and love. We need the connections we make with one another to create and nurture life. Without our agreement, life becomes meaningless so, be grateful and make your life something you can be proud of.

Why the Purple Hearts? I mentioned the Purple Hearts recipients because life and death are equal companions and whether we choose to enjoy or fritter away our lives, we can learn a deeply profound lesson from those who earned their purple hearts. When people join the service in any nation, they do so because they believe in the principles of their country and want to do their part to protect what their country stands for. In their tour of duty, some end up giving their lives to protect and save others and do it under the most selfless and trying conditions. It is this great act of bravery and ultimate sacrifice that earns them a purple heart. In some ways, we can see the potential exists in each of us to give selflessly to others so they too can thrive and grow. So whenever we are feeling unmotivated and ungrateful about our lot, we should pause to consider our brave military who earned purple hearts because they made the ultimate sacrifice – they acted bravely in the face of great danger and lost their lives so others can live. Please consider this carefully when you treat your life with disregard. Why don’t you express your gratitude for the life you have daily? How can you use your life to help others?

READ: On the History of the PURPLE HEART

A Story: The Porcupines on Life is Short
It was the coldest winter ever. Many animals died because of the cold. The porcupines, realizing the situation, decided to group together to keep warm. This way they covered & protected themselves; but the quills of each one wounded their closest companions. After a while, they decided to distance themselves one from the other and they began to die, alone & frozen. So they had to make a choice: either accept the quills of their companions or disappear from the Earth. Wisely, they decided to go back to being together. They learned to live with the little wounds caused by the close relationship with their companions in order to receive the heat that came from the others. This way they were able to survive.
The best relationship is not the one that brings together perfect people, but when each individual learns to live with the imperfections of others & can admire the other person’s good qualities.
Moral of the short story: Life is short, and it is up to you to make it sweet. Via


“To me, life is a gift, and it’s a blessing to just be alive. And each person should learn what a gift it is to be alive no matter how tough things get. ” Tony Bennett

Motivation Mondays: Life Is a GIFT

Motivation Mondays: Life Is a GIFT

Motivation Mondays: Life Is a GIFT

Motivation Mondays: Life Is a GIFT

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. Mark Twain.
Life is a gift. Never forget to enjoy and bask in every moment you are in. Unknown
Each day is a gift, open it. celebrate it, and enjoy it. Stuart and Linda McFarlane
In that moment I understand that I have the power to create the situation right here, right now. I could walk past and say nothing, I could stop and talk, I could do whatever, and create a moment. Every moment is my moment to create.  Gregg Korrol

Why Does Life Matter? It matters because we come into this world to serve an important role in the lives of those who cross our path. Every life is a valuable one and until we begin to appreciate our relationships, interactions, and the opportunities we get to express ourselves and to serve each other, we are wasting our lives. Some folks think that life is all roses for some and nails for others but, the truth is that everyone faces some sort of challenge. Even if the grass looks greener in our neighbor’s yard, our neighbor has his/her own struggles and challenges that we are not aware of. So instead of spending time bemoaning what we don’t have, we will be better served to show gratitude for what is and then work at improving our lot. There is no success without some effort and since our lifespans are finite, we might as well put all our energy into making the best of it so our eulogy won’t be filled with regrets.

As Mark Twain aptly said above,
the day we were born and the day we find out why we are here; to have a responsibility to respect, honor and serve each other, are the most important days in our lives. We can improve our lives by helping others and making changes that help us become better. We can also make a choice to see the good in each day while working to overcome the not so good. All of life is about effort, service and love and without moving our feet, not much can be accomplished. Start living your life today.

READ: Writing Challenge: Gift Of 1000 Hugs…

A Story: A Father’s Special Gift
Years ago, there was a very wealthy man who, with his devoted young son, shared a passion for art collecting. Together they traveled around the world, adding only the finest art treasures to their collection. Priceless works by Picasso, Van Gogh, Monet and many others adorned the walls of the family estate.
The widowed elder man looked on with satisfaction as his only child became an experienced art collector. The son’s trained eye and sharp business mind caused his father to beam with pride as they dealt with art collectors around the world. As winter approached, war engulfed the nation, and the young man left to serve his country.
After only a few short weeks, his father received a telegram. His beloved son was missing in action. The art collector anxiously awaited more news, fearing he would never see his son again. Within days, his fears were confirmed, the young man had died while carrying a fellow soldier to a medic.

Distraught and lonely, the old man continued his life with anguish and sadness. The joy of art collecting, that he and his son had so enjoyed, would no longer be the same.
One winter morning a knock on the door awakened the depressed, old man. As he walked to the door, the masterpieces of art on the walls only reminded him that his son was not coming home. As he opened the door, he was greeted by a soldier with a large package in his hands. He introduced himself to the man by saying, “I was a friend of your son. I was the one he was rescuing when he died. May I come in for a few moments? I have something to show you.”
As the two began to talk, the soldier told of how the man’s son had told everyone of his, not to mention his father’s, love of fine art. “I am an artist,” said the soldier, “and I want to give you this.” As the old man unwrapped the package, the paper gave way to reveal a portrait of the man’s son. Though the world would never consider it the work of a genius, the painting featured the young man’s face in striking detail. Overcome with emotion, the man thanked the soldier, promising to hang the picture above the fireplace. A few hours later, after the soldier had departed, the old man set about his task. True to his word, the painting went above the fireplace, pushing aside thousands of dollars’ worth of art. His task completed, the old man sat in his chair and spent the rest of the day gazing at the gift he had been given. Continued Below...

The details for Motivation Mondays are below. Join in! The themes for July/August 2017 are:



07/04 – Independence Day,
07/11 – World Population Day, 14 Bastille Day
07/16 – National Ice Cream Day, 18 Nelson Mandela Day
07/23 – Parents Day, 28 World Hepatitis Day
07/30 – International Friendship Day


08/01 – TBC
08/07 – TBC
08/14 – TBC
08/24 – TBC


Are You Looking for Ways to Stay Creative in 2017?

– Join the Daily Post Post-a-day or Post-a-week Challenge.


— Join the BlogHer Writing Lab

More Below!

“Live your life while you have it. Life is a splendid gift. There is nothing small in it. Far the greatest things grow by God’s law out of the smallest. But to live your life, you must discipline it.” Florence Nightingale

Motivation Mondays: Life Is a GIFT

Motivation Mondays: Life Is a GIFT

Every new breath and day is on opportunity to do something,a gift of life to make a difference in the world. K.J. Kilton
God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say ‘thank you?’ William Arthur Ward
Because you have been blessed with the gift of life, it is your duty to help others. We are all responsible for one another. Kamand Kojouri


Why does your life matter? This is not a trick question at all. I ask it because some of us never stop to think about why we matter or how we make a difference in the lives of our loved ones, our co-workers, strangers and others we meet along our journey. It is also a great question for reflection and contemplation because it forces us to take stock of our lives and work at calibrating those areas of our lives that have been neglected. So take a moment and reflect, and feel free to share your revelations in the comments. Your life does matter!

READ: Motivation: What Should I Do With My Life?

During the days and weeks that followed, the man realized that even though his son was no longer with him, the boy’s life would live on because of those he had touched. Over time, he learned that his son had rescued dozens of wounded soldiers before a bullet stilled his caring heart.
As the stories of his son’s gallantry continued to reach him, fatherly pride and satisfaction began to ease his grief. The painting of his son soon became the most prized possession, far eclipsing any interest in the pieces for which museums around the world clamored. He told his neighbors it was the greatest gift he had ever received.
The following spring, the old man became ill and passed away. The art world was in anticipation that with the collector’s passing, and his only son dead, those paintings would be sold at auction. According to the will of the old man, all of the art works would be auctioned off on the anniversary of the day he had received the greatest gift, the picture of his son.

The day soon arrived and art collectors from around the world gathered to bid on some of the world’s most spectacular paintings. Dreams would be fulfilled this day; greatness would be achieved as many would claim, ‘I have the greatest collection.’
The auction began with a painting that was not on any museum’s list. It was the painting of the man’s son. The auctioneer asked for an opening bid but the room was silent. “Who will open the bidding with $100?” he asked. Minutes passed, and no one spoke. From the back of the room came a voice, “Who cares about that painting? It’s just a picture of his son.” “Let’s forget about it and move on to the good stuff,’ more voices echoed in agreement.
‘No, we have to sell this one first,” replied the auctioneer. “Now, who will take the son?’ Finally, a neighbor of the old man spoke. ‘Will you take ten dollars for the painting? That’s all I have. I knew the boy, so I’d like to have it.” ‘I have ten dollars. Will anyone go higher?” called the auctioneer. After more silence, the auctioneer said, ‘Going once, going twice, gone.” The gavel fell.
Cheers filled the room and someone exclaimed, ‘Now we can get on with it and bid on the real treasures!” The auctioneer looked at the audience and announced that the auction was over. Stunned disbelief quieted the room. Someone spoke up and asked, ‘What do you mean, it’s over? We didn’t come here for a picture of some old guy’s son. What about all of these paintings? There are millions of dollars’ worth of art here! I demand that you explain what is going on!”
The auctioneer replied, “It’s very simple. According to the will of the father, whoever takes the son… gets it all.”
Kind of puts things into perspective, doesn’t it? Just as those art collectors discovered on that day, the message is still the same: The love of the Father, whose greatest joy came from his Son, who went away and gave his life rescuing others. And because of that Father’s love . . . whoever takes the Son gets it all.”
Author Unknown – This version from my sister and via


Have a Happy, Healthy 2017!




Positive Motivation Tip: Life is a gift, cherish yours and respect the right of others

Motivation Mondays is open to anyone who wishes to share a motivational quote, photo, personal challenge or a post that encourages others to start the week on an upbeat note.
Basic Instructions: Each week, I will have a motivation word to help us create a response. (See listed words for the months above/below)
Email address: You may email or share your post as a comment and I will add it to the round-up of related posts. email it to: contact(@)mirthandmotivation(.)com
Category tag: – Share your post using Motivation Mondays
Twitter hashtag: – Use this on Twitter #MotvnM
Dedicated Page: There is a dedicated page for Motivation Mondays. It has the same instructions and will include other helpful tools and a link to the round-up
Facebook Page:MotivationOnMondays Join our page and add your post and/or any motivational piece you think will be helpful to others.
Facebook Community: We have a Facebook community forum to compliment the page. It serves as another way to share uplifting posts and thoughts. Please join in and add your voice.

Badge: – I created a fun badge using PicMonkey’s free photo editing tools. You can create your own, use WordPress’ integrated tool on your blog or you are welcome to use mine. (see dedicated page)
Tag: – Motivation Mondays
Hashtag: – #MotvnM


Related Posts

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos via Wikipedia  and/or  Life, Life Cycle  via Pixabay


Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

155 Comments leave one →
  1. Miriam permalink
    07/08/2017 5:58 pm

    Absolutely beautiful post. Loved all the stories and messages of hope and life, so many gems in here and quite profound. Thank you for sharing 💜

  2. Ruth permalink
    07/08/2017 6:21 pm

    I really liked the story of the painting of the son.

  3. Carol Cassara permalink
    07/08/2017 6:47 pm

    I believe we’re here for a purpose no matter how small we think we are. All the forms of life matters and it’s our job to value and preserve it. This was a lovely post to read for a Monday. Very motivating.

  4. roxy Rodriguez-Becker permalink
    07/08/2017 8:27 pm

    your dedication to motivation monday is impressive!

  5. sjschipman permalink
    08/08/2017 12:08 am

    Life is most definitely a gift & I think at some point or another, we all forget that. I really enjoyed the two stories that you included. They help to drive the point home.

  6. Nicola permalink
    08/08/2017 3:43 am

    Life is so important and I try to remember that every day. The key is to enjoy the quieter days as much as the action packed ones…they are all important. I am often guilty of feeling like I have wasted a day if I didn’t do anything meaningful but those days make us enjoy the busy ones all the more!

  7. mirrorgirl permalink
    08/08/2017 5:58 am

    It seems like you`re a person living life to the fullest! I hope others reading this post start doing the same 🙂

  8. 08/08/2017 6:50 am

    Well dear Eliz, You continue to absolutely stun me into thought and thanks. Life and Death are equal companions. The porcupines ..they learned to live with the little wounds caused by close relationships….and the father and son art collectors..tears. Sometimes the depth of your wisdom and talent move me to an indescribable state. xo

    • 21/08/2017 1:37 pm

      You are too kind Chris! I guess I share what I need to learn. Yes, being truthful, I need to learn the lessons I share… Thank you! <3

  9. chewoutloud permalink
    08/08/2017 7:14 am

    I’ve read that father son story before and every time it is so moving. Life is so much about relationships. Loved this.

  10. Joanna permalink
    08/08/2017 8:26 am

    I love the story of the porcupines. It’s so powerful! Indeed we should accept the faults of the ones we love because nobody is perfect and we don’t want to live and die alone.

  11. Ebrian Fox permalink
    08/08/2017 8:35 am

    Really inspiring and the key to a happy life is balance.. I should stop procrastinating now and focus on what matters.

  12. afroz261 permalink
    08/08/2017 8:45 am

    This such inspirational post.. your beginning quote by Tony Robbins itself is so deep and if follow those simple words.. our life would be so meaningful.
    I really loved the fathers special gift story.

  13. jin permalink
    08/08/2017 9:22 am

    Wow what an impressive list of dates to keep in mind and such a well-detailed post on motivation! I agree, we all need these kind of positive thinking to start off a week. Makes life much more purposeful. Thanks for sharing.

  14. nadaliebardo permalink
    08/08/2017 9:30 am

    Your posts always give me all the feels. Thank you for the motivation on this not so sunny day.

  15. Krizia Velez | Reckless Babe permalink
    08/08/2017 9:39 am

    You know… Lately I’ve been thinking about this and try to stop for a moment in my crazy day to be thankful and remember to enjoy every moment… Even if I’m really busy working, I’m happy that I’m able to do what I love. Thank you for the motivation!

  16. NeverSayDieBeauty permalink
    08/08/2017 10:05 am

    Yes, you are right. It’s easier to feel this way when things are going well for us and much less easy when things are not going well. And I think it’s OK to not be happy when there’s reason not to, and then make up for it when the sun shines again for us!

  17. Reginald permalink
    08/08/2017 10:19 am

    I thank the lord for my life every time i wake up. I know we have hard times and struggles, but they all lead us to great things. I loved reading your stories.

  18. Cherri Megasko permalink
    08/08/2017 10:26 am

    Life is indeed a gift. Sometimes all it takes is a friendly smile to give back.

  19. Cherri Megasko permalink
    08/08/2017 10:28 am

    Life is indeed a gift. But sometimes all it takes to give back is a warm, friendly smile.

  20. Melanie permalink
    08/08/2017 10:40 am

    I found this post while scrolling, and it seemed perfect as the posting date is my birthday. It’s a great day to remember that life is a gift every day, but I get extra introspective as I age.

  21. Talin permalink
    08/08/2017 10:41 am

    I love this. What a wonderful post and a wonderful topic idea. Really needed that read.

  22. Tanvi Rastogi (@Tanviidotcom) permalink
    08/08/2017 11:24 am

    I have stopping think about life and just living more. I do not know if we have a purpose or if there is a greater meaning to it all – but while I am alive, I am gonna enjoy and make it count 🙂

  23. Kait permalink
    08/08/2017 11:37 am

    This is very inspiring. I think we get so caught up in the daily needs that we forget about life as a whole. We lose sight of the big picture. We need to stop and reflect and consider what our life is about not just working away for the weekend.

  24. Lucid Gypsy permalink
    08/08/2017 11:49 am

    This story has me sobbing, but that’s okay, I never mind a good weep.

  25. brigettedanielle permalink
    08/08/2017 12:29 pm

    I couldn’t agree more! We were created with a purpose. Life is too precious to not stop and soak it in.

  26. Momma Addict permalink
    08/08/2017 12:41 pm

    Life is precious and should be cherished. I believe we are here to help others. Service to others has always been the main focus to me and I raised my girls with that same mentality. It is awesome to see them as young women, seeking to help others and living their lives to the fullest.

  27. elenasts permalink
    08/08/2017 1:37 pm

    Life truly is a gift. It is too bad that we often forget that and do not appreciate the little things in life.

  28. Emely R.| permalink
    08/08/2017 3:52 pm

    Wow! You are so impressive. Every time I come to your blog, your content fills me with a lot of inspiration. Thank you for sharing.

  29. Erinn Sluka permalink
    08/08/2017 5:18 pm

    I often feel so fortunate that we have done well in finances and have healthy children and healthy parents and I am truly blessed. It can feel too good to be true at times

  30. Yes Missy permalink
    08/08/2017 5:44 pm

    I love the porcupine story! It’s so true, the ones closest to us often hurt us! Great inspiration to start the week!

  31. Mrs. Millennial permalink
    08/08/2017 7:16 pm

    I’ve never participated in a Motivation Mondays, but thanks to this encouragement, maybe I’ll start! Thanks for sharing what all it has meant to you 🙂

  32. parentingpatch permalink
    08/08/2017 7:31 pm

    When I am feeling especially anxious, I try to remind myself that life is a gift. If anything, I am great at remembering that my children are gifts in my life.

  33. Rose permalink
    08/08/2017 7:45 pm

    The responsibility of giving something more is pretty powerful. I try to inspire and be motivating even when I’m not in the mood because you never know whose looking but it would be a different world if everyone considered everyone’s feelings.

  34. Via Bella permalink
    08/08/2017 8:38 pm

    “To me, life is a gift, and it’s a blessing to just be alive. And each person should learn what a gift it is to be alive no matter how tough things get. ” Tony Bennett

    What a beautiful saying. I think this is something that I can work with more into my life. I think that we all need to realise the blessing that we have. And life is most definitely one of those.

  35. Nai Elle permalink
    08/08/2017 8:40 pm

    I really love this monday’s positive quotes. So uplifting.

  36. Lisa Rios permalink
    08/08/2017 8:48 pm

    Life is such a gift. A message to everyone who feels like giving up: keep going. It could seem worthless and useless to live at times, but it is WORTH it. YOU are worth it, and life is beautiful.

  37. alisonrost permalink
    08/08/2017 10:32 pm

    Have you ever listened to Oprah’s speech called “Harry’s Last Lecture” that she gave at Stanford in 2015? (Youtube) It’s incredible and I couldn’t help but think of it when I read your words. Life truly is a gift, a miracle really. When I think of it, the next question can only be, what are we going to do to make a difference while we’re here? x

  38. Yeu Doi permalink
    08/08/2017 11:10 pm

    Life is indeed a gift. So we should cherish it, live life to the fullest and make a difference to our community.

  39. Angela Milnes permalink
    09/08/2017 12:37 am

    I love this. I make it a habit to love what I am doing.

  40. Kristine Nicole Alessandra permalink
    09/08/2017 12:38 am

    I love the story of the old man and his son. To throw away the valuable paintings in exchange for a painting of his deceased son by an unknown artist just shows that material things cannot take the place of the intangible,the more important things in life.

  41. beccajtalbot permalink
    09/08/2017 12:42 am

    This post is so beautifully written, and I love your choice of images to include with it 🙂 Life really is a gift, and a precious one at that x

  42. Eileen permalink
    09/08/2017 12:49 am

    I should make it a habit to read your Motivation Mondays posts. I just love the short stories and the positive quotes and passages. It really gives me a heart full of gratitude to go through my week. Thank you always, Elizabeth.

  43. ludbritt1591 permalink
    09/08/2017 1:07 am

    I definitely like this post because life is important and it needs to be remembered sometime. But this post really hit home for me because a few years ago I went through a miscarriage. I didn’t know I was pregnant at the time. When I went to the ER, I was told that the baby had died at six weeks, but it took 6 more for my body to realize that. So when it happened, it really scared me. After I felt betrayed by my body and felt like my body wasn’t strong enough to support that child. I knew I wasn’t ready to be a parent at the time. In the end, it was a great life lesson for me. And now I have my beautiful daughter, Violet, who I love very much. I will never forget that life experience because it was and is a very important mark in my life. Thank you for such a beautiful post.

  44. kaidigger permalink
    09/08/2017 2:03 am

    Thanks for sharing this amazing motivational posts with us, We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.

  45. abccooper17 permalink
    09/08/2017 3:54 am

    This is such a meaningful reminder as we start the week! Especially whenever we’re going through rough times (currently I’m on single mom status as my husband is away for army training for a month and life is hard right now working full time with 2 kids), but life is truly gift and you gotta take in every day.

  46. Kelly Reci permalink
    09/08/2017 4:20 am

    This is a heart-work. Life is really a gift. So we must live our life to the fullest, it is a way of giving thanks to the One who gave us life. Let us maximize the things that we can do. Share the love and passion to others. Inspired them and always make them happy. And we should do to them the things we want them to do to us. Basic.We should make them feel special, always. Yes, we do have struggles, but the thing is the REASONS to smile are always with us each day. It is more than our struggles. Don’t forget that.

  47. Ronnie Epsi permalink
    09/08/2017 4:20 am

    I love everything you wrote here, from top to bottom! Sometimes it’s so easy to fall into routine but your posts bring me back down to reality so I can feel gratitude over what’s truly important. Life indeed is a gift – I wish I recognized it more frequently!

  48. Ana De-Jesus permalink
    09/08/2017 4:30 am

    I agree in the concept that life and death are equal companions. Life is a gift and we must make the most of it but at the same time we need to learn that death comes for us all and we should not be scared of it. That is something I need to work on as I am scared of death even though I know we will all die one day. The point is life is about creating balance.

  49. StephJ permalink
    09/08/2017 4:48 am

    Beautiful post! I could not agree more. The most important thing we can do in this life is try and make the lives of other better, sometimes that is just in our positive presence. That is what I strive for.

  50. 조이 Czjai (@RebelSweetHrt) permalink
    09/08/2017 6:10 am

    Love the story about the porcupines – something I can share with my son. 🙂 I agree, life is a gift, life is beautiful, and we should make the most out of our time on Earth. 🙂

  51. Lindsay Fischer permalink
    09/08/2017 6:16 am

    I have never heard, but very much loved, the porcupine story. It is true that accepting the worst in someone else allows you to enjoy their very best. What a great reminder!

  52. easyblogthemes permalink
    09/08/2017 6:29 am

    I totally agree that life is a precious gift. It is a privilege that you don’t take for granted and take it by your own means. You are fortunate hat you are alive so everyone should remember and cherish that everyday.

  53. Melissa permalink
    09/08/2017 6:51 am

    Thanks you for sharing this! I really needed to read this today. I have allowed myself to become so busy lately that I literally have missed out on living my life. We so easily forget what is truly important!

  54. Margarette Puno permalink
    09/08/2017 7:46 am

    I love my life. It may sound tough sometimes, but I definitely love and thank my mom for it.

  55. Jason Panuelos permalink
    09/08/2017 8:00 am

    I think this is a reminder of how much we take life for granted. We forget to just live in the moment 🙂

  56. keisha1989 permalink
    09/08/2017 8:34 am

    I must say your dedication to motivation monday is impressive 🙂 Life is truly a gift and we should always try to remember that.

  57. roadaviator permalink
    09/08/2017 8:41 am

    Almost every day, I thank to god for this life. Life is so wonderful!! The porcupine this life is short is really great one.
    Your post remind me of how motivation is important in life and how to take our life seriously.

  58. RonRon permalink
    09/08/2017 9:54 am

    Life is a sacred give, we must all value it. Great insights once again.

  59. Elisha Fernandez permalink
    09/08/2017 10:13 am

    It can be difficult to focus on the bright side sometimes but we just need to keep moving forward.

  60. travel blogger permalink
    09/08/2017 10:18 am

    I love the story about the art collector. Life is about finding our own purpose and joy in this world not what others think is “successful”. I think that is why so many are unhappy. They don’t live their lives for what they want and what they find important.

  61. Corinne & Kirsty 🌸 (@corinnekirsty) permalink
    09/08/2017 10:39 am

    Life is so short and goes by so so fast and we really need to remember that coz otherwise, we might no do everything we can to make it amazing. I never feel like I have wasted a day coz small steps make it happens but I feel like I need to really make it worth it

  62. miltongohgl permalink
    09/08/2017 11:02 am

    Yes life is a wonderful gift to be treasured and to be thankful for. Such an important thing not to take for granted. Everyday I want to be thankful that I am given the gift of a new day to experience and enjoy!

  63. Sarah Bailey permalink
    09/08/2017 11:11 am

    Life is definitely a gift, something we should all look for the good things in even when times are hard.

  64. Hellocuppies permalink
    09/08/2017 11:23 am

    I love the Tony Bennett quote and will try to remember that one! Both the stories were really interesting too and I think overall the key to life and enjoying and appreciating it is about balance. I only wish I’d realised this more when younger.

  65. kellyhutchinson37920 permalink
    09/08/2017 11:30 am

    Life is such a gift and I try not to waste it. I love reading your posts.

  66. Jessica Barnett permalink
    09/08/2017 11:53 am

    I love this blog and it’s so true. My mother has COPD along with upper respiratory problems, she cant work and cant get around well but to this day she lives her life to the fullest she motivates me to do and be better. thank you for sharing.

  67. TheMrsTee permalink
    09/08/2017 12:23 pm

    What an awesome reminder! I always try to keep in mind that no matter how my life may go through ups and downs it is always a blessing to simply be.

  68. Hey Sharonoox permalink
    09/08/2017 12:36 pm

    Agree that life is definitely a gift. A good reminder to be thankful and appreciate what life has to offer. I love all the quotes and also the story of the painting. Reminded me of God and his son.

  69. Laura Dove permalink
    09/08/2017 1:25 pm

    I completely agree, life is a gift and I think that far too many people forget that and take it forgranted. I try to remember how lucky I am every single day, even when life is tough, and make the most of every moment.

  70. And God Created Elvis permalink
    09/08/2017 3:18 pm

    Life is so important! it’s very good to remind it every day even if life sometimes suck! I like your dedication for motivation monday pots!

  71. toastycritic permalink
    09/08/2017 5:05 pm

    Life is certainly a gift. And when you focus on he positive aspects of things it does make life so much better. I agree with that Twain quote that the most important days are the day you are born and the day you found out why.

  72. Courtney Andrews permalink
    09/08/2017 6:59 pm

    Life is certainly the greatest gift. It can be easy to take it for granted and sometimes only realize how special it is in the dark times.

  73. Keeping Up With Candy permalink
    09/08/2017 7:01 pm

    I agree, Life IS a gift and we should treat it that way. I’ve always believed God gave us life to do good and be a blessing to others.

  74. 09/08/2017 8:14 pm

    Life is definitely a gift. I’m glad you included a heart in this collage. It goes so well.

  75. kristal permalink
    09/08/2017 9:18 pm

    I treasure the moments I have in my life. i had a bad loss in my life and I have done nothing but live and enjoyed myself.

  76. tumandok permalink
    09/08/2017 9:29 pm

    What a practical lesson we’ve learned from the story of porcupine. Living is not for all amenities a life could offer but how trials and challenges are overcome by sacrificing making it working and longer.

  77. mitchellejuaban permalink
    09/08/2017 10:07 pm

    Life is indeed precious. And living has a purpose. We may be unaware of this purpose, but every single thing we do may impact others in ways we don’t know. So while we continue our journey in life trying to unravel the purpose of our being, we are in actuality already accomplishing it every single day.

  78. Yukti permalink
    09/08/2017 10:34 pm

    Really a positive and inspirational post on life. We should always look on brighter side of life ignoring all bad things. Enjoying boring and dull days are more important as they give some hidden meaning or message to us. Love life.

  79. Laura | Kidlette Photo permalink
    10/08/2017 12:50 am

    Thank you for this reminder! All so very true, life is short…. and that story of the porcupines, I’ll be sharing that one with my kids, so thanks!

  80. Ankita permalink
    10/08/2017 1:04 am

    Your blog is motivating this show that some things are needed to be preserved and cherished… life is surprising,just don’t give up on it

  81. Kelly Reci permalink
    10/08/2017 1:07 am

    Life bring joys to us in simple and wonderful ways. People are just blind with the things that they don’t have. And thinking that their life is so miserable. Let us practice to appreciate and see the brighter side of life even there are struggles. We are struggling but still we are living. Better things are on the way toward us.

  82. rhianwestbury permalink
    10/08/2017 1:53 am

    You’re so right, life is precious and it’s about being thankful for what we do have x

  83. Rose Sahetapy permalink
    10/08/2017 2:13 am

    I couldn’t agree more! Life is a gift, and that should be a fundamental reason for us to fill it with love, respect, and appreciation. Wonderful stories in this post, and I really like the story of the Purple Heart.

  84. Aditi permalink
    10/08/2017 6:13 am

    This post actually makes me feel motivated for things I want to do, only thing it’s not Monday today. Love that you’ve shared so much to motivate the readers. Thanks for sharing this post!

  85. Kristine Nicole Alessandra permalink
    10/08/2017 12:25 pm

    I like the story of the old man and his son. That was a really sad one. However, despite the not so happy ending, I learned that life is short and that I should make the most of the blessings I receive everyday and to cherish your loved ones.

  86. Dunja permalink
    10/08/2017 2:08 pm

    Life is definitely a gift, but we often seem to forget that when life difficulties are thrown at us. That’s for the reminder 🙂

  87. Nique Wallace (@sh_nique) permalink
    10/08/2017 10:48 pm

    Honestly I really like this i think i should stop by here and read these posts on mondays i definitely need some motivation

  88. Lauren permalink
    11/08/2017 12:40 am

    I always enjoy your posts..they’re well written and motivate me.

  89. Rebecca Swenor permalink
    11/08/2017 12:43 am

    We all have imperfections and it we all notice others imperfections. It really is true that if we look past them we will see the only the good things in the person. This also goes for ourselves too. Life is to short not to see the beauty in everything and everyone. Thanks for sharing this awesome post.

  90. joesyonome permalink
    11/08/2017 3:10 am

    I honestly do love this post… Sometimes we do not know how beautiful life is until we are on the verge of losing it.

  91. A Busy Bees Life permalink
    11/08/2017 6:48 am

    Life is a gift that we should all cherish. We should enjoy every single day of it and look for things to be happy and grateful about.

  92. Afroza Khan permalink
    11/08/2017 8:09 am

    Wow so detailed and beautiful! I give you credit for taking the time to write and put together this amazing post. Keep sharing your wonderful wisdom 🙂

  93. Борка Шаула permalink
    11/08/2017 9:32 am

    Every life is valuable indeed, but people often don’t think like that until it’s to late. Sometimes I think about how everything is special and we all have good things in our lives that could keep us living happy.

  94. nicoleflintkontrol permalink
    11/08/2017 12:01 pm

    We are definitely here for a reason and we shouldn’t take things for granted and live life to the fullest!

  95. cottoncandyfluffblog permalink
    11/08/2017 6:09 pm

    Such a beautiful post! I do think that life is important and sometimes we take that for granted, I try to remind myself everyday to remember to be grateful

  96. fasetto permalink
    11/08/2017 11:42 pm

    I really enjoyed the story about the porcupines.

  97. elenasts permalink
    12/08/2017 3:06 am

    I love your posts. You always motivate me if I am feeling down.

  98. Claudia permalink
    12/08/2017 4:24 am

    I agree that with the chaos of everyday life we forgot to realize how valuable our every breather is. And I had never heard of that porcupine story! Such a great story because I feel like everyone is waiting for the perfect couple or the perfect person and some just stay alone because they dont learn that they themselves are not even perfect.

  99. Kaitlin Marie permalink
    12/08/2017 5:10 am

    I love the story of the porcupines! That is so true. Finding our purpose is a lifelong search, and I think our purpose evolves over time. It is so important to reflect on our lives and connect with others along the way. We are not singular people, and being with others and caring for them enriches our worlds.

  100. Bhushavali permalink
    12/08/2017 11:21 am

    Life is indeed a gift and being alive is also! Esp., when people we know are in war torn zones and die of road accidents, life and health are such amazing blessings.

  101. suchi permalink
    12/08/2017 11:51 am

    Each day of our life is a blessing and it important to cherish it…your posts are always inspiring!

  102. Jeannine Dippenaar permalink
    12/08/2017 1:02 pm

    Really liked this post, oh my word so many truths. The one of the porcupines really made me think how I sometimes treat the little more like big things

  103. Whatlauraloves permalink
    12/08/2017 4:52 pm

    i really feel as though I need this motivation now more than ever at the moment. Life is really tough and sometimes you just need a kick up the butt! xxx

  104. Chei Pangan permalink
    12/08/2017 8:26 pm

    Life may be that tough but i am always contented in what i have and what i am. I am happy and contented.

  105. Franc Ramon permalink
    12/08/2017 8:33 pm

    Life is really a gift and we have the freedom to use it as we see it deem based on our purpose. This makes life a lot more relevant and meaningful.

  106. Fred permalink
    12/08/2017 10:05 pm

    That porcupine story is very meaningful. Learn to bear the little wounds when living together, in order to live. What a profound message.

  107. Katrina permalink
    12/08/2017 10:46 pm

    I’ve been really down lately because of current world events but reading this has given me a little hope. Every day I am alive with my beautiful family is truly a gift. Thank you.

  108. kristal permalink
    12/08/2017 11:02 pm

    I enjoy life and all it has to offer. You have a good way of telling a story.

  109. Made Adayasa permalink
    13/08/2017 2:27 am

    Thank you for sharing another inspiring post . I love the words saying life is a give and we should appreciate .

  110. Nicole Herose Cochingco Escat permalink
    13/08/2017 4:52 am

    Your dedication on monday is so awe-inspiring. Life is so important that’s why we need to be thankful to our god creator.

  111. Ken Knight permalink
    13/08/2017 8:17 am

    Life is a gift because it brings hope to the new generations. It is a promise for the new generation to improve the world.

  112. Victoria Stacey permalink
    13/08/2017 2:04 pm

    I’m pretty sure my cousin had the life is a gift quote said at her wedding. It is beautiful!

  113. Kristine Nicole Alessandra permalink
    13/08/2017 11:52 pm

    Thank you Elizabeth for another wonderful read today. At this point in time, when dangers are all around us, I feel so fortunate to be able to wake up to a new day. It is important for me to make the most of the day I have been given. I try to be more patient, more kind, more industrious, more loving, and most grateful to God for blessing us with the gift of life.

  114. Lloyd Mcguigan permalink
    14/08/2017 5:18 am

    How you have so much motivation on a monday is amaze’s me! question what is sunday for you, superpowered sundays? Thanks for making my Mondays that little bit better 😀

  115. Terri Ramsey Beavers permalink
    14/08/2017 8:29 am

    Thank you for the reminder that life is a gift. I’ve been in severe pain all weekend and having a pity party and you just reminded me that at least I still have a life.

  116. Ana Ojha permalink
    14/08/2017 8:34 am

    Life is indeed a wonderful gift! We all are born with some purpose! Therefore, we should work harder to fulfill our dreams and live our life fullest so that we don’t have to regret about anything on our death bed!

  117. Claire Santiago permalink
    14/08/2017 2:59 pm

    Yes, life itself is a gift. People should always be thankful for everyday they wake up strong and healthy.

  118. chichiuguru permalink
    15/08/2017 2:24 am

    I love the story about the portrait of the son. I heard the story for the first time from my husband years ago. The story depicts Christ who died for us and whoever has Christ hmhas it all. Thanks for this reminder.

  119. Rachel Teodoro permalink
    15/08/2017 1:50 pm

    So many great thoughts in this. Thanks for sharing them.

  120. Tonia Sanders permalink
    16/08/2017 2:13 am

    Life is definitely a gift and we should take advantage of every breath.

  121. lonestarpersuasion permalink
    16/08/2017 8:42 pm

    Love all your motivation!! I always struggle to make it through mondays in one piece!

  122. Rendesia White permalink
    17/08/2017 8:15 am

    Great message. Life is indeed a gift. With the hustle and bustle and struggles that I’ve experienced I try my best to always take a moment to be grateful of what I have. The full circle, you know!

  123. Kelly permalink
    17/08/2017 10:44 am

    So many wonderful thoughts! Life is truly a gift and we should honor it every day!

  124. eclectickristal permalink
    24/08/2017 8:47 am

    I love how you leave fun dates on the botton of all your post. Life is a gift and I choose to treasure it.

  125. jenny at dapperhouse (@dapperhouse) permalink
    27/08/2017 6:42 pm

    You recommended that we think of the military people who have earned a purple heart for inspiration. After reading the story “unbroken” about Louis Zamperini, every time I want to give up during a workout I think of how much physical stamina he had and I keep going.

  126. pacioalita9 permalink
    07/01/2022 2:38 pm

    Life is indeed a gift. It offers a lot of opportunities. It may not be the glamourous as we planned or thought but it is beautiful


  1. Motivation Mondays: ASK | Mirth and Motivation
  2. Motivation Mondays: ECLIPSE | Mirth and Motivation
  3. Motivation Mondays: STRUGGLE | Mirth and Motivation
  4. Motivation Mondays: LABOR of LOVE | Mirth and Motivation
  5. Motivation Mondays: Patriot Day – Remembering 9/11 | Mirth and Motivation
  6. Motivation Mondays: STAY STEADFAST | Mirth and Motivation
  7. Motivation Mondays: Suicide Prevention Awareness Month | Mirth and Motivation
  8. Motivation Mondays: SAILING | Mirth and Motivation
  9. Motivation Mondays: Overcoming Adversity | Mirth and Motivation
  10. Motivation Mondays: Stumbling Blocks | Mirth and Motivation
  11. Motivation Mondays: Heart Of Transitions | Mirth and Motivation
  12. Motivation Mondays: RESPITE | Mirth and Motivation

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