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On Blogging: Can We Talk?


The heart and soul of blogging is the individual and/or the group of individuals opining on the fly and responding post-haste to one and all. Michael Conniff

On Blogging: Can We Talk?

Overview: It is hard to believe that we have come to the end of the road on the blogging challenge. It has been an exhilarating yet challenging year with tons of lessons learned. This post will answer the eleven questions posed to us earlier in the week, and then add a few reading links as tips in each section to help us enter 2012 with zeal and focus. In an effort to offer a comprehensive look back at the 2011 blogging challenge, I have divided the post into relevant sections. I hope you enjoy the insights shared here.
Why did you start the Post a Day/Week Challenge? I started the challenge as a way to focus on blogging daily, connect with other bloggers, and to help myself stretch and grow as a writer. I also wanted to face the inner critic, work to deaden or perhaps embrace that negative voice, and then move past it.
Describe the state of your blog at the time you started the challenge. It was not as focused. I blogged occasionally and wrote on a wide range of topics. I had decent traffic and a handful of blog friends who commented on my posts, but it wasn’t a cohesive endeavor. I used to spend a lot of time cultivating relationships on social media sites which helped with traffic but not with comments. That all changed with the daily post challenge which has helped this blog grow exponentially. More below 😉
Read – The Inner Critic:  Why It Is Your Best Friend
Writing in the Cold (Failed Writer #5)by Yuvi Zalkow
Silencing the Voice That Says You’re a Fraud By Melinda Beck

“There are no magic wands, no hidden tricks, and no secret handshakes that can bring you immediate success, but with time, energy, and determination you can get there.”  Darren Rowse

On Blogging: Can We Talk?

How did your blog evolve over the course of the challenge? The bigger challenge was, once I committed to write a daily post, deciding what to write about. We’ve all heard the line; Write What You Know… Of course it is easier said than done. Initially, I struggled with a number of topics that didn’t interest me, and even struggled with my version of Writer’s block: the blank slate at 11:45pm. But once I honed in on prompts and ideas that were in line with my positive sharing goal, and made the effort to start a post, the rest followed. I also developed the format I use now; quotes, pictures, content, questions, wrap up. This has helped me organize my thoughts. It evolved to where Writer’s block became less of a problem. And connecting and engaging with others helped a ton.
Read  – On Writing/Blogging: As Seth Godin suggests in his post, it is better to just write poorly than to not write at all. Daily Post: Seth’s Blog Talkers Block excerpted from Seth Godin’sTalker’s Block Why then, is writer’s block endemic? Writer’s block isn’t hard to cure. Just write poorly.
Daily Post: Does Grammer Matter, Finding Worthy Topics
Jacqui of Worddreams.Wordpress offers Tips on Writing and  Robert’s Rules of Writing: 101 Unconventional Lessons Every Writer Should Know by Robert Masello
Mirth & Motivation: Ten Reasons To Blog

“I believe the term “blog” means more than an online journal. I believe a blog is a conversation. People go to blogs to read AND write, not just consume.” Michael Arrington

On Blogging: Can We Talk?

Did you post as often as you had hoped? Why or why not? Yes, I posted every day and never missed a posting day. I even have memories of battling a nasty case of pneumonia as I struggled to add a coherent post or two to this blog. I know others who did the same thing so this is not unusual. Some posts were scheduled in advance, while others were written on the spot. As time went by, I realized I could submit a partial post and then complete it after the fact. Working with my blog plan and using the prompts that were offered through Daily Post and others made my blogging effort easier. I’ve listed some of my sources for prompts below. Each offered a nugget or two on a regular basis.
Read – Help with Prompts:
Daily Post, Daily Post Topics We Want -253 comments from us with tons of topics
Plinky , Soul Pancake , MamaKat’s Writer’s Workshop
Utter Randomonium has a list of many sites that offer prompts. I like HuffPost Creative Exercises
Steven Johnson – Where Good Ideas Come From

“Yes, blogging is entertainment. It is performance. Each blog post a show, sometimes an opera, sometimes a 30 second commercial. Like a show, it may start with a bang, lead you along from song to song, have a great climatic moment, then leave the audience wanting more.” Lorelle VanFossen

On Blogging: Can We Talk?

What type of blogging strategy works best for you? People utilize a variety of strategies to keep their blogs alive and fresh. Some of us post by email, cellphone, laptop, invite guest bloggers, conduct interviews, vlog, and even post on the run. We use the full range of multimedia tools available to us including re-blogging and vlogging. I blog from my laptop and have included photography and interviews on my blog. I plan to add other mediums next year. As per specific strategies, I’ve found that what works best for me, once I decide on a topic, is to formulate a relevant title and then gather all the other tools I need for the post; quotes, photos, videos,and such. Typically, I write directly to my blog or create a word document and then transfer the completed post. Once a post is up, I check it again for errors, omissions and typos. The editing phase is ongoing as I sometimes update a post with new information or a new photo.
Read – Helpful Tools: Daily Post: Write Better Titles, 5 Easy Ways To Keep blogging,
WordPress: Get More traffic 12 pointers that include; commenting, linking, guest blogging, regular posting, paying for traffic and more.
Poynter.Org: 10 Questions To Help Write Better Headlines

“Some blogs have become the best check on monopoly mainstream journalism, and they provide a surprisingly frequent source of initiative reporting.” Harold Evans

On Blogging: Can We Talk?

If you could go back to the beginning, what would you do differently? Because blogging is such a public endeavor, we fail and succeed in front of many others on the internet. It can be a daunting task, yet, if we don’t meet our fear of failure head on and blog anyway, we’d never find out if we have the stomach and the love for writing. Staying engaged with our audience is critical to our survival and unless we spend time cultivating a range of relationships, we can lose a chunk of our audience. What I might have done differently is spend some extra time shoring up my social media relationships and maintaining my other blog. I didn’t give enough time to my Twitter, Facebook, SITS, Stumbleupon, BlogFarm, BlogFrog and LinkedIn friends and will have to do better. I could also give more to my WordPress friends. Nevertheless, I made many new and lasting blog friends on WordPress through the daily challenge and through the various search engines; that remains the best gift.
Read – Audience: How to Understand and Keep Your Blog Audience by Danny Brown
These tips will help define your blog’s target audience by Sherilynn Macale
WordPress: Tips On Better Blogging
♥♥♥Here’s Wishing All Of You Peace And Abundant Blessings In 2012! HAPPY NEW YEAR!♥♥♥ More on the Post a Day/Week Challenge: A look Back at 2011, Below! 🙂

“In at least one way we are atypical bloggers. That’s because we just keep on posting. The typical blogger, like most people who go on diets and budgets, quits after a few months, weeks, or in many cases, days.” (Stephen J. Dubner)

On Blogging: Can We Talk?

What are you most proud of accomplishing this year? The fact that I honored my commitment to write a post daily under all sorts of conditions is an affirmation that what we put our hearts and souls to will flourish. Making meaningful connections with many truly amazing bloggers and readers was another source of joy. My writing style evolved, and I found out that even on a truly lousy blogging day, finding an idea, a line, a small vignette to share was possible. There are many schools of thought on what the ideal frequency on blogging should be. I would say write when you can, commit to your daily or weekly schedule, and choose a style that works best for you.
Read – On Frequency:Do You Really Need it Every Day? by Jonathan Fields
Read – On Style: Write like you talk: 5 Tips via Copyblogger
I Write Like: Check which famous writer you write like.

“I’ve developed some deep relationships over the past couple of years blogging and I realize that those relationships manifest themselves in the links I find when I do my 28x a daily ego search over at Technorati.” Jason Calacanis

On Blogging: Can We Talk?

What surprised you about the challenge? Giving, receiving, and keeping up with comments was the biggest surprise of the Daily Challenge. As the blogs I visited and commented on grew, so did the amount of time needed to maintain a commenting schedule. There were so many wonderful blogs that I loved reading, yet I couldn’t comment on all of them daily. I would say that the amount of time it took to visit, like, and comment on blogs was astonishing. Blogging is reciprocal, and so it is vital to maintain the flow of conversation and show appreciation for the generosity of others by commenting back; both on our blogs and theirs. I take commenting seriously and I’m still working my way through the comments I missed while sick because this is an important part of growing a supportive blog relationship; no matter how long it takes, we owe our blog friends a comparable reply.
Read – On Commenting: Should we turn comments on/off?: Ten Reasons Commenting is Good… by Chrisg, Blog Strategy: Commenting by Junta42
DailyBlogTips: Commenting, Problogger: Commenting Strategy, CopyBlogger: Blog Comment Traffic
Mirthd & Motivation: Blog Comments & Influence

Your blog is your unedited version of yourself. Lorelle VanFossen

On Blogging: Can We Talk?

What advice would you give to others who want to blog regularly? From my suggested readings below, you might guess what my first tip is: Don’t be afraid of rejection. It is imperative to stay focused on our goal and the key question I ask myself daily: Why blog?  Make friends with other bloggers and people, far and wide, cultivate blog friendships and support others. Another piece of advice is to develop our blog content with our audience in mind; not just our current but also our future audience. Put effort and thought into it. How do you want your blog to be remembered in 1, 5, 10 years from now? Develop a daily schedule and adjust it as needed, but stick to it. Take advantage of the tips and tools offered by expert bloggers, and get creative with the prompts you find; they are a wonderful resource for ideas.
Read – Other Critics: From Jacqui of WordDreamsRejected? You have Stellar Company.
Read – On Content: What you see: Problogger: How To Write Great Content
Chris Brogan: 40 Ways To Deliver…
CopyBlogger: Top 5 Tips For Writing Well…

“Make it a habit to tell people thank you; to express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you’ll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you’ll find that you have more of it.” Ralph Marston

On Blogging: Can We Talk? Thank You All!

Wrap-up & A Mega Thank You!: What are your blogging goals for 2012? To continue writing, developing relationships, and learning more and new ways to communicate effectively on the internet. I have had a fantastic blogging year and I’d like to say a huge Thank You to everyone who contributed to my growth: WordPress Daily Challenge coordinators Scott and Erica, all of my fabulous blog buddies and blog friends – too many to list, my terrific blog visitors/silent readers, my social network friends, my offline friends, my family and my Creator. Without your love and support, this venture would have failed. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart! I also want to thank the following for their generous blog awards (Please alert me if I missed yours!) and to extend the awards fully and freely to all of my fellow bloggers. Enjoy them and Share them happily! Thank you!
And here’s one that all of us must take: “You’ve Been Flamingoed!” from my home girl and blog friend Sunshine!*

Thank You!

Blog Awards Given To Me – Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
Inside Journeys
Nola Girl At Heart
To Stir
Poetic Journey 251
Believe Anyway
This Man’s Journey
Creating Reciprocity
Jake’s Printers

♥♥♥Here’s Wishing All Of You Peace And Abundant Blessings In 2012! HAPPY NEW YEAR!♥♥♥

What about you? What are your thoughts? What has been your experience of the the year blogging on the Daily Challenge? Where do your blog ideas come from? Why do you blog and how often? Do you plan to continue next year? Do share! Thank you. 🙂

This post was inspired by a prompt from WP Daily Post: Remember when you first decided to take on the Post a Day/Week Challenge? Here are eleven questions to help you determine your blogging strategy for the new year See questions highlighted/in bold above*

Positive Motivation Tip: Blogging is a process… it is hard work, fun and magical; enjoy the ride and grow.

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos Anonymous blogger, via Wikipedia. Or Onblog Seth quote, OnBlogging Is, by Will lion, Call to Action, by Cambodia4kids, Blogtips, by Mexicanware, Onblogging lady by Mike Licht, Voice-In by Blogging Librarian, BlogWords by Kristina B, Thank You by Jenosaur via Flickr

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

50 Comments leave one →
  1. 31/12/2011 12:20 am

    no doubt, you are the one for a blogging award!!!

    • 31/12/2011 1:07 am

      TY! We are all deserving of a WP celebration. It was a tough but rewarding challenge. Happy New Year! 🙂

    • 31/12/2011 9:45 pm

      I agree that you deserve the blogging award and Front page of WordPress.

      • 02/01/2012 2:31 pm

        Oh you are so sweet Jackie and TY for your support too! 🙂 ♥Happy ♥New ♥Year ♥ & TY! 🙂

  2. 31/12/2011 12:47 am

    You are deserving to all of your achievements this year 2011
    and I look forward to your coming post this coming year 2012.
    More power to your blog! 🙂

    • 31/12/2011 1:09 am

      TY Jake and a Happy New Year to you too! I look forward to your blog too in 2012. I will make some adjustments but will continue! 🙂

      • 31/12/2011 9:46 pm

        I am looking forward to your changes but I wonder how to change mine or how to come up with just one topic. Hum… pondering now…

  3. 31/12/2011 1:55 am

    You are a disciplined writer, an inspiration to me. It was nice connecting to you this year, and looking forward to reading more of your posts. 🙂

    Have a very Happy New Year and may it filled with joy and many wonderful accomplishments!

    • 31/12/2011 6:04 pm

      TY Sufilight. We are only as good as our company. I have had the best bloggers as buddies and supporters… All of you shine brightly and make me look good. TY and blessings! 🙂 ♥HAPPY NEW YEAR 🙂 !

    • 31/12/2011 9:47 pm

      I have to say you are very very very Disciplined Eliz!

      • 02/01/2012 2:32 pm

        Thanks again Jackie… sentiments are mutual! 😉

  4. 31/12/2011 2:35 am

    This was one of your most interesting posts. I enjoyed the blogging quotes.

    • 31/12/2011 6:04 pm

      TY Tilly… love your feedback. ♥HAPPY NEW YEAR 🙂 !

  5. 31/12/2011 4:58 am

    Yay, Elizabeth…you did it. Congratulations. Here’s to 2012!

    • 31/12/2011 6:06 pm

      Congratulations to you too! It has been quite the ride eh? TY! ♥HAPPY NEW YEAR 🙂 !

  6. 31/12/2011 5:27 am

    I admire your dedication to the craft of blogging. You are an inspiration. I’m looking forward to reading your posts in 2012.

    • 31/12/2011 6:07 pm

      TY and I admire your gumption! Looking for to our 2012 too.♥HAPPY NEW YEAR 🙂 !

  7. 31/12/2011 5:43 am

    This wonderful post sums up the joys and inspiration that blogging and the friends I discovered along the way has given me for 2011. My journey is only just as good for as long I have someone to share it with. My friend, you were the first few who I believe visited my blog when it just started from scratch and because of the words of encouragement and support, I discovered a part of me that I never knew existed. I never saw myself as someone who could write, much more week after week but friends like you help me find that part of me. So, Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Happy New Year and God bless you always.

    • 31/12/2011 6:09 pm

      You are the best and I remember those days too… WoW! We have all come far. TY for your positivity and blessings… Here’s to more in 2012. TY! ♥HAPPY NEW YEAR 🙂 !

  8. 31/12/2011 6:37 am

    I must admit I thought you were crazy when I heard you were doing a post a day for a year. But I have learned a lot from you this year Elizabeth about determination and dedication to this amazing art form. I have a hard time writing once or twice a week, even though my goal last year was to write 3-4 times a week. You are an excellent role model in so many ways. Congratulations on completing this challenge. Well done!

    • 31/12/2011 6:11 pm

      Barb, i thought I was crazy too! 😆 It has been an amazing journey and I learned a lot about people, blogging and myself… TY! Kudos to you for the support too. It takes a village… ♥HAPPY NEW YEAR 🙂 !

    • 02/01/2012 2:35 pm

      TY for being my best buddy from back in the day when you were my lone ranger commenter… Blessings and abundance to you and TY again for being my #3 top commenter for 2011 as per the WP stats monkey. I appreciate it much! ♥Happy ♥New ♥Year ♥ & TY! 🙂

  9. 31/12/2011 7:57 am

    Congrats, Elizabeth!! Has it really been a whole year?! You inspire me every day. Thank you for having the skill and fortitude to keep going through it all. Your blog is truly one of my very favorite places because you always touch my heart and mind!! Happy New Year! Looking forward to your 2012 posts!!! xoxo

    • 31/12/2011 6:13 pm

      Congrats to you too… Alone, I couldn’t do it. honest! See you in 2012. TY! ♥HAPPY NEW YEAR 🙂 !

  10. Bree permalink
    31/12/2011 8:13 am

    Congratulations on your completion of the challenge! This is a brilliant and helpful lookback on the blogging challenge. The reading tips you offer, your insights, your willingness to see the struggles and areas that need attention, your gratitude to your fellow blogger and to God is inspiring. I know you a very challenging year with your health, and yet you focused on completing this commitment. Don’t ever forget that tenacious spirit will see you through anything.
    Have a fantastic and abundantly blessed New Year too and we thanks too!

    • 31/12/2011 6:15 pm

      Ty dear blog friend… You have supported me all year and I couldn’t have come this far without the blog love from many, many others. TY! ♥HAPPY NEW YEAR 🙂 !

  11. 31/12/2011 9:56 am

    Elizabeth, what a fantastic post! I enjoyed every bit of it. Well done!
    My favourite quote: “Make it a habit to tell people thank you; to express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you’ll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you’ll find that you have more of it.”
    Ralph Marston
    This is so true! Have a happy, blessed 2012 🙂

    • 31/12/2011 6:16 pm

      Have a wonderful 2012 too dear Mal! Great to see you here and I will stop by to say hello. Kudos to all of us! ♥HAPPY NEW YEAR 🙂 !

  12. 31/12/2011 10:40 am

    Congratulations! I can only imagine the diligence and time you have put into your own blog and those of others. I appreciate your taking the time to visit mine and leave thoughtful words and comments. I wish you all the best in 2012 and hopefully a little relaxation!

    • 31/12/2011 6:18 pm

      Kudos to you too Sharon. We all did it! And yes, I will be tamping back a bit in 2012… TY! ♥HAPPY NEW YEAR 🙂 !

  13. 31/12/2011 1:53 pm

    I so love the post, and you so deserve all them awards. I can tell you put a lot of work and effort into your post. I have enjoyed reading them and now even getting to the point to now just like but actually comment. I know how life get and we get caught up with other things and commenting goes on the back i. You made some good points, I know I have to come and check out some of the links you shared and when I do make the Why Blog, I plan on linking your blog to mine so they can come and check it out your post.


    • 31/12/2011 6:20 pm

      God bless you dear one and congrats too! I owe you so many visits and I still have all the posts in my mailbox because I’m stubborn like that. I don’t believe one should only receive.. many give and I feel they deserve it back… I will get through all those posts… I know it. TY! ♥HAPPY NEW YEAR 🙂 !

  14. 31/12/2011 2:46 pm

    Congratulations on completion of the challenge! Do you feel rather flat that it has now completed? Do you feel what next?

    There were so many wonderful blogs that I loved reading, yet I couldn’t comment on all of them daily. I can certainly relate to this.

    I for one discovered many blogs through your blog hop and the more great blogs the more I subscribed to and commented on. Howeever, some bloggers such as ClassyRose, were a great inspiration to many and then completely disappeared.

    Blogging is like the saying “The race is not won by the swift, but by those who keep running”

    the wordpress2011 postaday/postaweek challenge will be a hard act to follow….

    Still it has got us all talking!

    Happy New YEar Eliz 🙂

    • 31/12/2011 6:25 pm

      You rocked it girlfriend and I have to admit that you were better at the commenting. I think after I got pneumonia and ended in the hospital, it all went south. I still have all the posts that still need comments or likes and the stubborn girl in me isn’t giving up on that yet…God bless and Congrats too! ♥HAPPY NEW YEAR 🙂 !

  15. 31/12/2011 4:43 pm

    Awesome post, E! Write on!!! 😀

    • 31/12/2011 4:44 pm

      And eat some chocolate tonight . . . it will bring good luck to you in 2012. 😀

      • 31/12/2011 6:28 pm

        I’m on it… with my fish and black eyed peas and round cakes and and… TY! 😆 ♥HAPPY NEW YEAR 🙂 !

    • 31/12/2011 6:26 pm

      TY sweet friend and you need to write a post for us on how to read 150 -350 posts in 2 hours! 😉 ♥HAPPY NEW YEAR 🙂 !

  16. 31/12/2011 9:48 pm

    Happy 2012!

    • 31/12/2011 10:57 pm

      ♥HAPPY NEW YEAR :-)! to you too Jackie. Stay Inspired!

  17. 01/01/2012 12:39 am

    I agree that blogging is most definitely a conversation and exchange of ideas and philosophies – I admire your efforts to post every day – blog on 🙂

    • 01/01/2012 9:00 am

      I’m glad we connected too and blessings to you! ♥HAPPY NEW YEAR 🙂 !

  18. 01/01/2012 9:19 am

    Congratulations on your accomplishment! We have all benefitted from your insight and inspiration. May 2012 be filled with blessings and joys beyond measure. I look forward to the new year and all that it promises. Happy New Year!

    • 01/01/2012 9:25 am

      ♥HAPPY NEW YEAR 🙂 ! You have inspired me too and I enjoyed your journey. Be blessed! 😉

  19. 02/01/2012 12:18 am

    A terrific wrap-up with a host of useful tips and links! You’ve had a wonderful year, I’ve enjoyed it all!

    • 02/01/2012 2:39 pm

      You’ve been a big part of that torchlight too and I’m glad we connected. Stay inspired! ♥Happy ♥New ♥Year ♥ & TY! 🙂

  20. 02/01/2012 7:07 am

    What a great post. and i totally agree with all of what you have written.
    Specifically, about the reciprocity of blogging. it takes time to really read what others write and my god there are so much that i want to read that it’s sometimes hard to keep up.
    Congrats to you on keeping up with your challenge for so long.
    Great work 🙂
    And today, with the power vested in my by Judy – I declare your blog to be awarded the Candle Lighter Award. Pls follow he link
    I have not had the chance to prepare a post on it myself yet. Judy’s post has enough information on the award.
    This award does not demand anything from you.
    congratulations 🙂

    • 02/01/2012 2:41 pm

      TY so much sweet and generous Amira. I wish we had connected even earlier as I love your blog… Here’s to abundance in 2012! ♥Happy ♥New ♥Year ♥ & TY! 🙂

  21. 07/01/2012 8:06 am

    Congratulations on completing the year of posting everyday, Elizabeth. It’s quite a milestone and a huge accomplishment. I’ve been pondering what to do this year since I want to travel more which means less time to blog. I’m interested in reading some of the links you’ve included so will bookmark this and read them later.
    Congratulations, again!


  1. Hopes and Wishes for 2012 | jeanne's blog…a nola girl at heart

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