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Motivation Mondays: DETERMINATION


You’ve done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination.” Ralph Marston

Motivation Mondays: DETERMINATION - Angry Smilies

Motivation Mondays: DETERMINATION – To let go of Anger

Motivation Mondays: DETERMINATION - Female Anger in Art

Motivation Mondays: DETERMINATION – Female Anger in Art

Determination To Change: We must be especially careful about controlling our anger, which is like a double-edged knife — it injures both the angry person and the one to whom the anger is directed. Whenever we feel anger, how turbid our mind becomes! The mind becomes so restless that we are not able to sit, stand or lie down peacefully. As a result, our blood gets heated up, leading to many diseases. However, in the heat of our anger, we are unaware of the changes taking place within us.
Many smile at others only after much thought. Smiling at someone will make us familiar to that person. What if he or she asks for something in the name of that familiarity? Is that person in need of money? Only after such considerations are many people prepared to smile at someone. However, with anger, the case is totally different. Forgetting everything, we express our anger totally.
And yet, there are times when we are careful in controlling our anger. Usually, people do not ex¬press their anger towards their superiors because they know that there will be adverse results such as a transfer to another workplace or a delay in promotion. We might even lose the job. Therefore, under such circumstances, people usually exercise utmost self-control. The problems encountered by those who did not control themselves are considered lessons by others.
But when it comes to subordinates, no one bothers to control his or her temper. Actually, this is where one should check oneself, because our subordinates cannot retaliate; they depend on us. Via AmmaShop/Immortal Bliss

Determination to Change: What does determination mean to you? What are you determined to let go? To accomplish? To overcome? I was reading an article over the weekend, (see excerpt above), about how we use anger to destroy and hurt ourselves and others, and how important it is for each of us to find the determination to let go of destructive behaviors. The article got me thinking about the type of emotional bondage we create for ourselves when we are determined to stay angry, hateful and hurtful towards others. Determination can be used in many ways and for so many purposes; both good and evil. As I worked on this post, I couldn’t help but think about the terrible acts of violence we read about and witness in our world on a daily basis. I thought of the 9 lives lost in South Carolina at the hands of a gunman who was determined to let his rage get the better of him. Dylann Roof was determined to make news, and his rage contributed to the zeal with which he carried out the attack at the AME Church. When we are in a position to inflict harm on others, we must stop and think about the reverberations, the destruction and the consequences our actions will have on our lives and the lives of our loved ones for years to come. What are you determined to let go? Let’s start with anger, hate and all forms of prejudicial thoughts.

“Determination gives you the resolve to keep going in spite of the roadblocks that lay before you.” Denis Waitley

Motivation Mondays: DETERMINATION - Angry Mob

Motivation Mondays: DETERMINATION – Angry Mob

A Story: The Angry Court Jester: A court jester was narrating a story. From time to time, he would crack jokes. The king did not understand the story clearly. Mistakenly thinking that the court jester was mocking him, the king angrily slapped the jester, who recoiled in pain. He gnashed his teeth in anger. But knowing that the person who struck him was the king, no less, the jester was unable to utter even a word. No matter how much he tried, he was unable to control the fury he felt for having been slapped for no reason. He slapped the person standing next to him. That man asked the jester, “What did you do? I didn’t do anything to you. Why then did you slap me?”
“What’s the big deal? Just slap the person next to you. Life is like a big wheel. When it turns, we can see everyone getting what he or she deserves. Now, don’t hesitate. Give it to the next person.” This was the court jester’s answer.
This is exactly what we see around us today. We vent our anger and hatred on the people near us. In fact, they might be totally innocent. Without doubt, sooner or later, we will get back what we gave. Via Immortal Bliss

Determination to Overcome: What emotional stumbling block are you determined to get rid of? What positive traits are you determined to cultivate? What negative traits are you determined to overcome? The Court Jester story above while it could be viewed as funny, in some instances, is a reminder of how some of us take our emotional discontent and dump it on others who might not even be aware of our anger or pain. It is a reminder to be vigilant about our relationships with our superiors and our subordinates. When we are in position of authority, we must be mindful about how we wield our power. Leadership requires wisdom and self-control. Ironically, the same energy that we channel into being furious can be channeled into being focused on positive achievements. WE need to anchor ourselves in that arena and work at healing our hurts with professional help.

The King misunderstood the Jester’s humor and reacted with anger. The Jester felt frustrated that he couldn’t strike back at the King and so he vented on the nearest person. In the same way, we carry our baggage of past slights and dismissals with us and, if we are not careful, we dump it on innocent victims who become the easiest target for our unresolved rage. Instead of expressing such willful anger towards strangers, take a moment to re-evaluate the source of your anger and then find a creative outlet for it. We all have traits that are unbecoming but, we can form a strong barrier against them by taking action to seek help, and to express ourselves in non-violent or anti-social ways. What negative traits are you determined to overcome?

The details for Motivation Mondays are below. Join in! The themes for May and June are:
05/18 – FITNESS
05/25 – SERVICE

06/29 – TRUST

Always More Below!

“I ran and ran and ran every day, and I acquired this sense of determination, this sense of spirit that I would never, never give up, no matter what else happened.” Wilma Rudolph

Motivation Mondays: DETERMINATION - Female Anger in Art

Motivation Mondays: DETERMINATION – Female Anger in Art

A Story: Sadness & Joy – Once, in some place, a wife and husband were lying together on a bed in the garden in front of their house. A whirlwind began to blow. It lifted the bed and carried the couple away. They finally landed a hundred kilometers away. Luckily, they were not harmed. The wife started sobbing uncontrollably. The husband asked, “Why are you crying? We have landed in one piece. We weren’t injured at all. There’s not the slightest scratch even on our bodies. Why then are you crying?”
The wife instantly said, “I’m not crying from grief, but joy.”
“Why are you so happy?”
Hearing the husband’s question, the wife said, “Look, since our marriage, in all these years, isn’t this the first time that we have traveled together? Thinking about it, I couldn’t help crying in joy.” Such is today’s family life. Via Immortal Bliss

Determination to Grow: How determined are you to grow? To accomplish new ways of being and seeing the world? What I love about the story above is the fact that the wife was able to turn her frustration around by choosing her attitude. He busy husband had spent many years building his career and neglecting his wife. In that moment of fear and change, she was able to dig deep and see a flicker of hope and joy in the incident. We can only imagine that if the wind carried them out of their home, it probably destroyed the home too. When we are determined to see beyond the limiting beliefs that keep us angry and chained, we can become even more determined to build successful relationships with our loved ones and others… It take effort and determination. Like Wilma Rudolph, we can choose to outrun our limitations or stay mired in them. The choice is entirely ours. The world is as we choose to see it. How determined are you to grow?

Positive Motivation Tip: What are you determined to change or overcome? Tempus fujit …  start NOW!

Motivation Mondays is open to anyone who wishes to share a motivational quote, photo, personal challenge or a post that encourages others to start the week on an upbeat note.
Basic Instructions: Each week, I will have a motivation word to help us create a response. (See listed words for end of November and all of December below)
Email address: You may email or share your post as a comment and I will add it to the round-up of related posts. email it to: contact(@)mirthandmotivation(.)com
Category tag: – Share your post using Motivation Mondays
Twitter hashtag: – Use this on Twitter #MotvnM
Dedicated Page: There is a dedicated page for Motivation Mondays. It has the same instructions and will include other helpful tools and a link to the round-up
Facebook Page: MotivationOnMondays Join our page and add your post and/or any motivational piece you think will be helpful to others.
Facebook Community: We have a Facebook community forum to compliment the page. It serves as another way to share uplifting posts and thoughts. Please join in and add your voice.

Badge: – I created a fun badge using PicMonkey’s free photo editing tools. You can create your own, use WordPress’ integrated tool on your blog or you are welcome to use mine. (see dedicated page)
Tag: – Motivation Mondays
Hashtag: – #MotvnM

Related Posts

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos: Angry Smilies, Anger in art, via Wikipedia, Rage Angry Mob of four, Female anger, via Wikipedia, Public Domain Photos and/or my Personal Collection

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

175 Comments leave one →
  1. Tiffany C. permalink
    22/06/2015 4:10 pm

    I like this post a lot. I need motivation so often. It’s a mind game sometimes to find what I need to get myself going.

  2. Kero Pinkihan permalink
    22/06/2015 5:29 pm

    I need to read this reminders! Thank you for lately I am quick to anger. it could be hormones?

  3. Heather permalink
    22/06/2015 6:21 pm

    Oh yea, I’ve been on both sides of anger and totally regretted most of the decisions I made in anger. You definitely don’t make sound decisions when angry.

  4. dogvills permalink
    22/06/2015 8:22 pm

    determination is the polite words for me to strive only for more works

    • 23/06/2015 11:38 am

      What’s up girl? Hope all is well. I will miss you in that group. Are you in Bloggers Worldwide and/or Mom Bloggers? I can add you there.

  5. amanda permalink
    22/06/2015 9:17 pm

    My determination has paid off lately. I was just featured on a major Chicago website for my Instagram feed. I guess hard work does pay off!

  6. Liz Mays permalink
    22/06/2015 9:24 pm

    I have so much I’m determined about, and I’ve already set things in motion to make it happen! Determination is a key!

  7. The Trophy WifeStyle permalink
    22/06/2015 9:25 pm

    Letting go of anger is so important!!! I know I tend to hold on to it longer than I should. I really need to get better about that!

  8. ascendingbutterfly permalink
    22/06/2015 10:00 pm

    I am a Life and Career Coach, and hate to see people struggle with flowing with change. The power to do so is within us all, tapping into it, is like anything else, it requires effort on our part. A healthy diet requires effort to purchase nutritious food and then commit to eating them and being more active, determination is similar, it takes effort and consistent practice. 🙂

    Happy Motivation Monday!

  9. 22/06/2015 10:48 pm

    I’ve always told myself that if (s)he can do it, so can I.

  10. Esme Sy permalink
    23/06/2015 1:09 am

    These are great quotes. It was only when I was finally determined to go out of my comfort zone that I discovered a lot of things about myself. It made me feel great that I can do more and I can grow.

  11. Fred permalink
    23/06/2015 2:37 am

    Amazing photos as usual. Angry emoticons and angry ladies in art. I am sure they are not so easy to put together like this, and this collection looks great. Being angry at a situation is really a decision. I usually try not to fall into anger. – Fred

  12. Chelley permalink
    23/06/2015 5:55 am

    I need to learn better control of my emotions… I’m sure. I think that falls under the guise of determination to do and be better!

  13. swell conditions permalink
    23/06/2015 6:07 am

    I’ve been told that I’m pretty determined. Hey, that’s not a bad thing – right? If ya got it, use it!

  14. Beth Williams permalink
    23/06/2015 7:23 am

    Mondays are actually the day I feel the most determined and motivated. Usually by Tuesday I’m done for the week 😛

  15. Kathleen Bailey permalink
    23/06/2015 7:24 am

    Wow. I so needed to read this, THANK YOU for hitting the nail on the head and writing just what I needed to read this week. You are a great writer.

  16. Louise permalink
    23/06/2015 8:05 am

    Anger will not take us anywhere. We should really learn how to let go of that no matter how much damage a person has caused us. And with determination, it is actually possible. It was one of the things I had to let go of – my anger toward my ex – as he lied, cheated and left me. It took about a year and a half before I was finally able to remember him without that anger anymore.

  17. Tiffany Yong permalink
    23/06/2015 10:03 am

    The Angry Court Jester is very meaningful. I realized how many times I have done that without realizing… Beh… it’s indeed a double edged sword…

  18. Masshole Mommy permalink
    23/06/2015 12:25 pm

    Right now my son and I are both determined to get our black belts. We start our first of 4 tests this Saturday.

  19. Anna permalink
    23/06/2015 1:13 pm

    What an inspirational post! Love this, and frequently need little reminders like this during the week.

  20. Lois Jones permalink
    23/06/2015 1:41 pm

    Love the faces of the women. They are perfectly expressive for motivation! I can always use some extra motivation and encouragement in my life!

  21. Kendra permalink
    23/06/2015 1:47 pm

    Great post! It does take a lot of determination to make big changes in one’s life.

  22. Jenn permalink
    23/06/2015 2:48 pm

    Wow, powerful post. Some great advice. Finding what i need to give myself that push is not always easy.

  23. Chelley permalink
    23/06/2015 4:46 pm

    I need motivation right now in my life. Great post.

  24. April G permalink
    23/06/2015 4:46 pm

    I’m determined to be the best that I can be and not let my feelings hold me back.

  25. Crystal From Tidbits of Experience permalink
    23/06/2015 5:16 pm

    This is all valuable advice and things to take into consideration. I especially appreciate the Angry Court Jester part.

  26. Patrice M Foster permalink
    23/06/2015 5:18 pm

    Learning to deal with our angry outburst is very important. Love motivational article especially on Monday I do need a pick up.

  27. Dina Demarest permalink
    23/06/2015 5:21 pm

    Determination is a very useful emotion as you get things done when you’re determined. Thanks for the reminder.

  28. R U S S permalink
    23/06/2015 6:02 pm

    Determination for me is the drive and the will to soldier on in moments when you feel like giving up and in moments when others tell you there’s something that you can’t do. But determination can also be tricky especially when there are negative emotions like frustration and anger that become overpowering – we have to be in tune with our feelings.

  29. Sunshine Kelly permalink
    23/06/2015 6:34 pm

    Suddenly the words Determination To Change strike my mind. All these while I wanted to make some changes in my life, I think I should before its too late. Thanks for the word It gave me a push to go forward and I am determined to change.

  30. April @ Everyday Fitness and Nutrition permalink
    23/06/2015 7:21 pm

    There are so many areas of my life that I am determined in. I like to set lofty goals and achieve them through determination and hard work.

  31. klg1982 permalink
    23/06/2015 7:28 pm

    It is important for me to control my emotions around my kiddos. Sometimes walking away works best.

  32. lisa permalink
    23/06/2015 7:29 pm

    I’m more anxious than I am angry. that being said when I am mad, I’m really angry!

  33. Dara permalink
    23/06/2015 8:03 pm

    lately I need all the motivation I can get. ): I’ve started working out again, and with husbands schedule I’m unable to go walking like I was. Sometimes I need a good quote, to remind myself to get up and get in gear!

  34. upliftingfam permalink
    23/06/2015 9:06 pm

    Determination to me means not giving up. I can see where determination could mean different things to different people. I love it when people tell me I can’t do something, I do my best to prove them wrong. For example, I started playing soccer at the age of 12. I knew nothing about it but I got out there and did my best. My dad even had me play goalie too.

  35. tiarasandtantrums permalink
    23/06/2015 9:07 pm

    I always try to model this behavior so my kids see it and also try to keep things in a positive perspective.

  36. M from The Stay-at-Home Life permalink
    23/06/2015 9:18 pm

    Having determination to push through even when things suck can be so hard, but it so important to do.

  37. ronleyba permalink
    23/06/2015 9:31 pm

    Thanks for this. Badly needed some motivation and determination! Thanks!

  38. 23/06/2015 9:31 pm

    I love your post about determination! Right now I am inspired and more determined than ever to improve my craft.

  39. Makeba G. permalink
    23/06/2015 10:07 pm

    I love this post! I could always use an extra dose of motivation to keep me going!

  40. Michelle hwee permalink
    23/06/2015 10:08 pm

    Great post! I think we should all have some determination in our lives 🙂

  41. emma garratt permalink
    24/06/2015 1:36 am

    I let go of anger as a whole about 7 years ago. I used to be very stubborn and stressed and having a more positive outlook on life has suddenly helped x

  42. Papaleng Pagulong permalink
    24/06/2015 2:08 am

    Motivational stories embedded in this inspiring post. Now, I should be more determined to pursue my dreams.

  43. Jason Panuelos permalink
    24/06/2015 2:41 am

    We definitely have to have the drive to succeed. It’s definitely something that is lacking in a lot of people in my generation! :O

  44. michelle co permalink
    24/06/2015 4:06 am

    I love motivational post since i need them from time to time. Thanks

  45. Fernando permalink
    24/06/2015 5:30 am

    One’s determination to succeed is the first motivation to put forward yourself in the future. Determination is the vital factor in determining one’s progressive value in life. Fernando Lachica

  46. Franc Ramon permalink
    24/06/2015 6:11 am

    I determination is what gets things done. It helps you to change and be successful.

  47. Rebel Sweetheart permalink
    24/06/2015 6:18 am

    This post is so timely. I’ve been raging about something for the past few days.

  48. LaShawn permalink
    24/06/2015 6:24 am

    I need motivation! I’ve got a lot going on right now and need motivation to get it all done!

  49. Letty permalink
    24/06/2015 7:42 am

    This post is very thoughtful. I could use some motivation today. I’m so sore after working out yesterday. I can barely move today. lol

  50. Victoria permalink
    24/06/2015 8:13 am

    Determination is an important trait to have. Thanks for the great post!

  51. Megan @ C'mon Get Crafty permalink
    24/06/2015 9:44 am

    I am determined to focus on improving my appreciation of others. I don’t need to always be looking for my chance to talk, I need to be a better listener.

  52. Amanda Love permalink
    24/06/2015 10:37 am

    I have so many stumbling blocks before me but I’m really determined to overcome them. Seems like I needed to read this post today.

  53. hannah gee permalink
    24/06/2015 10:53 am

    I love the way you have combined modern with traditional emotions. Determination is sure something that varies between everybody. for me it is really important to be determined. I have to be focused on something to make myself reach the goals.

  54. vegetarianmamma permalink
    24/06/2015 11:25 am

    Determination is very important in life. I’ve done some re-evaluating recently and have refocused my efforts! I am determined to make it!

  55. Nova permalink
    24/06/2015 12:46 pm

    Love the article, determination there is nothing you can achieve if you are determine to aim such goals.

  56. 24/06/2015 3:32 pm

    Those emojis are funny! Love the motivation

  57. The Pinterested Parent permalink
    24/06/2015 3:40 pm

    Another truly inspiring post. I have a great deal of determination. If I can’t do something, I cannot rest until I get it. Like someone said above, if you tell me I can’t, I will go until I prove you wrong.

  58. Tami permalink
    24/06/2015 8:38 pm

    I can’t believe I’ve been missing out on this. When will you have July’s schedule posted? I like to write in advance.

  59. Beth@FrugalFroggie permalink
    24/06/2015 8:50 pm

    You have sucha great website. Love the positive messages you share.

  60. Pal Raine permalink
    24/06/2015 10:10 pm

    I love the story of The Angry Court Jester, the way it is told to us is a mere fact that we sometimes considered our self vent into anger and hatred on the people near us. But if we have that “DETERMINATION” to change ourselves for the better, we can do that..right in ourselves.

  61. Camesha permalink
    24/06/2015 11:19 pm

    Letting go of anger is something I’m pretty good at. I just can’t stay upset long. It so hinders your growth if you’re holding on to so much.

  62. 25/06/2015 12:29 am

    Oooo – if looks could kill in the collection of Female Anger in Art series – especially the third pic in the second row. Whoa!

  63. Karen permalink
    25/06/2015 1:59 am

    I currently motivate myself to exercise and shed off some fats.

  64. JessicaACassidy permalink
    25/06/2015 2:59 am

    I LOVE that word DETERMINATION. It is easy to read but hard to follow.

  65. JessicaACassidy permalink
    25/06/2015 3:49 am

    The smiley faces are so cool and fun to look.

  66. Marie permalink
    25/06/2015 4:58 am

    Definitely needed this today to get back on track. Thank you so much!

  67. Papaleng Pagulong permalink
    25/06/2015 8:05 am

    If others can, Why can’t I. I live by this adage so determination is a vital factor that I need to accomplish what I desire.

  68. desafio6 permalink
    25/06/2015 9:30 am

    I can definitely use some motivation. It has been really depressed lately, because my plans are not going as I thought they would. Thanks for the post.

  69. Chubskulit Rose permalink
    25/06/2015 12:23 pm

    When I was younger, I was more determined compare to now. I don’t know why but its the truth.

  70. Michelle Solee permalink
    25/06/2015 4:53 pm

    My temper is very short so I really have to control myself. Anger management is really important.

  71. Virginia permalink
    25/06/2015 4:57 pm

    I need more determination right now. Thanks for the post!

  72. Becka permalink
    25/06/2015 5:45 pm

    I love motivation Monday! My husband has a bad habit of venting his anger onto us when he has a bad day at work. It could be a never ending cycle if someone doesn’t break it.

  73. Mellissa permalink
    26/06/2015 12:26 am

    Great motivation to turn negative energy into positive energy in order to make a positive impact.

  74. Chubskulit Rose permalink
    26/06/2015 12:46 pm

    Determination is a great tool to achieve your goals.

  75. Fernando permalink
    26/06/2015 1:47 pm

    This is one vital facet of a person personality that could push through any obstacle in life. It should be united with one’s motivation to succeed. Fernando Lachica

  76. LifeAsAConvert permalink
    26/06/2015 6:39 pm

    I loved this post. I am sharing it with a few of my friends who can benefit from it too.

  77. Nova permalink
    26/06/2015 7:04 pm

    this is what I need in order to fulfil and start my dieting…

  78. Gena permalink
    26/06/2015 7:26 pm

    I love your collection of pictures! They express determination perfectly. I need plenty of motivation right now!

  79. rocky permalink
    26/06/2015 10:51 pm

    Awesome quotes you have here … Thanks for sharing!

  80. Dawn McAlexander Crawford permalink
    27/06/2015 6:01 pm

    I am determined. I know that I am. I have come through many trials and tribulations in my life, and I have been determined to make it through and become a better person for it, and I have become a better person!

  81. JessDC permalink
    27/06/2015 8:13 pm

    Thanks for this. I really need this to start my week motivated and inspired.

  82. JessicaACassidy permalink
    28/06/2015 4:36 am

    Many people hate Mondays but I LOVE it. For me it is the beginning of the week and cannot wait what the days are for me.

  83. Tondo Girl permalink
    29/06/2015 10:19 am

    This is a good read. A nice reminder on how to control my emotions. I’ve been really having a bad time at work and the readings above is helping me focused on the positive side on everything that is happening around me.

  84. Len permalink
    29/06/2015 12:12 pm

    Wow thanks for this post, i love the information and motivation!

  85. theresa permalink
    30/06/2015 4:21 am

    This word is what I really need right now – DETERMINATION! I am determined not to shop like I used to. Need to save for our new home and also for our simple wedding.

  86. nilyncartagena permalink
    30/06/2015 3:31 pm

    Determination is really very important in order to keep going. Filipinos are known as “ningas kugon”, who only do well in the beginning. We should be consistent and should always aim for the goal.

  87. ronleyba (@ronley_ph) permalink
    30/06/2015 7:59 pm

    Determination is the real key to success. This is a timely post for me. Thanks!

  88. Mommy Anna permalink
    01/07/2015 5:38 pm

    Determination is what we need if we want to fulfill something, and having it we will definitely have it what we wanted. Thanks for always giving us a motivation to live with it

  89. yolomoments12 permalink
    02/07/2015 4:23 am

    For us to get the thing that we wanted, we must be determined enough to pursue that.

  90. Mommy Maye permalink
    02/07/2015 11:53 pm

    I am always determined to win the battles I encounter in life. But I know there’s always a limit to everything and winning is not always what life is. Thank you for giving us inspiration.

  91. Lai Gamboa permalink
    03/07/2015 12:35 am

    A Story: The Angry Court Jester is so true. There are a lot of people put blame and anger to innocent people around them which is not right.

    • The *New* Classy permalink
      03/07/2015 10:16 pm

      A lot of people really have a hard time excepting responsibility for their own behavior. Accepting, owning it and acting towards making yourself a better person is really the only way you can change it though.

  92. Melgie permalink
    03/07/2015 8:57 am

    Determination is a key to success!My family inspired me to be more motivated and determined on everything I do. Thanks Eliz!:)

  93. Allan permalink
    03/07/2015 5:57 pm

    One way to know one’s determination is on how to handle the problems that comes along their way.
    In my case, even I heard something negative from others, I keep on doing what I need to to to fulfill the tasks given to me. I have that determination to prove myself.

  94. 04/07/2015 4:45 am

    With the birth of my 2nd daughter, I am now more determined than ever to be a better version of myself.

  95. Maria permalink
    14/07/2015 5:29 am

    Determined to be athe best in rverything i do. Also, im determined to stop comparing myself to others.

  96. Marichu permalink
    16/07/2015 5:24 am

    Determination is one of the major keys of success. As we always say, “try and try until you succeed” Thanks for this reminder=)


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  14. Motivation Mondays: Good Neighbors & Goodwill #GoodNeighborDay | Mirth and Motivation
  15. Motivation Mondays: HOLIDAY SPIRIT #mondaymotivation | Mirth and Motivation
  16. Motivation Mondays: International Women’s Day #IWD2016 | Mirth and Motivation
  17. Motivation Mondays: EARTH DAY | Mirth and Motivation
  18. Motivation Mondays: Serendipity | Mirth and Motivation
  19. Motivation Mondays: Matters Of The Heart | Mirth and Motivation
  20. Motivation Mondays: RELAXATION | Mirth and Motivation
  21. Motivation Mondays: PREPARED | Mirth and Motivation
  22. Motivation Mondays: AWE | Mirth and Motivation
  23. Motivation Mondays: Happy Valentine’s Day | Mirth and Motivation
  24. Motivation Mondays: Reflections On Easter & Passover | Mirth and Motivation
  25. Motivation Mondays: Earth Day for Environmental & Climate Literacy | Mirth and Motivation
  26. Motivation Mondays: EXPECTATIONS | Mirth and Motivation
  27. Motivation Mondays: BREATHE | Mirth and Motivation
  28. Motivation Mondays: Honoring Memorial Day | Mirth and Motivation
  29. Motivation Mondays: MODERATION | Mirth and Motivation
  30. Motivation Mondays: Father’s Day Matters | Mirth and Motivation
  31. Motivation Mondays: Relief or Relieved? | Mirth and Motivation
  32. Motivation Mondays: PERSEVERANCE | Mirth and Motivation
  33. Motivation Mondays: Dream BIGGER – Independence Day | Mirth and Motivation
  34. Motivation Mondays: MINDSET – #WorldPopulationDay | Mirth and Motivation
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  37. Motivation Mondays: Revisiting Friendship | Mirth and Motivation
  38. Motivation Mondays: Life Is a GIFT | Mirth and Motivation
  39. Motivation Mondays: ASK | Mirth and Motivation
  40. Motivation Mondays: ECLIPSE | Mirth and Motivation
  41. Motivation Mondays: STRUGGLE | Mirth and Motivation
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  49. Motivation Mondays: Heart Of Transitions | Mirth and Motivation
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