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Inspiration: Prepare For A Miracle…


Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see.” C.S. Lewis

Inspiration: Prepare For A Miracle… Even in heavy rainfall

“Prepare yourself for miracles today.
Be open to what is beyond your theory of what you
deserve and how the universe works.” Robert Holden

Do you believe in miracles? Often, many of us go through life imagining miracles to be huge, dramatic, made-for-Hollywood moments. Yet, a miracle can be as simple as a shiny penny that catches our eye as we ponder where our next paycheck or assignment will come from. The word Miracle comes from the Latin miraculum, meaning “object of wonder”  and they happen every day. Today, I experienced a wonderful miracle that reconfirmed my belief in the goodness that is in humanity;  even as we read about daily atrocities committed in countries around the world. What I have come to believe is that if we start our day with a spirit of positive expectancy, we open the door to attract good into our lives… and it could be in the smallest way.

I took a walk this afternoon on the aqueduct. It was bright and sunny when I left home, and I was glad that there was a nice breeze and calmness in the air. I put my headphones on, turned on the radio to my favorite station – wnyc/npr  – and headed for the shade of the aqueduct. I was striding along enjoying the views before me; birds poking around for worms, squirrels scuttling here and there gathering nuts, and new blooming flowers popping up in all sorts of places. The news summary came on just before the next scheduled show and the prediction was for heavy thunderstorm warnings in NJ. I smiled, thankful that since I live in NY, I had nothing to worry about; at least not till much later in the day. It was a sunny day after all… 30 minutes into my walk, all that changed and I was caught in a sudden, nasty deluge with not a shade in sight. More below!

“Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature.” Saint Augustine

Inspiration: Prepare For A Miracle… in the midst of the rain is a sunny moment

The age of the independent person is over.
The next level of success and happiness always
requires greater partnership. Robert Holden

I couldn’t turn back so I moved quickly, hoping the rains would subside by the time I made it to Main Street in the next nearest village.  When feasible, as the pelting rain soaked my hair and clothes, I sought protection under trees with heavy branches, but to no avail.  At one point, as I hurried along the now muddy, puddle filled aqueduct path, I thought my reprieve had arrived when there was a lull in the pelting rainfall, but then, it picked up speed again. By the time I got to Village X, I was drenched.

I stood under the awning of a cafe and wondered what to do next. I called a friend who worked at a local real estate office, but she had Sunday off. The receptionist mentioned that a little deli nearby sold umbrellas and I could get one there. I had no money on me, only my house keys and my cellphone. I trudged over to the deli sopping wet and asked the young lady behind the counter if she had any umbrellas.

“Sure. We have em… right by the door; over there. 12 bucks!” she said. I walked back to the entrance,  picked up a black tote umbrella and, walking back, hesitated before saying, “I was taking a walk when the rains started… I live in the next village and  brought no money with me.”  “Okay…!?*” She answered, with a puzzled look on her face.  Then she said, “You wanna buy it and come back later to pay for it, right?”  “Right!!” I replied. “I promise to come back today. What time do you close?” I asked. “11pm… but I won’t be here. The other girl will. Just pay her. I’ll tell her.” she replied. “Thank you so much! Here, let me give you my name and home number to be sure.” I was thrilled and after sharing my details, I thanked her profusely, took the umbrella and headed back to the aqueduct in the rain. I was wet, but confident and smiling…

Inspiration: Prepare For A Miracle… Umbrella to the rescue…

The rain continued falling around me and the pittar patter sounded like divine music to my ears.  A woman, drenched by the rains, walked by me and muttered, “Smart, smart idea!” as she pointed at my umbrella. I started to say … “You can get one at…”  when she waved me off, “It’s okay, I’m almost home.”  She smiled and walked briskly, intent on not letting the rain stop her stride and exercise.

I thought about my exchange with the deli clerk. She had trusted me, a stranger, to come back and pay later for the umbrella I was holding…  Now, that was a miracle.  15 minutes into my walk back home, the rains stopped and the sun came out again, shinning brightly as if the rains were a mirage. I smiled and still holding the umbrella over my head, I headed home.  All was well with the world.  Yes, I did go back to pay for umbrella and I am grateful for all who act as miracle channels for others. Prepare for your miracle and have a miraculous week ahead!

Stay Inspired! What are your thoughts? Have you had a miracle lately? When was the last time you were helped by a stranger? Would you consider the thought that you can be a miracle channel for others? Do share! Thank you.

*Please bear with me as I continue to catch up on your blogs and commenting… Thank you all for your patience!

Positive Motivation Tip: A miracle can be the kind act we experience from a stranger or even the windfall we least expected. Open your heart and receive all with gratitude.

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos heavy rains,  weather symbol, umbrellas, via Wikipedia and/or via Flickr

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

29 Comments leave one →
  1. 04/06/2012 3:35 am

    i love the way you talk about miracle and i agree 100 pour cent ! today here is my miracle : i’m going to interview my best author the american douglas kennedy ! i love his books and coincience he is in my city ! i will make a report for the local network i work for, and i will do something also for my blog:) coincidence ? miracle ? i feel like my heart desire something and universe helps me to make it happen:) i’m so graceful to the universe:)
    thank you elisabeth ! have a week full of miracles !sandra

  2. 04/06/2012 3:52 am

    Indeed mirqacles do happen for those who believe. Thank you for the visit to my blog (finally) and for all the wonderful inspirational comments and more. Much hugs, Elizabeth.

  3. 04/06/2012 4:07 am

    Great story, Elizabeth. I love it!

  4. 04/06/2012 4:08 am

    I do believe in miracles. I also believe in kind people 🙂

  5. 04/06/2012 4:49 am

    Oh, so true…Everyday is one in itself…but, the happenings that come into each day just adds to our miraculous lives…How fun and inspiring…~mkg

  6. 04/06/2012 5:12 am

    Did you get stuck in that rain yesterday? It seriously came out of no where. I was going on and on about what a beautiful day it was and suddenly there was this rain cloud. It lasted a short time and I got this great picture of a rainbow over Brooklyn..I didn’t know rainbows even came to Brooklyn!

  7. 04/06/2012 6:07 am

    It always comes back to perspective and the power of the mind. It is the ultimate power if we are strong enough to use it! Great post. 🙂

  8. 04/06/2012 7:13 am

    Wow, I love rain like that! 🙂

  9. babs50nfab permalink
    04/06/2012 8:44 am

    Isn’t it funny Elizabeth how we think of miracles as big when we’re really experiencing the little ones almost daily and often missing them. I happen to live with 2 miracles so I absolutely believe, but I have to admit I don’t always stop to savor the little ones like this story.

  10. 04/06/2012 12:04 pm

    I definitel believe in miracles, including the miracle of waking up every morning for another day! 🙂

  11. 04/06/2012 2:30 pm

    I nominated you for the Reader Appreciation Award too!
    Thank you for BEING!

    • 04/06/2012 7:06 pm

      You are so kind Shelly! Congratulations and TY for the award! 🙂

  12. 04/06/2012 2:46 pm

    I was once accused of seeing a miracle around every corner. Hmmmm, I’ll have more of that! Living mindfully, with an “attitude of gratitude”, actively seeking goodness and joy and surprise is being open to seeing miracles around every corner. What joy!

    • 04/06/2012 7:17 pm

      Well said.. I agree with you that gratitude opens our hearts to more… including miracles. 😉

  13. 04/06/2012 7:13 pm

    I love the thought of little miracles. I get caught up in big ones….wanting my friend who just passed away to live. ;( But you’re so right, Eliz…little ones are part of our day if we just open our eyes to them.

    I cherish this thought of yours: “What I have come to believe is that if we start our day with a spirit of positive expectancy, we open the door to attract good into our lives… and it could be in the smallest way.”

    I’d like to hang that on my mirror! It’s such a good way to start the day.
    Thank you for being so inspiring to me. With every post, you encourage me, you make me think, you make me smile. Thanks so much.

    • 04/06/2012 8:36 pm

      TY Judy for your kind words… Sorry to hear about your friend and I hope you are doing well. It’s not easy but trust that the pain will subside.

      • 04/06/2012 8:42 pm

        Thank you, Eliz. I appreciate that. One step at a time. Happy memories….each day. I’ll get through it.

        I was on Tracie Louise’s blog, and I loved your “start your day…” sentence so much, I paraphrased it. I hope that’s ok. I said it came from Elizabeth. I’d be happy to add your blog link.

      • 04/06/2012 10:02 pm

        TY! Use it as you deem fit and it’s fine with me. 🙂

      • 04/06/2012 8:53 pm

        I added your link….sorry for not asking first before I paraphrased it.

      • 04/06/2012 10:02 pm

        No problema! TY! 🙂

  14. 05/06/2012 1:54 pm

    miracles are all around us every single day…we just have to have eyes to see them!

  15. 06/06/2012 9:45 am

    Beautiful and inspirational post Eliz! There certainly are miracles happening all around us all the time, just the fact that we are breathing and are alive is quite the miracle. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

  16. 08/06/2012 8:58 am

    What a miracle! Love this.
    I’m glad you pointed out that miracles don’t have to be Hollywood-sized to be considered such.

  17. 08/06/2012 9:22 pm

    I like that CS Lewis quote, very powerful when trying to inspire someone to still believe. It’s hard believing in miracles over here, I know they exist somewhere, but I’m still waiting for one to happen to me. Good post.:)

  18. 09/06/2012 9:17 am

    We can be helped and appreciate it, or we can offer help to others and feel good about it. It’s in our hands to notice miracles and make them happen. Great post!

  19. 10/06/2012 4:37 am

    Life itself is a miracle as well as how the Sun continues to shine on us without burning up and or how the Earth continues to stay in orbit without floating away into the cosmos. If one just looks, there are miracles all around us such as how that gray mass that takes up most of our heads determines whether we walk, think clearly etc.Our very existence is a miracle!

  20. 10/06/2012 4:02 pm

    Wishing you many beautiful miracles!

  21. 10/06/2012 11:22 pm

    Words that gives us hope and the ability to believe and dream. Yes, I do believe in miracles. Everyday, we have little miracles that we often miss seeing because either we are too busy or we think they are normal occurence. There’s a few instances when I could have been in a car accident with my family but somehow it didn’t happen. I believe it was a miracle that harm did not come my way and my family. Thanks for sharing.

  22. joyroses13 permalink
    19/09/2015 10:28 am

    Miracles are so amazing, big and small! We just have to keep our eyes open! And not be so quick to say oh that was luck or just a coincdence! Thanks for your post!

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