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Motivation Mondays: HEALTH


“So many people spend their health gaining wealth,and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health.” A.J. Reb Materi

Motivation Mondays: HEALTH

Motivation Mondays: HEALTH

Motivation Mondays: HEALTH

Motivation Mondays: HEALTH

 Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management, which is perhaps the most important ingredient to living a happy, healthy and rewarding life. Marilu Henner


What does health mean to you? It’s easy to just say physical health even though, there are other areas of our lives that can contribute to our wellness or ill-health. When we think of health, there are a few other key elements we must consider as we build a path to healthy living. We must remember that to maintain a healthy living plan, it is imperative that we care for our Physical, Nutritional, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Health; add to these our Financial health and our Service to others. Unfortunately, many of us tend to put all our energy and resources in one of these areas to the detriment of the others. We wake up on Mondays and feel rotten because we are out of balance and running on empty. Creating balance by caring for all areas of our lives is key to healthy living; the wisdom behind doing everything in moderation still holds true today. As our society becomes more digitized and our attention span shorter than a 140 character tweet, we must make health a priority. What does that mean? It means that we must be cognizant of the impact stress has on our lives, our skin, and on our well-being, and do everything possible to manage our lives with more self-care and compassion. If any of the seven health points above are in extreme imbalance, we will be susceptible to ill-health. What are you doing to create balance in your life? How do you motivate yourself to stay healthy?
Did you Know the Top Five Stress Related Health Conditions? Heart Disease, Belly Fat/Obesity, Gastrointestinal Problems, Depression and Anxiety.


“The greatest tragedy in life is not death; the greatest tragedy takes place when our talents and capabilities are underutilized and allowed to rust while we are living.” Amma

Motivation Mondays: HEALTH

Motivation Mondays: HEALTH

Motivation Mondays: HEALTH - Health exercises

Motivation Mondays: HEALTH – Health exercises – via WellcomeImages

Today, more than 95% of all chronic disease is caused by food choices, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies,and lack of physical exercise. Mike Adams, The Health Ranger

Do you know that the food you eat, exercise, hydration, rest and relaxation are very important for your skin health and your overall health? When neglect any of them, we suffer the consequences. Some people don’t make enough time to do the above well because they think that having material things will make them happy, healthy and wise. But, we all know that the secret to a satisfying life has more to do with being content with our lives, being healthy, and offering our help/services to others. What will we gain from having all the toys and riches in the world, if we have no loved ones around to enjoy them with us? What will we gain from hoarding all our abundance and not helping others when we can’t take it with us when we pass away? A good question to ask ourselves everyday is: How can I help and be of service to others today?

A Story: Dissatisfaction Town
Once upon a time, there was a wise young woman, named Sapiens, who lived in a town full of dissatisfied people. It didn’t matter what good came into their lives, they wanted more. They saw each other as competition and never as a community; life there was brutal, nasty and short.  One day, Sapiens was out taking a stroll, contemplating how to help her townspeople. As she walked through a forest adjoining the town, she came upon a beautiful little lamb. It looked lost and sad. Sapiens thought about what to do and considered carrying it back to town. However, she knew there would be a huge argument over its ownership. She sat with the lamb and soon fell asleep. When she woke up, she saw a huge giant of a man staring at her. He had the kindest eyes and a mysterious, even magical aura about him.

“Thank you dear child! I’ve been looking for my lamb and I’m glad you kept him safe from the animals that roam this forest.” said the giant.

“Oh, thank you! I fell asleep and I’m glad your lamb is still here.” Sapiens replied.

“For your thoughtfulness, I will grant you three wishes but, be careful for your wishes will have an impact on others – Now, ask away!” the giant said in a soft but firm voice.

Sapiens thought about it for a moment and then said:
” I wish for health and contentment for my townspeople/community.”
“I wish that all their needs will be met.”
“I wish that they will be of service to others.”

“Wise choices …. very wise choices. They are granted.”  Said the giant.
“The only twist is that when you offer these wishes to people in your town, they must accept the gifts without argument. If they question the gifts or ask for more, they will not come true.” The giant told her, with caution in his voice.

Sapiens was thrilled and, thanking him profusely, she ran back to town to share the news. She was convinced that everyone would accept the gifts and become more caring of each other and themselves. She told her family what happened and they were wise enough to say  “Yes, to the gifts!” and in the blink of an eye, they felt a deep sense of joy and wellness. Story Continued below the break


How do you motivate yourself to stay healthy?  Health is also about the company we keep. If you spend your time with negative, angry and dishonest people, sooner or later, that energy will seep into your life. Choose your company wisely and spend time enjoying those people who add goodness to your surroundings and life. In addition to creating some balance in the 7 areas mentioned above, you can improve your health and maintain a healthy lifestyle with these tips: Do you Know these15 Health Tips from Top Doctors that can supercharge your health? Head Off a Headache by hydration, Take a Time Out, Soothe Sore Muscles, Beat Burnout, Eat Extra Veggies, Manage Stress, Stay Sharp, Kick-Start Your Mojo, Fight Cravings, Sleep Easier, Prevent Skin Cancer, Fuel Up for the Day, Satisfy a Sweet Tooth, Tame Tension, Outrun PMS. The link gives you easy tips for each of these terms used. Begin with hydration which will work wonders for your skin and the aging process, and work your way through the rest.

The details for Motivation Mondays are below. Join in! The themes for March are:
03/02 – READ
03/09 – Patience
03/16 – Responsibility
03/23 – Health
03/30 – Strength

More Below!


“Cheerfulness is the best promoter of health and is as friendly to the mind as to the body.” Joseph Addison

Motivation Mondays: HEALTH

Motivation Mondays: HEALTH

Motivation Mondays: HEALTH

Motivation Mondays: HEALTH

Motivation Mondays: HEALTH

Motivation Mondays: HEALTH

“In today’s world, people experience two types of poverty: the poverty caused by lack of food, clothing and shelter, and the poverty caused by lack of love and compassion. Of these two, the second type needs to be considered first because if we have love and compassion in our hearts, then we will wholeheartedly serve those who suffer from lack of food, clothing and shelter.” Amma


A Story: Dissatisfaction Town: Continued
With no further ado, Sapiens’ family sent out word to the townspeople that they had a great gift to share with everyone and that, at 7pm, all should gather in the town square. Some arrived at 5pm to be first on line. Some sent their house-help to hold their spot, while others showed up at 5:30pm and started cussing those in front of the line. Even a few arrived at 6pm and started scheming, looking for ways to undermine those in front.  A handful of townspeople came and remained quiet, as they observed the meanness and bickering going on.

Soon Sapiens and her family arrived and, with great joy in her heart, she shared what happened in the forest with the gathering of townspeople. She told them that the giant said it would only work if they accept the gifts without argument. Before she could finish her sentence, a fight broke out. The people in front were angry that those who arrived at 6pm would receive the same gifts. Others were stressed out and full of doubt. The schemers wanted the gift to themselves alone and started arguing about why they were more worthy. Some asked “What’s the catch?” And on and on they went until it degenerated into a free for all fight. The few who had listened attentively, approached Sapiens and, thanking her, accepted the gift…  As promised, they felt a shift of wellness inside and went home convinced that life would improve for the better… The rest? Let’s just say, the name of the town hasn’t changed. What are the many lessons here? One lesson that stands out is that Wellness is a gift we must give ourselves.

As we work to maintain our own health, we must develop a pure heart and cultivate qualities that will calm our minds down; we need qualities like patience, introspection, self-care, selflessness, kindness and compassion for others. Why? Because the opposite qualities drain our positive energy and affect our own health. People who spend their time quibbling over minutiae tend to have health issues that are exacerbated by their constant need for friction. Some anger and discontent is fine but, don’t make it a lifestyle. As you start the week, keep this story in mind and do good for yourself and others.

Doctor Knows Best: Did you know the following are 10 fixable stress related health problems? Asthma, Headaches, Alzheimer’s disease, Accelerated aging, Heart Disease, Belly Fat/Obesity, Gastrointestinal Problems, Depression, Anxiety and Premature death. Stay Healthy!


Positive Motivation Tip:  Begin by taking care of yourself with love and compassion. Then do the same for others.


Motivation Mondays is open to anyone who wishes to share a motivational quote, photo, personal challenge or a post that encourages others to start the week on an upbeat note.
Basic Instructions: Each week, I will have a motivation word to help us create a response. (See listed words for end of November and all of December below)
Email address: You may email or share your post as a comment and I will add it to the round-up of related posts. email it to: contact(@)mirthandmotivation(.)com
Category tag: – Share your post using Motivation Mondays
Twitter hashtag: – Use this on Twitter #MotvnM
Dedicated Page: There is a dedicated page for Motivation Mondays. It has the same instructions and will include other helpful tools and a link to the round-up
Facebook Page: MotivationOnMondays Join our page and add your post and/or any motivational piece you think will be helpful to others.
Facebook Community: We have a Facebook community forum to compliment the page. It serves as another way to share uplifting posts and thoughts. Please join in and add your voice.

Badge: – I created a fun badge using PicMonkey’s free photo editing tools. You can create your own, use WordPress’ integrated tool on your blog or you are welcome to use mine. (see dedicated page)
Tag: – Motivation Mondays
Hashtag: – #MotvnM

Related Posts

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos: Borch Lady, Keltenthron Sauna,Edgard Farasijn Human contentments, Daoyin Tu exercise Chart, Banyan yoga, 7 Food Groups,Fruit Stall Barcelona,Sleep, Zazen, Foods, via Wikipedia

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet


161 Comments leave one →
  1. Robin Masshole mommy permalink
    23/03/2015 3:06 pm

    My health is super important to me as well as the health of my kids. That’s one of our main priorities!

  2. Ben Butler permalink
    23/03/2015 3:17 pm

    I always enjoy reading your posts. I’m so guilty of not focusing on myself. I do for others until it hurts. While it’s a noble idea, it’s not great for your health in the long run.

  3. 23/03/2015 3:26 pm

    Being happy is the only way to go. If momma ain’t happy… ain’t nobody happy.

  4. 23/03/2015 3:31 pm

    If we would follow this path to health instead of crash dieting, we would all be much healthier.

  5. oschwab94 permalink
    23/03/2015 4:15 pm

    I love everything about this post! Health is so important and everyone could probably use a little motivation on Mondays.. I know I do! Thank you for this post! I love it!

  6. oschwab94 permalink
    23/03/2015 4:16 pm

    I love everything about this post! Health is so important and everyone could probably use a little motivation on Mondays.. I know I do! Thank you for the post! I love it!

  7. 23/03/2015 4:22 pm

    Good story! I’m sure I know some people who moved here from Dissatisfaction Town. 🙂

  8. Terri permalink
    23/03/2015 4:44 pm

    Thanks for your healthy Motivation Monday post. I hope to be happy and healthy for the rest of my life.
    Terri R Beavers

  9. Jessica Beal Harlow permalink
    23/03/2015 5:02 pm

    Thank you for the “tips to stay healthy” link! I really need to focus on improving my overall health this spring. It’s affected on so many levels.

  10. Treats by Tanya permalink
    23/03/2015 5:09 pm

    I loved this post. Our mental health is so important. And choosing the make the right decisions for our bodies and minds, are priceless to the quality of our life span <3

  11. growingupmomma permalink
    23/03/2015 5:11 pm

    “Today, more than 95% of all chronic disease is caused by food choices, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies,and lack of physical exercise.” How powerful is that statement? It’s incredible how we have let our wellness take the backseat to meaningless pursuits- thank you for the eye opening reminder 🙂

  12. Nancy permalink
    23/03/2015 6:41 pm

    I lack motivation for working out! It really sucks 🙁

  13. Grace (@Blessed_Element) permalink
    23/03/2015 6:52 pm

    It is amazing how your thoughts can change your life and health. I’ve been a ‘Positive Thinker’ for several years now and my health and life have really benefited from my new outlook in life.

  14. Chubskulit Rose permalink
    23/03/2015 6:56 pm

    Such an inspiring post. IT is true that when we take care of ourselves and exercise love and compassion at our own, we can easily share it to others.

  15. bonniegowen permalink
    23/03/2015 7:03 pm

    So true that being healthy doesn’t just have to be about our bodies but our mind as well. Our family eats as much organic and natural as we can to rid the bad, I have heard that foods really can cause problems with the bad ingred. in them.

  16. 23/03/2015 7:23 pm

    There is a Biblical story along the same premise… he who came last is paid the same as he who worked all day. Not exactly the same, similar message though. 🙂

    The quote about health is a good one. We sure do appreciate our good health the very second anything at all ill-affects it in any way.

  17. Nina Say permalink
    23/03/2015 7:56 pm

    I love that Voltaire quote. It is exactly how I feel about the entire situation.

  18. Heather permalink
    23/03/2015 7:57 pm

    I believe in that 95 percent. I do think some people just tend to be unlucky, like the child with cancer…but really what we put into our bodies will be our bodies. I’m on a health and wellness mission from here on out. I started a few days ago and I’m doing great so far!

  19. maggiesblog2 permalink
    23/03/2015 8:28 pm

    Healthy is one of those things that’s easier said than done

  20. Debbie Denny permalink
    23/03/2015 8:59 pm

    Happiness and a positive attitude is great for health.

  21. Carly Anderson (@lipglosscrayons) permalink
    23/03/2015 9:20 pm

    I love that quote!

  22. Liz Mays permalink
    23/03/2015 9:34 pm

    It’s true that we have more control over how we handle stresses and life bumps. It’s easy to let it affect our health, but we can do some things to minimize that.

  23. upliftingfam permalink
    23/03/2015 9:59 pm

    I am trying to improve my health but it’s in baby steps. I stopped drinking diet soda about 3 months ago. Once I get some pain relief in my hips/back I’m going to try to walk more. I’m just so uncomfortable unless I’m laying down.

  24. Erinn Ss permalink
    23/03/2015 10:07 pm

    Love this weeks topic. thanks for sharing

  25. HilLesha permalink
    23/03/2015 11:46 pm

    That top quote is so true! However, my health is something I have always taken seriously.

  26. Terri Ramsey permalink
    24/03/2015 12:00 am

    Being healthy is not always easy, but this post makes me more motivation to improve my diet and my health.

  27. Lauren permalink
    24/03/2015 12:23 am

    What a great post! Health is important for sure!!

  28. Pauline C. permalink
    24/03/2015 1:07 am

    I agree about your quote on happiness! That’s the thing about our health—it gets affected by how we feel too!

  29. 24/03/2015 1:54 am

    Aye, some people will never be happy no matter what. Beautiful story, Elizabeth.
    As for food and being healthy – an ongoing challenge – since every day there’s some news about foods that aren’t as good for us as previously advertised. Trying to remember now the latest one, think I same something about it yesterday and just shook my head. I’m not at the point where I eat whatever I want – in moderation – and choose to be happy.

    • 25/03/2015 9:13 am

      I hear you Marcia! The idea is to make the best effort we can and surrender the rest to the universe. Eating in moderation is really about being vigilant about what and how much. We all have things we eat a lot of and that is fine as long as we balance out with other healthy choices. So good to hear from you!! 🙂

  30. lisa @bitesforbabies permalink
    24/03/2015 4:13 am

    This post is right up my alley! I agree 100% with Voltaire’s quote. I’ve made the conscious decision to only put in my body healthy, natural ingredients…and I’m doing the same for my kids too!

  31. Crystal (The Imperfect Mom) permalink
    24/03/2015 4:30 am

    I love the hiking pictures!

  32. rsrote permalink
    24/03/2015 4:37 am

    Cheerfulness is the best promoter of health and is as friendly to the mind as to the body.Joseph Addison– going to print this out for myself-I love it! =^D

  33. swell conditions permalink
    24/03/2015 5:18 am

    So true! I find that if I’m feeling blah or moody it’s because I haven’t exercised lately or haven’t been eating properly! It’s so important to remain healthy!

  34. Joseph permalink
    24/03/2015 5:33 am

    Yes, I meditate every morning and it motivates my whole day. My Mondays are the day I have to center myself to prepare me for my marvelous week ahead. I love all of the ancient quotes and pictures you listed.

  35. michele d permalink
    24/03/2015 6:46 am

    I would take my health over wealth any day of the week. It’s important to be happy either way but I agree.

  36. Mhie Lee permalink
    24/03/2015 7:00 am

    Wealth is health, so it is very important to have balance in life.I’ve been struggling to have a healthy lifestyle because of the cold weather freezes me all the time of going outside and I’m kinda lazy to go in the gym.

  37. Erin @ Sugar Crumbs permalink
    24/03/2015 8:03 am

    Thank you for another motivational post! I love it!

  38. justamom8225 permalink
    24/03/2015 9:31 am

    Health, to me, is definitely a multi faceted thing. Physical health is important, of course, but you can’t neglect mental and spiritual health either.

  39. mrenkema79 permalink
    24/03/2015 9:40 am

    I really like that Voltaire quote – I’ve never heard it before!

  40. roselynn787 permalink
    24/03/2015 11:05 am

    Happiness goes a long way when it comes to health and feeling good. Some of my lowest health moments have only been made worse because I was going through depression.

  41. Ann Bacciaglia permalink
    24/03/2015 11:27 am

    I love that quote. I also choose to be happy because it is good for my health. I am eating healthier and drinking more water. I quit drinking soda and i am walking every day.

  42. 24/03/2015 11:42 am

    We try to eat for fuel and as clean as possible… it really is important for out well-being!

  43. Jeanine permalink
    24/03/2015 1:02 pm

    I love that quote about being happy is good for health. I believe that. I try to be as healthy as can be, eat well and stay happy! This was a great post!

  44. Mystarlight permalink
    24/03/2015 1:28 pm

    I agree we need to watch what we eat and exercise. It is not always the easiest choice at first but once you get started and notice how much better you feel it becomes a lot easier.

  45. Cara (@StylishGeek) permalink
    24/03/2015 2:28 pm

    Love this Motivation Monday because I totally need to prioritize activities that are good for my health! Thank you for sharing and reminding me of that! 🙂

  46. Yona Williams permalink
    24/03/2015 2:57 pm

    Since cutting out wheat and sugar from my diet, I have felt more energized and see many positive changes in my health. I cannot wait until the weather gets nicer and I can go bike riding again to get my fitness in line with the rest of my healthy eating habits.

  47. lisa permalink
    24/03/2015 3:09 pm

    I need to work on my health more. Its my new years resolution this year.

  48. katrinagehman permalink
    24/03/2015 3:55 pm

    great photos. interesting with the meal planning. my diet has to be protein first no matter what.

  49. Michelle Varga (@dustbunniesblog) permalink
    24/03/2015 6:20 pm

    These are some great tips! Thanks for the reminders!

  50. Christina Aliperti permalink
    24/03/2015 6:36 pm

    Happiness has a big part in our overall health. I believe positive thinking can make miracles happen in so many aspects of our lives.

  51. 24/03/2015 8:55 pm

    I think that we don’t focus on our health enough. I especially need to work on my stress level. I didn’t know how many negative things could come from being stressed out!

  52. Rebecca Swenor permalink
    25/03/2015 8:15 am

    This is awesome information and I do believe that food long with exercise does have a major effect on your health both physically as well as mentally. I know I have to do my exercising. Thanks for sharing.

  53. The Trophy WifeStyle permalink
    25/03/2015 1:13 pm

    Another fabulous post!!! Health is so very important. Without good health you cannot enjoy the great things life has to offer 🙂

  54. dareandconquer permalink
    25/03/2015 3:21 pm

    Very meaningfull story elizabeth.
    I believe that we must be balanced. Nothing should be detrimented and especially health which is really one of the most important ingredients of a happy life.

  55. John permalink
    25/03/2015 7:19 pm

    You said “Some people think that that having material things will make them happy, healthy and wise, but we all know that the secret to a satisfying life has more to do with being content with our lives and offering our help and service to others.” I couldn’t agree more. I just posted it on Facebook.

  56. 25/03/2015 9:06 pm

    I think one of the best choices a person can make for their health is to be happy!

  57. 25/03/2015 9:06 pm

    I think one of the most important decisions a person can make regarding their health is being happy.

  58. bismah2010 permalink
    25/03/2015 9:34 pm

    Such an inspirational story! There are so many people who think that its the materialistic things in life that can make them happy. It is my hope that some day people will see past the dollar signs and realize that the best things in life are free and what can bring true happiness!

  59. Nanda Reis permalink
    25/03/2015 10:24 pm

    We need to take care of our physical body in order to fully enjoy this life! Thanks for the amazing post Eliz!

  60. sriches permalink
    26/03/2015 2:03 am

    A fantastic post! Health is very important to me right now, I have started the year with a new found health kick and it seems to be working… long may it continue! Sim x

  61. 26/03/2015 5:44 am

    Thanks for the informative post! We all need to take care of our health!

  62. Lynndee permalink
    26/03/2015 5:46 am

    I do believe that happiness is good for your health and that’s why I choose to be happy everyday no matter what. 🙂

  63. hannizenvato permalink
    26/03/2015 6:06 am

    You’re so right about health and loving ourselves enough. I hope we all live healthy and fulfilling lives!

  64. 26/03/2015 6:25 am

    I love the Voltaire quote. I think that so often we forget how important our attitude is to our physical health. Stress, worry, anger, etc. are all bad for our health.

  65. krystaprice permalink
    26/03/2015 8:15 am

    I too choose to be happy and healthy! Only YOU can control WHO YOU ARE! Thanks for the motivational monday!

  66. Beth Williams permalink
    26/03/2015 8:25 am

    So important to stay healthy. I know I’ve let mine slip, but now I’m working on getting it back!

  67. 26/03/2015 8:31 am

    Oh my, your story has a bad ending! Boo… But you are right. No one can help but you yourself. We need to take care of our own attitude and positivity and health!

  68. mommywonders permalink
    26/03/2015 8:55 am

    “So many people spend their health gaining wealth,and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health.” A.J. Reb Materi

    I LOVE that quote!

  69. Julie Searle permalink
    26/03/2015 12:43 pm

    Thank you for this post, . Warm regards! -He that does not love has not come to know God, because God is love.

  70. Tonya Blackstone-Coleman permalink
    26/03/2015 1:45 pm

    So true. I choose to be happy because it truly is good for my health. Stress and holding on to anger really does affect your health. Thanks for the inspiration once again!

  71. Nicol Wong (@yuk_lui) permalink
    26/03/2015 5:29 pm

    yes to health! its something I’m improving on as i have really bad eating habits.

  72. Holly @ Woman Tribune permalink
    26/03/2015 7:19 pm

    I have dubbed 2015 the year of health for myself and my fiance. We just got health insurance for the first time in many years and have been basically been getting everything checked out to make sure we’re healthy, and if not, how to get healthy/healthier. It is going to be a process, but we are so ready to finally be at our best!

  73. selly permalink
    26/03/2015 10:49 pm

    yeah, you are definitely right. a lot of people take their health for granted in achievig their dream. at the end, they need to pay for their health. ckck

  74. R U S S permalink
    26/03/2015 10:56 pm

    It’s true what they say that health is wealth – and when we talk about health, it isn’t just about eating healthy & exercising, but more importantly it also means that we need to have a positive mindset and yes, as you said, cultivate a good heart. I believe that good health promotes happiness as well. Anger, stress, hatred are killers. Great post as always.

  75. Kylie permalink
    26/03/2015 11:11 pm

    Really, health is the most important for everyone of us.. Thanks for the informative information..

  76. franckxethee permalink
    27/03/2015 2:04 am

    I agree health is more important than wealth. Wealth is useless if you don’t have the fitness level to enjoy it.

  77. 27/03/2015 4:41 am

    I love the Voltaire quote! Health is definitely more important than wealth – but then in the UK healthcare is pretty much accounted for, whereas I know so many american friends who have to fight for their care.

  78. Krystal permalink
    27/03/2015 6:07 am

    I need to work on healthy eating every day. There is something that is so much more special about living a healthy life!

  79. Papaleng Pagulong permalink
    27/03/2015 7:50 am

    love the story about Sapiens. A similar story runs in the Bible where a vineyard owner offers work to men. some work just a few hours , some finish the work time as required , others exceeded it. But at the end, All are paid uniformly. so grudges sinks into the workers mind.

    I guess, being content with what you have is essential in one being happy, and happiness constitutes a big part of being healthy.

  80. 27/03/2015 9:41 am

    Thank you for sharing this with us – health is just so important.

  81. Danielle @ We Have It All permalink
    27/03/2015 10:34 pm

    Great tips. Thanks for sharing!!

  82. 27/03/2015 10:57 pm

    Thank you for sharing your Motivation Monday post on health. I know I definitely need to focus on health more. 🙂

  83. Danielle permalink
    28/03/2015 7:55 am

    Wow, such great information. I have to agree with one of the previous commenters, my family’s health is one of my main priorities. Healthy eating is hard these days with all the fake foods available.

  84. Elana Khong permalink
    28/03/2015 9:58 pm

    This is so true. Therefore just live a simple comfortable life, appreciate your time with loved ones. There’s never ending chasing of fortune!

  85. marly_ms (@mgmhar) permalink
    29/03/2015 12:50 am

    Staying healthy is not a routine. It’s our obligation to our bodies. I like the exercise photo here. 🙂

    Mhar Sefcik

  86. Vanessa Ally permalink
    30/03/2015 8:36 am

    I think that health is a state of mind first. We can fight many disease with our inner strength and positivism. A problem in the body signalizes about a problem in mentality or emotions.

  87. mamtabalani permalink
    30/03/2015 8:53 am

    Being happy is the most effective remedy for all sort of problems. Whenever we are sad or suffering some problem mental or physical, just touch your heart and say all is well.

  88. Summer permalink
    30/03/2015 12:47 pm

    Health is more important than money. It’s crucial for someone’s real happiness. I’m feeling out of balance recently and this article is just right for my current state now. Thanks for reminding me we need a good influence too to achieve happiness.

  89. Pam / Hey, Miss Adventures! permalink
    01/04/2015 8:08 am

    The partner and I go backpacking/hiking/camping at least once a month and while it doesn’t seem like much, walking more than 4 hours with a 12kg pack on your back is hard work. It’s the only exercise I ever get though. Which is why this post is a reminder that I should focus on my health – I’ve not been able to relax a long time now since we’ve been rendering long hours at work, too.

  90. Terinah DoBa permalink
    14/04/2015 6:30 pm

    Health should be anyone’s number 1 priority. Many of us are working too hard, and ignoring their health. They end up spending all their money to health care, checkups and maintenance. It’s not worth it.


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