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Motivation Mondays: Why Does #MLKDAY Matter?


“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter” Martin Luther King Jr.

Motivation Mondays: Why Does #MLKDAY Matter?

Motivation Mondays: Why Does #MLKDAY Matter?

Martin Luther KingI Have a Dream Speech – August 28, 1963

Motivation & Courage to Act: Every year, on January 16, we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King by reflecting on his extraordinary life, his eloquent speeches and exhortations that pulled many to stand up and act with courage, and the ultimate sacrifice he made to ensure the Civil Rights Movement would succeed.  One of Dr. King’s goals was to bring an end to the terrible inequities that held this great nation hostage for many years.  He and all the men and women who courageously spoke up, demonstrated, and even died for the cause are reminders to the rest of us that we must not be silent about wrongdoing.  Their enormous effort and deliberate actions of non-violent resistance paved the way for some of the freedoms we enjoy today.

So why does MLK Day matter? It matters because his effort and actions continue to inspire so many of us to live life with courage and to stay motivated about creating a world where equal rights under the law must become a given globally, and where unity among the races will one day become ubiquitous. In the interim, we must not stand by and watch our fellow men and women be oppressed and abused. We must speak up. The eloquence and grace of Dr. King’s prophetic messages continue to resonate in the lives of many people around the world.


“Never, never be afraid to do what’s right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society’s punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.” Martin Luther King Jr.

Motivation Mondays: Why Does #MLKDAY Matter?

Motivation Mondays: Why Does #MLKDAY Matter?


Full MLK: I’ve Been to the Mountaintop Part 3/3

History Informs our past, present and future: We live in a tumultuous world where some prefer a legacy of hatred and ignorance. If you are attentive to the march of history, you’d understand that we must be vigilant about ensuring the atrocities of the past never happen again. If we stand by and ignore the growing trend in hate and discord around the world, we will one day get swept up by it too. We must not defer the dream because, even in 2017, we live in a fractious world where parity and equity remain a dream for so many. Those inequities build resentments and hatreds which, ultimately, have led to wars and ethnic cleansing.

Why does MLK Day matter? It matters because we want to leave a legacy of equality and peace to our children and for the next generation. If we choose the road of apathy, we will surely pay a price for it. Look back at history and consider all the horrific crimes against humanity that have taken place, and then remember that it took a few courageous souls to inspire others to take action and put a stop to it. We are NOT immune from such acts occurring again so that is another reason why MLK Day matters.


The details for Motivation Mondays are below. Join in! The themes for December ’16 and January 2017 are:

12/05   –    01 World AIDS day,  02 Intnt’nl Abolition of Slavery Day, o7 Pearl Harbor/Remembrance, 08 Immaculate Conception,
12/12   –    10 Human Rights Day, 12 Green Day,  16 Day of Reconciliation,
12/19   –    18 Intnt’nl Migrants Day, 21 Winter Solstice, 24 Start of Hanukkah,  25  Christmas Day
12/26  –    26 Start of Kwanzaa Day, 31 End of Year!

01/01   –   01 New Year’s Day, Hanukkah ends, 06 Epiphany, 06 Three Kings
01/08   –  08 Golden Globes Award,  11 Human Trafficking Awareness Day, 12 Full Moon
01/16   –  16  Martin Luther King Day, 18 Winnie the Pooh Day, 20 Inauguration Day
01/23 –   27 Commemoration Victims of the Holocaust, 28 Chinese New Year
01/29  –   29 Inspire your heart with art

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More Below!

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Motivation Mondays: Why Does #MLKDAY Matter?

Motivation Mondays: Why Does #MLKDAY Matter?

Documentary: Selma to Montgomery March
Motivation to Help the Oppressed & Others: What are you doing for others? We have seen some of the outcomes that occur when people build walls of hate against each other instead of walls of hope.  Recently, in response to a piece I read, I added that while the walls we build in our hearts are far more dangerous than a physical wall we can see, we must not ignore its pernicious symbolism. It’s still a shame that so many people are flip about the notion of creating distance between nations without thinking through the implications and long term damage to relations between people. Walls are an act of aggression that say I don’t want you crossing my line. We need to build bridges to unity and understanding not walls to divide and destroy our chance at learning how to share this beautiful yet maligned planet.

Does MLK Day Matter? Yes it does. We need to remember that MLK Day matters because it challenges us to think about the implications and the power of history to educate and warn us. It challenges us to do for others as we would like them to do for us. Come back for more! Why does MLK Day matter to YOU?

Have a Happy, Healthy 2017!

Any Zen Antics stories via


Positive Motivation Tip:  Make a choice to be an advocate for peace and equity and let it begin in your heart and home.

Motivation Mondays is open to anyone who wishes to share a motivational quote, photo, personal challenge or a post that encourages others to start the week on an upbeat note.
Basic Instructions: Each week, I will have a motivation word to help us create a response. (See listed words for the months above/below)
Email address: You may email or share your post as a comment and I will add it to the round-up of related posts. email it to: contact(@)mirthandmotivation(.)com
Category tag: – Share your post using Motivation Mondays
Twitter hashtag: – Use this on Twitter #MotvnM
Dedicated Page: There is a dedicated page for Motivation Mondays. It has the same instructions and will include other helpful tools and a link to the round-up
Facebook Page: MotivationOnMondays Join our page and add your post and/or any motivational piece you think will be helpful to others.
Facebook Community: We have a Facebook community forum to compliment the page. It serves as another way to share uplifting posts and thoughts. Please join in and add your voice.

Badge: – I created a fun badge using PicMonkey’s free photo editing tools. You can create your own, use WordPress’ integrated tool on your blog or you are welcome to use mine. (see dedicated page)
Tag: – Motivation Mondays
Hashtag: – #MotvnM
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PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos –   via Wikipedia, and/or Permission, Approval, Happy people,  via Pixabay

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet









204 Comments leave one →
  1. momknowsbest15 permalink
    16/01/2017 8:49 pm

    MLK was a great man. He is a leader for all people

  2. Kelly Reci permalink
    16/01/2017 9:37 pm

    “What are you doing for others?” this questions reminds me the happy moment of my family doing a charity event, 4 years ago, we usually donate food and clothes to those who are in needs. It stopped when my grandma died, we are all depressed and busy up until now. We are planning to celebrate my grandma’s 5th death year anniversary in a charity center

  3. Blonde Seeking Ambition permalink
    16/01/2017 7:54 pm

    I find everything MLK stood for resonates even more now, in a way. I’m trying to hold tight to hope.

  4. Author Brandi Kennedy permalink
    16/01/2017 8:02 pm

    Wow, I saw the title for this post and felt my eyebrows go right up to my hairline. “Why does MLK Day Matter?” What???

    I’m glad the post didn’t go the way the title suggested it might. He was – and always will be – a legendary human.

  5. The Travel Ninjas permalink
    16/01/2017 8:31 pm

    Now more than ever we need to seriously remember that we are not immune from hatred. MLK Day is a helpful reminder.

  6. The Travel Ninjas permalink
    16/01/2017 8:35 pm

    Now more than ever we need to remember that we are not immune from hatred. MLK Day is certainly a helpful reminder.

  7. Melanie Smith permalink
    16/01/2017 8:47 pm

    Amazing post to remember such a beautiful human being! Thank you for your words!

  8. Sarah Bailey permalink
    16/01/2017 9:26 pm

    MLK Day does matter because he is one of a kind. A true meaning of a brave man who will take any consequences even his own life to fought for the right of everyone. He sets as an inspiration and an eye opening to the blind governance of the state. He should always be remembered through his good deeds and respect for humanity.

  9. acraftymix permalink
    17/01/2017 1:22 am

    A truly great man with a vision to match.

  10. kaitr27 permalink
    17/01/2017 3:09 am

    It is so important to keep remembering the courageous words and acts of people like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and instill these ideals in ourselves and our children. If we do not learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. I look to people that have changed the course of our history, and I try to apply their message to our world today. And I teach these ideals to my own son in hopes that he will be a part of a better future. Very inspiring post.

  11. creativethriftychef permalink
    17/01/2017 1:39 am

    We need more man like him. Brave and great example to everyne.

  12. vermishelly permalink
    17/01/2017 1:41 am

    I remember watching the movie Selma, which talks about his movement to make voting open to all, culminating in a march from Selma to Montgomery. It was a very striking film and a great reminder of how people like Martin Luther King Jr fought for the liberties we enjoy today. There’s so much hate these days. We need more inspiring leaders who push for an open and equal society!

  13. Jeanine permalink
    17/01/2017 5:18 am

    We dont have MLK day here in Canada but I think it’s really important. Everyone should know about MLK and his movement – especially our kids!

  14. Valerie Gray (@valmg) permalink
    17/01/2017 3:20 am

    That is a great MLK quote at the top. Things that matter are important and if people don’t speak up about them things will never change.

  15. Jolina permalink
    17/01/2017 5:45 am

    I appreciate what MLK means and symbolizes and I’m not even American. His words and actions have transcended countries and borders. He’s a constant reminder to all of us to stand up for what’s right.

  16. divya budhraja permalink
    17/01/2017 3:55 am

    Beautiful post! I loved this one so much. As someone who is currently living in a rural town, I feel as though his words have been resonating with me more than ever. It’s interesting how history truly repeats itself….

  17. GiGi Eats Celebrities permalink
    17/01/2017 5:57 am

    MLK day is a great day. I truly believe it’s not just one of those holidays where people are like “sweet, I have Monday off”… I truly believe people actually KNOW why they have the day off.

  18. Katharine O'Malley permalink
    17/01/2017 6:23 am

    The world lost a great man when they killed Martin Luther King. He was such an inspiration, I can’t help but think of what he would’ve accomplished had he lived.

  19. Maria Han permalink
    17/01/2017 6:59 am

    I really love this message so perfect for me and so glad you share this good motivation, I love reading this

  20. Steve Goodwin permalink
    17/01/2017 7:04 am

    Great resource about MLK day! Thanks for your in depth research, as always!

  21. Heather Marie Swarthout permalink
    17/01/2017 5:09 am

    MLK was an amazing, inspiring man. Without his words and his march we would not be anywhere near the equality that we have today. Although it feels as though it’s slipping, we wouldn’t be where we are now if it weren’t for this great man. I admire MLK and his dream.

  22. Wanderlust Vegans permalink
    17/01/2017 5:16 am

    MLK was an excellent speaker and brave for standing up for what is right. I think MLK day is important because we should remember all of the accomplishments he made for the civil rights movement.

  23. Anne Yedlin permalink
    17/01/2017 7:58 am

    He is such an inspiration to everyone. The things he accomplished should never be forgotten.

  24. Kendra permalink
    17/01/2017 8:09 am

    I believe that a lot of people take MLK Day for granted and enjoy as just another day off from work. Honoring the sacrifices that Dr. King and others have endured for our country is important.

  25. Krysten permalink
    17/01/2017 9:18 am

    Dr. King has taught me so much in my life. He has taught me to stand up for what I believe in, no matter how many people are against me. I was a debater in high school and I mimicked his way of speaking because it’s so beautiful. I wish that people would learn to celebrate him for more than just one day a year, because he is worth celebrating. And our attempt at equality is thanks to him.

  26. Bhushavali permalink
    17/01/2017 9:33 am

    According to me, Martin Luther King and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi were the only 2 greatest men who ever lived. So MLKDay and Gandhi Jayanthi are important to me!

  27. Kat permalink
    17/01/2017 9:38 am

    Unforgettable person, we can learn so much from him! And the “I have a dream” speech was super powerful and motivating.

  28. Jaycie Sullivan permalink
    17/01/2017 10:04 am

    What a beautiful tribute and showcase of peace. <3

  29. nlampert permalink
    17/01/2017 8:08 am

    Even as a Canadian, MLK Day feels important to me. Although our countries share different histories, the reminder to continue to stand up for equality and human rights is always important

  30. Amer Phils permalink
    17/01/2017 8:16 am

    MLK definitely changed history. He’s such an inspiration to everyone. I hope everything that he fought for would continue.

  31. reviewsbykathy permalink
    17/01/2017 10:36 am

    We stayed up and watched a documentary on him last night. I lived in South Texas through school segregation. I loved being able to say I was a part of that. So proud of him and all his success.

  32. Anosa permalink
    17/01/2017 11:49 am

    Though we do not celebrate the day in the UK we celebrate it us black folks thank MLK and the folks that fought for the liberties we enjoy today. Great post as always Elizabeth.

  33. Amber permalink
    17/01/2017 12:40 pm

    He was such a wonderful man. I am so glad that there is a day dedicated to him. He did so much and reminds us all to treat others with respect.

  34. Robin Rue permalink
    17/01/2017 2:29 pm

    He was such an inspirational man that you can bring about change without being insanely rude about it. He helped remove so much of the hate that was going around back then.

  35. Hey Sharonoox permalink
    17/01/2017 1:37 pm

    Happy Martin Luther King day! I really like his quote “I have a dream” which sent a profound message to many till today. May his legacy live on .

  36. Karlyn Cruz permalink
    17/01/2017 3:56 pm

    He is the man that matters because he is a part of history. I don’t know about him but I have heard few story about him.

  37. Victoria Heckstall permalink
    17/01/2017 3:59 pm

    I’ve heard a lot of story about this man. I think he really matters because he is a legend.

  38. kaitbrough permalink
    17/01/2017 2:20 pm

    MLK day matters so much! He was an incredible man. He truly deserves so much credit for the progress our country has made!


  39. Neely (@Neelykins) permalink
    17/01/2017 2:34 pm

    When I taught 2nd grade I loved MLK day because I loved the lessons we taught with it. I just wish people remembered him more during the year.

  40. rochkirstin permalink
    17/01/2017 5:14 pm

    I like the question posed about what we do for others. On the other hand, we must also consistently ask ourselves what we do about ourselves. Sometimes we lose control and all we ever care about is caring for others.

  41. Saidah permalink
    17/01/2017 3:17 pm

    I saw your round up on Instagram yesterday of the images of Martin. You capture him so beautifully in honor of his special day

  42. Kelly Reci permalink
    17/01/2017 5:21 pm

    I have heard a lot about Martin Luther King from my father and this article is pretty amazing to read!

  43. Julie Porter permalink
    17/01/2017 3:24 pm

    MLK Day matters to me because the principles and rights that he fought for matter and the grace and love that he showed during this time is an inspiration. In the world we live in today, we all need to remember MLK’s words and actions and continue to try to make this world the world that MLK envisioned all those years ago.

  44. Yvonne Fegan permalink
    17/01/2017 4:06 pm

    This is a beautifully written post and has made me think àbout things in a different way.

  45. Claudia H. Blanton permalink
    17/01/2017 4:12 pm

    I love the quote you started with. It is true, and timeless. Yes, MLK day is very relevant, even more so, as we are approaching a time, were those against Unity and equality won. Thankfully it is only temporary. Blessings!

  46. alpluslex permalink
    17/01/2017 4:32 pm

    Such an important day to reflect on. Thank you bringing this the forefront of all of our minds.

  47. Dawn McAlexander permalink
    17/01/2017 5:04 pm

    MLK was more than just a civil rights leader. He was a voice of freedom and equality for everyone. I think so many people misconstrue his work as just an advancement of one race. That is not the case. He was a voice for all races.

  48. Jill Conyers (@jillconyers) permalink
    17/01/2017 5:30 pm

    So many of MLK quotes are among my favorites. Wonderful selection to highlight for your post.

  49. Kari Jonard permalink
    17/01/2017 5:52 pm

    This is the first year I didn’t even realized MLK day had passed. It’s sad that it can go buy without anybody mentioning it.

  50. Coolchillmom permalink
    17/01/2017 6:11 pm

    Unity and diversity will take communities far. I respect and empathy flourish when we work together

  51. Robin Ross-Fleming at permalink
    17/01/2017 6:14 pm

    I’ve always been a fan of Martin Luther King, Jr. and all of his quotes…. I share frequently and am so thrilled to see most American’s still hold his memorial day sacred. Really nice post! xoxo Robin

  52. Cindy Ingalls permalink
    17/01/2017 6:21 pm

    MLK Day is a great reminder about how important is to stand up for injustice, and to serve others.

  53. technichicks permalink
    17/01/2017 7:04 pm

    We celebrated yesterday by going to see the movie Hidden Figures. I wanted my kids to see what WE can do! It was very inspiring.

  54. Natalie (@utterlyamazingx) permalink
    17/01/2017 7:07 pm

    MLK would be ashamed the way people act and treat others these days. It’s like nothing has changed. One group can make all of them look bad.

  55. Michelle Catallo permalink
    17/01/2017 8:02 pm

    I had my sons over my shoulder as I played these videos for them to see and feel his legacy resonating through his own voice. I am lucky in that my kids’ school has done an amazing job each year they have attended ensuring all children truly understand who MLK was and his actual history. If they had not, I would have but, I still do; emulation is very important when teaching children right versus wrong. I am always proud when they are able to have conversations involving his quotes.

  56. Jill permalink
    17/01/2017 10:08 pm

    Sadly society at large doesn’t understand this anymore. Everyone is out for what’s best for them and never thinks of how it will impact other. Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed your writings.

  57. Mihaela Echols permalink
    17/01/2017 8:25 pm

    This post is awesome. He deserves all the recognition and applaud for all he has done. I’m so glad there is a day for him.

  58. Ashlea permalink
    17/01/2017 8:34 pm

    MLK is really important to our history and present. Our country seems to be reverting backwards instead of moving forward. Racism is becoming back like a steam train. It is sad but oh so true.

  59. Jason Panuelos permalink
    17/01/2017 8:37 pm

    It’s sad that people would actually fail to understand the significance of MLK day. I wish we had a similar holiday in Manila so people would be less ignorant about worldly things.

  60. deesignplay permalink
    17/01/2017 8:39 pm

    The direction the country appears to be going in, it is important we remember the message of MLK and preach and teach the next generation. thanks for the motivation!

  61. Marceline Dementori permalink
    17/01/2017 10:43 pm

    It’s important that we honor this day and take note of what happened during that time as well. All these have helped shape history. I just hope that with the amount of hate that people have with each other these days, we don’t throw all of this away.

  62. mira pstr permalink
    17/01/2017 9:04 pm

    Thank you for sharing this article, those videos and for reminding us those speeches, he is the great man over the generations .

  63. Katrina Centeno permalink
    17/01/2017 10:16 pm

    For some reason, MLk reminds me of St Francis prayer which goes: “Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.”

  64. Eliz permalink
    17/01/2017 10:42 pm

    It’s important that we honor this day and take note of what happened during that time as well. All these have helped shape history. I just hope that with the amount of hate that people have with each other these days, we don’t throw all of this away.

  65. Shari Wright Pilo permalink
    18/01/2017 12:48 am

    My favorite – “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  66. Chloe permalink
    18/01/2017 1:10 am

    MLK day matters to me because it represents an era of courage and strength that we don’t often see in today’s times. I only hope the leaders of the future can emulate even a small portion of his greatness.

  67. Ken permalink
    18/01/2017 1:21 am

    I believe in equality and respect for all. No to labeling and gender bias.

  68. Rhian Westbury permalink
    18/01/2017 1:38 am

    Such an interesting post, it’s important to remember and celebrate these important people who changed the world we live in x

  69. Franc Ramon permalink
    18/01/2017 2:56 am

    When it comes to Martin Luther King, he’ll always stand for equality and respecting the rights of people. It’s really good to remember his contributions.

  70. Sondra Barker permalink
    18/01/2017 3:16 am

    I will never stop believing that he is one of the best human beings to ever live on this earth! He truly was an incredible man who did above and beyond for the rights of others.

  71. Rachel Mouton permalink
    18/01/2017 3:53 am

    What a beautiful tribute and post. I often wonder what he would think of today’s political climate.

  72. Czjai Reyes-Ocampo permalink
    18/01/2017 5:48 am

    I remember reading a copy of MLK’s famous speech when I was in grade school. I have been very impressed with this man since then.

  73. Jennifer Parker-Gilbert permalink
    18/01/2017 6:32 am

    It’s amazing how one individual can inspire so many. His statement to ask what you can do for others is so motivating and profound. It teaches us to look beyond our own lives and step into the shoes of others. He’s the ultimate example of strength and courage.

  74. Joanna permalink
    18/01/2017 7:22 am

    Regarding your paragraph about building walls… I think people are building walls from each other because they are afraid of getting hurt. When there is a wall between your emotions and the person in front of you, you are protecting yourself. You are right, we should be building walls of hope but unfortunately our society teaches us differently.

  75. Heidi Schilling Fowler permalink
    18/01/2017 8:44 am

    Martin Luther King, Jr. was such an important man and a powerful speaker and motivator. I love the quotes you shared.

  76. Rodanthi permalink
    18/01/2017 11:06 am

    I believe it’s important to honor great personalities like M.L.King. #MLKDay is important, since it gives us a chance to be reminded and to be inspired by his life and his fight. After all, we all should have a dream!

  77. Amanda Seghetti permalink
    18/01/2017 9:54 am

    MLK Day is definitely still important. He would want us to continue working toward his dream.

  78. Ana De-Jesus permalink
    18/01/2017 10:21 am

    It is so important to celebrate all that MlK did for the black civil rights and while he is not the only person to engineer change he is definitely one of the most prolific.

  79. MyYellowApron permalink
    18/01/2017 10:34 am

    “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.- this quote is what my parents have been living on for years now.

  80. saraessop permalink
    18/01/2017 10:46 am

    This is an inspiring and thought provoking post. I had no idea that there was a Martin Luther King Day although he definitely was a hero that should be celebrated.

  81. Garf permalink
    18/01/2017 10:59 am

    MLK Day matters because his efforts and actions inspire so many people.

  82. jasminekeclipse permalink
    18/01/2017 11:54 am

    This is an incredible post, and so well written too. I admire this man so much for all he did for the greater good of our world. Thank you for writing this!

  83. emmaeatsandexplores permalink
    18/01/2017 1:19 pm

    He truly was an inspiration and changed the world for the better. It’s important to honour everything that he stood for and celebrate such a brave man on this day

  84. Terri Ramsey Beavers permalink
    18/01/2017 1:40 pm

    Regardless of any race, MLK day should matter to everyone. He was such an inspiration, his legacy lives on.

  85. Anosa permalink
    18/01/2017 2:30 pm

    He was such an inspirational man and I think if nayone deserves their own day its this guy. My husband listens to speeches of his all the time and loves them. Its like everytime you listen to them you find more meaning in what he is saying

  86. Natasha permalink
    18/01/2017 3:11 pm

    His life will always matter. I am instilling this into our kids.

  87. alisonrost permalink
    18/01/2017 6:19 pm

    Thank-you so much for such a great post. I haven’t read much from bloggers about Martin Luther King .. so I really appreciated running across it. I appreciated that you included excerpts from his speeches .. what a great man

  88. Kait Around The Kingdom permalink
    18/01/2017 6:08 pm

    What a perfect post for this Monday’s motivation! I hope you had an awesome Monday!

  89. Stargazer Writes permalink
    18/01/2017 6:16 pm

    I can’t relate much about MLK since I am not an American, but I’ve heard so many great stories about him. I can say that he is someone that we can look up to.

  90. The Trophy WifeStyle permalink
    18/01/2017 7:31 pm

    Martin Luther Iing is definitely one important person in history!!! He stood for so much when no one else would!

  91. savingcmncents permalink
    18/01/2017 8:13 pm

    I do think MLK Day matters. It’s important that we not forget and history is truly a great lesson (if we pay attention)!

  92. homemadeforelle permalink
    18/01/2017 10:04 pm

    MLK day is so important! Thanks for sharing on this important holiday.

  93. Tina Gleisner permalink
    18/01/2017 10:23 pm

    Watched lots of MLK videos on Monday & sitting here tonight, again I’m so glad I’m joining the women’s march on Saturday. Once again we (women) need to stand up for our rights.

  94. Pooja Kawatra Gupta permalink
    19/01/2017 2:00 am

    Even I was not aware of the significance of this day but it is worth celebrating and admiring people who have worked so much for the entire generation to see the peaceful world we are enjoying now.

  95. Violinkit permalink
    19/01/2017 4:01 am

    I have always admired the teachings of Martin Luther King. I’m pondering on the words “What did you do today to help someone else”. I need to live my life in a less selfish manner.

  96. Fred permalink
    19/01/2017 5:31 am

    MLK has a major impact in the way people treat all races equally. Without the efforts of MLK, Obama may not have been the POTUS. I just watched the film “Hidden Figures” and I was appalled by the segregation shown in that movie.

  97. Maryanne permalink
    19/01/2017 11:38 am

    Thank you for sharing and remind us the importance of this date! 😉

  98. Kathy Andy permalink
    19/01/2017 2:01 pm

    MLK was one of the most important men of the last century, and his ideology still continues inspiring people to change the world we live in a better place.

  99. ohmummymia permalink
    19/01/2017 1:33 pm

    I love his speech which was really inspirational. Martin Luther King Day really matters every people should know who he was and what he did

  100. shubhadabhide permalink
    20/01/2017 6:44 am

    Motivating indeed! Life of these greats are still so relevant and there is so much to learn from them.

  101. utahcoupondeals permalink
    20/01/2017 7:39 am

    MLK Jr was an amazing man who made a huge difference in our country. Equality is so important!

  102. Keith Haney permalink
    20/01/2017 8:21 am

    Great post. We need to never lose sight of the impact that movement started. The fight is not over the dream not yet realized.

  103. duffelbagspouse permalink
    20/01/2017 3:59 pm

    I love his letter from Birmingham Jail. Its my favorite of his an dI refer to it often in time… well in times like this.

  104. Lisa Rios permalink
    20/01/2017 6:24 pm

    Such an inspiring quote from Martin Luther King Jr and nice way to honor him with his pictures and videos. I very much agree that his efforts and actions are continuing to inspire many even today and we all need to stand by each other as one for a peaceful next generation to live here!

  105. Veethee Dixit permalink
    20/01/2017 9:20 pm

    I totally agree with what you say. Motivation indeed gives a new hope!

  106. Julie Syl Kalungi permalink
    21/01/2017 6:41 am

    Freedoms, Choice, Acceptance, Well being, Brotherhood, neighbourliness, humanity, Kindness to others, generosity to the underdog, LOVE the list goes on…

    MLK day Matters not just to USA, but to the whole world. And Yo Eliza, keep inspiring and educating us

  107. Valerie permalink
    22/01/2017 1:43 pm

    I think it’s very important to study history so we keep the good and don’t repeat the bad. Great reminder of the extraordinary life of MLK.

  108. Marceline Dementori permalink
    23/01/2017 3:51 am

    You can’t simply forget such a memorable day. He’s an icon and he’s changed how the world sees human beings, of all color. I love his passion to make life better for everyone and as someone who has gone through abuse, I look up to him and his accomplishments. He is one amazing person.

  109. Dawn Gibson-Thigpen permalink
    25/01/2017 1:16 pm

    what an awesome read. everything you write is so inspiring. Yes. mlk day does matter and it will always matter.

  110. Tiffany Yong permalink
    30/01/2017 8:30 am

    Sometimes, the day might be a representation of hope which allows people to channel their hope into motivation and actions and hence, doing things to create a change.

  111. Azlin Bloor permalink
    03/02/2017 2:04 pm

    A really brilliant post with a wonderful message. In these uncertain times, it is even more important that we hold on to our values and the people who personify them.

  112. kidneyfornikki permalink
    19/01/2020 3:27 pm

    Your posts are so inspirations with a nice history lesson included. MLK Day is important for many reasons to honor a legacy, as a reminder of history, and to tell us how much more we need to do, and more. Thank you for sharing!

    • Eliz@MirthandMotivation permalink*
      19/01/2020 10:10 pm

      Thank you too for checking in! 🙂


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