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Fortitude: An Important Blogging Lesson I Learned This Year…


“Many of the great achievements of the world were accomplished by tired and discouraged men who kept on working.” Anon

Blogging: Fortitude is a requirement

What is the biggest lesson you learned this year? The Daily Post question today got me thinking about the genesis of my blogging life to date. When I started blogging in November 2008, I didn’t know much about blogging nor did I feel the urge to add more than one post that month. My post was very long and there were no visuals or even links; I simply didn’t know how to add them. As the months rolled by (2 in December ’08, 1 in January ’09), I added a few more posts on whatever topic I felt interested in writing about and left the results to the winds. You see, I was exploring the medium and knew very little about the full blown range of things I continue to learn about today; blog buddies, commenting, linking up, video, photos, quotes, guest blogging, picking a niche… Oh, even a blog hop – our fortnight hop from 3/14-3/28 is on my sidebar and here! You got it.

Stay the course, light a star, Change the world where’er you are.” Richard Le Gallienne
By April of 2009, I think, I joined Problogger’s 31 Days to Build a Better Blog and learned a ton of stuff about blogging and it helped me improve my effort and develop new ideas for my blog. Since those early days, I have gone from the occasional post to a weekly post, to bi-weekly and now daily, and the one lesson that stands out in my mind is that blogging demands fortitude — an unyielding perseverance to keep at your craft regardless of the daily drama that surrounds you.

When I signed on for the daily post challenge, I figured it would be a wonderful way to stay committed to writing daily; both online and off and that I would learn more about blogging; I have and it’s been both one hell of a bitchy brutal yet beautiful ride and a blessing. I thought I would always come joyfully to the template and find wisdom and genius waiting for me. Yeah right! Honestly, some days, I’m not even sure I have a single clear thought in my head, let alone a complete sentence… But then the very urge that made me say yes to the challenge (I must have been temporarily insane :-)), has given me the courage and the wherewithal to find a comment, an idea, a quote, a daily post, a conversation, an event, a photo or an inner prompting to daily write a post and add my voice to the conversation.

“Edison failed 10, 000 times before he made the electric light. Do not be discouraged if you fail a few times.” Napoleon Hill
Have I failed sometimes? Heck yes. My subscribers have occasionally opened their email to a post that sounded like the gibberish spewing of a mad hatter. There have been days when I wanted to throw in the towel or at someone but reminded myself that without persistent effort, not much is gained… So I write on… Even this post is a surprise. I was going to call it, One of Those Days When I have Nada to Say … then I saw the question for today. Thank you Scott and Erica. Oh yeah, I was going to write about ten lessons then I realized – tempus fugit – and please stick to the topic.

The quote at the top of this post is perfect because many days I come to this task tired … but do it anyway. I guess after 601 words, the point I am trying to make is we need fortitude to do this … and blogging buddies … and silent readers … and grace. Thank you all!
What do you do to stay committed to your blogging effort? Have you had dog tired days and pressed on? How? Why? Do share!

Positive Motivation Tip: Make a commitment to honor your plans and then press on; the universe, in the form of fortitude, will rally to support you.

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: Photo of woman of Fortitude via Wikipedia

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

43 Comments leave one →
  1. 19/03/2011 12:10 am

    Beautifully said. And, kudos to you for staying the course on the challenge you signed up for…
    oddly, I am trying to LIMIT myself to one-a-day…instead of the two I was finding myself putting out there…
    I began to think, “gee…that’s a lot. that’s like the Aunt that keeps calling.”


    • 22/03/2011 8:53 am

      Thank you Jane,
      I admire those of you who add more because between the online things and all the offline things in front of me, the day flies by rather quickly and I find myself rushing to make sure I have my post up. I could do more but other things call. 🙂 I love your imagery of the Aunt! Lol!

  2. 19/03/2011 12:51 am

    I love this post Elizabeth, it made good reading and I admire you so much for sticking to your commitment to writing daily in spite of feeling tired and thinking you have nothing to say; I really enjoy your posts.
    You have certainly come a long way since you first started blogging; I’m still in my infancy stage of blogging, and hope that I have the same kind of stamina to continue on, like you.

    • 22/03/2011 8:56 am

      You are doing great too Barb. The best part is that the daily post gave all of us a chance to connect with each other and build new blog partners. So you are not starting out in the dark. 😉
      One thing I have come to learn since I started is that I have developed a focus with blogging; meaning I keep going for good or bad and so I’m an not as easily distracted as I used to be in my early blogging days.
      Thanks again,

  3. 19/03/2011 1:18 am

    I have to say I agree with barb19! It can be so tiresome to keep such a tight schedule. I think we have all come a long way since jan 2011–can you believe it’s been three months…90 days almost?! Keep up the great work. jackie blesses you always

    • 22/03/2011 8:58 am

      Blessings backatcha Jackie! It is tiring and we keep moving along with it. I love the writing even though sometimes the muse takes off and leaves me to wing it 🙂

  4. 19/03/2011 1:36 am

    I must have missed the posts when you sounded like the Mad Hatter . . . could you provide the links? 😉

    Enjoy the journey. Tempus fugit.

    • 19/03/2011 7:15 pm

      I agree!

    • 22/03/2011 9:01 am

      Oh, you probably clicked on the link and landed on my corrected/modified copy. I was referring to some of the unedited copies I send out that have links I never pasted or incomplete ideas… and so on. 😉
      Stuff happens and I try to edit and correct my mistakes asap. 🙂

  5. 19/03/2011 4:11 am

    I really admire anyone who can sit down and write a post everyday!
    I make a post 3-4 times a week and my it takes hours; writing, going out to take photos and then bringing everything together.. The other days I try and visit my buddies blogs or discover new ones but sometimes it is the new ones that are difficult to find.
    I like your bloghop but I do find it difficult to go back and find the link to the correct week unfortunately. If I’ve found the correct one, this week there is only a few people on there, which is a great shame.
    There is a real sense of community developing and I really like this.


    • 19/03/2011 6:06 am

      You know PIP,
      You are quite right… I have been remiss in not adding the blog hop to other pages. I post it on Sunday/Monday and assume all will see it. I will add a link to all my daily pages moving forward … Thanks for bringing it up!
      Yes the posts do take a lot out of us… daily is a challenge.
      I need to reply to all my comments as I’ve fallen behind even on that one. Meeting new bloggers I try to do but not very well because of time constraints… but we try. You know the deal. 🙂

  6. 19/03/2011 6:16 am

    “Edison failed 10, 000 times before he made the electric light. Do not be discouraged if you fail a few times.” Napoleon Hill
    thanks, Eliz, for that quotation! So I am allowed to make some thousands of mistakes in the coming months 🙂

    • 22/03/2011 9:04 am

      True! We all are allowed to fail multiple times… the important thing is to fail and get up; fail and press on… Happens to all of us. 🙂

  7. 19/03/2011 8:08 am

    Eliz, this post is phenomenal! You hit the nail on the head for me… not necessarily with blogging as I am blogging way more than I committed to do. I committed to post a week & have found myself posting almost daily! Partially because of awesome writers like you, encouraging me & supporting me….

    Anyway…. the message in your post speaks to me about life in general. About having the fortitude to carry on in the day to day when exhaustion & stress set it… having the fortitude to stay true to who you are & what you believe amidst chaos & temptations.

    Thank you for such an awesomely inspiring post Elizabeth. Keep writung sister …. you do so amazingly! 🙂

    • 22/03/2011 9:08 am

      Wow! Thank you for seeing the everyday in this post. I’m glad it struck a nerve with others too. I had no idea that others had their war stories.
      Thanks again for liking it. 🙂

  8. 19/03/2011 8:17 am

    “Many of the great achievements of the world were accomplished by tired and discouraged men who kept on working.” Anon
    This was a great post to read – I could really relate and it offered encouragement to keep on going…I’m always glad when I do 😮

    • 22/03/2011 9:36 am

      Same here and the wear and tear can bog us down if we didn’t stop to see others on the trail. 🙂

  9. 19/03/2011 9:55 am

    Agreed! Especially when life gets busy and yet the mere “challenge” of keeping this blogging going for 365 days is what pushes us on… 🙂

    • 22/03/2011 9:37 am

      365 days Phew and to think we are barely 3 months into this ride… Good thing we prompts from everywhere too 😉

  10. 19/03/2011 11:39 am

    Amen sister!

    • 22/03/2011 9:38 am

      Amen to that too! Lol! 🙂
      Oh Barb, you are funny!

  11. 19/03/2011 12:44 pm

    so true….thanks for sharing!

  12. kimmiesm permalink
    19/03/2011 4:19 pm

    Your post just sparked some new motivation and encouragement, thank you!!

    • 22/03/2011 9:41 am

      Good and I hope you put it to maximum use.
      Glad we connected Kimmie! 🙂

  13. 19/03/2011 4:51 pm

    I enjoy your posts, with the quotes and reflections and visuals. What takes me a few minutes to read, must take you hours to compose.

    Blogging is such a wonderful reflective tool. I was posting frequently when I first started, and spending lots of time on them, and getting stressed. Then I realised that I was approaching blogging like I do everything else – like a bull at a gate. I also noticed that people were looking at the most recent posts, and not the older ones, possibly because they don’t have the time to wander around. We can get so caught up in “what’s next?”. So now I visit other blogs and take some time to wander through and appreciate their body of work, like visiting an art gallery. Blogging has taught me that I can take my time with some things and enjoy the journey.

    • 22/03/2011 9:45 am

      What a beautiful piece you wrote here… that could be a post in itself; to spend time in the body of work of a fellow blogger. You have definitely learned something huge from your experience. I commend you!
      Even thought the bull is now asleep, he no longer tells you what to do… 🙂

  14. 19/03/2011 7:00 pm

    Oh Elizabeth, you are my inspiration!! You could not possibly have a mad hatter post! You have been like a rock for me providing me with comfort and inspiration. I had no idea you are human and might actually lack perfection – you had me completely fooled- until today. 😉

    For me, as a newbie blogger, I am left staring at the blank page at times. The thing is that writing is my catharsis and everyone who reads and/or comments provide me strength to get through everything (as you know). I am grateful to be in the blogging community and to have found you. I feel like I was meant to read your posts – they provide me with something wonderful every day.

    • 22/03/2011 11:03 am

      You have done a brilliant job on your blog to date ; writing on a serious subject isn’t easy either. 🙂
      I appreciate your comment Karen and enjoy your blog because the blank page is our collective experience. 🙂
      Again, thank you!

  15. 19/03/2011 7:17 pm

    You know, E, I am very impressed with you! I find it difficult some days (and impossible others, when I’m travelling) to post at all! But you always to really Say something. To encourage us, to teach us, to make us think. You are awesome!!

    • 29/03/2011 3:00 am

      Thank you Rosa, It’s not easy for me either… must admit but you know, everyday I go to it and pray it all comes together. I love you daily paintings… very refreshing. 😉

  16. 19/03/2011 11:03 pm

    Eliz, again a wonderful-inspiring post. I was so apprehensive when I first started my blog only a few months ago, I was so nervous about taking on this commitment of writing my blogs. In only a few months, I have grown leaps and bounds’ as I have always enjoyed writing my thoughts on life in a creative way. I have the pleasure to meeting and sharing with so many bloggers.

    Time is my constraint, as now I have taken on a full time job, as well as my part-time job-and taking the time for writing my blogs, and being a part of other blogs -I like viewing on a daily bases. This is an inspiring commitment, and my truly outlet for being inspired, motivated, and blessed along my blogging adventures. 🙂

    • 29/03/2011 3:05 am

      I admire you persistence in keep up your posts and the visits and then the demands of your work… I appreciate the way we gather to give each other comments and blog support and I love reading yours too. Thanks again for your feedback. 🙂

  17. 20/03/2011 7:10 am

    I hear you. Blogging is a job. It’s a job that I enjoy so much more than my real job, but it does requirement commitment and fortitude. You have a lot of that, and that is inspiring. Your posts are always so well-written, organized, and well-thought-out. More importantly, they motivate your readers, and that’s a great gift for a blogger to give.

    I don’t think I have ever read any Mad Hatter type posts here! 😉

    • 20/03/2011 7:14 am

      LOL! Welcome to the Blogging Club… It has its ups and downs but I like the enjoyable parts too. 🙂

  18. Goz permalink
    22/03/2011 9:54 am

    Yes, Liz… Your posts are inspirational …substantial! Lucid…and fresh to boot. I know you’ve heard it a few hundred times, but you are a gifted writer.

    • 29/03/2011 2:59 am

      Thank you Goz and what a delight to see you here … long time no hear. I’m glad you are still reading them even though you check in when feasible. Love to all. 🙂

  19. 25/05/2011 2:17 am

    Disouragement is a normal thing, but we must be leaded by truth in god.
    le découragement est humain, mais la confiance en Dieu est notre vérité.


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