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Motivation Mondays: World Health Day – Depression #LetsTalk


“Depression has been called the world’s number one public health problem. In fact, depression is so widespread it is considered the common cold of psychiatric disturbances. But there is a grim difference between depression and a cold. Depression can kill you.” David D. Burns

Motivation Mondays: World Health Day - Theme Is Depression

Motivation Mondays: World Health Day – Theme Is Depression

What is Depression? Depression is an illness characterized by persistent sadness and a loss of interest in activities that you normally enjoy, accompanied by an inability to carry out daily activities, for at least two weeks.
In addition, people with depression normally have several of the following: a loss of energy; a change in appetite; sleeping more or less; anxiety; reduced concentration; indecisiveness; restlessness; feelings of worthlessness, guilt, or hopelessness; and thoughts of self-harm or suicide.
Something that can happen to anybody.
Not a sign of weakness.
Treatable, with talking therapies or antidepressant medication or a combination of these. World Health Organization

Since 1950, the World Health Organization has held a World Health Day to focus attention on health-related ailments and bring invaluable research and information to the public. Over the years, it has focused on the most pressing health issues by developing campaigns and disseminating information that we can all use. April 7th is World Health Day and the theme for this year is – DEPRESSION. Depression is an equal opportunity abuser and it can affect any of us. It is not the domain of certain types of people or those who don’t follow a set pattern of behavior. It is, as explained above, an illness characterized by persistent sadness and can manifest even at the height of a successful career.

Did you know that over 300 million people suffer from depression globally? And that it is the second leading cause of death among 15-29-year olds? If you look around you or think about it carefully, you, someone you know has had a bout of depression over the years. Some are even diagnosed as clinically depressed and the treatment is long term. The truth is that we are the face of depression. It looks like YOU, ME, and EVERYONE out there and there is help. Of course, the sad part to this is that often, we hide behind the stigma that is attached to this and every other form of mental illness when we should not. You did nothing wrong and it is NOT your fault. Like every other illness of the mind and body, we need support, information and intervention.
WHO: Handout on Depression



“The continuing stigma associated with mental illness was the reason why we decided to name our campaign Depression: let’s talk … For someone living with depression, talking to a person they trust is often the first step towards treatment and recovery.” Shekhar Saxena, Director of the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse at WHO.

Motivation Mondays: World Health Day - Theme Is Depression

Motivation Mondays: World Health Day – Theme Is Depression

WHO: James Chau shares his personal experience of depression

What can we do if we/or someone we know have/has depression? For starters, the WHO Handout above provides us with answers and practical advice to a series of questions that our loved ones might all ask during a debilitating episode of depression. Key to any effort we make is to set aside our own prejudices, focus on the needs of the other and provide swift and effective help. We can do this. The questions range from
Depression: What you should know
Living with someone with depression?
Worried that your child is depressed?
Worried about the future? Preventing depression during your teens and twenties
Wondering why your new baby is not making you happy?
Staying positive and preventing depression as you get older
Do you know someone who may be considering suicide?
Do you feel like life is not worth living?

And these questions are followed by 10 helpful, lifesaving tips and advice that you might want to jot down. At the end of the day, we can be the helping hand a depressed friend or stranger needs. By educating ourselves and being compassionate to the pain and suffering of others, we can have a huge impact on each others lives in a positive way. The 10 tips are below.



The details for Motivation Mondays are below. Join in! The themes for March/April 2017 are:


03/ – March is Women’s History Month, National Nutrition Month, American Red Cross Month, Irish-American Heritage Month, 03/01 – Ash Wednesday and Zero Discrimination Day, 03/03, World Wildlife Day
03/06 – 08, International Women’s Day 09, World Kidney Day
03/13 –  12, Purim starts and Daylight Savings Day, 13, Holi, 14, Pi Day, 17, Saint Patrick’s Day
03/20 – 20, International Day of Happiness/ First day of Spring, 21, World Poetry Day, 22, World Water Day 23 Puppy Day, 24, TB Day
03/27 – 27, Doctors Day


04/03 –    6, International Day of Sport, 7 World Health Day
04/10 –    9, Palm Sunday, 11, Start of Passover, 14, Good Friday
04/17 –    16, Easter,  22, Earth Day,
04/24 –    24, Remembrance Day

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“People talk about physical fitness, but mental health is equally important. I see people suffering, and their families feel a sense of shame about it, which doesn’t help. One needs support and understanding. I am now working on an initiative to create awareness about anxiety and depression and help people.” Deepika Padukone

Motivation Mondays: World Health Day - Theme Is Depression

Motivation Mondays: World Health Day – Theme Is Depression

The campaign core: At the core of the campaign is the importance of talking about depression as a vital component of recovery. The stigma surrounding mental illness, including depression, remains a barrier to people seeking help throughout the world. Talking about depression, whether with a family member, friend or medical professional; in larger groups, for example in schools, the workplace and social settings; or in the public domain, in the news media, blogs or social media, helps break down this stigma, ultimately leading to more people seeking help. World Health Organization

If you’ve ever been in a crisis situation or been a witness to one, you know that having key tips at hand and a go-to-plan can make the difference between life and death. While we might never be in such a place ourselves, our help can be a bright light for someone else. The 10 tips below are recommended by WHO. I cannot stress enough the value of seeking immediate professional help; ideally with a medical professional. The goal of the tips below is to help you remember that there is HOPE, and where there is HOPE, there is HELP. Please keep these and use them.

1. Talk to someone you trust about your feelings. Most people feel better after talking to someone who cares about them.
2. Seek professional help. Your local health-care worker or doctor is a good place to start.
3. Remember that with the right help, you can get better.
4. Keep up with activities that you used to enjoy when you were well.
5. Stay connected. Keep in contact with family and friends.
6. Exercise regularly, even if it’s just a short walk.
7. Stick to regular eating and sleeping habits.
8. Accept that you might have depression and adjust your expectations. You may not be able to accomplish as much as you do usually.
9. Avoid or restrict alcohol intake and refrain from using illicit drugs; they can worsen depression.
10. If you feel suicidal, contact someone for help immediately. 10 Tips from WHO


Have a Happy, Healthy 2017!

Any Zen Antics stories via


Positive Motivation Tip: Take care of your mental and emotional health and be a help to others.

Motivation Mondays is open to anyone who wishes to share a motivational quote, photo, personal challenge or a post that encourages others to start the week on an upbeat note.
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Tag: – Motivation Mondays
Hashtag: – #MotvnM
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PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos via  Depression/WHD via Wikipedia and Depression via Pixabay

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet





198 Comments leave one →
  1. Amber permalink
    03/04/2017 1:51 pm

    It’s so important to keep talking about this. Talking about it helps those suffering. I can’t imagine how it feels to live like this.

  2. Nina permalink
    03/04/2017 12:51 pm

    There has been so much stuff out there about depression recently and I like it. There can be such a stigma about it. But you are so right. It can happen to anyone and it is not weakness.

  3. dimarino.6 permalink
    03/04/2017 3:31 pm

    Thank you for sharing! Depression has touched my life not only in my family members, but also previous periods in my life. The thoughts and feelings weigh people down and don’t let them come up for air. It is very sad that, even though we are living in a time of drastic change and abundance, depression has become more relevant and devastating. I sometimes think of how our culture/ relationships have changed with all this technology. It could possibly be hurting our ability to create meaningful relationships. What do you think?

  4. toastycritic permalink
    03/04/2017 5:16 pm

    This is great that you are bringing light to the people who are suffering from depression and hopefully giving them places where they can get help. My only issue is that I lived with someone who had depression. Unfortunately the depression was only a component of a larger issue. I suppose it could be termed co-morbidity but truthfully it wasn’t something separate and equally damaging. My recommendation is to seek help from a therapist, and allow them to help you. Going to therapy is not a bad thing. It’s something that everyone should do at some point, I believe.

  5. Author Brandi Kennedy permalink
    03/04/2017 6:26 pm

    This was such a great post – depression is a really personal issue for me and has been for a long time, but the sort of compassion you advocated for here is sometimes hard to find, and it’s only been in recent years that the stigma behind depression has begun to lift. It warms my heart to know that the stigma is lifting, that people are paying attention now instead of just turning away to pretend it isn’t there.

  6. Crystal Gareau permalink
    03/04/2017 6:44 pm

    Very resourceful post. It’s important to speak out and motivate others to talk about the hard topics.. like depression and mental health.

  7. Erin (@FaithFoodFamFun) permalink
    03/04/2017 6:50 pm

    I’m glad that you mentioned seek professional help. I tried doing it on my own (because I thought I could fix it myself) but in all honestly, I couldn’t. I didn’t even START to get better until I went and saw a doctor. Great tips.

  8. Cindy Gordon permalink
    03/04/2017 10:05 pm

    Isn’t it crazy how many depression affects? I know I’ve been caught up in it a time or two myself. It’s difficult to combat and differs for each person.

  9. Kelly Reci permalink
    03/04/2017 10:28 pm

    i had a prenatal depression after giving birth to my son, it is not easy! it is something that very serious! i love reading post like this!

  10. Marceline Dementori permalink
    03/04/2017 8:39 pm

    I am so glad that they chose to discuss depression for this year. It’s really important to raise awareness on such an illness that can really damage a lot of lives, not just for the depressed patient but everyone around him or her. It’s something that we should pay attention to and give support to as well. A lot of people are ashamed of suffering from it instead of getting the help that they need.

  11. themomnoms permalink
    03/04/2017 8:49 pm

    I have been diagnosed with severe clinical depression before and it is no joke. People say that they’re ‘depressed’ when they’re sad and I feel like it takes away from what is real depression. Some days it’s hard for me to get out of bed or to do anything. Thank you for bringing this real disease to people’s attention.

  12. robin masshole mommy permalink
    04/04/2017 3:28 am

    I know a few people that suffer from depression. It’s a real struggle for them to get through every day life.

  13. jmgoyder permalink
    04/04/2017 4:22 am

    Amazing post, Elizabeth, in breaking into the stigma – thank you!

  14. Boho Chic (@TotallyTerris) permalink
    04/04/2017 4:41 am

    Depression can be so crippling to those who have it. It’s always sad to see when someone with depression commits suicide.

  15. Niesha Byln permalink
    04/04/2017 5:23 am

    It’s so important to talk about the health awareness especially for every individual.

  16. 조이 Czjai (@RebelSweetHrt) permalink
    04/04/2017 5:34 am

    I know the feeling. I went through episodes of depression after giving birth, and I am thankful for my husband and friends who helped me get through it.

  17. instylebeads999 permalink
    04/04/2017 5:56 am

    Thanks for such a awesome post.

  18. The Playful Parent permalink
    04/04/2017 6:33 am

    I love your posts they are always resourceful and helpful. Love your motivation mondays just so inspiring. I’m glad this weeks topic was on depression. Education and awareness on this topic is needed

  19. GiGi Eats Celebrities permalink
    04/04/2017 6:36 am

    Depression is most certainly a SERIOUS matter that I don’t think enough people take seriously. Thankfully, it’s becoming more and more of a hot topic, thus hopefully in the near future MORE AND MORE things will be offered to help support those who struggle with it.

  20. Sabrina Barbante (@SabrinaBarbante) permalink
    04/04/2017 6:58 am

    Dealing with and understanding depression one you’ve never been trough it is hard… almost impossibile. Depression is still covered with stigma, as if t was a strong form of laziness, sotho’s afflicted by it feels twice as lonely.

  21. Amila Wickramarachchi permalink
    04/04/2017 8:11 am

    It is helpful to know these tips on preventing depression condition.By talking to someone who cares,it is easy to release the stress.Work load and other problems can always create such problems.

  22. natalielovesbeauty permalink
    04/04/2017 2:51 pm

    Depression runs in my family so I know how much it can affect you. I think there has been a lot of progress in making it less taboo too.

  23. Jessica Taylor permalink
    04/04/2017 12:51 pm

    Unfortunately I see this daily! Thank you for bringing awareness!

  24. Ronnie Epsi permalink
    04/04/2017 12:59 pm

    One of my closest friends ended his life due to his ongoing depression. Thank you so much for sharing about it and providing such deep insight and tips for those of us who want to help support our loved ones.

  25. Cameron Dufore permalink
    04/04/2017 3:47 pm

    I know several people with either anxiety or depression or both! The important thing to remember is that you get help if/when you need it! Don’t suffer alone!

  26. momknowsbest15 permalink
    04/04/2017 7:12 pm

    I love that more people are becoming aware of depression. I suffered many years with depression.

  27. Ana De-Jesus permalink
    04/04/2017 4:35 pm

    You must have read my mind because I am currently in the middle of talking about depression on the blog for mental health day. It affects so many of us so I think it is important to raise awareness x

  28. Rachel Mouton permalink
    04/04/2017 4:44 pm

    Thank you for bringing awareness to depression. This is such an important topic.

  29. Blair Villanueva permalink
    04/04/2017 7:19 pm

    Indeed, depression is a serial silent killer. I find it worst than cancer.

  30. Kyla T. permalink
    04/04/2017 7:46 pm

    I have definitely been there… And you tips for dealing with a crisis is exactly what is needed. I wish I would have read this a while back. Thank you!

  31. Eileen permalink
    04/04/2017 8:53 pm

    It is best to recognize the symptoms early on and seek help. Depression wrecks havoc on the mental and physical well being of a person. The struggle is real and should not be brushed off as “just feeling sad.”

  32. Eileen Layno permalink
    04/04/2017 9:01 pm

    This post is a must read not only for those suffering from depression, but for those that are responsible for the care of a family member suffering from it as well. Showing them you understand and showing these patients that they are loved would be a big boost for them to recover from depression.

  33. Manavi Siddhanti permalink
    05/04/2017 1:54 am

    I think it’s great that from being a taboo that is not spoken about or taken seriously, depression is something that is being addressed and treated. Thanks for sharing

  34. Only By Land permalink
    05/04/2017 2:11 am

    300 million people suffering with depression is an incredible amount. I see why they call this the common cold of the psychiatric disturbances.

  35. Little Steps/Dean B (@LittleStepsTwit) permalink
    05/04/2017 4:54 am

    I have a few close family members suffering from depression. Those tips are a big help, will share them.

  36. instylebeads999 permalink
    05/04/2017 5:16 am

    such a nice blog.

  37. travel blogger permalink
    05/04/2017 5:29 am

    This is something that has been a big issue through the history of my family, and it is something I personally try to bring awareness to. So many suffer silently and try to hide it, but we have to keep talking about to take away the stigma. As you said there are about 300 million that suffer from depression, and we need to let others know they aren’t alone.

  38. Beso Beauty permalink
    05/04/2017 9:33 am

    Your positive motivation tip was spot on! I think many of us suffer from depression at one point or another in our lives. It is important to know that we’re not alone and be aware of resources for ourselves and others.

  39. shelah moss permalink
    05/04/2017 7:21 am

    This is such an important topic and your article is very insightful. Depression is difficult to deal with and anyone suffering from depression deserves compassion and a helping hand.

  40. thecoffeemom0617 permalink
    05/04/2017 7:42 am

    I feel like depression is something that isn’t spoken about openly enough. There is still a stigma that goes with it and we need to end that

  41. Denni permalink
    05/04/2017 8:00 am

    Depression is definitely something that needs to be brought up more often , creating awareness, we need to be made aware that they are not alone

  42. Donna Ashworth permalink
    05/04/2017 8:18 am

    As always this has got me thinking. Depression and the discussion of it is becoming less and less taboo which is only a good thing!

  43. Kristen from The Road to Domestication permalink
    05/04/2017 8:54 am

    I’m thankful that my stint with depression was a very short one, but I try to remember it, nonetheless, so I can help others who are currently struggling. And there are so many 🙁

  44. Victoria Sconion permalink
    05/04/2017 9:10 am

    I had no idea that depression was that serious in this country. I know from personal experience how depression can be difficult to deal with.

  45. Jessica Hughes permalink
    05/04/2017 10:36 am

    Depression can affect any of us, it does not discriminate. I know so many who have suffered with this illness and we need to make sure that people know there is no shame in asking for help.

  46. Sarah-Louise Bailey permalink
    05/04/2017 10:44 am

    Great article. I am hearing bad news since morning and its all about depressions. One of my close family member is going through the same phase. Its so hard to see the loved ones going thru this.

  47. courtneyrandrews permalink
    05/04/2017 4:05 pm

    I think too many people suffer in silence when they shouldn’t have to.

  48. leuchocojummy permalink
    05/04/2017 2:01 pm

    Depression is really wodespread but people don’t like talking about it because it is mental illness. I feel more awareness will make more people come forward for treatment instead of committing suicide.

  49. Josselyn Martinez permalink
    05/04/2017 2:31 pm

    depression is a hard topic and some people like to ignore, people with depression are the best at hiding it.

  50. Chiara Lisbeth de Lisi permalink
    05/04/2017 2:41 pm

    All these tips against depression are useful and important, first of all being conscious about it at never beeing alone.

  51. Thunder Ridge Acres permalink
    05/04/2017 4:02 pm

    It’s so sad that depression is so common. It’s definitely important to raise awareness!

  52. Emily permalink
    05/04/2017 7:17 pm

    I think it is so important to talk about depression! I know many people that struggle with this and almost always they feel so isolated and alone. There is such a stigma with it, it is nice to start the conversation.

  53. MUD By Shaun permalink
    05/04/2017 8:08 pm

    Thank you for this informative post about depression. I know quite a few people with depression and need support. Will remember this post, @MirthAndMotivation.

  54. Krista Bel permalink
    05/04/2017 8:43 pm

    Depression is a really serious issue. In Medical school here, most of the students experience depression at one point or the other but whether you like it or not you are forced to come out of it. You would think the health care field would be better but it’s not. Something has to be done.

  55. Laura permalink
    05/04/2017 11:19 pm

    We have quite a few organisations who work on this in Australia. Sadly it still claims many lives.

  56. franckxethee permalink
    05/04/2017 11:37 pm

    Depression is a really important issue to address since a lot of people really fall in this state. People really need more understanding on their plights and dilemmas.

  57. Blair Villanueva permalink
    06/04/2017 12:12 am

    Whenever am feeling low, good thing i have save Disney OST songs in my Spotify. Might be sounds lame but cheers me up!

  58. Fred permalink
    06/04/2017 12:51 am

    People should know how to recognize depression in their family and friends. We should be able to recognize depression to be able to prevent suicides in susceptible patients.

  59. marianna permalink
    06/04/2017 6:51 am

    A dear friend of mine suffered from depression and ultimately committed suicide so I dont take this topic lightly, thanks for sharing!

  60. A Busy Bees Life - Sheri permalink
    06/04/2017 7:31 am

    I always like to read posts that bring awareness to something Depression and other unseen illnesses should always be talked about and those who suffer from them should never have to hide or live in shame about it.

  61. 1stclassrvadventures permalink
    06/04/2017 8:36 am

    Wow this is a ton of great information that I didn’t know! I have had friends that have suffered with depression and you just made me aware of somethings that I didn’t know thank you!

  62. nlampert permalink
    06/04/2017 9:29 am

    I’m so glad to hear that this year’s theme for World Health Day is Depression since it runs in my family and is so misunderstood by the general public. Thank you for sharing the WHO’s 10 tips.

  63. Claire Santiago permalink
    06/04/2017 9:32 am

    Awareness about depression is much needed nowadays. Some people thought that it is just normal but it is not, it is something serious and should be treated by a professional.

  64. katyashadeofteal permalink
    06/04/2017 9:56 am

    I was just having a conversation with someone about depression and they assumed a person could just turn it on and off. So many people really need to be educated on what depression really is. Great post!

  65. Mike Cotton (@MikeCjourno) permalink
    06/04/2017 10:22 am

    Depression is definitely something that needs to be talked about more openly.

  66. Nati permalink
    06/04/2017 7:23 am

    It is so important to raise awareness about depression! I really appreciate your article. In the country I’m living now, the statistics for depression diagnosed by a physician are HUGE. I did not know the gravity of this illness because it is a rare thing in my home country (that or the doctors don’t diagnose it correctly, that’s also a possibility). I’ve seen so many of my friends go through this and I didn’t have a clue how to help them 🙁

  67. Aprill Coleman permalink
    06/04/2017 11:52 am

    I really love the pointers you gave when dealing with a crisis or bout of depression. I felt myself slipping a little bit and I had to sit down and do some breathing. I shared this because you never know who you are helping when we talk about depression <3

  68. oksummer permalink
    06/04/2017 2:09 pm

    I really enjoy the information that the world health organization gives out. All is fairly accurate too. I hope this post can help all those suffering with depression.

  69. oksummer permalink
    06/04/2017 2:09 pm

    great post and good info. i really like the information that WHO provides. I hope this helps someone out.

  70. Megan permalink
    06/04/2017 5:17 pm

    Depression is something that so many people deal with. It surprises me that it is still so taboo to talk about. I’m glad that there is more awareness!

  71. Hey Sharonoox permalink
    06/04/2017 6:57 pm

    I see more and more people are more open to talk about depression these days. Agree that people suffering from depression have to seek help. Talking to psychologist and medication definitely help keep depression at bay. This is a great post that will be useful for many.

  72. Amanda Love permalink
    06/04/2017 7:25 pm

    I suffer from anxiety and depression and I think it’s important that we raise awareness on this. People often would judge you, call you lazy, pathetic, overly dramatic, sensitive, without thinking if you’re suffering from a mental illness or not. It’s not seen so they think you’re functioning well when you’re not.

  73. Michelle Waller permalink
    06/04/2017 8:21 pm

    Depression is an ugly thing. I am glad that there is a day about it. Hopefully others will understand depression is real and talking about it helps.

  74. Heidi permalink
    06/04/2017 8:43 pm

    Depression is such a serious issue, and it is everywhere! It makes me so sad when people look down on someone because they are on medication for anxiety or depression. Those are diseases just like diabetes or cancer. No one would criticize a diabetic for taking medication, so why is there a stigma for someone with a chemical imbalance taking medication to correct it?

  75. mozeci permalink
    07/04/2017 1:22 am

    Depression is modern age disease number one! Ant what’s even worse, a lot of people doesn’t seam to notice or care about their depressed loved ones. I’m aware how difficult the struggle with it is, and hope that the awareness will rise.

  76. duffelbagspouse permalink
    07/04/2017 1:34 am

    I believe its common. Having gone through a brief one earlier this year. It can immobilize you, numb you and blind you to the beauty, hope and love all around you.

  77. Leo T. Ly permalink
    07/04/2017 5:19 am

    This is a very informative post. I think that you are right that depression can affect anyone. From time to time, I do feel depressed as the grind in my daily live is somewhat monotonous. Fortunately, I recently found a therapeutic way to battle my depression. I write for my blog and it made me happy to be able to do what i truly enjoy.

  78. kim permalink
    07/04/2017 7:57 am

    Wow I was not aware that depression is the second most leading death for young adults. Depression is certainly a disease to take seriously!!

  79. Bhushavali permalink
    07/04/2017 8:22 am

    Of late, the awareness about depression in India in increasing with several celebs talking about it!

  80. lex permalink
    07/04/2017 9:54 am

    find it easy to read this one, health day talks are so important and most times i wish i get so involved in the but most times i dont, now its good you made this. like always i love your reads and images.

  81. MyYellowApron permalink
    07/04/2017 12:33 pm

    8 out of 10 folks suffer from some level of depression but no one wants to talk about it. We should all come out and discuss in open, so that, we can help each other.

  82. jennifer L permalink
    08/04/2017 4:31 pm

    I have friends and family who deal with depression and its definitely tough. But it’s important to create a support system.

  83. Kat Centeno permalink
    08/04/2017 7:26 pm

    Depression is something that should not be taken lightly. Seeking professional help is important. Having a support group would also help.

  84. Suruchi permalink
    09/04/2017 12:10 am

    Depression is killing many of us and there are only few who like to talk and discuss about it openly. I liked the way you brought this topic up on world health day. Real applauses and share it enough so please has the courage to fight and get out of it.

  85. Pooja Kawatra Gupta permalink
    09/04/2017 4:15 am

    I have actually came across few close one who suffered from depression and it was quite difficult for them to come of it. Most of the time they just seclude themselves.

  86. GD Blog permalink
    09/04/2017 9:43 pm

    This is a great reminder for anyone who seeks help when they’re depressed. First people to go is family, next will be friends. But if they’re holding back to ask help from them due to some reasons, they need to ask help from any “help lines”.

  87. Tiffany Yong permalink
    10/04/2017 2:03 am

    Awareness is very important. Many people aren’t aware of the fact that they’ve gotten Depression until it gets really really serious! Depression is real~ yet at the same time, man should also learn to handle stress and pressure!

  88. Sondra Barker permalink
    10/04/2017 7:11 pm

    Depression is a very touchy subject, but is very important to talk about. So many people suffer from depression and feel as though there is no way out. It is so important that they know there’s help out there. Great post!

  89. Hannah Marie permalink
    11/04/2017 8:16 am

    I have depression and it’s not easy. a support group and blogging is helpful because I don’t feel ashamed or alone.

  90. Wanderlust Vegans permalink
    12/04/2017 1:03 pm

    I think it is great that you addressed depression today. This is a topic that seems to be taboo.. We need to help those who suffer from depression and let them know it is okay.

  91. Jazz (@JazzOnTheRun) permalink
    12/04/2017 6:59 pm

    This is a big deal and should be made aware to EVERYONE. Including those who aren’t dealing with depression as they can be of help to family and friends who suffer from it.

  92. Angela Ricardo Bethea permalink
    13/04/2017 11:43 pm

    Depression is real. Some people prefer not to acknowledge just because they don’t understand. I wish more and more people would open their eyes to this deadly situation. Thank you for sharing this beautiful motivational post.

  93. Ashlea permalink
    26/04/2017 9:50 pm

    So many people battle depression and so many alone. I battles post partum depression after having my son. I was fortunate not to get it as bad as some but depression is depression no matter the stage.

  94. Evelyn Reese permalink
    02/05/2017 8:12 pm

    Depression is very real for all races and cultures. Some cultures tend to push it under a rug and deny it is happening, which only causes more damage. Thank you for the post.

  95. TweenselMom (@TweenselMom) permalink
    13/11/2019 1:36 pm

    Depression I think has become a worldwide phenomenon that everyone should take it more seriously.

  96. MELANIE EDJOURIAN permalink
    27/10/2021 8:16 am

    I have a few friends that have depression. It’s important to highlight this and talk about it more so people feel more comfortable opening up about it.

  97. risalopez permalink
    27/10/2021 6:46 pm

    thanks for sharing such inspirational quotes. Love how you motivate other people.

  98. Chrissy permalink
    28/10/2021 3:24 am

    What triggers my anxiety? Its when I am judged wrongly and that I am bad. I want to be kind to the best I can then people say this or makes me feel I am worthless so there, that triggers it all!

  99. Lyosha Varezhkina permalink
    28/10/2021 3:38 am

    It’s very important to be open the depression the complications it bring to people and their families. a lot of people who do not understand it is a serious condition, not a thing to toy with.

  100. Marjie Mare permalink
    28/10/2021 7:36 am

    Depression is a silent killer for me. I always say people pretend to be okay and not depressed. We need to pay attention to the signs and reach out.

  101. Mel permalink
    28/10/2021 1:06 pm

    Depression sure can be hard, it can be so helpful to talk to people about it. They are some helpful tips here

  102. Michele @ ourredonkulouslife permalink
    29/10/2021 12:10 am

    The first week of November is always the hardest for me, but I will be taking it as a mental health break. After doing Blogtober. I am fried.


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