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Photo Challenge: Against The Odds


“If something is important enough, even if the odds are against you, you should still do it.” Elon Musk

Photo Challenge: Against The Odds - A Horse on the Porch

Photo Challenge: Against The Odds – A Horse on the Porch

How often do you come across a full size, alabaster horse on a city home porch? As fate would have it, I was minding my own business, on an early morning jaunt to the gym, when a huge, white, structure caught the corner of my eye. I blinked and took another look and, sure enough, it was what I imagined I had seen. Someone had placed a full size, white alabaster horse on a relatively small porch, attached to a building, on the corner of a quiet street. It was magnificent and I was flabbergasted. I stopped in my tracks and took it all in.

Clearly, someone had gone against the grain, and against all odds, to create and place that horse on that porch. All sorts of heroic stories and fantastic fairy tales danced before my eyes. Was it made in the image of a beloved family pet? Was it placed there for shock value or to entertain? Was it in transit to some magical place where unicorns and homeless horses reside? I pondered the powerful sculpture before me; it looked like it was eager to jump right off that porch and … head for the woods. I laughed!

Against all odds by afireinthisheart via
Against all odds I will survive
despite whatever you’re thinking
For I’ve been through this before
even at times when I’ve been sinking

Because I’ve learned many lessons
Earned the hard way and thus I’ll say
Before my peers I’m standing tall
because I’m more than ready to play

Against all odds and look at me now
I’ve been beaten yet finds that hope
A hope that when my days are done
I’ve found many ways learning to cope. Continued below


More Below!

“Never let the odds keep you from doing what you know, in your heart, you were meant to do.”  H. Jackson Brown, Jr

Photo Challenge: Against The Odds - A Horse on the Porch

Photo Challenge: Against The Odds – A Horse on the Porch

Against all odds by afireinthisheart via More above
So who’s going to speak up right now
telling me that I can’t do this or that?
As a testament of perseverance here
let me tell you friend…just where it’s at

We are all tested daily and it sure hurts
Nevertheless we must drop our facades
Everyone is capable of being something
Achieving victory when you survive against all odds

And sometimes, against all odds, against all logic, we still hope for magic to happen?: I collected myself, reached for my smartphone and took a few shots. I have to say it was a dreary, cold morning and my hands were feeling the cold. I looked at my watch and realized I’d been standing there, in awe, for a good 10 minutes! Oops. I had to dash as I was late for class. I headed for my class with a promise to come back on a warmer day and take some more shots.

Why haven’t I gone back for another look at this magical oddity? I haven’t done so yet because I don’t always park on that street. However, now that I’m sharing these photos with you, I will make sure to go back on a warmer day and update my shots. I hope the horse will still be there. It wasn’t a figment of my imagination… but you never know. Stay tuned. There might still be a story to all this… Who knows, right? Against the odds, we find unusual things we least expect, on a quiet street corner, in a residential neighborhood.

This post was inspired by a prompt from WP Weekly Photo Challenge Post: – Against the Odds – An unexpected victory? A snapshot of an unlikely moment? This week, show us something that defies the odds.  This week, share a photo that says “against the odds.” Maybe it’s a photo of an unlikely occurrence. Maybe it’s the photo itself that goes against the odds — a shot you never thought you’d get. Maybe it’s a photo of something you’re not sure you’ll be able to do. Bonus points if you manage to get a photo of Phil Collins. Off you go!


Have a relaxing day!

Positive Motivation Tip: Stay open to the magic that awaits you in the world… Go for what calls your heart.

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All other Photos from my personal collection.

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet











6 Comments leave one →
  1. restlessjo permalink
    15/02/2017 12:32 pm

    What a find! 🙂 🙂

  2. permalink
    15/02/2017 12:46 pm

    Ha ha, love it, it is something to look at twice!

  3. Marceline Dementori permalink
    15/02/2017 5:25 pm

    I wonder how and why they wanted a horse on their porch. I think it’s a great way to catch people’s attention and make them wonder. It’s really going to let your mind play with different stories and the like. I’ll be looking forward to more shots and I hope we find out the story behind it!

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