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Inspiration: Seeking A Better Life…


“No matter where you go, there you are.” Confucius

Inspiration: Seeking A Better Life... Where would you go?

Are you happy where you are? Where would you go to find a better life? When I read this question on Soul Pancake, it got me thinking about my journey, across continents, both spiritual and mundane, over the years… As a child, we moved for a variety of reasons; work promotions, war, family expansions, and shifting needs. As an adult, I moved for school, work, love and yes, an expanding family. Yet, what stayed constant and, perhaps, current in all those moves was my inner dialogue; that place where hope meets optimism, hell, and/or happiness. In seeking a better life,  our outer circumstances might change, while our inner conversation might stay the same; especially if we are holding on to ancient, angry or painful memories. Our interior life is ours to shape and, like psychic baggage,  it follows us wherever we go.  So, Where would you go?

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” Jimmy Dean

Inspiration: Seeking A Better Life... What would you do?

Have you thought about relocating to another country for a better life? People emigrate or relocate for many reasons; adjusting their sails for each new direction/destination… and often, especially with immigrant populations, people say they moved for a better life. Granted, having all the basic amenities available at the snap of a finger is far more satisfying than fighting off hunger and attending poorly run schools in a country with a shattered infrastructure. But that is where some of the confusions around better life = happy life arises. If we have unresolved issues, anger, things that make us unhappy inside, frustrations, long standing hurts and unhappiness, a relocation wont change our inner dialogue and that is where our work must begin. A better life cannot be fully found in new things, places, people as those are temporary fixes; it’s about making the best of the life we have right now; it’s about resolving our hatreds and hurts, and reaching for our happiness within, for our better life begins there. More below 🙂

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” Maria Robinson

Inspiration: Seeking A Better Life... How would you change?

As Confucius rightly suggests, “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” It is important that we pursue our dreams with our hearts; focusing with our entire being and a commitment to make the necessary shifts for our own joy is imperative.  At some point in my life, I recognized that my life in Africa, Europe, and North America had pockets of sad and joyful moments. The time spent in each location was an edifying experience and offered endless challenges and opportunities for growth. My happy memories with friends and family were a positive counterpoint to the sad memories I had of the war and loss; my better life juxtaposed against a backdrop of merriment and mayhem… and that is what makes life exciting and unpredictable. Once I gave up believing that others held my joy, I breathed a sigh of relief and accepted that our better life is a choice… We get to choose.

What are your thoughts? How do you view your life? Have you thought about relocating to another country for a better life? Where would you go? Would it make a difference? Do share! Thank you. 😉

This post was inspired by a prompt from SoulPancake: See, Think, Talk: The Great Migration Where would you go to find a better life?

Positive Motivation Tip: Your better life begins inside of you, go there first, clean house, and stay a while…

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos Happy Kids 2Happy Boys Happy Woman, via Wikipedia. Or via Flickr

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

19 Comments leave one →
  1. 29/11/2011 7:38 pm

    I have thought about relocating to another country. It’s not clear but my dream.

  2. 29/11/2011 7:55 pm

    I am not living in my own country now. I am living in another country now but I feel the same.. I was happy when I was living in my own country and also happy when I am living here now. I think you are right, our better life begins inside of us 🙂

  3. 29/11/2011 8:04 pm

    I moved to Florida to find a better life. It worked. THIS is better . . . for me, at least. 😎

  4. 29/11/2011 9:34 pm

    I love the idea of “beginning a new ending” ….good food for thought.

  5. 29/11/2011 10:28 pm

    I often think of what it means to relocate. I live in a community heavily pocketed with people who have emigrated to the U.S. My neighbors are Cambodian refugees, and all over my community I hear stories of people who have left everything “behind” to make it better for themselves and family. I can’t imagine, really. I’m pretty well-rooted and I’m not too interested in moving…I might think otherwise, for the curiosity and adventure, but I’d have to convince my children and their children to come with me 🙂 I am very much at peace where I live…and I’m not talking about a place, but deep inside! Great post…Debra

  6. Bree permalink
    29/11/2011 10:56 pm

    I agree with your observations. If we don’t have a joyful interior life, no matter where we go, we will carry our misery with us. The work starts within

  7. 30/11/2011 3:31 am

    current in all those moves
    was my inner dialogue;

    that place where hope meets optimism:
    so I can stay where I am …

  8. 30/11/2011 4:28 am

    “backdrop of merriment and mayhem”
    That’s perfect! It’s as if you know my heart.

  9. 30/11/2011 9:21 am

    Well said Elizabeth. I believe if you are relocating in search of happiness it won’t work. You have to find happiness, wherever you are, within.

    That said, we’re considering wintering in Mexico in the future.


  10. 30/11/2011 12:40 pm

    I read the article on Soul Pancake. As a former clerk who worked in a storage facility with 20 million immigration files, I’d say that a lot of people want to relocate to the USA for a better life. We must have something good going on here. Our country isn’t perfect, but our ancestors were innovative pioneers. Surely we can lower unemployment and improve the healthcare situation before we abandon our country completely.
    That said I would love to travel the world for a few years and take millions of photos along the way. Wouldn’t want to relocate permanently though. My heart and my family are here.

  11. 30/11/2011 1:53 pm

    I would love to relocate to Colorado where I fell in love with the mountains. Or Scotland where I felt at home. Or California (Monterey) where I first saw the Pacific Ocean. Then again, I am really learning to love where I am right now. 😀

  12. 30/11/2011 5:11 pm

    Very powerful post Elizabeth, First I highly respect your life experiences, and more importantly how you find the means to express it in a way that teaches us about ourselves.
    That being said….
    Sometimes a place can be a deep dark hell, or a beautiful heaven. It does depend on the external forces and the internal will. I know this first hand. No matter where you are if you are going to be “free” or happy, you must demonstrate the will, the desire, and personal accountability. These attributes will make any locale a positive place in which to live.
    And by the way, I think I would live in Holland.

  13. 30/11/2011 6:05 pm

    Reading this, I thought of the phrase, Where ever you go, there you are meaning if you don’t get rid of your baggage, it doesn’t matter where you go, your life won’t be any different.

    I’ve moved several times. In each place, in each ‘home’ there were highs and lows, the normal ebb and flow of life. In each, I worked on myself and I continue to do so. I’m back now in my own country and I’m content. But as someone who loves to travel, see new places and have new experiences, I know I’ll move again – I’m looking forward to it.

    If I had to choose a place to move to, I’d live either in Gabon, South Africa, Botswana, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil, or return to Spain.

    Very powerful and thought provoking post, as usual, Elizabeth.

  14. Savira permalink
    30/11/2011 8:40 pm

    I so loved this post… it speaks to me! I love to travel and have been lucky to be able to do it… I have given the green light to my feet…. to take me where it wants to go… Since my travels and experiences my baggage has reduced both physically and emotionally!
    I never know what my next place would be… it is exciting but can be daunting at the same time… If you read my November SMZ post you will see why!

  15. 02/12/2011 11:45 am

    My family came to Australia. How will they chnage? That question is yet to be answered, it is too soon yet!

  16. 05/12/2011 8:48 am

    Living abroad and especially the months without the modern conviences of wired electricity and running water taught me the value of simple things like a shower, warm water or a working refridgerator. The favorite shower of my life happened then! more here:


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