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Inspiration: Love Is An Unfurling Bloom Within…


“Love is always within. When you try to dramatize your love, you lose the depth of the love.” Charan Singh

Inspiration: Love Is An Unfurling Bloom Within... unfurling with a dragon fly in tow..

Inspiration: Love Is An Unfurling Bloom Within...

Inspiration: Love Is An Unfurling Bloom Within...

Love Is A Flowering Bloom Within…
This thing we call love, we give it many names; definitions, declarations, demonstrations. We try to box it in and plant it squarely at our feet. We adore it and abhor it. We reach for it in sensations, variations, imitations. We sing our love songs as incantations, recitations, as jungle rhythms draw us nigh… You know what love means to you. I know what love means to me. I know when love strikes me, calls me, holds me, hurts me, puts some distance to me. Then, I must go inside and seek love there … First.

“The act of love . . . is a confession. Selfishness screams aloud, vanity shows off, or else true generosity reveals itself.” Albert Camus

Inspiration: Love Is An Unfurling Bloom Within...

Inspiration: Love Is An Unfurling Bloom Within...

Inspiration: Love Is An Unfurling Bloom Within...

Inspiration: Love Is An Unfurling Bloom Within...

Remember Me by David Harkins (A poem about unrequited love)
Do not shed tears when I have gone but smile instead
because I have lived.
Do not shut your eyes and pray to God that I’ll come
back but open your eyes
and see all that I have left behind.
I know your heart will be empty because you cannot
see me but still I want you
to be full of the love we shared…

Love Is The Color of Many a Flowering Bloom…
Waterlily and Lotus flowers grow and bloom wherever they are planted. Be it at the Botanical gardens where I shot all the lotus flowers for this post, or in mud or the murkiest waters, they unfurl their blooms and emerge like brightly colored, sparkly stars on a clear night… they are not tainted or discouraged by the dirt; they know inside they will bloom… They need no Tom, Dick or Harry to coo nonsensical, sentimental words in their ears; nor vapid promises coming from a restless frog. They know they will bloom. They know they are love and loved…

“There is always something left to love. And if you ain’t learned that, you ain’t learned nothing.” Lorraine Hansberry

Inspiration: Love Is An Unfurling Bloom Within...

Inspiration: Love Is An Unfurling Bloom Within...

Inspiration: Love Is An Unfurling Bloom Within...

Inspiration: Love Is An Unfurling Bloom Within...

Remember Me by David Harkins (A poem about unrequited love) Cont’d
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live only
for yesterday or you can be
happy for tomorrow because of what happened
between us yesterday.
You can remember me and grieve that I have gone or
you can cherish my memory and let it live on.
You can cry and lose yourself, become distraught
and turn your back on the world
or you can do what I want – smile, wipe away the
tears, learn to love again and go on.

Love Is A Brightly Hued Bloom Within…
It doesn’t matter if you believe in love or not… It is inside you; active or dormant. It will one day rise and find you; in this lifetime or the next. Then, it will call your name and you will answer and if you stay true, it will guide you back to the source of all your underpinnings…

“To love is to admire with the heart:to admire is to love with the mind.” Théophile Gautier

Inspiration: Love Is An Unfurling Bloom Within...

Inspiration: Love Is An Unfurling Bloom Within...

Inspiration: Love Is An Unfurling Bloom Within...

Love is … Always…
Love is, like the lotus flower, an “ever-unfurling, infinitely fragile, endlessly mighty human potential that lies sleeping in each of us.” Umair Haque. We can choose to ignore it, analyze it, sit quietly and contemplate it. Noun or verb, call it what you wish. You know what love means to you. I know what love means to me. I know when love strikes me, calls me, holds me, puts some distance to me. Then, I must go inside and seek love there first… and Last. What about you? What are your thoughts? What is love? How else do you express it? Do share! Thank you. 😉

This post was inspired by a prompt from WP Daily Post: What does love mean to you?

Positive Motivation Tip: If love is an unfurling bloom within, go there and meet it.

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos from my personal collection

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

17 Comments leave one →
  1. 06/08/2011 11:11 pm

    Love is . . . in everything we see and do – if we let it!
    Love your post Eliz, and the photographs are stunningly beautiful.

  2. 06/08/2011 11:45 pm

    Beautiful post Eliz! Love is such a precious gift… it’s beauty surrounds us all daily. More importantly, His love is ever present & shines through even the darkest of moments.

  3. 07/08/2011 12:37 am

    Whenever I think of love, Corinthians 13 comes to mind. I read it for the first time at devotion in high school and have never forgotten it. It’s expresses an ideal.
    “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”
    Love starts from within. If we don’t love ourselves, it’s hard to love others.

  4. 07/08/2011 1:56 am

    It’s so important to let friends and family know they are loved. A wonderful collection of water lilies. (Funny–I have a similar photo of a dragonfly atop a lily taken at Longwood Gardens!)

  5. 07/08/2011 2:47 am

    Gorgeous pictures today.

  6. 07/08/2011 4:40 am

    Everything we need to know about love are summarized in one beautiful post. The photos of the lotus and lilies are just so pretty. I’ve never seen so much colors and varieties in one page. Thank you once again for sharing your thoughts. I can read it again and again. Stay blessed with words that creates a World that cares.

  7. 07/08/2011 4:58 am

    Beautiful photos – what a variety of star shaped flowers!

  8. 07/08/2011 5:44 am

    Love, and the hope of being loved is what sustains our lives. Beautiful photographs Elizabeth 🙂

  9. 07/08/2011 5:46 am

    And I love the quote by Lorraine Hansberry!!

  10. 07/08/2011 7:25 am

    Love all the pictures, but the dragonfly–Wow! Thanks.

  11. 07/08/2011 2:23 pm

    Love grows within.
    You are the garden.
    Nurture yourself.

  12. 08/08/2011 10:08 am

    What a beautiful flowers.Great job as always.

  13. 11/08/2011 4:42 pm

    Simply Beautiful


  1. Inspiration: The Heart Is Where The Head Finds Solace… | Mirth and Motivation
  2. Weekly Photo Challenge: Flowers… | Mirth and Motivation
  3. Weekly Photo Challenge: Flowers… | The Blog Farm - A Growing Blog Community
  4. Weekly Photo Challenge: Flowers… | The Blog Farm

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