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Motivation Mondays: Chinese New Year of The Rooster


“At New Year and always, may peace and love fill your heart, beauty fill your world, and contentment and joy fill your days.”  Chinese New Year quote

Motivation Mondays: Chinese New Year of The Rooster

Motivation Mondays: Chinese New Year of The Rooster

Gōnghè xīnnián! A Happy Chinese New Year of the proud Fire Rooster to you! Xīn xiǎng shì chéng May all your wishes come true! May the New Year be as cheerful as the cherry blossoms in the flowering trees! One of the treasures of the Chinese New Year is that you get to share so many blessings and well wishes with friends, family, and even the occasional stranger on the street. One of my favorite sites offers 108 ways you can welcome the New Year with generous greetings and blessings.  So, we cannot complain about our 2017 Rooster year when we have ample opportunity to start afresh a second time, connect with like-minded souls, and get ourselves motivated to accomplish all our goals for this year. Like a typical rooster, those born in this year share the characteristics of a smart, talkative, energetic, flexible and fearless nature. They are able leaders and their bright, regal appearance makes them the center of attention. They are reliable like the dawn which is welcomed by their crowing, and they are eager to move quickly to complete tasks. On the down side, the rooster can be overly sensitive, bombastic and moody. The goal would be to adopt some of the positive qualities this year and incorporate them into our lives.

What else does this Lucky year for the Rooster hold? Here are a few: Lucky numbers: 5, 7, 8, Lucky colours: brown, gold, and yellow, Lucky flowers: gladiola, cockscomb and Lucky directions: south, southeast. As the sole bird on the Chinese zodiac, the rooster can give you wings to fly or get them clipped if your idle chatter gets in the way of your common sense. Our main goals for this year would be to keep ourselves engaged, happy, and focused on doing great things with our skills, and to limit the tendency to brag about everything…. balance is key. To achieve our goals in the Year of the Rooster, which runs from January 28 2017 to February 15, 2018, we must be mindful of our bombastic ways and stay motivated to finish our work. The Rooster is the tenth sign of the Chinese Zodiac, and is considered a “hardworking, resourceful, confident and talented” go-getter.  Ancient Chinese wisdom says that the rooster can bring bad luck in its year so caution is recommended.

READ: 8 Things You Might Not Know About Chinese New Year
Happy Chinese New Year: Ten Blessings & Ten Things To Know…

Motivation Mondays: Chinese New Year of The Rooster

Motivation Mondays: Chinese New Year of The Rooster

Motivation Mondays: Chinese New Year of The Rooster

Motivation Mondays: Chinese New Year of The Rooster

The details for Motivation Mondays are below. Join in! The themes for December ’16 and January 2017 are:

12/05   –    01 World AIDS day,  02 Intnt’nl Abolition of Slavery Day, o7 Pearl Harbor/Remembrance, 08 Immaculate Conception,
12/12   –    10 Human Rights Day, 12 Green Day,  16 Day of Reconciliation,
12/19   –    18 Intnt’nl Migrants Day, 21 Winter Solstice, 24 Start of Hanukkah,  25  Christmas Day
12/26  –    26 Start of Kwanzaa Day, 31 End of Year!

01/01   –   01 New Year’s Day, Hanukkah ends, 06 Epiphany, 06 Three Kings
01/08   –  08 Golden Globes Award,  11 Human Trafficking Awareness Day, 12 Full Moon
01/16   –  16  Martin Luther King Day, 18 Winnie the Pooh Day, 20 Inauguration Day
01/23 –   27 Commemoration Victims of the Holocaust, 28 Chinese New Year
01/29  –   29 Inspire your heart with art

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“Happy New Year! Always welcome the new morning with a new spirit, a smile on your face, love in your heart and good thoughts in your mind.”  Chinese New Year quote

Motivation Mondays: Chinese New Year of The Rooster

Motivation Mondays: Chinese New Year of The Rooster

The Chinese New Year is the longest and most important of all the traditional Chinese holidays. It is also known as the “Spring Festival,” marking the official end of the winter season. The tradition of the Chinese New Year is to encourage people to reconcile, forget all grudges and sincerely wish peace and happiness to everyone. The biggest event on Chinese New Year’s Eve is the Reunion Dinner. People eat special foods that represent good luck; pigs, ducks, chicken, sweets and fish. Also Niangao, a Chinese New Year cake. In the morning, children greet their parents by wishing them a healthy and happy new year, and receive money in red paper envelopes. The night ends with firecrackers.  Each year, I like to share some additional information to hep us all celebrate this year with delight. Here are Twelve Blessings/Sayings to Help You Celebrate Chinese New Year
金玉滿堂Jīnyùmǎntáng – “May your wealth [gold and jade] come to fill a hall”
大展鴻圖Dàzhǎnhóngtú – “May you realize your ambitions”
迎春接福Yíngchúnjiēfú – “Greet the New Year and encounter happiness
萬事如意Wànshìrúyì – “May all your wishes be fulfilled”
吉慶有餘Jíqìngyǒuyú – “May your happiness be without limit”
竹報平安Zhúbàopíng’ān – “May you hear [in a letter] that all is well”
一本萬利Yīběnwànlì – “May a small investment bring ten-thousandfold profits”
福壽雙全Fúshòushuāngquán – “May your happiness and longevity be complete”
招財進寶Zhāocáijìnbǎo – “When wealth is acquired, precious objects follow”
歲歲平安  Suìsuì-píng’ān – “everlasting peace year after year”
新年快樂  Xīnniánkuàile – “Happy new year
恭喜發財  Gōngxǐfācái – “Congratulations and be prosperous”.10 popular and auspicious blessings/sayings for the Chinese New Year. They consist of four Chinese characters and special blessings.

Since there are many important steps to take during the 15 days of celebrations. I listed 12 that are critical to the Chinese New Year.  the first step is critical because it varies from country to country and helps families determine what to do. Here are Twelve Tips to Help You Celebrate Chinese New Year
Do research to learn about the  Chinese New Year
Clean your home  and prepare it in time for New Year.
Take the time to decorate your home in a festive shade of red
Offer a special sacrifice to the Kitchen God.
Hold an organized traditional dinner on New Year’s Eve
Prepare your own Chinese cuisine.
Make sure to dress up for the occasion
Engage and Interact with others in a positive manner.
Don’t forget to visit your relatives and friends.
Ward off evil by setting off firecrackers.
Attend a parade.
Say your New Year Prayers and wishes and purchase lucky charms/items  for the new year. Celebrate via
READ: Motivation Mondays: Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year: Quotes, Blessings And Tips…

Have a Happy, Healthy 2017!

Any Zen Antics stories via


Positive Motivation Tip: Stay motivated to renew your vows to make this your best year. Happy New Year!

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PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos –   via Wikipedia, and/or Chinese New Year  via Pixabay

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet








183 Comments leave one →
  1. momknowsbest15 permalink
    23/01/2017 5:30 pm

    Now I have a perfect excuse to order some Chinese take out. I am now craving egg rolls

  2. adriana permalink
    23/01/2017 5:40 pm

    I’ve never known much about the Chinese new year! This is a great post and so informative!

  3. Amber permalink
    23/01/2017 6:25 pm

    How cool, I didn’t know it was the year of the rooster. The Chinese New Year sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe we should celebrate it!

  4. 23/01/2017 4:50 pm

    Reblogged this on auntyuta and commented:
    This blog cheers me up. Thanks for that, Elizabeth. I love to reblog it! Cheerio, Uta

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      25/02/2022 3:42 pm

      Thank you so much!

  5. Author Brandi Kennedy permalink
    23/01/2017 5:21 pm

    This post made me curious about which Chinese zodiac animals apply to my daughters and I. Turns out I’m a Rat, my oldest is a Monkey, and my little one is an Ox. I’m going to have fun telling them about this and helping them learn about their animals.

  6. Ruth permalink
    23/01/2017 5:32 pm

    Happy New Year!

  7. Amer Phils permalink
    23/01/2017 5:44 pm

    I’m celebrating Chinese New Year this weekend, I can’t wait. Hopefully the year of the rooster will bring luck to those who are born year of the snake.

  8. kaitr27 permalink
    23/01/2017 8:01 pm

    I don’t know a lot about Chinese New Year, but it sounds like such a warm, family holiday. I like the idea of the Reunion dinner and just coming together to wish each other well in the new year.

  9. 9buckcrossing permalink
    23/01/2017 6:17 pm

    I’ve heard that during the New Year – all of China celebrates for DAYS if not longer. People even quit jobs to celebrate. Isn’t the official holiday coming up in a few weeks or so?

  10. Chloe permalink
    23/01/2017 6:36 pm

    Now this sounds like my kind of year! I’m looking forward to many blessings for my friends and family. This has reminded me of the importance of focusing on everything that I am trying to achieve this year- I get easily distracted!

  11. crystal permalink
    23/01/2017 8:40 pm

    I had no idea that it was the year of the rooster
    great post as usual

  12. Joely Smith permalink
    23/01/2017 6:46 pm

    Love that the Rooster means you can fly, or wings can be clipped, Life is what we make of it.
    The Chinese Zodiac is so interesting. Thank you for sharing all this wealth of information.

  13. Sarah Bailey permalink
    23/01/2017 7:04 pm

    Chinese New Year was the biggest holiday event of the year in China and it is known worldwide. We all have a different belief but there is nothing wrong if you follow some certain opinions especially if it’s for the good of everybody and won’t tend to hurt anyone.

  14. Hey Sharonoox permalink
    23/01/2017 7:23 pm

    This is such a great post! I enjoyed reading it and could relate to all of the celebration and tradition.

  15. Krysten permalink
    23/01/2017 9:08 pm

    Happy Chinese New Year to you as well! What years are Rooster?
    I love that you put so much information on what is lucky and everything for the rooster.
    I’m working on cleaning my house right now and I got festive red curtains, so that maybe I can bring in this New Year correctly!

  16. The Travel Ninjas permalink
    23/01/2017 9:48 pm

    We’re really looking forward to the lunar new year. We’re in Vietnam right now and can’t wait for the big celebrations.

  17. Lucid Gypsy permalink
    23/01/2017 10:31 pm

    I can’t believe its come round again, have a happy week!

  18. Mihaela Echols permalink
    23/01/2017 10:38 pm

    oh thats right!!! I forgot they do animals each year. Happy new years China!

  19. Ana permalink
    24/01/2017 1:32 am

    I was born in the year of the rooster and I had no idea what great values it had. Time to get motivated.

  20. Marceline Dementori permalink
    23/01/2017 11:53 pm

    We celebrate the Chinese New Year every year. I am half Chinese but we are very much intact with some of the traditions that the locals celebrate and practice. We always make it a point to do that 12 things on your list as well.

  21. Kim permalink
    24/01/2017 12:22 am

    I love how positive the Chinese New Year Quote is. It is wonderful to learn about traditions and customs from different cultures!

  22. Kelly Hartigan permalink
    24/01/2017 12:34 am

    Celebrating Chinese New Year seems more involved than the regular calendar (January 1st) New Year. It also sounds as though there is more meaning put into the celebration and looking forward throughout the year. I like the ideas of reconciliation and wishing peace and happiness to all.

  23. Angela Zimsky permalink
    24/01/2017 3:01 am

    Your posts are always so helpful and packed full of information. I am glad to know that the 29th is to “Inspire your heart with art”. This sounds like something easily accomplishable.

  24. annalisanuttall permalink
    24/01/2017 5:09 am

    Oooh I love Chinese new year. xx

  25. nbosken permalink
    24/01/2017 4:22 am

    I went to a Chinese New Year celebration in college because I was writing about it for my school newspaper. It was such a cool experience!

  26. Maryanne permalink
    24/01/2017 6:24 am

    “May your happiness be without limit” I loved this quote! thanks for sharing this!

  27. Karlyn Cruz permalink
    24/01/2017 7:10 am

    Chinese traditions are really interesting, my family not celebrating a Chinese New Year but sometimes I’m always intrigued about those predicted.

  28. Victoria Heckstall permalink
    24/01/2017 7:11 am

    My husband is a year of rooster and he’s happy to heard it! He always thinks that he will e lucky this year. He’s a huge fan of horoscope.

  29. Jeanine permalink
    24/01/2017 7:20 am

    I’m excited to see what this year brings. One of my lucky numbers is listed as a lucky one this year so heres to hoping it brings great things!

  30. Czjai Reyes-Ocampo permalink
    24/01/2017 5:48 am

    Gong Xi Fa Cai! I was born in the year of the Rooster and I really hope this year will be good to me, especially in the financial department. 🙂

  31. Anne Yedlin permalink
    24/01/2017 8:14 am

    I love this. We have a Chinese man who has stayed with us for 5 years and have learned so much about their traditions and learned a little of the language. I have also learned my year is of the Dragon. What a great post thank you.

  32. Jessica Taylor permalink
    24/01/2017 6:33 am

    Wow that’s interesting! 7 is my lucky number, so maybe it will bring me extra luck right now!

  33. Kelly Reci permalink
    24/01/2017 9:06 am

    my mom was born in the year of the rooster and he is always feeling lucky and energetic since day 1 of 2017 lol.

  34. Tyler permalink
    24/01/2017 7:21 am

    Oh wow I didn’t realize it was the year of the rooster. This has such good information about it, I’m not too familiar with this. Thanks for sharing!

  35. Kendra permalink
    24/01/2017 7:36 am

    I love all of the positive quotes given for the Chinese New Year! Such inspiration!

  36. Renee Franklin permalink
    24/01/2017 8:36 am

    I love the 12 tips! I had actually read somewhere else about cleaning your home for the new year to get rid of negative energies that may be lurking. I guess this would be like our “spring cleaning”. Happy Chinese New Year!

  37. Jennifer L Johnson permalink
    24/01/2017 8:37 am

    I didn’t realize that it is the year of the rooster. I had no idea that so many different things would be considered lucky this year.

  38. MyYellowApron permalink
    24/01/2017 9:00 am

    I love Chinese New Year. There is an Asian grocery store close to my house and I love going there around this time of the year to look at the decor and also to buy lots of yummy goodies.

  39. missy35000 permalink
    24/01/2017 9:01 am

    We always celebrate Chinese New Year with food and decorations, but I never had all of the details behind the animal of the year- the colors, the flowers, the numbers. Thanks for providing more historical background and detail to this lovely holiday!

  40. Robin Rue permalink
    24/01/2017 11:13 am

    I had no idea that it was the year of the rooster. I don’t think I have ever really paid attention. This was such awesome info!

  41. katnapped permalink
    24/01/2017 10:33 am

    I think I just found my source for some proper Monday Motivation. I struggle with starting the new week so much it’s great to have a massive list of positive posts I can refer to every time I feel down. I’ll bookmark this and keep coming back. Cheers hun 😊
    Katja x

  42. Azlin Bloor permalink
    24/01/2017 11:53 am

    A Happy New year of the rooster to you! We certainly are looking forward to it!

  43. Julie Porter permalink
    24/01/2017 12:03 pm

    I really like the traditions of the Chinese New Year. We would all do well to reconcile, forget grudges and wish peace and happiness to everyone. The world would be a much better place if we all did this once a year.

  44. Terri Ramsey Beavers permalink
    24/01/2017 12:13 pm

    This is so interesting. I love learning about the new Chinese New Years and everything about them. I think the Rooster is fitting for this year.

  45. bethany1980 permalink
    24/01/2017 12:18 pm

    I love your motivation Mondays. Great information on Chinese New Year, thanks for sharing.

  46. Cindy Ingalls permalink
    24/01/2017 1:30 pm

    Here’s to the year of the Rooster. I truly hope it is a year of good luck and fortune for all.

  47. emmaeatsandexplores permalink
    24/01/2017 1:45 pm

    I used to live in China Town and always knew when Chinese New Year was because of all the festivities. This year it’s completely slipped my mind and passed me by – live in a different area now! Happy Chinese New Year to you – may it bring you good things!

  48. Eileen permalink
    24/01/2017 3:49 pm

    I got to live for two years in Taipei and witness all these wonderful Chinese New Year traditions. The Chinese people get rid of anything chipped, broken, and old. They say it would bring bad luck. They also get a haircut the day before the Lunar New Year and take a bath before midnight to cleanse their bodies to attract good fortune. However, their tradition I love best is that the Lunar New Year is their time for families to bond together.

  49. Miss Lozzy Beth permalink
    24/01/2017 4:08 pm

    Wow, what an inspiring post! Happy Chinese New Year to you too. I will definitely have to remember motivation Mondays.

  50. Julie Porter permalink
    24/01/2017 3:16 pm

    I love the traditions of Chinese New Years. I think it would be wonderful if we could all reconcile, forget all grudges and wish peace and happiness to everyone. The world would be a much better place if everyone did this one a year.

  51. Kwan Hopkins permalink
    24/01/2017 6:25 pm

    I love the positivity in this post. I am more determined to let positive vibes flow through me this year!

  52. Tami @ ThisMomsDelight permalink
    24/01/2017 6:37 pm

    I never gave much attention to this Chinese holiday. What interesting facts I’ve learned.

  53. Jasmine Espinal (@jasmine_espinal) permalink
    24/01/2017 6:50 pm

    Didn’t know all of this about year of the rooster! Lots of fun info!

  54. Lauren permalink
    24/01/2017 7:04 pm

    I love learning about different cultures and their holidays. I find the Chinese New Year to be very interesting.

  55. Dhemz permalink
    24/01/2017 7:52 pm

    Sounds really interesting! Hoping for a good year of the rooster this year. I’m looking forward to celebrate Chinese New Year with our Chinese friends. Thanks for sharing.

  56. Ana Ojha permalink
    24/01/2017 9:35 pm

    A Happy Chinese New Year to you too! I didn’t know that the Chinese New Year is the longest and signifies the end of the winter!

  57. Joss Radillo permalink
    24/01/2017 9:48 pm

    Wow didn’t know that this was longest one, thou I did know that I has inspired many designer for their labels

  58. Elizabeth permalink
    24/01/2017 10:15 pm

    Happy Chinese New Year! I love that each year is associated with an animal and has all sorts of awesome traits associated with it.

  59. Brijesh permalink
    24/01/2017 10:18 pm

    Very informative article. And happy new year.

  60. Jenna VanHoof permalink
    24/01/2017 10:23 pm

    Chinese New Year is amazing, is it the same as Lunar New Year?
    I found the article really interesting and the way to say the sayings in Chinese interesting too!

  61. carrie@thelavenderhytta permalink
    25/01/2017 12:11 am

    I didn’t know the Chinese New Year had started. That is so interesting. I will have to read more about the Chinese New Year and the Rooster. I love learning about new things.

  62. Ramya Menon permalink
    25/01/2017 1:27 am

    Everyday you learn something new. And today I really have to thank you for such a well compiled post.

  63. Divya @ Eat. Teach. Blog. permalink
    25/01/2017 2:56 am

    I learned last year that I should be wishing everyone a happy “Lunar New Year’ as many people celebrate this holiday – not just the Chinese. I was so surprised. Some of the Vietnamese parents I worked with over the past three years used to make a HUGE brunch for all the teachers to celebrate. It was so thoughtful <3

  64. Kelly Reci permalink
    25/01/2017 5:11 am

    my mom is currently spending her time searching about the year of the Rooster. I should show this very meaningful article to her

  65. Pinkoddy permalink
    25/01/2017 3:48 am

    Well this year I am training up for a half marathon and so it sounds like it is a good year for it. Plus it is in the fifth month – so I think all good signs. I never knew so much about the New Year – it is all very interesting.

  66. Tyane Milem permalink
    25/01/2017 6:05 am

    The Chinese New Year is so fun to learn about. It sounds like my goals of staying focused and balanced will work well in this case. I was born in the year of the ox.

  67. Freya Farrington permalink
    25/01/2017 8:19 am

    Having studied Chinese Mandarin for a year, it’s great to finally be wishing Gōnghè xīnnián!

  68. Sondra Barker permalink
    25/01/2017 7:02 am

    I’ve never really celebrated the Chinese New Year, but have always found it incredibly interesting! Happy Chinese New Year to everyone and anyone celebrating!

  69. lastchance3 permalink
    25/01/2017 9:24 am

    I’d love to see how each new year impacts those born under different animals. I hope it good for the Boar (my Chinese sign).

  70. nlampert permalink
    25/01/2017 7:34 am

    It’s always good to be reminded to stay humble when pursuing our goals and avoid the temptation to brag!

  71. Cătălina Nini permalink
    25/01/2017 8:54 am

    I have a good friend from Taiwan and every time when we have the chance to talk I will ask her to teach me new words. Now I can surprise her with some blessings :D. I love the Chinese culture and your post made my day ♥

  72. Cynthia Nicoletti permalink
    25/01/2017 9:24 am

    I love your article about the Chinese New Year. I didn’t know much about how the Chinese celebrate until I read your article. They really celebrate it much more than here in America. Seems very enjoyable.

  73. superhealthycooking permalink
    25/01/2017 9:29 am

    I am not really familiar with the Chinese Zodiac, but I definitely love this 15 days of celebration of the New Year! 🙂 What a blast! I think that would be the best time for me to visit. I have a question though: what kind of sacrifice they offer to the Kitchen God?

  74. technichicks permalink
    25/01/2017 10:36 am

    7 is a lucky number this year. I am thankful for that, my number is 7, let the luck pour in.

  75. Kimberlee permalink
    25/01/2017 11:59 am

    I was not aware that it is the Chinese New Year! I enjoyed reading about the Year of the Rooster… very intriguing 🙂

  76. The Walking Map permalink
    25/01/2017 12:48 pm

    Gōnghè xīnnián! Hope neither of us have bad luck. “Rooster” is an Alice in Chains song!

  77. ohmummymia permalink
    25/01/2017 1:34 pm

    Yeah it’s my lucky number there (7) 🙂 it’s good to know that it’s Rooster year I always check it but this year I forgot so thanks for that post that Chinese calendar it’s really interesting

  78. kaitbrough permalink
    25/01/2017 1:36 pm

    I love at the end of the quote how it talks about being content. This is such a hard thing to chase in life and yet, it is something that is so vital to our happiness. I can say I am content with my life currently but it took me a long time to get here!


  79. Wanderlust Vegans permalink
    25/01/2017 2:24 pm

    Happy Chinese New Year! I am the year of the rabbit. Last time we went to a Chinese restaurant they gave us a Chinese calendar for the wall. It’s so fascinating.

  80. Dorothy Reinhold permalink
    25/01/2017 3:25 pm

    There are so many parts of this celebration that I love! My favorite thing I think is the good luck blessings from the children to their parents!

  81. Daisy Crawford permalink
    25/01/2017 4:05 pm

    You’ve got me so excited for Chinese New Year! I am kind of selfish and only knew info about my sign (Tiger) but Year of the Rooster sounds so epic. Now I’ve got to check out all the signs…

  82. Leigh Anne permalink
    25/01/2017 4:46 pm

    Happy Chinese New Year. I really learned alot about this holiday and its traditions from your article. As a school teacher, this is not something we teach. But in this time, it is important to acknowledge all traditions. I am going to look for a book I can share with my students.

  83. Leigh Anne permalink
    25/01/2017 5:14 pm

    While I am not Chinese and do not celebrate this holiday myself, I believe the way this roster year is described is perfect for my vision this year. I want to stay true to the course and finish what I start. I am a go-getter.

  84. homemadeforelle permalink
    25/01/2017 5:34 pm

    How fun – thanks for all this great information! I didn’t realize that years had certain colors and numbers that are considered lucky. I should wear more gold and yellow in the year of the rooster!

  85. utahcoupondeals permalink
    25/01/2017 7:39 pm

    This is fun to know. It has been a lucky year so far – I pray it continues. Lots of blessings ahead. Thanks!

  86. katrinagehman permalink
    25/01/2017 6:03 pm

    i never really paid attention to the chinese new years stuff. it really is cool though.

  87. Franc Ramon permalink
    25/01/2017 7:27 pm

    Hoping for better luck, fortune and health in the year of the fire rooster. I’m sure it’s gonna be another festive time for the Chinese community.

  88. creativethriftychef permalink
    25/01/2017 7:37 pm

    I am gonna share some of these motivation you have here. Happy Chinese New Year.

  89. Fatima permalink
    25/01/2017 8:54 pm

    Some of the traditions they have can be used on a daily basis, such as dressing for the occasion and engaging with others in a positive manner. I think many of us forget the second part.

  90. Cynthia Nicoletti permalink
    25/01/2017 9:16 pm

    I never knew how the celebrated the Chinese New Year. I like theTwelve Blessings/Sayings that they use to celebrate. Very interesting.

  91. Kati permalink
    26/01/2017 12:54 am

    Happy Chinese New Year! I hope it will be full of success for everyone 🙂 It’s not celebrated where I live and I wish it was, as we all need a little bit of extra happy energy during that time of the year!

  92. Lisa Rios permalink
    25/01/2017 11:36 pm

    The Chinese New Year tradition sounds amazing as they have those lucky foods, lucky numbers and so many other luck related stuff involved. Good to learn more about the Year of the Rooster and I wish everyone a Happy Chinese New year that brings peace & unity all over the world!

  93. Hrakaridi permalink
    25/01/2017 11:44 pm

    新年快樂 🙂 This post is so inspirational and so informative … i haven’t heard anything from Chinese new year before!!

  94. Jason Panuelos permalink
    26/01/2017 2:43 am

    It really is so surreal how it’s already Lunar New Year! Time is just flying so impossibly fast! 😀

  95. Dreammerin permalink
    26/01/2017 7:48 am

    I love your website! Your creativity surprises me each time I visit your website! Quality!

  96. Anna Abibi permalink
    26/01/2017 7:21 am

    Wow, beautiful images and the message very inspiring and very helpful

  97. Rose Sahetapy permalink
    26/01/2017 7:56 am

    What a complete illustration of the Chinese New Year Celebration! Knowing other culture is always fascinating! Gōngxǐfācái is the greetings I familiar with and also the red envelope.

  98. Rika (@thedealmatch) permalink
    26/01/2017 9:44 pm

    I am so excited for 2017 Chinese New Year of The Rooster! I think this year would be a good year.. I am so optimist!

  99. Leslie Rossi | alifewellconsumed permalink
    26/01/2017 10:15 pm

    interesting! well I hope you enjoy the holiday! it’s been on full swing here in Vancouver this week.

  100. Claire Algarme permalink
    26/01/2017 11:48 pm

    The Chinese community in our city celebrates the Chinese New Year in a big way. We have a parade, food stalls and other attractions. One Buddhist temple in our area opens its doors to the public so they can also celebrate Chinese New Year there.

  101. Anosa permalink
    27/01/2017 2:39 am

    Glad to know #7 is a lucky number this year of the Rooster as I was born on the 7th. Happy New Year (again)

  102. Julie permalink
    27/01/2017 7:41 am

    Love reading about the chinese calendar! We follow a lot of chinese superstition so it’s pretty cool reading about what the year of the rooster hold!

  103. TColeman permalink
    27/01/2017 11:16 am

    I love getting to know all about what the new year holds. I have never really celebrated the Chinese New Year but it looks so interesting.

  104. Борка Шаула permalink
    27/01/2017 11:24 am

    I love Chinese New Year and everything it represents. I actually had a rooster when I was growing up. I thought him to jump on stairs.
    BS, xx

  105. Julie Syl Kalungi permalink
    27/01/2017 2:06 pm

    Kung hie Fat Choi. Happy Chinese New Year 🙌♥️🎶😘 Thanks for always inspiring, educating and entertaining us and above all keeping us guessing whats coming next. So cool. Happy Year of the Rooster Elizabeth 🙂

  106. shubhadabhide permalink
    27/01/2017 8:16 pm

    Gong Xi Fa Cai is how I greeted my Chinese friends. We have a 4-day long holiday here so joyous atmosphere everywhere.

  107. jennifer L permalink
    27/01/2017 11:57 pm

    I just love Chinese New Year, especially the amazing cultural festivities surrounding it. There’s a parade they do that reallys homage to each horoscope.

  108. Joanna permalink
    28/01/2017 2:47 am

    I like how the Chinese people associate good luck numbers, colours, charms with their years. It’s always fascinating to read about other cultures and their traditions.

  109. Sunshine Kelly permalink
    28/01/2017 7:59 pm

    Thanks and I wish you have a happy holiday also. Over here Chinese New Year is a big celebration for us. Most of the things are in red and we wear red dress on the 1st day also.

  110. DecoPix (@TiinaTibs) permalink
    29/01/2017 1:16 am

    Oh yes, it’s now starting the year of the Rooster! I’m nor so familiar with the chinese culture but interested in it and find it so fascinating.

  111. Fred permalink
    29/01/2017 2:58 am

    Because of our Chinese ancestry, we also celebrate Chinese New Year. It is now a nationally declared non-working holiday in our country as well. I miss how we went to our grandparents’ house when we were kids for grandma’s delicious goodies when she was still alive.

  112. surekha permalink
    29/01/2017 6:08 am

    Happy Chinese New Year! I love Chinese culture and transitions. It’s little close to Indian culture!

  113. phyliciamarie permalink
    30/01/2017 1:40 am

    Guess what, my family and I did all 12 steps even before I read this article! We’re such superstitous Chinese-Filipinos! Also, we call niangao tikoy over here. 🙂

  114. Garf permalink
    30/01/2017 8:07 am

    I need to get motivated everyday. It is especially difficult for me to motivate myself in doing something when the weather is depressing.

  115. Tiffany Yong permalink
    30/01/2017 10:03 am

    Happy CNY to you too~ Nice to read and see that you’ve done up a pretty impressive write up about the year of rooster! You’ve covered most of the points well-known to the Chinese!

  116. Bhushavali permalink
    01/02/2017 12:29 am

    Very Happy CNY to you too. Last year my Chinese friend in London gave us a beautiful home party and I really miss it this year!!!

  117. Zwitsy permalink
    05/02/2017 1:27 pm

    Happy Holidays, too! I guess I am the only one who can’t related to that Chinese New Year. Though we acknowledged it but due to some stuff needed to work, I just have to ignore what this year has. Anyhow, I still believe that one’s success varies to one’s action. These symbols are just optional, as for me. 🙂

  118. anatureescape permalink
    04/02/2022 3:39 pm

    大展鴻圖Dàzhǎnhóngtú – “May you realize your ambitions”

  119. Heather permalink
    04/02/2022 5:05 pm

    Happy Lunar New Year! I find all of this so interesting.

  120. tweenselmom permalink
    04/02/2022 11:50 pm

    happy chinese new year! thanks for stating the lucky items, so excited for what the year has to bring!

  121. Beth Pierce permalink
    05/02/2022 3:27 am

    It’s the most important holiday in Chinese culture and millions are celebrating. I love the festive streets and food

  122. Cinny permalink
    05/02/2022 6:56 pm

    Happy Chinese New Year! We love this time of year, so many fun traditions.

  123. Fransic verso permalink
    05/02/2022 10:25 pm

    That’s interesting to know about the Chinese holidays and traditions. This new year I spent it with my lovely girlfriend.

  124. Ntensibe Edgar permalink
    06/02/2022 1:46 am

    I am definitely researching and learning more on the Chinese New Year! It’s a new one to me and going by what I hear and see, it must be one to look up to!

  125. MyYellowApron permalink
    09/02/2022 3:06 pm

    This is such an amazing post.


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