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“If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.”  Frank A. Clark

Haiku: OBSTACLES - Things that hold us back

Haiku: OBSTACLES – Things that hold us back

Our daily challenge…
To kvetch or to kvell
Life, and its moments

Our daily challenge…
To stay in bed or get up
Face … our worldly chores

Our daily challenge
Engage with social media
Bid it all adieu

Our daily challenge…
To create masterpieces
Obstacles or nyet

Can limitations and obstructions push us forward in our creative work? Definitely. Every day we wake up and get out of bed, we open our doors to a wide range of potential and real obstacles.  From a creative standpoint, while facing obstacles, we have to decide if we want to rip off our masks and stand exposed to our audience as we tackle sensitive or perhaps, controversial subjects.  We have to decide whether we want our masks firmly screwed to our faces as we skip through life pretending to be someone else… Whichever path we choose, there is a toll and we must find our path to get to where we wish to be. Hopefully, our creative muse will rise to meet us there.


“We all have obstacles. The feeling of satisfaction comes by overcoming something.” Marta

Haiku: OBSTACLES - Things that hold us back

Haiku: OBSTACLES – Things that hold us back

Our daily challenge
To drop our masks or hold on
Try, another day

Our daily challenge
To write or not write our truth
Let sleeping dogs lie

Our daily challenge
To eat sweets or exercise
Shed those extra pounds

Our daily challenge
To face our fears and climb them
Or live with regrets

Being able to navigate through this daily minefield we call life, keeps us going, and fuels our creative spirit, while teaching us lessons to help us respond effectively as we maneuver through our limitations… Above and below, I have included an array of things we face in our waking hours and you are welcome to add more in the comments.

More Below!
“It’s part of life to have obstacles. It’s about overcoming obstacles; that’s the key to happiness.” Herbie Hancock

Haiku: OBSTACLES - Things that hold us back

Haiku: OBSTACLES – Things that hold us back

Our daily challenge
To curb our extra spending
Blow right through our funds

Our daily challenge
See good in humanity
Or watch in disdain

Our daily challenge
To decipher what ails us
our journey through life

Our daily challenge
To push through our obstacles
Or wait … and stagnate

One of my challenges is figuring out ways to write Haiku that doesn’t sound like rhyming songs … Hahaha, I know its cool. But, whatever! The creative process meets us where we are and we can go with the flow or overanalyze our experiences. For now, I invite you to share what ails you. What obstacles blur your path?
This post was inspired by a WordPress Prompt:  Discover Challenge: OBSTACLES – For this week’s challenge, tell us about a time when you had to deal with an obstacle in your creative process, whether it was a bad case of writer’s block, some rigid rules you had to work around, or some other limitation — financial, technical, mental — that set you back (bonus points if you share or link to the work in question!). Did you manage to transcend the obstacle, or was it too much to deal with at the time? More important: what did you learn about yourself and your creativity in the process?  I look forward to your responses!

And The WordPress Daily Post : Mask Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt. Not sure how to participate? Here are the steps to get started.


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Positive Motivation Tip:  Limitations, Obstructions, Obstacles, or whatever we choose to call them, serve a great role in shaping our thoughts and creative efforts…. Engage yours.

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos :  Obstacles via Pixabay and/or via Wikipedia

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

6 Comments leave one →
  1. phyliciamarie permalink
    28/04/2016 10:01 pm

    Our daily challenge
    To eat sweets or exercise
    Shed those extra pounds

    This one made me laugh because it’s such a daily struggle!! I want to lose weight but food is sooo good!

  2. Anne V permalink
    29/04/2016 12:10 am

    I suffered from writer’s block way back, it was a huge obstacle that I had to overcome. Maybe it was because I got burned out by writing new articles everyday all the while still taking care of my husband and 3 kids. I’m glad I never suffered from it anymore when I took a more relaxed approach to blogging. Without the pressure of being able to dish out one article a day, it was all good!

    • 29/04/2016 11:01 am

      It must have been incredibly stressful to keep such a schedule. I did a daily post a couple of years ago and it nearly did me in. Hahaha! I prefer my current schedule as it gives me enough time and space to think and create in a meaningful way. TY! 🙂

  3. Stephanie Pass permalink
    29/04/2016 1:37 pm

    My blog is ailing me. There is a bug in it that’s preventing my sidebar from working, and it’s driving me insane. I have backups, but they don’t seem to be working either. I’m so ready to tear my hair out.

    • 29/04/2016 5:06 pm

      Ugh! I know that feeling when you know a problem exists but little works… I hope you can resolve it soon… Maybe an expert would find out what’s going on…

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