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Motivation Mondays: Honoring SERVICE


“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Gandhi

Motivation Mondays: Honoring SERVICE

Motivation Mondays: Honoring SERVICE

Every man, every woman who has to take up the service of government, must ask themselves two questions: ‘Do I love my people in order to serve them better? Am I humble and do I listen to everybody, to diverse opinions in order to choose the best path?’ If you don’t ask those questions, your governance will not be good. Pope Francis

What does SERVICE mean to you? A great teacher once said that “To lead, you must first learn to serve.” Today, as we honor our service men and women who paid the ultimate price in defending our rights and freedoms, let us not forget that true service is selfless service; it is service that demands we set aside our personal wants/needs/desires and just serve our fellow-man. Those men and women who served in a wide range of duties and capacities gave their all including their lives so the rest of us can live and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

When I think of this special day, my gratitude goes out to all who have served others globally and in every line of work. I think of our teachers, our caregivers, our good leaders, our military personnel, our firemen/policemen, our doctors/nurses/first responders, our servers/helpers in every imaginable field, and I say THANK YOU! Some have served without recognition or glory, while others have served with bravery and public acknowledgement. The truth is that they have all served mightily because they put service above selfishness.

“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” Douglas Adams

Motivation Mondays: Honoring SERVICE

Motivation Mondays: Honoring SERVICE

Memorial Day isn’t just about honoring veterans, its honoring those who lost their lives. Veterans had the fortune of coming home. For us, that’s a reminder of when we come home we still have a responsibility to serve. It’s a continuation of service that honors our country and those who fell defending it. Pete Hegseth

Each Memorial Day, I pause and reflect on what type of character trait it takes to be so fully committed to lifting others up. What type of individual gives of him/herself without thought of the dangers or loss involved or the SEO advantages to be gained? What comes back to my heart again and again is that we are all capable of making that CHOICE to serve. We don’t have to all join the forces or work in government, we can serve in our communities and on our jobs. We can serve our families, friends, and neighbors, We can be of service to the needy, the homeless, the hungry and the occasional stranger whose gaze meets ours on the bus, train or street.

Why Serve? We can make a concerted effort to make service to humanity part of our 5-10 year personal plan/goal, and do it in a way that is feasible for us. What good is a career plan that has no giving-back section to it? What good is making millions/billions if we don’t stop to look at how we can help the less fortunate around us? Service is our raison d’être and we might as well maximize our exposure to it while we still have breath on this earth.

“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” Rabindranath Tagore

Motivation Mondays: Honoring SERVICE

Motivation Mondays: Honoring SERVICE

Without community service, we would not have a strong quality of life. It’s important to the person who serves as well as the recipient. It’s the way in which we ourselves grow and develop. Dorothy Height

If we would start each day by asking ourselves how we can be of service to each other, we would probably have less strife in the world. We live in an abundant universe with enough to go around and yet many die from hunger, lack of medical attention and even from ignorance. While ignorance might not kill the body, it is a far more insidious murderer than we know. Ignorance of the universal principle of treating others with dignity and respect; Ignorance of the rights of others to their religious, cultural, social beliefs; Ignorance of the laws of attraction and the abundance of resources on Planet Earth; Ignorance of our impact on the environment, Ignorance of our commonalities, Ignorance that leads to the disenfranchisement of people, ethnic groups, communities and excluded/abused folks …

All forms of ignorance and many others, not mentioned above, fuel the poison that keeps us from serving each other. If we remember that service to others is a form of service to our progeny and ourselves, we will begin to see the beauty and power of service in its richest form. We need to become more conscious and conscientious of the power of service and add it to our daily routine. What and How do you serve?

The details for Motivation Mondays are below. Join in! The themes for May and June are:
05/18 – FITNESS
05/25 – SERVICE

06/29 – TRUST

Always More Below!

“For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is always work, patience, love, self-sacrifice – no paper currency, no promises to pay, but the gold of real service.” John Burroughs

Motivation Mondays: Honoring SERVICE

Motivation Mondays: Honoring SERVICE

Motivation Mondays: Honoring SERVICE

Motivation Mondays: Honoring SERVICE

For those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, we are grateful that such men and women were among us. For those who continue to serve, we honor their commitment. For those who return to civilian life, we honor their service. Steve Buyer

As Muhammad Ali once said, “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” The internet has made our global village smaller and accessible. We can interact with people thousands of miles away and that access means that we need to let go of our prejudices and fault-finding. We need to recognize the humanity that exists inside each and every one of us and use that as a starting point of engagement. Until we open our eyes and begin to honor the living, we will never fully appreciate the sacrifices of the dead. Until we lift the veil of ignorance that shrouds our minds, and see each other as we truly our: brothers and sisters, we will remain a world in conflict with itself. Until we learn to serve without discriminatory practices, the dead will continue to turn in their graves wondering why we have not learned the lessons that should have become clear with their death. So who and what do YOU serve? What are your thoughts? Do share! Thank you.

For More: Women’s Lives & Issues 

Positive Motivation Tip: Serve because you must and because it matters to your survival too.

Motivation Mondays is open to anyone who wishes to share a motivational quote, photo, personal challenge or a post that encourages others to start the week on an upbeat note.
Basic Instructions: Each week, I will have a motivation word to help us create a response. (See listed words for end of November and all of December below)
Email address: You may email or share your post as a comment and I will add it to the round-up of related posts. email it to: contact(@)mirthandmotivation(.)com
Category tag: – Share your post using Motivation Mondays
Twitter hashtag: – Use this on Twitter #MotvnM
Dedicated Page: There is a dedicated page for Motivation Mondays. It has the same instructions and will include other helpful tools and a link to the round-up
Facebook Page: MotivationOnMondays Join our page and add your post and/or any motivational piece you think will be helpful to others.
Facebook Community: We have a Facebook community forum to compliment the page. It serves as another way to share uplifting posts and thoughts. Please join in and add your voice.

Badge: – I created a fun badge using PicMonkey’s free photo editing tools. You can create your own, use WordPress’ integrated tool on your blog or you are welcome to use mine. (see dedicated page)
Tag: – Motivation Mondays
Hashtag: – #MotvnM

Related Posts

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos: From my Personal Collection and/or Domestic Service , Memorial Day,  via Wikipedia

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

165 Comments leave one →
  1. Jeanine permalink
    25/05/2015 3:10 pm

    Both my grandparents served Canada, I’ll be forever grateful! Service to me means a lot of things, but mostly brave men and women making our lives possible. It’s an extraordinary thing!

  2. Emily Smith permalink
    25/05/2015 5:51 pm

    What a beautiful post honouring the service men and women. My husband is a US Veteran and I know how important this is to him and myself as well.

  3. Megan Elford permalink
    25/05/2015 6:23 pm

    Living in a military town has given me a much greater appreciation of not only the sacrifice that soldiers give, but that their families give as well. I have several friends that gave birth while their husbands were overseas and have had to be both father and mother to their children while dad or mom is posted away. It’s a huge part of life here and I’m so grateful for all that they do to protect us!

    • 27/05/2015 7:01 am

      Thank you Megan! I agree that we do forget that the sacrifice extends to their loved ones too… It is such a great path to take and I remain humbled, grateful and in awe of those who re called to the forces including our firemen/police/first responders and more…

  4. tskraghu permalink
    25/05/2015 7:24 pm

    A nice and elevating post. Thank you.

  5. upliftingfam permalink
    25/05/2015 8:02 pm

    Service to me is giving up yourself in order to serve other people first. I know that our service members do this on a daily basis so that we can enjoy our freedom.

  6. Lois Jones permalink
    25/05/2015 8:13 pm

    Very moving photos. I love the quotes you used in this post. They really spoke to me!

  7. 3sonshavei permalink
    25/05/2015 8:42 pm

    this is a great memorial. Sad many only stop once a year to honor our heroes

  8. Beth@FrugalFroggie permalink
    25/05/2015 8:43 pm

    Your website is always very motivational. Thank you for your great posts.

  9. 25/05/2015 9:04 pm

    I love the quote from Mahatma Ghandi. I’ve heard many great quotes from him over the years, but I can’t say that I’ve ever heard this one before! Thank you so much for sharing this post, it certainly provides food for thought.

  10. Michelle hwee permalink
    25/05/2015 9:38 pm

    What a beautiful post <3 it is so important to honor those that served. Love the photos too!

  11. 25/05/2015 9:56 pm

    I think waking up and asking how we could be of service is a great way to start our day. It’s important to remember to be kind.

  12. 25/05/2015 10:41 pm

    I did volunteer work for many years and it helped ME so much.

  13. Fernando permalink
    26/05/2015 1:30 am

    People who defend their country have more to be morally trusted than those who’d done nothing. I salute to them and pray for them. They sacrificed their lives for our beloved country.

  14. Kylie permalink
    26/05/2015 2:25 am

    Expressing my full gratitude to those brave people… Honor and salute!

  15. Fred permalink
    26/05/2015 2:41 am

    Service can be so easily forgotten if it is efficiently given. Things just flow so well for us, we do not realize there are a multitude of unsung heroes who do their jobs so that we can live our lives comfortably. We should always remember these people. – Fred

  16. Karen permalink
    26/05/2015 2:54 am

    Salute to the strong and courageous men who serve the country with all their heart and life. Happy Memorial Day!

  17. Papaleng Pagulong permalink
    26/05/2015 3:30 am

    Those are gallant men who gave their best to the country. But, there are other ways to render service aside from enlisting in the military.

  18. R U S S permalink
    26/05/2015 6:24 am

    Service is something that a lot of people these days take for granted. I see it happen everyday & in the workplace, it can demotivate people, especially those who do all the hard work. A little appreciation usually goes a long way. It is nice to know that you are appreciated and that you are valued.

  19. 26/05/2015 6:42 am

    I didn’t understood service until the recent incident in our country involving the death of 44 policemen in a battlefield ambush. Their death showed us Filipinos what service means for both police and army. They showed us how committed they are in making sure we, citizens of this country, is safe from all forms of harm. It’s selfless and brave.

    Through that understanding, I was inspired to push through the community works I’ve been wanting to join or initiate. Service, for me, is a very valuable thing to share or give. It takes a lot of effort, time and patience. But it is after the service that is satisfying. It always feels good to give back to the world.

  20. Tiffany Yong permalink
    26/05/2015 6:56 am

    I just read a post about a dad who passed away in service, and the letters he wrote to his wife and child. It was so touching that I couldn’t help but cry. If only the world has no war…

  21. R U S S permalink
    26/05/2015 7:30 am

    I agree that service means being selfless & it is not easy-to-do but I’d say it’s something noble. And those who do service and at the same time remain honest & straight ( not corrupt ), for me, are modern heroes.

  22. Khushboo permalink
    26/05/2015 9:02 am

    Service for me means doing something without expecting anything in return. But at the same time,we should definitely do our bit to recognize the heroes who have done something extraordinary with their lives.

  23. Megan Elford permalink
    26/05/2015 11:42 am

    I so appreciate all that our armed forces do to keep us safe! We see soldiers often where we live. They’re our neighbours and our friends. We’ve seen families torn apart, sacrificing mom or dad for the good of our country. That is a HUGE sacrifice to make. And by the same token, we’re reminded of all those who have gone before, and we’re so grateful to them for it.

  24. DogVills (@DogVills) permalink
    26/05/2015 12:41 pm

    What a nice and uplifting post. I am grateful that armed forces keep us safe and get on with our lives without concerns

  25. lovemindanao permalink
    26/05/2015 3:57 pm

    Service and love to humanity is one of the greatest honor a person can do . selfless act and true love …

  26. Kero Pinkihan (@Kero_P) permalink
    26/05/2015 4:56 pm

    great quotes! a gentle reminder on selflessness. Hope you had an awesome memorial day!

  27. mrenkema79 permalink
    26/05/2015 5:14 pm

    I like that – to lead, you must learn to serve. Such a great quote!

  28. Jason Panuelos permalink
    26/05/2015 5:18 pm

    We’re always so stuck in our own problems that we forget the struggles of our men in uniform. Definitely always have to be remember the sacrifices they’ve made.

  29. Amy G permalink
    26/05/2015 5:22 pm

    Great photos and quotes. Very moving post. Thank you.

  30. 26/05/2015 5:38 pm

    Thank you so much for sharing, especially this time of year! Service means working towards the better good and sometimes giving up or putting on hold what you have.

  31. Amanda Love permalink
    26/05/2015 5:47 pm

    Thank you for this post. As an army vet who thankfully still has her life I will forever be grateful to those who gave theirs to keep us free.

  32. Heather permalink
    26/05/2015 5:53 pm

    Freedom isn’t free, and some of us may live here and take advantage of this gift we have their whole lives, I hope I can teach my kids the sacrafices that people have made for them to live in a country such as this. We HAVE to teach this to the next generation.

  33. martinkadelux permalink
    26/05/2015 6:53 pm

    This is a beautiful post! I am incredibly thankful to those who serve, have served amd who have given their lives for our freedoms.

  34. Dhemz permalink
    26/05/2015 7:34 pm

    what a wonderful tribute to our fallen heroes…I appreciate all their sacrifices and for defending our country.

  35. savingcmncents permalink
    26/05/2015 8:12 pm

    Remembering those that have served our country (and especially those who sacrificed everything) is really important to our family. We make it a priority for our kids to understand what that means.

  36. amanda permalink
    26/05/2015 8:30 pm

    You bring up such a good point that we can all participate in our country’s service, whether on the front lines or in our own communities. I love the pictures you chose to highlight in this post as well.

  37. Liz Mays permalink
    26/05/2015 8:39 pm

    I don’t think it’s in every person to serve, so I really respect everyone who does it so freely and openly. It’s wonderful to pause and remember those who served and lost their lives on Memorial Day.

  38. Michelle hwee permalink
    26/05/2015 8:57 pm

    What a great post! It is so important to honor those that have served and your post did just that! Thank you for honoring and paying respect. I loved reading through it!

  39. Pooja Kawatra Gupta permalink
    26/05/2015 9:04 pm

    So true that we often forget how lucky and safely we sleep in our homes when those soldiers away from their own family are fighting and safeguarding us. Hats off to them and their brave families.

  40. toxict15 permalink
    26/05/2015 9:29 pm

    Definitely appreciate and honor our veterans and those lost and truly admire all who serve. What a sacrifice they all have given.

  41. Beth@FrugalFroggie permalink
    26/05/2015 9:41 pm

    I have two uncles who served in Vietnam. I thought of them both on Memorial Day.

  42. Anne V permalink
    26/05/2015 9:57 pm

    Serving always reminds me of Jesus, how He came to serve. He should be our greatest role model when it comes to serving. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the army, the government, a law firm, the hospital or even at home, all of us are doing some sort of service for other people. True service should always be honored. 🙂

  43. 27/05/2015 2:41 am

    There are a lot of casualties of war we have to honor. I also hope that we also appreciate that peace is the best chance we have to avoid further lives being lost.

  44. Masshole Mommy permalink
    27/05/2015 3:06 am

    My husband is a vet. I made him a special dinner on Memorial Day.

  45. Raquel permalink
    27/05/2015 3:16 am

    The quote here that Muhammad Ali said really had a ring of truth to it. Also, let’s all pay respects to our countrymen who sacrificed their lives so we can live freely and honorably.

  46. Raymond Vasquez permalink
    27/05/2015 3:37 am

    I remember those who serve the country to make a world liveable. My tears are falling as I read this post. I can’t help but remember specially those who have fallen for the sake of peace and order. While we are having parties and events and moments of our lives, some people are betting their life, putting their feet on the grave to give us the peace we are enjoying! My snappiest salute to all of you dear soldiers!

  47. Letty (@BellaVidaLetty) permalink
    27/05/2015 4:40 am

    A wonderful opportunity to express our appreciation for their service.

  48. swell conditions permalink
    27/05/2015 4:40 am

    What a wonderful post, a lovely tribute!

  49. sikat101 permalink
    27/05/2015 5:01 am

    The bible says that there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. It is a great sacrifice for people do that for their own countrymen. -katrina centeno

  50. keikilani permalink
    27/05/2015 5:15 am

    A beautiful post. It is so important to appreciate and remember those who served. Very well written!

  51. Papaleng Pagulong permalink
    27/05/2015 6:26 am

    Service is something that is always taken for granted. Hoping that more people will get involved to volunteering jobs.

  52. Ling Tan permalink
    27/05/2015 7:12 am

    Happy Memorial Day to you and your readers in USA. In Singapore our boys serve two years compulsory national service, in the armed forces or civil defence force…

  53. phyliciamarie permalink
    27/05/2015 7:48 am

    I like the idea of incorporating service into our lifestyle with a 5-10 year plan, at a pace that’s comfortable. After all, service is for other people, to be truly selfless

  54. Prayerfull Mum permalink
    27/05/2015 8:20 am

    A timely and wonderful post honouring the men and women who were/are in service. It’s important to remember the priceless sacrifice they make for our countries.

  55. Stephanie Pass permalink
    27/05/2015 8:37 am

    On Memorial Day, I think it’s important to remember those who served and fought for our freedom.

  56. Dave April Decheine permalink
    27/05/2015 9:27 am

    What a great post, hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day! My sons did not go into the military, my oldest wanted to but he has some medical condition that would not allow it.

  57. Sunshine Kelly permalink
    27/05/2015 10:30 am

    Happy Memorial Day. Those who serve relentlessly need to be honoured and remembered.

  58. Sumi Go permalink
    27/05/2015 10:57 am

    This is such a beautiful post. It’s sad how there are many, many heroes who go unnamed, unnoticed, and taken for granted… As people who enjoy the freedom and peace they’ve brought through service, it’s just as important to take a moment and give respect to these heroes.

    And while the military is not for everyone, I believe we should also do our part in building a better community. Even smallest things can amount to something bigger in the long run. 🙂

  59. Chastity permalink
    27/05/2015 11:37 am

    What a beautiful tribute to our soldiers!

  60. Juliana permalink
    27/05/2015 12:51 pm

    “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Gandhi

    Indeed! Mahatma Gandhi nailed it. To be of service to ones fellowmen is so noble. It makes me wonder why nowadays many of us takes service for granted. I guess, once you’re a direct recipient to such then you’ll appreciate it more.

    Very well written post. So timely.

  61. Nova permalink
    27/05/2015 1:13 pm

    This is really a great article to read and share, remembering those loved one and people who fought to give us freedom and peace is a great way to celebrate this day with them, even though they are no longer existing.

  62. DogVills permalink
    27/05/2015 1:30 pm

    What a great tribute to our soldiers. Happy be lated Memorial Day to you and your family

  63. Teresa Martinez permalink
    27/05/2015 6:11 pm

    This is a timely reminder of the selflessness of those who gave up their lives to serve and save the lives of others.

  64. Jonas Labagala permalink
    27/05/2015 6:52 pm

    To be a teacher is something that I could be proud of in the future. Not only I’ve helped other people, I’ve helped those who are ignorant to be educated and be the future educators. It’s just a rewarding job especially to those students that you’ve helped and reach their dreams.

    It’ll never be possible without an education from a teacher. They’re the ones who have molded their students into successful ones and they would always look back to that teacher who have helped them shape their future. I’ll say, serving the students through teaching is one heck of a job that I’ll love through the years. 🙂

  65. Lisa Rios permalink
    27/05/2015 7:39 pm

    Really a wonderful post indeed with some nice photos! I really love all these quotes which are amazing and very much motivational as well. It is so important to honor those who served for the nation.

  66. bismah2010 permalink
    28/05/2015 6:02 am

    It is so important that we never forget those men and women who gave their own lives up to protect ours. It takes very little time and effort to show respect and appreciation.

  67. Virginia Gudiel permalink
    28/05/2015 6:41 am

    Nice post! It’s important to remember everyone who has fought for our country on Memorial Day!

  68. Rebecca Swenor permalink
    28/05/2015 7:40 am

    My parents and my grandfather were in the Army. I had joined the Army Reserves because of how proud my grandfather was when he was telling his army stories. He was at Normandy. It feels so good to do something you know is for the better good. Thanks for sharing.

  69. martinkadelux permalink
    28/05/2015 12:43 pm

    One of my favorite quotes: “To lead, you must first learn to serve.” This is a great piece- it’s so important to remember.

  70. maggiesblog2 permalink
    28/05/2015 3:27 pm

    Great pictures as always! Happy Memorial Day!

  71. Ay Lin permalink
    28/05/2015 5:13 pm

    Wonderful post! I love reading inspirational and motivational blog like yours.

  72. Nova permalink
    29/05/2015 5:42 am

    We do salute and remember those people who risk their life just to give us freedom..

  73. Fernando permalink
    29/05/2015 6:09 am

    Serving the country is a must of every citizen to be loyal all throughout. Every country needs the service of their people. Likewise, defending from enemies of the state. Fernando Lachica

  74. 29/05/2015 7:57 am

    Being a school officer (like in Student Council) is already a hard ‘service’, what more with those who serve our country. They are so ready to die for us! I have a few friends whose husbands/sons joined the military and they worry everyday. I can’t imagine a loved one being gone for war or non-war! 🙁 Kudos to them!

  75. Laura O'Neill permalink
    29/05/2015 9:35 am

    I love this quote: “To lead, you must first learn to serve.” It sums up the approach for the military and I am so grateful for all those who have chosen to head the call.

  76. Teresa Martinez permalink
    29/05/2015 12:55 pm

    In addition to my earlier comment, I would like to stress the importance of all kinds of services people render for the benefit of others. Nothing is less than the other

  77. JessicaACassidy permalink
    30/05/2015 4:03 am

    My hats to all the men and women veterans and military who are brave to keep our country, The USA, safe.

  78. Dawn McAlexander Crawford permalink
    30/05/2015 6:29 pm

    The cost of freedom is high. I feel that all that who serve our country do so with that cost hanging over their heads. They deserve to be recognized for their sacrifice and hard work!

  79. Me-Anne Palumar Bojador permalink
    30/05/2015 10:49 pm

    that’s the best we can do for those who died for our country, Remember them. Honor them.

  80. Allan permalink
    31/05/2015 8:31 pm

    I think it is really time to give honors to those who render service for us. This is to give appreciation of what they did.


  81. JanzCrystalz/January permalink
    01/06/2015 12:19 am

    I salute to the brave men and women who served our nation.

  82. sikat101 permalink
    01/06/2015 1:07 am

    I salute these people. I am guilty about looking out for myself and not think of others. Selfish, I know. It is amazing to see people who are out there rsiking their lives for others.

  83. theresa permalink
    01/06/2015 4:24 am

    Being a public teacher and my fiance as a gov’t policeman, service has been always a part of our lives. Like my fiance having no day-offs from work (LITERALLY) just to serve the nation. Those little act of service is really a BIG impact to the community.

  84. Ria Rosaura Romero permalink
    01/06/2015 4:39 am

    sometimes we only remember the service of those who passed away,

  85. Mommy Mecheel permalink
    01/06/2015 5:14 am

    My father is in Military Service too.. I can relate to this post. 🙂

  86. Dominique Goh permalink
    01/06/2015 6:02 am

    To be of service to others is really very admirable. The veterans really contributed a lot.

  87. leybainpublic permalink
    01/06/2015 8:46 pm

    Memorial Day is a great day to salute and recognize those people who fought for peace and freedom! Great post once again!

  88. Nilyn Matugas permalink
    02/06/2015 1:10 am

    Service for me is something you willingly do without expecting anything in return. Salute to all the heroes!

  89. Marissa Bautista-Bulatao permalink
    02/06/2015 4:22 am

    I am reminded of a quote in “The Catcher in the Rye” – ‘The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.’

  90. Melgie permalink
    03/06/2015 1:15 pm

    Very inspiring for post and so perfect for Memorial Day- Its always nice to remember those who died for our freedom.

  91. verabear permalink
    04/06/2015 3:02 am

    I think that it’s our responsibility to serve in the way that our talents and skills are maximized!

  92. Melgie permalink
    04/06/2015 11:04 am

    A time to give thanks and remember to those whose served the country. Always fun way to celebrate with friends and family. Very inspiring post as always, Eliz

  93. 05/06/2015 3:28 pm

    We should all honor those who serve the country! They are heroes.

  94. Sarah Tan permalink
    11/06/2015 9:58 pm

    We all serve society in our own ways, in the little things we do.

  95. maria permalink
    12/06/2015 11:42 pm

    I’ve attended Memorial Day and recently, Gallipolli. Of course, we have our Araw ng Kagitingan and Heroes Day. It is good to remember the men and women who fought for our freedom.


  1. Motivation Mondays: SIMPLICITY | Mirth and Motivation
  2. Motivation Mondays: POSSIBILITIES | Mirth and Motivation
  3. Mirth and Motivation
  4. Motivation Mondays: SACRIFICE | Mirth and Motivation
  5. Motivation Mondays: DETERMINATION | Mirth and Motivation
  6. Motivation Mondays: TRUST | Mirth and Motivation
  7. Motivation Mondays: FREEDOM | Mirth and Motivation
  8. Motivation Mondays: WORRY | Mirth and Motivation
  9. Motivation Mondays: WEALTH | Mirth and Motivation
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  12. Motivation Mondays: CONTROL | Mirth and Motivation
  13. Motivation Mondays: PURPOSE | Mirth and Motivation
  14. Motivation Mondays: FAILURE | Mirth and Motivation
  15. Motivation Mondays: HOPE | Mirth and Motivation
  16. Motivation Mondays: Labor & Literacy | Mirth and Motivation
  17. Motivation Mondays: Positive Thinking | Mirth and Motivation
  18. Motivation Mondays: Partnerships For Peace | Mirth and Motivation
  19. Motivation Mondays: Good Neighbors & Goodwill #GoodNeighborDay | Mirth and Motivation
  20. Motivation Mondays: SMILE #mondaymotivation | Mirth and Motivation
  21. Motivation Mondays: HOLIDAY SPIRIT #mondaymotivation | Mirth and Motivation
  22. Motivation Mondays: International Women’s Day #IWD2016 | Mirth and Motivation
  23. Motivation Mondays: EARTH DAY | Mirth and Motivation
  24. Motivation Mondays: Serendipity | Mirth and Motivation
  25. Motivation Mondays: RELAXATION | Mirth and Motivation
  26. Motivation Mondays: PREPARED | Mirth and Motivation
  27. Motivation Mondays: Happy Valentine’s Day | Mirth and Motivation
  28. Motivation Mondays: Honoring Presidents’ Day | Mirth and Motivation
  29. Motivation Mondays: Reflections On Easter & Passover | Mirth and Motivation
  30. Motivation Mondays: Earth Day for Environmental & Climate Literacy | Mirth and Motivation
  31. Motivation Mondays: EXPECTATIONS | Mirth and Motivation
  32. Motivation Mondays: BREATHE | Mirth and Motivation
  33. Motivation Mondays: Honoring Memorial Day | Mirth and Motivation
  34. Motivation Mondays: MODERATION | Mirth and Motivation
  35. Motivation Mondays: Father’s Day Matters | Mirth and Motivation
  36. Motivation Mondays: Relief or Relieved? | Mirth and Motivation
  37. Motivation Mondays: PERSEVERANCE | Mirth and Motivation
  38. Motivation Mondays: Dream BIGGER – Independence Day | Mirth and Motivation
  39. Motivation Mondays: MINDSET – #WorldPopulationDay | Mirth and Motivation
  40. Motivation Mondays: ANGER | Mirth and Motivation
  41. Motivation Mondays: PARENTING | Mirth and Motivation
  42. Motivation Mondays: Revisiting Friendship | Mirth and Motivation
  43. Motivation Mondays: Life Is a GIFT | Mirth and Motivation
  44. Motivation Mondays: ASK | Mirth and Motivation
  45. Motivation Mondays: ECLIPSE | Mirth and Motivation
  46. Motivation Mondays: STRUGGLE | Mirth and Motivation
  47. Motivation Mondays: LABOR of LOVE | Mirth and Motivation
  48. Motivation Mondays: Patriot Day – Remembering 9/11 | Mirth and Motivation
  49. Motivation Mondays: STAY STEADFAST | Mirth and Motivation
  50. Motivation Mondays: Suicide Prevention Awareness Month | Mirth and Motivation
  51. Motivation Mondays: SAILING | Mirth and Motivation
  52. Motivation Mondays: Overcoming Adversity | Mirth and Motivation
  53. Motivation Mondays: Cherish Christmas & Holidays | Mirth and Motivation
  54. Motivation Mondays: Stumbling Blocks | Mirth and Motivation
  55. Motivation Mondays: Heart Of Transitions | Mirth and Motivation
  56. Motivation Mondays: HONOR | Mirth and Motivation

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