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Happiness: The Beauty of Simplicity…


“Simplicity, clarity, singleness: These are the attributes that give our lives power and vividness and joy as they are also the marks of great art. They seem to be the purpose of God for his whole creation.” Richard Holloway

Happiness: The Beauty of Simplicity... The single pink rose...

Not long after our snow storm, I was walking up the driveway to my home when something pink caught my eye. I was surprised when I took a closer look, and saw that it was a single rose, blooming its little heart out in my garden. I was touched not only by the beauty of that rose, but also by the simplicity of that lingering gift from Mother Nature. Often, we go looking for complicated answers and solutions to situations or we have convoluted expectations about things in our lives when, quite often, clarity comes from simplicity; keeping our goals and expectations simple.

“Simplicity is the final achievement. After one has played a vast quantity of notes and more notes, it is simplicity that emerges as the crowning reward of art.” Frederic Chopin

Happiness: The Beauty of Simplicity... The handsome Indian actor/singer Dhanush...

Why This Kolaveri Di Song

Another thing that got me thinking about the subject of simplicity was the song above. Now it didn’t end up here by accident. I visited a blog friend, Septicemia, and he had a post explaining this catchy tune and the fact that the song went viral on YouTube. Then I read another blog friend’s post, literallychallenged, where the phenomenon was explained a bit more. It is a lighthearted song talking about a difficult subject, unrequited love, in a playful way. Aside from the catchy refrain, ‘why this kolaveri, kolaveri, kolaveri di’, what I suspect gets every one is the simplicity of the song and the ease with which Dhanush sings it… there is beauty in that. So, over 20 million hits later, it is drawing a lot of unintended attention. Listen and tell me what you think.

“As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness.” Henry David Thoreau

Happiness: The Beauty of Simplicity...The Blue Flower is a symbol of infinity, love, Inspiration.

Do you have days when everything seems to fall into place? What triggers the ease with which we navigate our world on those days? Do you think it is our mood? Our conscious/unconscious surrender to a higher purpose? Is our happiness tied into how easily we find ourselves traversing our world?  I know that when I think back to times in my life when I focused on simplifying my space, I felt lighter and happier…. Sure, we all face complex situations from time to time but we don’t have to live there. We can make a conscious effort to simplify. For instance, like NolaGirlatHeart, I don’t hang out at my favorite retail stores for Black Friday. Why add stress to get an item that you might even get a better deal on later? I don’t get that madness… But I digress. More below. 😉

“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” Albert Einstein

Happiness: The Beauty of Simplicity... Thoreau's birthplace...

Whether we spend our lives on a farm in the country or under bright city lights, we can find that resolve within to simplify and find ways to enjoy our lives without the additional burden of complicated situations. A lot has to do with the agreements we negotiate with ourselves and others in our lives. When we say yes to living our lives in a clear and joyful way, we find that the universe provides us with more opportunities for ease. First, we must want to, and then we must ask and act… What do you think? What are your thoughts? What does simplicity mean to you? How do you incorporate it into your life? Do you have days when everything simply falls into place? Do share! Thank you. 🙂

Positive Motivation Tip: The beauty of simplicity is in the ease with which we find our questions answered and solutions offered…

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: Pink Rose from my personal collection. Dhanush via Wikipedia. Or Blue Flower by Jules Reyes, Thoreau’s birthplace by Julie Jordan Scott via Flickr.

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

35 Comments leave one →
  1. 25/11/2011 9:30 pm

    For me, getting rid of clutter and having a plan equals finding simplicity…I have the plan…all I need to do is get rid of the clutter. 🙂
    As always, thank you for the beautiful photos and inspiring words!

  2. 25/11/2011 10:20 pm

    Knocked my socks off dear heart,….I spent the day “uncluttering” so I would be ready to wrap the great nieces and nephew Christmas presents to put under the tree (which is not here yet) so this was so timely, so beautiful and so so delightful.
    Want to guest author it on my blog….I sent it to stumbleupon 20 million readers there and posted it to my facebook 2500+ readers
    Delightfully divine my seer Thank you.

    • 26/11/2011 12:26 am

      WoW! Thank you for sharing it with your connections… I appreciate the generosity!
      You are welcome to re-blog it if that is what you meant about guest authoring it.
      Thanks again and have a great weekend! 🙂

  3. 26/11/2011 12:00 am

    SIMPLICITY is one of the most beautiful elements. You don’t need complexity.

  4. 26/11/2011 12:44 am

    Less is MORE – keep life simple and uncluttered

  5. 26/11/2011 1:28 am

    How amazing to find a flower after a snow storm.

  6. 26/11/2011 2:18 am

    Whether we spend our lives on a farm in the country or under bright city lights, we can find that resolve within to simplify…

  7. Rose Casanova permalink
    26/11/2011 4:39 am

    The song was fine while I was listening to it but I’ve already seemed to have forgot the lyrics….it was so simple, I forgot I ever heard it.

  8. 26/11/2011 5:47 am

    My life IS simple! You humans take way too many things seriously. Right now my tummy is full, my bladder is empty, and I have nothing to fear. That is enough.

  9. 26/11/2011 6:16 am

    Oh I have got another person addicted to kolaveri di, eh? 😛

    • 26/11/2011 5:16 pm

      Yes, Pranab! It’s all your fault I’m hooked on that kooky song… 😆

  10. 26/11/2011 7:20 am

    The simpler my life becomes . . . the more I see the beauty.

    thanks, E! 😀

  11. 26/11/2011 7:20 am

    So timely and insightful — for me decluttering means to give away or throw away or file away. And only read the BLOGS that have true value. And, of course, Eliz is on that list. Thanks dear for your thoughts and pix. 🙂

  12. Bree permalink
    26/11/2011 7:22 am

    What a riot! The refrain is catchy and Rose must be kidding or tired to forget a song she just heard! I can’t believe it went viral so fast. That Dhanush is cute! His wife is one gorgeous lady too.
    Have a happy music filled day. 😉

  13. 26/11/2011 8:39 am

    Very cool.

  14. 26/11/2011 9:20 am

    Simplicity – sometimes the most difficult. But nothing outshines the beauty of simplicity. Thanks for sharing this wonderful thought. 🙂

  15. 26/11/2011 10:30 am

    I have been on a de-cluttering mission lately. It’s amazing how quickly things can get out of hand. Great post!

  16. 26/11/2011 3:47 pm

    I’ve always been a de-clutterer – except for old photos and books. I’m not a knick-knack person at all.

    Great advice!

  17. 26/11/2011 4:17 pm

    Thanks so much for this post! Gives me a lot to reflect on. I definitely have to come back to your blog to reflect upon it a bit more. There are so many great ideas in it. It’s wonderfully uplifting to read it and to look at the pictures.Thank you for sharing!

  18. 26/11/2011 8:23 pm

    For me, the simplicity has to come from within my mind – not in material things… That is the only way, I can find beauty and peace. Sometimes, I can clear it out and find that uncluttered freedom that removes the stress – sometimes, I cannot. I wish I had the secret to finding that when I need it. I’m sure, if I find it anywhere, it will be here. 🙂

  19. 26/11/2011 8:56 pm

    Why simplicity is charming, of course! 🙂

  20. 26/11/2011 10:33 pm

    I did not read your blog yesterday. I know now it is because this message was meant for me today. Thank you

  21. 27/11/2011 8:12 am

    De-cluttering is my way of making my life simpler. Love the music–very toe-tapping!

  22. 27/11/2011 2:07 pm

    Moving’s great for de-cluttering. I was never big on clutter and am keeping simplicity in mind as I create my new space.

  23. 27/11/2011 7:40 pm

    I find simplicity in time spent with my two very young granddaughters. It seems to me that part of what brings me joy in their company, beyond the fact that they are just my precious little gals, is that I cannot be anywhere in my head but PRESENT and focused. I learn more about mindfulness when I’m with them I want to carry that feeling of simplicity forward into my “every day” life. I love the Thoreau quote you used, Elizabeth. I’m so glad to read this before I begin another work week! Debra

  24. 27/11/2011 9:27 pm

    Happiness – Beauty – Simplicity – Ease – your combination is simply spot-on 😉

  25. 27/11/2011 11:41 pm

    Sometimes I complicate my life with overthinking even the smallest of details especially in preparing activities and drafting proposals. And the end result? Dissatisfaction because I couldn’t get the results I’ve been setting myself with. Need to practice being simple.

  26. 10/09/2012 3:13 pm

    Indeed. What simple is beautiful. You write so eloquently well, eof737. All you really have to do is look around, and you’ll see how blessed you are . That guarantees you happiness. And just always look on the bright side life,

    • 10/09/2012 3:58 pm

      TY for your beautiful reply too… Remembering that we are blessed regardless of our circumstances does make a huge difference; especially in these tough times… It has sustained me. Be blessed! 🙂


  1. Earworms: Kolaveri Di and the Pathogenesis of a Musical Malaise « Scepticemia
  2. Weekly Photo Challenge: Simple « Simply Charming
  3. Simplicity . . . « Simply Charming
  4. Simplicity « A Kiss Of Bliss
  5. Today’s Motivations « Media Meme
  6. Earworms: Kolaveri Di and the Pathogenesis of a Musical Malaise « itismeseshadri

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