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Motivation Mondays: CONTROL


“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” Maya Angelou

Motivation Mondays: CONTROL

Motivation Mondays: CONTROL

Motivation Mondays: CONTROL

Motivation Mondays: CONTROL

I can control my destiny, but not my fate. Destiny means there are opportunities to turn right or left, but fate is a one-way street. I believe we all have the choice as to whether we fulfill our destiny, but our fate is sealed. Paulo Coelho
You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you. Brian Tracy

What does Control mean to you? Are you a Control Freak? Often, especially in the workplace, when we think of the word CONTROL, certain images arise: the power-hungry controlling boss, the micromanaging megalomaniac, the Narcissistic leader, and the toxic bullying Dictator. All of these are archetypes that can make working in certain environments hellish but they are not the focus of this post. The focus is YOU; how you respond to these types and how you control your life and choices. If you run through the quotes on this post, one message becomes clear: You might not be able to control everything in life but, you CAN/MUST control your response to them. But, you might add, “I can’t control that Office Psychopath!” You must work at how you navigate around that type in the workplace. And don’t forget, there is always Plan B – which is your exit strategy. The main point of “control” is not about controlling others but learning to let go of the need to do so and focus on our own Locus of Control. (Locus of control is one of the four dimensions of core self-evaluations – one’s fundamental appraisal of oneself – along with neuroticism, self-efficacy, and self-esteem.Wikipedia)

Which areas/aspects of your life do you have self-control over? Which areas are out of your control? Do you withhold favors from people as a way to control them? When we start thinking about how we control our lives and our choices, it will soon become apparent that we all play an important role in our interactions with others and the world around us. Every day, we get to choose our response to situations and face the consequences of our actions. We can choose to go with the flow and let the tide flow over us, as the ocean roils in all its magnificence, or we can choose to hold on to every last bit of straw and be swept out to sea. There is a fine line between living up to our destiny and letting go of minutiae so life/fate can unfold and lift us up. When we work against the tide of events, we will face enormous obstacles. However, when we work around those who believe they can mind-control everyone and everything, we accommodate the water of life = Survival. The survival of the fittest rests in our ability to work around obstacles not to control them.

A Story: Accommodating the Water
A Taoist story tells of an old man who accidentally fell into the river rapids leading to a high and dangerous waterfall. Onlookers feared for his life. Miraculously, he came out alive and unharmed downstream at the bottom of the falls. People asked him how he managed to survive. “I accommodated myself to the water, not the water to me. Without thinking, I allowed myself to be shaped by it. Plunging into the swirl, I came out with the swirl. This is how I survived.”

“The entrepreneurial life is one of challenge, work, dedication, perseverance, exhilaration, agony, accomplishment, failure, sacrifice, control, powerlessness… but ultimately, extraordinary satisfaction.” David S. Rose

Motivation Mondays: CONTROL

Motivation Mondays: CONTROL

Motivation Mondays: CONTROL

Motivation Mondays: CONTROL

We cannot always control everything that happens to us in this life, but we can control how we respond. Many struggles come as problems and pressures that sometimes cause pain. Others come as temptations, trials, and tribulations. L. Lionel Kendrick
The world is so unpredictable. Things happen suddenly, unexpectedly. We want to feel we are in control of our own existence. In some ways we are, in some ways we’re not. We are ruled by the forces of chance and coincidence. Paul Auster

Do you have issues with Control?  When I think of what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur, a huge part of it is relinquishing control over every single aspect of the business. There is a reason why we use the services of experts and have them in all fields. We use them so that we can focus on our strengths and let them bring their expertise to the business. When we give others room to focus on their strengths, we allow for collaborations that contribute the very best to the business. When you delegate areas that are beyond your capabilities, you are strengthening the business and opening the door to growth. If you hold onto every tiny detail and look for ways to manipulate outcomes, the ultimate loser will be YOU.

How effectively are you controlling/managing your life? We can do everything up to a point, and then our house of precariously balanced cards will begin to crumble. In the world of business, we have aides, managers, admins, advisers, and coaches. In blog land, we have family helpers, Real and Virtual Assistants. Each person plays a role to further our vision and those roles contribute to the order of things that take place around us. Sometimes we might wish to control outcomes and we start messing with that order or re-configuring our plans and strategies. They might work for a bit and then the order of things will either re-assert itself or it will simply rise to the top  to circumvent our control over that order. The point is that we can manage our lives a lot more effectively when we allow room for help and discourse. If we believe that others are out to get us and hold on rigidly to our status quo, we will remain there … and guess what? Our health and well-being will eventually be compromised because just like a body of water needs to find outlets to flow and flush itself, our mind and body need outlets to freely give and receive. When we clench our fists and shut the door on any other point of view, we stagnate. So to experience  true happiness and prosperity, we need to respect the order of things and be open to giving and receiving. Now, Which area of your life would you change? 

Story: The Order of Things
A rich man asked a Zen master to write something down that could encourage the prosperity of his family for years to come. It would be something that the family could cherish for generations. On a large piece of paper, the master wrote, “Father dies, son dies, grandson dies.” The rich man became angry when he saw the master’s work. “I asked you to write something down that could bring happiness and prosperity to my family. Why do you give me something depressing like this?” “If your son should die before you,” the master answered, “this would bring unbearable grief to your family. If your grandson should die before your son, this also would bring great sorrow. If your family, generation after generation, disappears in the order I have described, it will be the natural course of life. This is true happiness and prosperity.”

The details for Motivation Mondays are below. Join in! The themes for July and August are:
07/06 – FREEDOM
07/13 – WORRY
07/20 – WEALTH
07/27 – GRACE

08/03 – TIME
08/10 – CONTROL
08/17 – PURPOSE
08/24 – FAILURE
08/31 – HOPE

More Below!

“The only thing you sometimes have control over is perspective. You don’t have control over your situation. But you have a choice about how you view it.” Chris Pine

Motivation Mondays: CONTROL

Motivation Mondays: CONTROL

Motivation Mondays: CONTROL

Motivation Mondays: CONTROL

Only you can control your future. Dr. Seuss
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. Amelia Earhart

Which area of your life would you change? If you could change some aspect of your life to gain more control, would you?  Assuming we are in control of everything in our lives, it is important that we learn to surrender our need to control every single outcome and be open to the wisdom of the universe. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t focus on our plans and goals, we should. However, we must learn the difference between working towards a goal and doing every dubious deed to get there.  When we stay open to the possibilities in life, and learn to work hard while remaining expectant, our lives will become richer for it. Each day will bring new and better opportunities for growth. They might not be exactly what we had hoped for, but they will be richer. Whenever we hesitate to take action in a certain direction to further our success, we must ask ourselves the question: What is interfering with my decision to act? Listen for the answer in a sincere manner and learn from it. Sometimes, it might be self sabotage or a need to control outcomes or just FEAR. Sometimes, it might be the wisdom of the universe teaching us to pause because, for every important action, there is a right time and season. The cards are in YOUR hands.

A Story: In Your Hands
A young man caught a small bird, and held it behind his back. He then asked, “Master, is the bird I hold in my hands alive or dead.” The boy thought this was a grand opportunity to play a trick on the old man. If the master answered “dead”, it would be let loose in to the air. If the master answered “alive”, he would simply wring its neck. The master spoke, “The answer is in your hands”

Positive Motivation Tip:  Focus on Controlling Yourself; your mind, desires, actions, and goals … the rest will follow.

Motivation Mondays is open to anyone who wishes to share a motivational quote, photo, personal challenge or a post that encourages others to start the week on an upbeat note.
Basic Instructions: Each week, I will have a motivation word to help us create a response. (See listed words for the months above/below)
Email address: You may email or share your post as a comment and I will add it to the round-up of related posts. email it to: contact(@)mirthandmotivation(.)com
Category tag: – Share your post using Motivation Mondays
Twitter hashtag: – Use this on Twitter #MotvnM
Dedicated Page: There is a dedicated page for Motivation Mondays. It has the same instructions and will include other helpful tools and a link to the round-up
Facebook Page: MotivationOnMondays Join our page and add your post and/or any motivational piece you think will be helpful to others.
Facebook Community: We have a Facebook community forum to compliment the page. It serves as another way to share uplifting posts and thoughts. Please join in and add your voice.

Badge: – I created a fun badge using PicMonkey’s free photo editing tools. You can create your own, use WordPress’ integrated tool on your blog or you are welcome to use mine. (see dedicated page)
Tag: – Motivation Mondays
Hashtag: – #MotvnM

Related Posts

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: Zen Stories via Read.Goodweb,  All Photos: Narcissus, Oceans, Pacific Ocean, Polar Bears near North Pole, Drown, Rocks & Waves, Surfs Up, Personifications of Mental States, Porto Covo, via Wikipedia and Others from my Personal Collection

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

204 Comments leave one →
  1. Robin Masshole mommy permalink
    10/08/2015 2:55 pm

    I definitely like to be in control. It’s very tough for me to hand the reins over to anyone else.

  2. shreya24x7 permalink
    10/08/2015 2:55 pm

    Hi I’m Shreya!
    Love the post. You have great content on your blog. Looking forward to reading more of your posts.
    I am relatively new to the blogging forum so please feel free to visit my blog and leave some feedback if you even find the time.
    Enjoy your summer.
    Shreya xx

    • 06/09/2015 11:41 am

      Thank you Shreya and welcome to blogland. Participate in the WordPress Daily Post and other offerings as they are a great way to connect with other bloggers. It has helped me too. 🙂

  3. Michelle F. permalink
    10/08/2015 3:34 pm

    Those are some great pictures to convey control. I love the Polar bears walking over the ice.

  4. kitchnwhisperer permalink
    10/08/2015 4:41 pm

    This post gives me a lot to think about as I plan for the week. Thanks for the tips.

  5. joskibyrne permalink
    10/08/2015 5:16 pm

    I can’t agree with you enough that it is the way we respond that matters, regardless of what happens to us! 🙂

  6. Liz Mays permalink
    10/08/2015 6:39 pm

    I do sometimes feel I need to be constantly monitoring everything to make sure it’s perfect. It’s important that I step back and relax because it can be stressful.

  7. Dawn McAlexander permalink
    10/08/2015 7:40 pm

    These are very powerful pictures. Control to me is important in some aspects. For instance, I would rather work for myself (which I do) than be under someone’s constant control when working for someone else.

  8. poshjournal permalink
    10/08/2015 8:11 pm

    its a hard MONDAY.. i only slept 4 hours last night and can’t stop working today

  9. Autumn @ Stay gold Autumn permalink
    10/08/2015 8:18 pm

    I was just reading an article about people who have boundaries versus people who are controlling. Then this post popped up and it was exactly the thing I needed to read!! It is so hard to try to check my own emotions so that people don’t know they got a rise out of me. I appreciate being sensitive, but choosing when I am most sensitive is something I am working on a lot!

  10. Dominique Goh permalink
    10/08/2015 8:43 pm

    Control is certainly a very powerful tool that we must learn how to use properly

  11. lizzhollands permalink
    10/08/2015 8:56 pm

    Considering I got married at the age of 28 and had been on my own since I was 17. I’ve gotten used to a certain way of things being done, so marriage was definitely a control issue for me.

  12. Beth@FrugalFroggie permalink
    10/08/2015 9:23 pm

    Beautiful pictures that you have shared. Control is better when you have boundaries.

  13. marly_ms permalink
    10/08/2015 9:32 pm

    Yes we are the doer of things that can lead to our success or failure. Taking risks is important. Controlling these acts can mean balance to our actions.

    Mhar Sefcik

  14. Claudette Esterine permalink
    10/08/2015 9:37 pm

    Very detailed, informative and covering the issues with wonderful imagery as always! Thanks for the motivation.

  15. asbestrecipes permalink
    10/08/2015 10:38 pm

    Control is so relative you might think all is under control yet God is the one that decides for us.

  16. 10/08/2015 11:09 pm

    Very thought provoking.

  17. upliftingfam permalink
    10/08/2015 11:24 pm

    I know that there is so much in this world that I can’t control. I do my best to let go of certain things that I can’t control. No need to add worry into the mix.

    I don’t think of myself as a control freak but there are certain ways that I like things done.

  18. Louise ღ (@louisechelle) permalink
    10/08/2015 11:30 pm

    Whenever I hear the word Control, I automatically think of discipline and it’s something I personally find hard to do. And I think the obsession to control everything in our life causes the stress and chaos. We cannot control everything and we should always remember that.

    • 15/08/2015 10:32 pm

      Exactly. People who are controlling are toxic and stressed out. When we learn to pick our battles we are less likely to jump at everything.

  19. Eileen Mendoza Loya permalink
    11/08/2015 1:04 am

    Keeping control entails a lot of practice and patience. Sometimes, I react to situations like Newton’s Law of motion – “For every action, there is always an equal and opposite reaction.”

  20. Sherryl Mae Quianzon permalink
    11/08/2015 1:59 am

    Yes, we have control on our destiny. We have the right to choose which is best for us. In fact, this will lead us to our fate but the question is, how does destiny affects our fate? What if we will choose another path in life, would it still lead us to our fate?

  21. Jason Panuelos permalink
    11/08/2015 2:25 am

    It’s so important to realize the things we can control and the things we can’t. It keeps us grounded and more in control of our own lives! 😀

  22. Acadiana'sThriftyMom permalink
    11/08/2015 2:29 am

    What a great article! My mother says I’m a control freak and, sadly, I think she’s right. My youngest daughter also has these personality traits.

  23. sherrygo permalink
    11/08/2015 2:44 am

    its scary be in relationship with control freak, you’ll be so frustrated. I dislike the word control very much, so I always learn to let go, avoid being too close to the control freak. Living life is a long journey, we need to learn be in tolerance and not control in everything as we know not everything we can in control.

  24. Anne V permalink
    11/08/2015 3:32 am

    In my book, God is in control. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have a hand in everything that happens in our lives because He did give us free will. We make choices everyday, and it’s up to God to permit which ones should pass and which ones He would rather not let us deal with. I live everyday, trying to follow what the Bible says as much as I can, let His will be done in my life. Since I know He knows what’s best for me.

  25. Alli permalink
    11/08/2015 3:56 am

    I admit that I tend to be a control freak in certain areas. I have found that I’ve mellowed out over the years. When things go wrong, I’ve learned not to go wrong with them.

  26. Roxi Santiago permalink
    11/08/2015 4:07 am

    *RAISES HAND* I’m a control freak. I get very uncomfortable when I don’t have any sort of control, whether it is the obvious kind of control or not. It’s one of my battles really. This is an eye opener for me.

  27. hannah gee permalink
    11/08/2015 4:14 am

    The word control is initially not a positive word for me. However it can mean so many things to so many different people, lot of variations to be had.
    In my life, control on a personal level is just about taking care of my health right now, making sure that the first focus I have till things become easier.

  28. enzo permalink
    11/08/2015 4:51 am

    Control. This is something I don’t have to develop in myself. I know when I’ll have it, things won’t complicate as they used to have been.

  29. Maria Lianos-Carbone permalink
    11/08/2015 4:59 am

    I must admit, I am a bit of a control freak when it comes to my work. I’ve tried before to give up some of my control, but usually it doesn’t end up the way I want!

  30. Shann Eva permalink
    11/08/2015 5:17 am

    I used to have a lot more issues with control, but since having kids, I know you really can’t control anything. I’m trying hard to let it all go.

  31. Michele permalink
    11/08/2015 5:56 am

    I am not controlling in the least and really dislike if someone tries to control me–I rebel instantly even at my age. My motto is live and let live!

  32. sikat101 permalink
    11/08/2015 6:05 am

    I want some semblance of control in majority of aspects in my life. It gives confidence of what the outcome might be. However, when I anticipate outcomes that are beyond my control, I try to move and let things be. -katrina centeno

  33. GiGi Eats Celebrities permalink
    11/08/2015 6:15 am

    While I cannot control EVERYTHING in my life… That would be boring, I do feel as though I have a handle on a lot of it, but that varies every day with the spice of life!

  34. Julie permalink
    11/08/2015 6:32 am

    Really cool idea for a series! I work in healthcare, I tend to need to be in control a lot of times but as we know, that doesn’t always happen. I have to deal with noncompliance with patients, family members, co-worker, doctors, management etc.. Sometimes it wears you out but you’re right, what’s important is how we control our reaction to these events

  35. Debbie Denny permalink
    11/08/2015 6:52 am

    I don’t think I would change anything in my life, I think control is a state of mind.

  36. bismah2010 permalink
    11/08/2015 6:56 am

    When I was working outside the home I had control issues over wanting to have everything done my way. Now that I am married and stay at home with our two toddler boys I have become much more laid back. I try to enjoy life and be happy.

  37. vegetarianmamma permalink
    11/08/2015 7:10 am

    Control is such an interesting word. I am such a type A person, but I am working to not stress over the things I can’t change.

  38. tumandok permalink
    11/08/2015 7:41 am

    i believe anything that a person wants to do could be controlled. His thoughts, his attitude and even his actions could be directed to benefit himself, his fellow. I don’t know what is fate and destiny neither. What a person thinks that is how he should be.

  39. sacha permalink
    11/08/2015 9:20 am

    Control to me means manipulation. A manipulation driven by fear

  40. 3sonshavei permalink
    11/08/2015 10:44 am

    I’d never considered the difference between destiny and fate!

  41. Ronnie Epstein permalink
    11/08/2015 11:36 am

    Really loved this one, Elizabeth. 🙂 You always know just the right way to phrase things so it hits home. I do have control issues and this is a wake-up call to make positive changes and reduce my anxiety regarding control. Thank you <3

    • 15/08/2015 10:56 pm

      Thank you Ronnie. I appreciate you taking time to read and explore the subject. It’s a topic that makes people anxious. Haha! 🙂

  42. Victoria permalink
    11/08/2015 11:37 am

    I think it is important to have control. However, at the same time we have to realize that we cannot control everything.

  43. Travel Blogger permalink
    11/08/2015 11:51 am

    I used to be a complete control freak but I had to learn to let things go.

  44. amanda permalink
    11/08/2015 3:24 pm

    I am totally and utterly a control freak. Maybe that’s why I am a very organized teacher and really like running my own website. I guess I need to learn to loosen up!

    • 15/08/2015 10:47 pm

      Please do Amanda. You are a good spirit so it manifests in positive ways. There are control freaks who are nasty and toxic.

  45. Rebecca Swenor permalink
    11/08/2015 3:55 pm

    This is a great post indeed. I do believe I am a control freak with most things. Sometimes we have to tell our self we can’t control everything and we can’t control anyone but ourselves. Thanks for sharing.

  46. LifeAsAConvert permalink
    11/08/2015 4:11 pm

    I don’t have a problem with control, but I am a “whatever happens” kind of girl, and can find the positivism in any situation.

  47. Fred permalink
    11/08/2015 4:28 pm

    I cannot automatically tell why the pics you chose represent control. Control is self-discipline which is so internal, it is hard to represent externally. You see the results, not the effort. – Fred

    • 15/08/2015 10:55 pm

      There are many aspects of Control and I point out several of them in the post. Self-discipline is just one of many ways it manifests. Look at my Photo Credits. My pictures represent aspects of Control.

  48. Holly @ Woman Tribune permalink
    11/08/2015 4:31 pm

    I have always really loved that Maya Angelou quote. To me, control has always made me think of being able to keep things together, including myself, and maintaining my inner control. It has also meant learning when it’s OK to fall apart.

  49. nova permalink
    11/08/2015 4:41 pm

    I am not perfect but I have to say that there are times in my life that I’ve been controlling a person to do what they need to be done, I hope that it won’t be worse

    • 15/08/2015 10:44 pm

      I hope so too. It is best to control our own urges and that way give the other a chance to learn to control theirs.

  50. Nita Thomas permalink
    11/08/2015 5:03 pm

    So true. We cannot always control everything that happens, but we can control how to respond, deal or react to these events.

  51. 11/08/2015 5:10 pm

    I learned CONTROL the hard way when my little one started having milk allergies. I breastfeed her so I am the one who needs to be in a diet, that literally is controlling myself from eating my favorite foods – desserts! Mostly cut out on my fave foods but at least I can eat rice and started salad too. Ooooh, control. I guess I’ll be doing it for a year because I need to!

  52. NPC permalink
    11/08/2015 5:44 pm

    I definitely need to work on this. It does take a lot of discipline. I’m looking to take back control in a few areas in my life.

  53. toughcookiemommy permalink
    11/08/2015 5:53 pm

    That is so true. You have more control over your own destiny than you think.

  54. ronleyba permalink
    11/08/2015 6:16 pm

    I agree with LOUISE. For me, CONTROL also means discipline. It’s all about the attitude.

  55. Wendy permalink
    11/08/2015 6:21 pm

    I have learned to let go more as I’ve gotten older. It is too stressfull. to worry about every detail of life

  56. mmgmom permalink
    11/08/2015 6:31 pm

    I love that quote by Maya Angelou. It is so true. Lately I have had to learn to live by that quote.

  57. SweetMemoirs Page permalink
    11/08/2015 6:46 pm

    Control is the great enemy of temptation! 🙂

  58. betchai permalink
    11/08/2015 7:47 pm

    I am very calm and open minded, though I know I must be self-reliant, persevering, disciplined, but I always have if plan A does not work, here is plan B…plan C, etc, I guess my career in teaching taught me early on to learn to let go of what does not work and find ways that will work and what works today will not work tomorrow, so there is endless planning for me, but I do enjoy it. I guess I enjoy in the challenge of finding many ways and use them as applicable and needed

  59. Tatanisha permalink
    11/08/2015 7:54 pm

    I have a thing with control. I feel when I’m not in control of things it seems like chaos and out of place. Although it is nice to let go and be free, sometimes having control of the situation is stress-free as well.

  60. mrenkema79 permalink
    11/08/2015 8:02 pm

    As a parent, it’s hard to balance the need to control things with letting my kids make their own choices. So tough!

  61. 11/08/2015 9:12 pm

    I have to learn to exercise control and patience and be more discipline. Its hard but in time it will come easy.

  62. Taylor Gilmore permalink
    11/08/2015 10:03 pm

    When I was younger I thought I needed to be in control of just about everything that concerned me. I don’t feel that pressure anymore. I’m much happier now,

  63. Yvonne Bertoldo permalink
    12/08/2015 1:20 am

    Control. I’m not really a control freak, though I would like everything in order. I guess it’s more of a mild Obsessive Compulsive. 🙂

  64. Esme Sy permalink
    12/08/2015 2:50 am

    I always want to have control over things, but it’s just wishful thinking. We cannot control everything!

  65. Jennifer C. permalink
    12/08/2015 5:17 am

    I love this quote. “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” Maya Angelou
    It reminds me a lot of my husband’s study of the philosophy of stoicism!

    • 15/08/2015 10:23 pm

      Ha! That’s a good one and relevant to the topic too. Stoicism teaches the development of self-control and fortitude as a means of overcoming destructive emotions…

  66. Pooja Kawatra Gupta permalink
    12/08/2015 6:12 am

    Control is a powerful word which is related to lot of things in our life. Certain things are beyond our control and which we always fail to understand but keep running behind them.

  67. Agata @ BarkTime permalink
    12/08/2015 6:29 am

    I am a giant control freak. I am learning how to change but it is a very slow process 🙁

  68. 12/08/2015 6:35 am

    I always enjoy your Monday posts. Really makes me stop and think.

  69. Mystarlight permalink
    12/08/2015 7:02 am

    Attitude is everything. If we hang our heads low we won’t see what is above and miss many great opportunities to take us out of our current circumstances. Great Perspective.

  70. Ling Tan permalink
    12/08/2015 7:17 am

    Haha what a post! I have an uneasy relationship with control, for sure. I don’t like to be controlled, nor do I like to crave controlling external factors I’d have no reason to believe I can control… I certainly do not appreciate losing control though. To me, it’s all part of growing up, knowing what you can and should strive to control, and when to let the water and currents carry you through… Make Sense? 😉

    • 15/08/2015 10:10 pm

      Yes, it’s a difficult subject for many people and most feel uncomfortable thinking about not controlling situations… Interesting right?

  71. Franc Ramon permalink
    12/08/2015 7:39 am

    I think the real control is being fully in command even when things don’t go your way. It’s finding value on things and being flexible about it.

  72. Papaleng Pagulong permalink
    12/08/2015 7:54 am

    Control is synonymous with focus. To me, focus is a prime factor if you wanted things to be in control.

    • 15/08/2015 10:08 pm

      Focusing on achieving our own outcomes isn’t the same as controlling others outcome. In that case, the focus is misdirected.

  73. Tiffany Yong permalink
    12/08/2015 8:02 am

    I’ve heard of the story of The Order of Things when I was very young. As for the story about Accommodating water, it’s the same rationale as people who does stunts. Why do some people not die get knocked down by car, but some do. Some know how to break their fall and protect themselves in a certain way, which is the same reason as the story in accommodating water.

    • 15/08/2015 10:06 pm

      Some know how to go with the flow and not force things by controlling them. The topic is about Control Tiffany!

  74. Sunshine Kelly permalink
    12/08/2015 8:50 am

    The thing that I really need to control is my temper. Sometimes I can be very hot temper and I said the wrong thing that might hurt others feelings. That is really bad. So control my temper is important.

    • 15/08/2015 10:15 pm

      Good. At least you have a strong idea of what you want to let go… many people don’t even want to think about it.

  75. Rosey permalink
    12/08/2015 9:28 am

    I have someone close to me, not by choice, who is a control person. She can’t stand when she can’t control every aspect of every situation and it’s like a poison sucking air out of the room. People won’t change either, unless they want to, so I keep as much distance as possible while still being polite. And I learn from it too.. and am careful to not fall into the controlling things trap.

    • 15/08/2015 9:44 pm

      Yes, people like that can be toxic. It’s really insecurity that triggers it. Insecure people always want to control everything.

  76. HilLesha permalink
    12/08/2015 2:57 pm

    How true are Maya’s words! She was such a wise woman. This is such a wonderful post, too!

  77. Chubskulit Rose permalink
    12/08/2015 6:01 pm

    I am not a control freak but there are things in life that I make sure I am in control with.

    • 15/08/2015 6:13 pm

      You are not alone…

    • Dawn McAlexander permalink
      15/08/2015 8:31 pm

      I am the same way. I am not a control freak, but like others I have to have control over some things.

  78. erikaawakening permalink
    12/08/2015 7:09 pm

    This post hits home for me as I recently spent 40 days and 40 nights in absolute hell on earth with my cat … and health issues. To survive, I had to step back even in the midst of unbearable agony and realize, this must be happening for a reason that I don’t see yet …

  79. katehardin permalink
    12/08/2015 7:52 pm

    I am not a control freak by nature I am very laid back but then I became a mom and I do like to be more in charge when it comes to other family members and my baby.

  80. Lexie Lane permalink
    12/08/2015 9:04 pm

    I don’t know that I even believe in the word fate. I think it’s just something made up by people who want to believe there is a predestined purpose for their lives. I know I’m being totally pessimistic but I don’t know that I like the thought of an alternative thing that you have no control over. Love this post though!

    • 15/08/2015 6:04 pm

      It’s okay that you don’t believe in FATE, it exists anyway. There are things we control and things we don’t but, our attitude makes a difference… We have 100% control over our response to events. It’s definitely important to question different views as it shows we are thinking … and trying to make sens of it all. But Lexie, we really don’t/can’t control everything.

  81. Papaleng Pagulong permalink
    12/08/2015 9:51 pm

    The best thing that happened in my life is when I have gained control of my impulsive behavior. now, I am at peace with my tantrums.

  82. Rebecca Swenor permalink
    13/08/2015 12:16 am

    This is a post we all should really think about. When things don’t go the way we wanted them to go, we need to just do what we have to do and know we can control everything. It seems to me the harder we work for what we want, the more rewarding it actually is in the end. Thanks for sharing.

  83. Lisa Rios permalink
    13/08/2015 5:01 am

    Just love that inspiring quote from Maya Angelou. And the pictures you have listed here are amazing & unique as you always do. I agree we dont have control what happens to us, but we can always control the attitude towards what is happening. Thanks for motivating.

  84. Tami permalink
    13/08/2015 12:00 pm

    The need to be in controle has really bitten our marriage relationship. It’s a good thing that hubby and I both have learned to take turns holding the reigns or we’d be divorced.

  85. Michelle Solee (@michisolee) permalink
    13/08/2015 3:47 pm

    Yes, you cannot control the things around you but you can control your reaction. 🙂

  86. Dhemz permalink
    13/08/2015 3:51 pm

    control is such a big word for me…a word that is hard for me to follow sometimes. I’m shopaholic and it’s hard for me to control myself on spending…lol!

  87. Chin chin permalink
    14/08/2015 2:45 am

    I know I can’t be in full control over my family or my life, but I know someone who is and i completely trust Him to take care of me and my family.

  88. Jonathan Key permalink
    14/08/2015 1:27 pm

    Wow lots to read here. Control is a big one. Definitely like all the pictures. Thanks!

  89. JessDC permalink
    15/08/2015 3:29 am

    Focus is a key! Thanks for this. You never failed to inspire and remind me. 🙂

  90. Dawn McAlexander permalink
    15/08/2015 8:30 pm

    Control is a very interesting topic. I love the topics you go over, they are always thought provoking.

  91. TweenselMom permalink
    16/08/2015 2:07 am

    As always, your posts are so deep, I am inclined to pause and think for a while looking at those photos.

  92. Krystal permalink
    16/08/2015 8:36 am

    I do like to be in control. I need to let go and let things happen.

  93. Pamela G (@glimpsesofpam) permalink
    16/08/2015 8:47 pm

    You can do everything in your power to control things, people, or a situation. But there are times when unexpected things happen that you don’t have any control over. That’s when you have to think of alternative solutions or simply accept what happened. After all, you did your best. Sometimes you have to just go with the flow.

  94. Mommy Maye permalink
    16/08/2015 10:53 pm

    Honestly, from time to time, I experience problem with controlling my life. So I let it be. Because sometimes, I felt like the more I control my life, the more it became messy.

  95. Shelly permalink
    17/08/2015 8:14 am

    I’m not a control freak and I myself don’t wanna be controlled. At work, I perform best with minimal supervision and I also make sure I don’t hold my subordinates by the neck. Trust, respect, proper training, and delegation with clear goals and metrics work better than control.

  96. Claudette Esterine permalink
    18/08/2015 8:56 pm

    I supervise people and even knowing that I have influence in terms of their tenure, it doesn’t matter. People do what they want to do, when and how. I have control over myself and that is all I am sure about so I tend to focus on me and allow others to do what they will. Those who work with me – the “rules” are there and I simply remind them of the expectations and let the chips fall where they may should they decide to do their own thing. Gave up long ago the need, desire or urge to control others.

  97. theresa permalink
    19/08/2015 7:48 am

    This is definitely one thing I need to practice – CONTROL. In almost everything. Food, money, love, and I guess everything else.

  98. Allan permalink
    19/08/2015 10:11 pm

    I need to agree with the one I read. We cannot control what is happening to us but we can control our respond.

  99. Melgie permalink
    20/08/2015 4:08 am

    When it comes to spending money Its hard for me to control- and yes! I think its about time to take control on my spending habits. Thanks for inspiring post.:)

  100. aglimpseofmyworld permalink
    20/08/2015 6:20 am

    Control for me is just like Christian Grey. He exercise control on all things. But sometimes, things will really fall out of control at all things. Factors will vary from health problems to personal issues. But later on you will be able to see the trick on how you will be able to control things on a good way. 🙂

  101. Mark Villar permalink
    20/08/2015 7:36 am

    Yes we are not full control of everything in life but we make our own future through our choice and decisions. Also trusting HIM we can make all things possible.

  102. verabear permalink
    23/08/2015 7:59 pm

    Just making sure my comment came through 🙂 I found that control isn’t that big a deal for me. Howevery, in any situation i find myself in, i asses the factors and find out which are under my control. I concentrate on those becuase that’s the only thing i can do something about. I leave the rest to fate/faith.

  103. Mommy Anna permalink
    24/08/2015 8:27 pm

    When I saw the word “control” the first thing came in my mind is how to control our emotions. There are lot of times that we must control our feelings it’s for a better purpose and better life

  104. Mommy Peach permalink
    25/08/2015 4:10 pm

    Sometimes I do think I am becoming a control freak and I restrain myself.


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