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Summer Haiku: Happiness Abounds…


“Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder…” E.B. White

Summer Haiku: Happiness Abounds…

The last wintry sign
Eager wasp sings on a bud,
Happiness arrives…

“You are not happy because you are well. You are well because you are happy.” Emmet Fox

Summer Haiku: Happiness Abounds…

The first summer hum
curious bug checks the flowers
Innocence abounds…

“To the dull mind all nature is leaden. To the illumined mind the whole world burns and sparkles with light.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Summer Haiku: Happiness Abounds…

The last summer song
Dancing blooms share happy hues
Happiness abounds…

“Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length” Robert Frost

Summer Haiku: Happiness Abounds…

We need a renaissance of wonder.
We need to renew, in our hearts and
in our souls, the deathless dream,
the eternal poetry,
the perennial sense that
life is miracle and magic. E. Merrill Root

Summer Haiku: Happiness Abounds in Nature I hope you enjoyed my brief foray into the succinct world of haiku. Perhaps this month, I’ll work on being brief again…. Enjoy the Olympics. Congrats to all winners! Congrats especially to my girl, Gabby Douglas, who reminded me how powerful effort, combined with grace, can be. On another note, recently, I decided to enter a fun photo contest. I am a novice but I’m enjoying the process. Please check out my submission and support me through the “collect me” feature which is similar to a Like button. Click “Collect Me” to help my entry in the One Life Photography Competition via eliz obih-frank.  Hey, submit your photos too. Thank you! 🙂  Have a blessed day!

What are your thoughts? How does happiness abound in your surroundings? What do you do to maintain that sense of wonder? What tips would you offer? Do share! Thank you. 😉

*Please bear with me as I catch up on your blogs and commenting… I’m back on track with reading and responding to your blogs; albeit at a slow pace. Thank you all for your patience! 🙂

Positive Motivation Tip: Nature says in landscape and color what man says in 1000 words. Relax and enjoy!

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos: Delta in nature, via Wikipedia, Innocence in snow, Extremely busy by Mike E Talbot, Flora and Fauna by YAZMDG 12,00 images via Flickr

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

49 Comments leave one →
  1. 03/08/2012 7:22 am

    “the presence of wonder” sounds good to me. 😉 My mom has an amazing way of finding wonder in the simplest things. Happily for me, I’ve learned from her. 😉

    • 03/08/2012 7:24 am

      Good for you! It is a wonderful quality to have… I’m always reminding myself to make sure to keep that alive… TY for your comment. 😉

  2. 03/08/2012 7:23 am

    Sorry, forgot to say that your pics are really beautiful.

  3. 03/08/2012 7:33 am

    You are in my prayers, dear Elizabeth.

    I love the summer and the combination of innocence and summer in poetry? You obviously cannot go wrong! ❤

    • 03/08/2012 7:56 am

      Ty Karen and same here… Thinking of you. Be blessed! 🙂

  4. 03/08/2012 8:18 am

    Thank you for the mention in your post. It is too bad that you didn’t get a look at my posting of “The Seasons in Haiku” it may have fit a little better with your theme of today.. Alas, perhaps another Thanks again

    • 03/08/2012 8:43 am

      TY for stopping by! No problem. I’ll add it. I pretty much used what Zemanta offered me. But I can add that post. 🙂

    • 03/08/2012 8:51 am

      No worries… 😉

  5. 03/08/2012 9:46 am

    Beautiful words and photos

  6. 03/08/2012 10:07 am

    I love the Frost quote, Elizabeth! I can’t believe how quickly summer has moved towards fall. I do plan to celebrate how full it has been and the memories are treasured! Loved your photos! Debra

    • 03/08/2012 10:49 am

      TY Debra! It did speed by quickly and before we know it, we’ll be in 2013. 😆

  7. 03/08/2012 11:47 am

    I love haikus. Thanks for sharing them. Now you just inspired me to write a summer haiku as well. 🙂

    • 03/08/2012 12:05 pm

      Great! Enjoy writing one and I’ll stop by to read it. 🙂

  8. 03/08/2012 1:12 pm

    I feel totally blessed every day for my health and eyesight and my passion for life…happiness abounds!! gratefullness I suppose!

  9. 03/08/2012 2:33 pm

    Sometimes just hitting the ‘Pause’ button on life and taking in surroundings. Taking a deep breath and realizing your alive, just enjoying the moment.
    I love Haikus because they are just incredibly inspiring 🙂

    • 03/08/2012 3:38 pm

      Thy are and require a different kind of creative focus for it… I hope to try my hand at more. TY! 🙂

  10. 03/08/2012 5:32 pm

    Wonderful Haikus 🙂
    and lovely photos. Nice post

  11. 03/08/2012 6:52 pm

    Thanks for liking my Growth post about the Bryozoans. Love your photos and poems.

  12. 03/08/2012 7:53 pm

    I love haiku – wonderful post!

  13. 03/08/2012 8:37 pm

    I “collected” you on that website… Your flower photos are superb. Congratulations on this beautiful post (and thanks for your comments on my blog, I do appreciate them!) I studied haikus when I was doing Japanese. I will have to blog a few of my favorites…

    • 04/08/2012 12:36 am

      TY Emma! It was a spontaneous decision and as a novice I knew I had nothing to lose. 😆 Yes, do so as I’d love to read your haiku.

  14. 03/08/2012 10:06 pm

    For me, observing the world without getting caught up in my mind allows for happiness to flow naturally. It’s our thoughts (the negative ones) that often block the perception of the wonder of life. Nice photos and quotes!

    • 04/08/2012 12:41 am

      Yes, and those thoughts are very powerful. One of my yoga teachers used to say,”Make friends with your mind…and your thoughts.” TY! 🙂

  15. 04/08/2012 1:48 am

    “Happiness makes up in height
    for what it lacks in length”
    Robert Frost
    Happiness = not being ill …

  16. 04/08/2012 1:56 am

    You have a gift for haiku; they are lovely.

  17. 04/08/2012 6:42 am

    Happiness abounds not only in nature but in the summertime, during intense heat wave…happiness is found only in an air conditioned environment. Lovely collection of photos and haiku! 🙂

  18. 04/08/2012 7:31 am

    “Nature says in landscape and color what man says in 1000 words. Relax and enjoy!” We really are inadequate in our descriptions.

  19. 04/08/2012 2:52 pm

    mmm…new face Beth!
    Love & Light

  20. 05/08/2012 1:28 am

    I wish for all of us a happiness that never fades . A happiness that will fuel us to be the best that we could ever be. A happiness that survives the tests of time. Great post my friend.

  21. 06/08/2012 1:39 am

    Lovely Haikus, photographs and quotes.

  22. 06/08/2012 7:11 am

    made me happy – thanks!

  23. 06/08/2012 4:27 pm

    Lovely collection of haiku and beautiful photos to go with them.

    • 06/08/2012 8:16 pm

      TY Fergie… Might try and write more. I’m a novice at it. 🙂

  24. 07/08/2012 8:36 am

    Absolutely wonderful! 🙂
    I love the photos, too…great post 🙂

    • 07/01/2013 1:01 pm

      TY for your comment… apologies for my late response. 🙂

  25. 13/09/2012 12:46 pm

    your haiku brings me smiles


  1. Inspiration: Three Choices… And A Story. | Mirth and Motivation
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  6. Haiku: Autumn… | Mirth and Motivation
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