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Musings: Labor Is Life…


“The miracle of the seed and the soil is not available by affirmation; it is only available by labor.”  Jim Rohn

Musings: Labor Is Life…

If you were recently laid off and are having difficulty finding a new job, consider that you might have hidden gifts or passions that were untapped in your regular career that you are now available to explore. The universe might simply be moving you in a more fulfilling direction. Daily OM  Madisyn Taylor

Today is Labor Day in the United States of America; a national holiday for all workers. It also happens to mark the end of summer, and many seize the opportunity to go away for a last hurray and weekend in the sun. If you care about such things, it’s also the last weekend to wear white. Even though I was tempted to name my post HAPPY LABOR DAY, I paused as I was reminded again that millions of folk remain without employment and the job loss has taken its toll.

But don’t despair… there could be a silver lining out there. As I struggled with that image in my heart, I came across the quote above in my Daily OM. Again, another important message that labor is not only life but an opportunity to explore all our gifts and offer them in service to humanity. What are your gifts? Have you explored other ways to contribute your skills/labor? Labor provides us with a lifeline to freedom; the freedom to choose a variety of daily living options. More below!

“Before the reward there must be labor. You plant before you harvest. You sow in tears before you reap joy. ” Ralph Ransom

Musings: Labor Is Life…

“A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving.”  Albert Einstein

Today, On NPR radio, I listened to a riveting interview with Nobel Prize-winning economist, Joseph E. Stiglitz, on how our growing economic inequality endangers Our future as a nation. The interview was based on Stiglitz’ latest book: The Price of Inequality – How Today’s Divided Society Endangers Our Future. His analysis is not based on empty political pronouncements but on solid economic research and evaluation, and his insights are sobering. According to Stiglitz, as our nation increasingly becomes a plutocracy, and the gap between the 1% and everyone else widens, we are creating an unequal society with an unstable economy and economic inequalities that, eventually, will hurt us all.

Until we embrace the wisdom of supporting and empowering ALL Americans equitably; able, disabled, and unable, our road to recovery will remain rocky. I would not like to see America become like some other nations with all the power/wealth in the hands of a few and everyone else scrambling like crabs in a bucket, fighting for crumbs. Labor is Life and all of us, not just the chosen few, need that lifeline to keep our freedoms alive. Read that book! What are your thoughts?

HAPPY LABOR DAY   What about you? What are your thoughts? Are there things you missed doing this summer? How did you spend your Labor Day weekend? What final things do you want to do as the warm weather winds down? Do share! Thank you. 🙂

This post was inspired by a prompt from WP Daily Post:

Positive Motivation Tip: As we bring summer to a close and welcome the fall, lets give thanks to all that came before and for the future.

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos Labor by Pierce Highsmith, via Wikipedia. Labor Day Stamp by Karen Horton, via Flickr

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

22 Comments leave one →
  1. 04/09/2012 12:00 am

    Great post (even though it isn’t Labour day here!) Your post made me think because I am in such a financial predicament in one way but not in another way so I am grateful to you for getting my mind working better again!

    • 04/09/2012 12:11 am

      TY for your feedback… I can relate too and your comment has uplifted me. I will be making the rounds to catch up with everyone. I had a hectic weekend with the family. TY! 🙂

  2. 04/09/2012 5:15 am

    I watch our boys get ready for school with new school bags etc and think for the moment those in their classes starting with nothing new and say a prayer for those parents dealing with the burden of having even enough for lunches or the myriad things the school asks additional money for.

  3. 04/09/2012 7:26 am

    I enjoyed your quotes about Lobor and your thoughts on our Labor Day. It is busy for us as Navar has been working hard to get ready to teach his classes.

  4. 04/09/2012 9:15 am

    Good post…made me think…
    I believe that we as a people are on verge of great things or disaster or both. I agree that inequality is dangerous and I would also like to add that morally it is wrong but unfortunately it is not new.
    Perhaps we will see a Labor Day in the future when everyone who wants to work will and with decent wages.

  5. 04/09/2012 10:43 am

    You are the second person in just a few days to recommend the Stiglitz book! I may just need to find a copy to read. Our growing economic divide is so troubling to me. I even find it in my own little sphere of friends. My husband and I both have good jobs. That automatically puts us in a separate “category” of stability many of my friends do not enjoy. It is changing the way many of us think. Labor Day is a day to think about a lot fo things in our home. My husband has been a Labor Union chairman for more than 25 years…even the face of unions has changed a lot over the years. Sorry…I’m writing another post within your post, Elizabeth. You set me to thinking!! Debra

  6. 04/09/2012 11:21 am

    Thanks for the book recommendation and your post–it mirrors what my husband and I have been thinking recently. And it’s depressing, especially faced with the upcoming election. Thank you, as always, for the food for thought!

  7. 04/09/2012 12:30 pm

    Never heard of Stiglitz but think that most western countries already have a major gap between wealthy and middle class and it is only widening!

  8. 04/09/2012 12:48 pm

    To labor is to engage WITH life in a fruitful partnership!

  9. 05/09/2012 6:37 am

    A few of my thoughts…Daily OM, an excellent read, as the warm, no, HOT weather slows down, I need to go outside and find extra dirt to cover all the massive holes my dog has graciously dug in his efforts to personalize the back yard. *eek*
    Thanks for this ‘labor’ of love…:)

  10. 05/09/2012 7:15 am

    We need labour to make us feel valued, and valuable. But, like everything, it needs to be in moderation, otherwise it’s slavery – domestic, waged or actual.

  11. Bree permalink
    05/09/2012 7:15 am

    Thank you for the reminder and thoughts about exploring all our options in this tough job market. It is also. Sad that selfishness continues to grow and many are misled to believe that conditions are anything but the result of greed and inequites. Sending you healing light for what you write and do.

  12. 05/09/2012 8:07 am

    Great post on Labor Day. I had listened to a earlier interview of Joseph Stiglitz before. I have to say that unless something dramatically changes in the way our country is headed for, we will be no different from the corrupt countries we used to be so critical of.

    The current economic crisis was our doing. But there are still many of us who refuse to accept the wrong decisions. There is still the attitude of entitlement. The obsession with material possessions and wastefulness. No existing administration can get us out of our rut unless we become part of the solution. It’s very sad to watch.

  13. 05/09/2012 9:54 am

    This post was absolutely perfect for Labor Day 2012 Elizabeth. Thank you!

  14. 05/09/2012 9:38 pm

    Wow the irony of a “happy” labor day!! That never even occurred to me!

  15. 05/09/2012 11:42 pm

    great post!

  16. 06/09/2012 9:38 am

    Thought provoking post Eliz!

  17. 06/09/2012 4:40 pm

    Hey there! I know that this has virtually nothing to do with this post but I like your blog, and have just been given the opportunity to nominate it for one of those award thingys. So I did. Check it out . . .

    • 06/09/2012 4:55 pm

      TY for thinking of me… I love your blog too. TY so much! 🙂

  18. 07/09/2012 12:15 am

    what is up with wordpress! no wonder i wasn’t getting your posts – I had clicked follow on your blog the first time you checked out one of my posts and liked it, but now I show up here and I wasn’t following!! Don’t know why that happens. Ah well, thanks a lot for all your likes! I was here a couple of times before and I really like the blog, I think all the positivity that shines here is very cool. I love things like that – positive encouragement, advice. We’re all people, we all feel and need someone to listen to us or talk to us! Anyway thanks again! =)

  19. 07/09/2012 12:29 am

    “You plant before you harvest.
    You sow in tears before you reap joy. ”

    Ralph Ransom

  20. 07/09/2012 4:25 am

    A post that celebrates the fruits and real essence of labor day. Everyday I see hard working men and women give out their best to bring food to the table but I also see everyday men and women who takes it for granted and does not contribute to society, infact the men and women who already work have to work harder to support them. I think it is something that is partly bringing down our economy and draining the honest, hardworking people. Great post my friend.

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