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Motivation Mondays: Father’s Day Matters


“I decided in my life that I would do nothing that did not reflect positively on my father’s life.” Sidney Poitier

Motivation Mondays: Why Father's Day Matters

Motivation Mondays: Why Father’s Day Matters

Dad, wherever you are, you are gone but you will never be forgotten. Conrad Hall
To be as good as our fathers we must be better, imitation is not discipleship. Wendell Phillips
When it comes to Father’s Day, I will remember my dad for both being there to nurture me and also for the times he gave me on my own to cultivate my own interests and to nurture my own spirit. Jennifer Grant

Why does Father’s Day Matter? On Sunday, June 18, we will have another chance to celebrate the Dads and Fathers in our lives and give thanks for all the men who made a positive impact on our lives. This day matters because it is a reminder that being a parent is an enormous responsibility and one that must never be taken lightly. For folks with sad or no memories of a father’s presence, it is an opportunity to pause and consider giving thanks to those who stood up for them in that role. For those of us with fond memories of our Dads, it is another chance to express our gratitude and remember that we can be a parental figure in the eyes of a child who needs love. Even though my Dad was a great and admirable figure looming over our household, he had very human qualities too. As an adult, I chose to remember his loving, generous spirit not his strict and sometimes unbending side. He was Dad to me and, in the eyes of a child, he was perfect and all knowing. In the eyes of a teen, Dad was annoying, and in the eyes of an adult, Dad’s life became our legacy and our foundation. We need all of these versions to complete the picture and memories as we curate what we will share with our kids and with the world.
Since I started writing this blog in 2008, I’ve written a post to celebrate my Dad and the many Dads I’ve admired over the years. I’ll add links to those posts here as a way to curate my posts on the topic. Take a look at all or any and enjoy.
Amidst the Deluge: Abundant Love for Father’s Day
On Father’s Day: The Gift of Wisdom
On Father’s Day: Memories of Love Lost & Found…


“It doesn’t matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was.” Anne Sexton

Motivation Mondays: Why Father's Day Matters

Motivation Mondays: Why Father’s Day Matters

I admire my father greatly. Kojo Annan
We looked up to our father. He still is much greater than us. Wynton Marsalis
In our house, Mother’s Day is every day. Father’s Day, too. In our house, parents count. They do important work and that work matters. One day just doesn’t cut for us. Margaret Heffernan


Even though my Dad passed away some years ago, his fearlessness, generous legacy, worldview vision, wise teachings, philanthropy and blessings continue to guide and lift me and my loved ones up. I was raised Catholic but our friends were spread across the religious divide and we respected all. Dad always preached that the true testimony of our faith was how well we treated our fellow man/woman not just how well we memorized platitudes. Love thy neighbor as thyself was a tenet practiced in our household and he lived it till the day he died.   Was he perfect? Nobody is perfect but his spirit of service and compassion for those in need was legendary. In our lifetime, we have a choice; we can choose the path of poison or of perfume and what we believe, we become. One of my teachers always said that we must make friends with our mind so it can remind us to connect to our hearts and view others through a lens of compassion and not judgement. Instead of wasting time criticizing how others live, we should all work at living our best, good Samaritan lives… the world needs more of that. For those folks who have not had the best relationship with their Dad, I’d encourage you to honor those who have supported and lifted you, and find the space in your heart to forgive your father. To move forward, we must learn to let go of the past and all its hurtful memories. We don’t have to forget but we must learn to forgive.

Inspiration: Happy Father’s Day…
Remembrance: Happy Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day & International Yoga Day: 20 Things That Matter

A Story – Become A Lake (Advice a dad would give)
An aging Hindu master grew tired of his apprentice complaining, and so, one morning, he sent him for some salt. When the apprentice returned, the master instructed the unhappy young man to put a handful of salt in a glass of water and then to drink it.
“How does it taste?” the master asked.
“Bitter,” spit the apprentice.
The master chuckled and then asked the young man to take the same handful of salt and put it in the lake. The two walked in silence to the nearby lake, and once the apprentice swirled his handful of salt in the water, the old man said, “Now drink from the lake.”
As the water dripped down the young man’s chin, the master asked, “How does it taste?”
“Much fresher,” remarked the apprentice.
“Do you taste the salt?” asked the master.
“No,” said the young man.
At this, the master sat beside the young man who so reminded him of himself and took his hands, offering, “The pain of life is pure salt, no more, no less. The amount of pain in life remains the same, exactly the same. But the amount of bitterness we taste depends on the container we put the pain in. So when you are in pain, the only thing you can do is to enlarge your sense of things… Stop being a glass. Become a lake.” Source The Little Zen Companion


The details for Motivation Mondays are below. Join in! The themes for May/June 2017 are:



05/01  – May Day, World Lyme Day, 02 National Teacher Day, 03 World Press Freedom, 04 National Day of Prayer,
05 Cinco De Mayo, 06 Kentucky Derby
05/14 –  14 Mothers Day, 20 Armed Forces Day
05/21 –  22 International Biological Diversity, 24 National Brother Day, 25 Ascension, 27 Ramadan starts
05/28 – 29 Memorial Day, 31 World No Tobacco Day


06/05  –  World Environment Day,  08 National Best Friend Day,  08 World Oceans Day
06/11 –  11  Trinity Sunday, 14 Flag Day
06/18 –  18 Father’s Day,  19 Juneteeth,  20 World Refugee Day,  21 Summer Solstice/International Yoga Day, 23 Intn’l  Widow’s Day, 24 Ramadan Ends
06/25 – 25  Eid al Fitr,  26 Against Drug Abuse Day,



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“Man becomes man only by his intelligence, but he is man only by his heart.” Henri Frederic Amiel

Motivation Mondays: Why Father's Day Matters

Motivation Mondays: Why Father’s Day Matters

Motivation Mondays: Why Father's Day Matters

Motivation Mondays: Why Father’s Day Matters

My father always used to say that when you die, if you’ve got five real friends, then you’ve had a great life. Lee Iacocca
Mothers play an important role as the heart of the home, but this in no way lessens the equally important role fathers should play, as head of the home, in nurturing, training, and loving their children. Ezra Taft Benson
This is the price you pay for having a great father. You get the wonder, the joy, the tender moments – and you get the tears at the end, too. Harlan Coben

Our parents are our first foray into the world of ethics, power, and culture. We take not only what they teach us but, what they show us as blueprints to help us navigate the world. If we grew up in a household of haters or hypocrites, we either mirror same or reject it so vociferously that your garden variety two-faced bigot won’t stand a chance. If we grew up in a household of open minded folks who respect the rights of others to exist and share space and food with us, we will remember the same as we mature and that is the world I hope and pray for. My Dad had friends around the globe and because we traveled, we connected with diverse people and cultures. I believe that as our global community becomes more interconnected because of technological advances, our differences will become smaller because we will be reminded, again and again, that we are human first and we all have basic needs and love for our friends and families. It is for this reason that we must be vigilant in raising our kids to embrace the world with compassion and clarity about the rich, diverse cultures and people who make our global community what it is today.

Whether you celebrate Father’s Day or not, don’t discount the gift of love and grace your loved ones share with you. Honor them.  Have a wonderful Father’s Day!

Remembrance: Happy Father’s Day 2
Food Files: Father’s Day Gift Ideas
Motivation Mondays: Father’s Day #mondaymotivation

Zen Stories from

Have a Happy, Healthy 2017!



Positive Motivation Tip: Express gratitude to your Dad and loved ones, and to all who add sunshine to your life.

Motivation Mondays is open to anyone who wishes to share a motivational quote, photo, personal challenge or a post that encourages others to start the week on an upbeat note.
Basic Instructions: Each week, I will have a motivation word to help us create a response. (See listed words for the months above/below)
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Dedicated Page: There is a dedicated page for Motivation Mondays. It has the same instructions and will include other helpful tools and a link to the round-up
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Tag: – Motivation Mondays
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Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

147 Comments leave one →
  1. Tiffany Meiter permalink
    12/06/2017 6:20 pm

    I agree it’s important to recognize the parents and the people that play the role. Parents spend a lot of time taking care of others that its nice to have a day to take care of them.

  2. Robin Rue permalink
    12/06/2017 6:32 pm

    Father’s Day is totally different for me this year. It’s the first year without my mom here, so he’s the only parent I have left.

    • 12/06/2017 8:19 pm

      Dear, dear Robin, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. I remember seeing pictures of your mom on your blog. My condolences and love go out to you and your family. <3

  3. The Playful Parent permalink
    12/06/2017 6:52 pm

    What a great dedication to fathers day!

  4. natalielovesbeauty permalink
    12/06/2017 7:36 pm

    Such a heartfelt post Elizabeth. I lost my father as a child so it is always a hard day for me, I miss him dearly but also remember the good times I had with him.

    • 12/06/2017 8:17 pm

      I’m so sorry to hear that and wish you love and hugs this Father’s Day. I’m glad you remember the good times you shared. <3

  5. Nandyz Soulshine permalink
    13/06/2017 1:31 am

    Very true that it doesn’t matter who my father is as a person but how I perceive him. Father’s Day is always special for me and though dads might not be as hands-on as moms, their role in our lives is always special in their own way. Thanks for such a nice post.

    • 13/06/2017 2:07 am

      Thank you Nandyz! Nowadays,there are Dads who work from home and play the parenting role fully… a much needed shift. 🙂

  6. 조이 Czjai (@RebelSweetHrt) permalink
    13/06/2017 1:42 am

    After my parents separated and my grandfather passed away, we stopped celebrating Father’s Day. This occasion became significant to me again only after getting married and giving birth to my son.

  7. thehouseturnedhome permalink
    13/06/2017 3:46 am

    I love Sydney Poitier’s quote! Living a good life is the greatest give you could give your dad.

  8. Emily permalink
    13/06/2017 4:02 am

    A wonderful post in tribute to Fathers. I know I’d be devastated without my Dad. He’s been a key person in my life, shaping me into who I am today.

  9. Ali Giska permalink
    13/06/2017 4:37 am

    Love the Become a Lake story. This was a beautiful tribute. Very timely.

  10. Neha Saini permalink
    13/06/2017 5:29 am

    The role of father is often relegated to a secondary status as compared to a mother. But all of us know that father is just as important for a child as the mother is. If mothers are the heroes of child rearing, significance of father in the development and emotional well being of a child is no less. Children depend on their father for their spiritual, emotional, physical, financial and social well being. For daughters, father is the ideal man in the world.

  11. GiGi Eats Celebrities permalink
    13/06/2017 6:17 am

    Fathers play an insanely important role in a person’s life. They can truly shape who they become. I love my father very much because he shaped a daughter who is outgoing and never sweats the small stuff!

  12. Jackie permalink
    13/06/2017 6:51 am

    I’ve always enjoyed Father’s Day and Mother’s Day growing up and even until now. I’m very close to my dad and we are always together so it is very special to me. I’m looking forward to giving him his gift and stuff.

  13. Carol Cassara permalink
    13/06/2017 8:21 am

    My father has passed away but I will never forget the lessons that he taught us growing up. He held our family together like a steady foundation. I will definitely miss him this Father’s Day.

  14. Beth Davidson permalink
    13/06/2017 8:59 am

    My husband’s dad passed a long time ago, so he doesn’t give Father’s Day much thought. Last year we celebrated his first one as a father and this year I’m due with our second child, and he still isn’t into it. I guess he thinks it doesn’t count as much for him as it did for his dad, but I hope he changes his mind about that as our kids grow up.

  15. Eric Gamble permalink
    13/06/2017 9:10 am

    first of all, Love the Sidney Poitier Quote that starts this. Your father sounds a lot like mine. Mine was a catholic deacon yet raised me to accept everyone no matter race, creed, or religion.
    May you always follow the Path of Perfume to reflect the greatness your father instilled in you!

  16. 13/06/2017 9:55 am

    I didn’t grow up with a father figure in my life, but Father’s Day helps me to think about how amazing my partner is with our son. It makes me appreciate the fathers that are willing to stand up beside their child.

  17. Corinne & Kirsty 🌸 (@corinnekirsty) permalink
    13/06/2017 10:42 am

    This is a beautiful post. Where I come from, Father’s day as well as mother’s day are not really important. But it does not mean I don’t think about my dad (or my mum). We don’t live in the same country but I still care and show them. xx corinne

  18. Jessica Taylor permalink
    13/06/2017 11:36 am

    Happy early fathers day! My father and I aren’t very close, so this will be another day for us to put our differences aside for our family!

  19. Claudia permalink
    13/06/2017 11:53 am

    Too often Fathers day is not given the attention it deserves or not even celebrated, so thank you for the reminder that it does matter and it should be celebrated. And I agree that what matters more is how you perceive a person rather than who they really are.

  20. Amber permalink
    13/06/2017 12:43 pm

    Fathers are important. Mine stayed at home with me as I grew up while my mom worked. In the 80s and 90s this wasn’t done very often so he got a lot of gross comments. But still, he remained home with me so I’d always have a parent around. I’ll always remember that.

  21. arainofthought (@arainofthought) permalink
    13/06/2017 1:08 pm

    yes, fathers do indeed matter. I very much miss mine and will miss him even more come this father’s day.

  22. 13/06/2017 1:21 pm

    Oops there go my emotions spilling over again!

  23. Shelly Dixon permalink
    13/06/2017 2:40 pm

    Great way to honor dads on Father’s Day! We plan on spoiling my husband this weekend.

  24. 13/06/2017 3:06 pm

    This is really a heartfelt post. Father’s day matters and with my dad supporting the family for a long time, he definitely deserves his day of appreciation. However he only likes to relax on this day and nothing else.

  25. Wildish Jess permalink
    13/06/2017 3:50 pm

    My father was a piece so I can’t comment for him. As for my husband though, I’m glad he’s a good example of a father for our boys.

  26. Shirley permalink
    13/06/2017 4:21 pm

    I love the post. It is such a great dedication for Father’s Day. Parents spent their life for children by working hard.

  27. trace97 permalink
    13/06/2017 4:59 pm

    I agree…our Dad is a hero

  28. Rosey permalink
    13/06/2017 5:00 pm

    I agree with the stages we go through (admiration, annoyance, legacy). The idea of making sure you house your memories in the right kind of ‘container’ is a good one too. I shall be passing that along to one of my older sons who is dealing with one of life’s big surprise challenges.

    Happy upcoming Father’s Day to all of the dads out there!

  29. Christine permalink
    13/06/2017 5:01 pm

    Father’s day is an important celebration for sure! However it can also be very difficult for people who have lost their fathers/loved ones.

  30. rochkirstin permalink
    13/06/2017 5:08 pm

    Our parents are our first teachers in life. Our dad is our inspiration and our source of strength and encouragement. We’ll have a simple celebration of Father’s Day this weekend.

  31. Tonya Wilhelm permalink
    13/06/2017 5:20 pm

    What a nice way to honor your father. I’m sure he would be very proud of you for your motivations and inspiration,

  32. Davi @ Homegrown Simplicity permalink
    13/06/2017 5:57 pm

    What a beautiful tribute to your father. He sounds like he was a great man. Very lovely post!

  33. Travel Blogger permalink
    13/06/2017 6:04 pm

    I have always had a very conflicted relationship with my father, and now that he is gone, father’s day has not meant much. That is, until my son was born. Now, it means something different to me, and I have softened on my parents shortcomings now that I am a parent. But it is important day to reflect and at least feel appreciation for the good in our parents.

  34. Mommy Engineering permalink
    13/06/2017 7:03 pm

    My father is still the most important man in my life and father’s day totally DOES MATTER! My dad isn’t always around on father’s day because he’s usually away from the family at work so celebrating how much he does for this family is HUGE and so important.

  35. LeAndra permalink
    13/06/2017 7:12 pm

    So happy to celebrate Father’s Day with my father this year. Great post!

  36. Nique Wallace (@sh_nique) permalink
    13/06/2017 7:16 pm

    Im sorry for your lost ! this is a long post about motivation that I think everyone should read.

  37. The Playful Parent permalink
    13/06/2017 8:40 pm

    Cant wait to celebrate Father’s Day with my husband and dad. We are taking a special train ride to make memories

  38. Mardene Carr permalink
    13/06/2017 9:31 pm

    Yes fathers’ day matters. Sometimes it is a bit low keyed than mothers’ day but they matter just as much.

  39. Fashionable Librarian permalink
    13/06/2017 9:33 pm

    Yes Fathers’ day is just as special as Mothers’ Day. Sometimes we forget the fathers but they matter.

  40. kelly reci permalink
    13/06/2017 10:40 pm

    Very inspiring! My mom used to arrange a get together every father’s day!

  41. Adriana Martin (@ABRecipes) permalink
    13/06/2017 11:00 pm

    I never knew my dad he passed when I was born so the father figures I had were my uncles whom I consider them all a great example. Today my husband is in my opinion is the best dad.

  42. akamatra permalink
    14/06/2017 4:38 am

    I love my father so much and I always do something special for him for father’s day and on other days too.

  43. Leo T. Ly permalink
    14/06/2017 4:42 am

    Your father’s motto, “to treat people the way that you want to be treated” is a great motto to live by. I am paraphrasing it of course. This motto really resonates with me because I truly believe that what you get is what you have given.

  44. AlainaBullock1 permalink
    14/06/2017 5:16 am

    My father also passed a few years back, and for this first year or two it was very hard for me to celebrate Father’s Day. He was the one who raised my sister and I. Now I see it as one more day to celebrate the man he was, and be grateful for having such a wonderful, caring man as my father, mother and best friend. I would still give anything though to see him one more time!

  45. margarette permalink
    14/06/2017 6:22 am

    It’s not all about Mother, it should be about Father too. The man who takes care not of the family financial needs only but most especially about the protection needed by everyone.

  46. toastycritic permalink
    14/06/2017 7:28 am

    When I think of my dad I have so many mixed emotions that it’s hard to put them all into words. But I know that I do try to love him and remember the good things. Sometimes that’s hard though. This post really did resonate with me and my feelings about my father.

  47. Mia Foo permalink
    14/06/2017 7:45 am

    Father’s Day always seems to be overshadowed by Mother’s Day, and I frankly do not understand why. We should recognize that both parent hold equally important roles in parenting and nurturing of a child. Perhaps, we should have a parents’ day instead of separate them into Mother’s and Father’s days?

  48. Shannon Harris permalink
    14/06/2017 8:16 am

    Amazing tribute to a day of thanks for fatherhood. My father hasn’t been in my life growing up so i was able to share this day with male role models in my family such as my Uncles. I am a father now so it’s exciting to come across things like this.

  49. fashionmommywm permalink
    14/06/2017 8:16 am

    My dad is, and always has been, my hero. I’m now married to the wonderful father of my son. Sunday is a special day to be thankful for such wonderful people.

  50. theterrificfive permalink
    14/06/2017 8:40 am

    This is a nice read. We often make a big deal about Mother’s Day, but we should definitely not forget our fathers (and our children’s father). I can’t wait to celebrate on Sunday!

  51. Keeping Up With Candy permalink
    14/06/2017 9:01 am

    I don’t celebrate Father’s Day. But I do hope everyone who has had a male figure in their lives enjoy the day with him and make the day special!

  52. Shannon Graham permalink
    14/06/2017 9:33 am

    Until we’re parents ourselves, it’s hard to fathom what parents sacrifice for us. The least they should get is a day about them!

  53. Christine Cox permalink
    14/06/2017 9:58 am

    I feel like Mother’s Day gets more of the spotlight over Father’s Day but they should be both celebrated equally. I am so glad that I have my own dad still around to celebrate, and now my kids can celebrate with their dad and grandfathers!

  54. Louise Bishop (@MomStart) permalink
    14/06/2017 11:36 am

    We should always take time to pour into those who poured into us. I love the focus of this.

  55. Kristen from The Road to Domestication permalink
    14/06/2017 12:12 pm

    Beautiful post! My father and my relationship has changed this year. He is holding a lot of bitterness and resentment, and it has negatively affected us, because I refuse to become bitter at the people he is bitter towards. I’m hoping this will change soon, and I’m continuing to attempt to communicate with him, but all the same, I love the Anne Sexton quote you used: “It doesn’t matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was.”

  56. ositheblog permalink
    14/06/2017 12:16 pm

    I’ll be cooking up a feast for my dad this father’s day.

  57. Nina Bashaw Photography permalink
    14/06/2017 1:19 pm

    Dads play such a huge and important part in our lives, even after we are adults. They should always feel loved and appreciated!

  58. Kristine Nicole Alessandra permalink
    14/06/2017 1:31 pm

    A father is a daughter’s first hero. My dad has always been a firm in his ways. He was not much of a talker but I know he loves me. Even now that he is old and frail, he still has that firm voice telling me what he needs/wants whenever I go and visit him.

  59. Fashion lovers life permalink
    14/06/2017 1:38 pm

    Your post brought me to tears, I lost my father when I was 14 and we haven’t celebrate father’s day since then 😢

  60. Eileen permalink
    14/06/2017 3:02 pm

    It is difficult for me to read through a post about Father’s day. My dad passed away 25 years ago and believe me, it still hurts. I miss him every single day. While most families celebrate with a party at home or dine out at a restaurant, I spend part of the day at the cemetery laying flowers on his grave. 🙁

  61. Josselyn Radillo permalink
    14/06/2017 4:07 pm

    Well, i had a great step father and he is the best in everything and i’m so blessed to have him in my life.

  62. travelnidajourney permalink
    14/06/2017 5:31 pm

    Thanks for share !! Everyone highlight importance of mother more !! glad to see someone highlighting importance of father as well !! Very well written Thanks for share

  63. Megan permalink
    14/06/2017 6:03 pm

    My father has never wanted to be part of my life. However growing up I had my grandfather to look up to so I’m blessed in that way!

  64. Sondra Barker permalink
    14/06/2017 8:51 pm

    I always love you Motivation Mondays, they are always so moving. It is always hard to reflex on a holiday when the person that it is meant for is no longer here. I commend you for rejoicing and remembering your father in such a beautiful way.

  65. Samantha permalink
    14/06/2017 10:50 pm

    I agree that Father’s Day is important, I’m looking forward to seeing my dad on Sunday. 🙂

  66. Amanda Love permalink
    15/06/2017 2:12 am

    My father was a loving man and he was dedicated to giving his family the best life possible. I think it’s a great day to honor dads who stand by their family. Every child needs a good father figure in his or her life.

  67. Sofia permalink
    15/06/2017 2:13 am

    It’s great that people have good Dad’s. It’s a truly wonderful gift.

  68. The Inspiration Edit (@Inspire_Edit) permalink
    15/06/2017 3:50 am

    Such a perfect post for Father’s Day. My father’s day was always not complete because my dad was far away from me I didn’t hug him

  69. Carol Cassara permalink
    15/06/2017 4:47 am

    My dad has long passed and I miss celebrating this day with him. I think it’s a wonderful way to honor fathers and what they do and sacrifice for the family.

  70. Katja Knox permalink
    15/06/2017 6:47 am

    Father’s Day is always a hard day for me. I feel the loss of my dad much stronger then than any other day. But I am so grateful for having had such an amazing man as my father it’s a pain I’m OK with.
    Katja xxx

  71. Team up Girl - Kate permalink
    15/06/2017 9:23 am

    I don’t know if Father’s Day is celebrated only in the U.S. but it is not in the Czech Republic (where I am from) and I remember my dad being sad that there is only Mother’s Day. Well, I still think we should appreciate our parents every day not only on the assigned day in a calendar. 🙂

  72. nbosken permalink
    15/06/2017 12:12 pm

    My mother passed away in the last year and a half, so I wrote about her on my blog for Mother’s Day. She was amazing and I chose to remember her on that day. It sounds like your father was also amazing and taught you a lot. Still the day can be hard, so I’ll be thinking of you.

  73. Erin (@FaithFoodFamFun) permalink
    15/06/2017 2:18 pm

    I feel that Father’s day takes a back seat to Mother’s day and it’s sad, really. In reality, Father’s are just as important as mothers!

  74. Michelle Paige permalink
    15/06/2017 2:47 pm

    Sounds like you had a pretty great father to remember. I don’t celebrate Father’s Day because my dad and I don’t speak which can make the day pretty tough for me.


  75. Liz Cleland permalink
    15/06/2017 2:48 pm

    When I was growing up with my Mom we renamed it Parents day. I love this though! What a tribute.

  76. Claire (@clairebeary94) permalink
    15/06/2017 3:05 pm

    Father’s Day is different from all the small days because it’s all about family & I can never forget all the things my dad has done for me

  77. Alicia Taylor at permalink
    15/06/2017 3:40 pm

    I am sorry for your loss and hope that this Father’s Day is still blessed with gentle memories of him.

  78. Claudia Krusch permalink
    15/06/2017 6:06 pm

    I think it is important to celebrate our parents. They do so much for us when we are growing up.

  79. alisonrost permalink
    15/06/2017 6:41 pm

    What a beautiful quote from Sidney Poitier. I couldn’t help but smile when I read of the global reach your family had. Ours too. My grandparents spent their lives as missionaries and the diversity their experiences brought to our lives can’t be measured. x

  80. Louise Bishop (@MomStart) permalink
    15/06/2017 7:33 pm

    I hope that my children will always remember what their daddy did for them. Even when he’s not around anymore, I hope they still celebrate.

  81. Fatima Torres at MTME permalink
    15/06/2017 7:55 pm

    Fathers should be celebrated more often. They really help build the structure in the family.

  82. JD Obedoza permalink
    15/06/2017 9:27 pm

    I want bacon and beer on father’s day. And some chips would be nice.


  83. Ravi permalink
    15/06/2017 10:43 pm

    Good to see this post. Father’s day look special especially with my 4 year daughter..

  84. Sondra Barker permalink
    15/06/2017 10:58 pm

    I think any day celebrating our parents is important. We shouldn’t just celebrate them one day but all days.

  85. 15/06/2017 11:32 pm

    Awesome post, It seems that sometimes no one cares about father’s day. I think it is sad, they deserve as much attention as moms too.

  86. Fully Housewifed! (@fullyhousewifed) permalink
    16/06/2017 3:59 am

    How wise your dad is to have taught you that the best testimony of your faith is how we apply these principles we learn in how to treat others. Happy Father’s day to him in heaven. 🙂

  87. lex permalink
    16/06/2017 4:05 am

    i love to celebrate both parents but i have just my dad left with me so i will celebrate it with him in a double way like i always celebrate with them both before now, good to know alot of people still remember to celebrate dads and not just mums.

  88. Nicole Caudle permalink
    16/06/2017 5:25 am

    Father’s Day has never been a huge celebration in our house. My dad doesn’t like for anyone to make a fuss over him so we have always kept it low key. this was such a beautiful tribute. I’m sending this to my dad!

  89. margarette permalink
    16/06/2017 6:08 am

    In everything, it’s always about Mom. This June 18, as we celebrate Father’s day, we should not just be remembering Dad on their day only. Do for Dad what we can do for Mom.

  90. Ciel permalink
    16/06/2017 6:18 am

    My dad left us when I was 5, But we still celebrate father’s day. Instead of for our dad who left, we celebrate it for our mom, who is both a mom and a dad to us. She raised us by herself, so she deserves to be honored every mother’s and father’s day. Even everyday is good

  91. faithhopelove627 permalink
    16/06/2017 10:13 am

    Recognizing the work of parents is very important. As a mom, I love Mothers Day. Come June, I love celebrating my husband and the wonderful father he is. He supports me and our 5 kids.

  92. beccajtalbot permalink
    16/06/2017 10:37 am

    I agree that it’s so important to recognise everything our parents (both mother and father) have done for us, so I will definitely be treating my dad this Sunday x

  93. Jennifer permalink
    16/06/2017 12:55 pm

    I’m sorry you lost your father. My husband’s mother passed away last year and it is something he is still trying to come to terms with. I think to celebrate our parents, especially once they have passed away, is very important. I do not have a close relationship with my father, but I do try to wish him well on Father’s Day and other holidays.

  94. AlaynaFrankenberry permalink
    16/06/2017 1:25 pm

    This can be a hard time for anyone who’s lost a father. But I think it can also be a time to remember them and preserve their memory!

  95. Sarah Crowther permalink
    16/06/2017 1:40 pm

    Very special post, I’m incredibly grateful for my father, he has done so much for our family and I’m glad to be able to spend Father’s Day with him. Great day to remember the amazing fathers who are no longer with us as well.

  96. Hey Sharonoox permalink
    16/06/2017 5:46 pm

    Father’s Day this year is super special since my parents are here visiting me. This year I got to bring him for a special treat and buy him presents.

  97. chicclassyspicy permalink
    16/06/2017 6:25 pm

    I love the care, transparency, & belief in your post. I know your father would be proud.

  98. Cynthia Nicoletti permalink
    16/06/2017 8:27 pm

    I celebrate a nice Father’s Day with my children and husband. This is a difficult time for me as far as a father.

  99. Kelly Reci permalink
    16/06/2017 10:34 pm

    eversince my dad passed away,we stopped celebrating father’s day. but now that i have my own family,i began teaching my kids while they were little, to celebrate father’s show their father how much they love, respect and adore their dad

  100. The Brainy Mama permalink
    17/06/2017 6:23 am

    I was raised by a single mom, so Father’s Day was not a big deal to me. This is the first year that I’ll be celebrating Father’s Day; this time for my husband.

  101. 17/06/2017 12:12 pm

    Our fathers are our hero and they do leave a very detailed footprint in our lives. It is just right to give them tribute and honor them on their special day.

  102. Via Bella permalink
    17/06/2017 7:34 pm

    This is very well put and I think remembering the best in any father is a great idea– especially on their day.But really, every day, is important to be able to give thanks to those in our lives that have stepped into the father figure role. What an amazing blessing and a lot of work at the same time.

  103. Anosa permalink
    17/06/2017 10:51 pm

    I have a loving father and I think every father is unique and its a blessing for every family to have such loving and hardworking father.

  104. Ana De-Jesus permalink
    18/06/2017 7:25 am

    I am sorry to hear about your father passing away, this must be a difficult time for you but I hope you are ok. Fathers day is hard for me too as I don’t see my dad but I like to think I can celebrate it again in the future x

  105. Kristine Nicole Alessandra permalink
    18/06/2017 8:22 am

    I am thankful I have met my husband of 10 years. My first husband was not even worthy to be called a father, because he was to me, and my kids, nothing else but a sperm donor. It is my second husband who stepped in and assumed the role of dad to my kids when their own “father” walked out on us. May your husband, dad, granddad, and brothers have the best Father’s day!.

  106. Krystal // The Krystal Diaries permalink
    18/06/2017 3:37 pm

    This is a lovely post and wonderful reminder to celebrates the hard working fathers.

  107. Emma Beal permalink
    18/06/2017 5:07 pm

    What a great post for your dad. I am sure he was very proud of you, and all you have done.

    Thank you so much for the links at the bottom of the post; I’ve been experiencing blogger burnout, and I hope that will help.

  108. Dennis permalink
    18/06/2017 11:41 pm

    Great piece! My dad is definitely a motivation to me, I want to get as far as he is now!

  109. Rebecca Swenor permalink
    19/06/2017 1:34 pm

    Father’s day has been more special to my family since my dad had been give 3 to 6 months to live but that was 4 yrs ago. Each day we get with him is special to us all. Thanks for sharing an amazing story about the old and young men and the salt.

  110. Jo Anna permalink
    20/06/2017 11:55 am

    I love the way you honor all fathers in this post as well as your own. The quote by Sydney Poitier is so inspiring. Fathers do matter and I’m so blessed to have my father still. Thank you for this piece.

  111. Nati permalink
    20/06/2017 2:26 pm

    My dad is a great man. We have had, and still have, many differences, but he has always supported me and encouraged me in my crazy projects, and he believes in me, more than any other person in the world. He was the only one by my side when I was seriously ill and when even the doctors were confused and got all wrong, he was the one who truly sought help for me. I’d just say I could survive a terrible infection and have two beautiful children thanks to him.

  112. Elizabeth permalink
    21/06/2017 4:47 pm

    Father’s Day is such a special holiday. While we need to celebrate our father’s and mother’s every day, it’s nice that we’re also able to show fathers how much we appreciate them.

  113. Sumi Go | The Purple Doll permalink
    21/06/2017 10:45 pm

    “It doesn’t matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was.”

    This line really struck me. As much as I love my dad, our family went through and has still been going through a lot because of situations he’d usually start. I’ve been guilty of not being a more loving daughter to him especially in the past year. But when I think about it, we’re lucky since we still have him in our life. As much as I wish he’d change for the better, I also believe we should show him our love more before it’s too late.

  114. Obi Kalu permalink
    25/06/2017 6:17 pm

    What a nice tribute

  115. angrisk permalink
    27/06/2017 7:54 pm

    Everyone should have someone in their life, ya know? And a dad, or a father figure is SO important.


  1. Motivation Mondays: Relief or Relieved? | Mirth and Motivation
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  20. Motivation Mondays: For Our Fathers #fathersday | Mirth and Motivation
  21. Motivation 2020: On Father’s Day #FathersDay | Mirth and Motivation

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