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SITSGirls Featured Blogger: WooHoo! My Special SITS Day!


SITS Featured Blogger: Ten Tips – How to Show Our Gratitude before Eating Thanksgiving Dinner This Year

“Everyone in the world should be able to sleep without fear at least for one night. Everyone should be able to eat to his/her fill at least for one day. There should be at least one day when hospitals should see no one admitted due to violence. In doing selfless service, for at least one day, everyone should help the poor and needy. It’s my prayer that at least this small dream be realized.” Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

Thanksgiving: Gratitude for an Abundant Harvest via NG

WooHoo! Welcome, welcome, welcome. Today is an awesome SITSGirls Blogger Day for me as the featured blogger on the ” ‘How To’ Featured Blogger on SITSGirls Series…” I am marking today, Tuesday November 16th, as a stellar day. In case you don’t know, SITSGirls stands for The Secret to Success is Support and represents a community of over 7000 bloggers who are committed to supporting each other through blogging, commenting, learning, conferencing and more.

Joining the SITSGirls community opens the door to a cavalcade of insider tips, knowledge, new friends, and myriad ways to become your best blogging self. As SITSGirls Tribe Leader for Team Lamby and We♥Wordpress, I have met new blogging friends and opened my eyes to other ways of building blogging connections.

How do you become a featured blogger? Join the community, submit a request form, check in regularly to support/comment on the SITS site and on other featured blogs and one day … it’s your turn. Voilà! Do join in and become a member!

As a motivational blogger, I am constantly looking for ways to write pieces that uplift all of us. I write both motivational and eclectic pieces and if a topic inspires me, I go for it. 🙂 Picking three posts to recommend to you was hard so I went for broke and offered you a few more…

For posts on a similar Thanksgiving vein to warm our spirits, or to put a smile on our faces and/or even to keep us going, I’d suggest these posts; Maintaining a Positive Attitude, Books that Shaped my Worldview, Power of Prayer, Living Life with Courage, On Leadership, Email Bliss, Sacred Cows, Gourmet Popsicles, NYC Photo Journal, Yoga Love, Our Pet Cat, God’s Grace, Yinka Shonibare MBE, On Blogging, and On Books to Inspire … Or pick any post from the interview series and connect with another person.

I invite you to grab a cuppa tea/coffee or your favorite beverage and stay awhile. My featured post below is another way we build community and share our goodwill with each other; comment love is key! Thank you for stopping by today.

My SITSGirls Featured Post: Ten Tips on How to Show/Share Our Gratitude before Sitting Down for Dinner this Thanksgiving Season.

“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice.” Meister Eckhart

Thanksgiving: A Table Setting before the Meal… may all be nourished.

Thanksgiving: A partial Family collage; my family (my twins & Rich), our cat, my sister

Even as many of us celebrate with spectacular feasts and a joyful heart, Thanksgiving can be a depressing time for some people… While this is a great occasion to celebrate, we must take time to pause, reflect and take stock as we rush around preparing ourselves for the holiday season.

The Thanksgiving Dinner, which is a uniquely American tradition celebrated here and in a few other nations, offers a fantastic opportunity for us to count our blessings whilst sharing a wonderful feast with our friends and family. Often, in our rush to get the perfect chinaware, table settings, stuffed turkey and desserts for our guests, we forget to stop and say a prayer or give thanks for others; folks who have limited resources or going through hard times, and friends who have quietly or overtly helped us throughout the year.

The following ten tips should help us ease our way to the Thanksgiving dinner table while remembering to honor and be truly thankful for our largess. Before sitting down for Thanksgiving Dinner this year, you may choose to perform any of these 10 simple acts of gratitude; doing at least three would be a phenomenal start to the holidays. More below!

“Que tout être en ce monde dorme sans peur, même une seule nuit. Que tout être en ce monde mange à sa faim, même un seul jour. Que même pour une seule journée personne ne soit admis à l’hopital suite à des violences. Que chacun aide de façon désintéressée les gens dans le besoin, même une seule journée. Qu’au moins ce simple rêve se réalise, telle est la prière d’Amma.” Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

Thanksgiving: Our Father … Give Us this day, our daily bread…

1. Before Thanksgiving Day arrives, jot down and share 10 things you are thankful/grateful for in 2010 and 10 ways you’d like to give back to others.
2. Send a Thank You email to 10 friends and/or 10 family members specifically identifying the reasons you are grateful to have them in your life.
3. Identify a Homeless Shelter in your area or a neighboring area and deliver food/clothing to them; a special dish on Thanksgiving Day would be perfect.
4. Find at least one person you don’t know to show a random act of kindness and, if the spirit moves you, start today and perform a random act of kindness for the next 10 days.
5. Deliver a bouquet of flowers to a stranger in your local hospital with a note that identifies them as someone you are honoring/ praying for this Thanksgiving Season.
6. Pay a visit to your local Elder Center and invite one of the elderly members over for Thanksgiving Dinner.
7. Volunteer to serve a meal at a local Homeless Shelter before sitting down for your Thanksgiving Dinner; most serve early in the day which gives you time to go home and finish your prep time.
8. Donate to a favorite charity or two; specifically in honor of Thanksgiving and make a commitment to make an offering to a different one each year.
9. Write a Thank You blog post for your readers, fellow bloggers and definitely for the SITSGirls Community to show appreciation for the support and comment love you’ve received to date.
10. Don’t forget to say grace, visualize abundance for the coming year, and treat yourself and your loved ones with compassion on this special day. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

What other tips would you offer the community as a way to show/share our gratitude for 2010 and honor our Thanksgiving Dinner in a memorable way? Do Share.

My Positive Motivation Tip: Cherish the good in your life and always share your goodwill.

Thanksgiving Harvest via National Geographic
Thanksgiving Table Setting via my collection
Bread Seller by Duncan Wallace via National Geographic

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank

Elizabeth Obih-Frank believes in positive kismet/fate and writes two bi-weekly blogs; Mirth and Motivation and Positive Kismet where she shares motivational, goodwill pieces and more. She is a mom to twins, a master trainer/educator, former real estate program director, writer, healer, motivational speaker and social media fan. She loves a good laugh, good food and an occasional jaunt to somewhere around the world.

188 Comments leave one →
  1. Bree permalink
    16/11/2010 12:14 am

    Well, Congratulations on your special SITS Day! I pray its sunny and bright and full of Thanksgiving grace and goodwill!
    Definitely well deserved and a much needed boost after your 3 week hiatus! Enjoy the comment love and give love back to your guests and follow bloggers!

    • 16/11/2010 12:49 am

      Thanks for your loving blog support always! Blessings to you too!

  2. 16/11/2010 12:16 am

    I could not agree more with your reminder to make Thanksgiving a time of reflection and service to others.

    Congrats on your very own SITS Day!

    • 16/11/2010 12:50 am

      Thank you for the feedback… I need the reminder too! This has been a tough year for many. 🙂

  3. 16/11/2010 12:39 am

    What wonderful ideas for celebrating Thanksgiving. Happy SITS day – enjoy your day in the spotlight! 🙂

    • 16/11/2010 12:51 am

      I love the Thanksgiving season… Merci and have an equally amazing day too!

  4. 16/11/2010 1:35 am

    Congrats on your SITS day. Thanksgiving is my alltime favorite holiday. Good tips you shared.

    • 16/11/2010 1:48 am

      Thank you for stopping by. Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  5. 16/11/2010 1:40 am

    What wonderful suggestions! I want to teach my daughters to be thankful, too, so they don’t take all our blessings for granted.

    Congrats on your SITS day!

    • 16/11/2010 1:50 am

      Amen to that… We celebrate all the major holidays in our household as Richard is Jewish…
      As you can imagine, my kids love the holiday season; gifts from both sides of the family. I remind them too.
      Thank you for stopping by. Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  6. 16/11/2010 1:43 am

    Congrats on your SiTs day. What a great list you put together for thanksgiving. With all the hustle and bustle of the seasons its easy to quickly forget the things that really matter.

    • 16/11/2010 1:52 am

      Thank you for stopping by…. It is easy to forget and that’s why I love making lists.
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  7. 16/11/2010 1:48 am

    Happy SITS day! Beautiful suggestions for things to be truly grateful for. I’ve been working on some on your list and going to get on board with the others!

    • 16/11/2010 1:55 am

      Thank you Shell! I’m working on them too… Thank you for stopping by.
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  8. 16/11/2010 1:53 am

    I hope today is everything you hoped for.

    Thank you so much for these beautiful ideas. You have started me thinking of ways to reach out to those in need around me, something we can each do more of.

    The positive nature of your blog is a ray of sunshine this morning.

    • 16/11/2010 1:55 am

      Blessings to you too! Thank you for stopping by.
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  9. 16/11/2010 1:56 am

    Hi Elizabeth. Congratulations on you SITS Day!
    It’s so refreshing to read positive messages. Thank you.
    Your ten Thanksgiving tips motivated me. I will try to put some into action.

    • 16/11/2010 2:12 am

      Much appreciated… Thank you for stopping by.
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  10. 16/11/2010 2:12 am

    I love your ideas! These are wonderful ways to celebrate being thankful. I truly love this time of year – the sights, the sounds, the smells – i wish i could slow it all down for just a little bit longer. This year I’m feeling especially thankful for several things in particular. I think i’m growing, getting older and wiser, and realizing how blessed i am! Thank you for the inspiring post, and congrats on your SITS day!

    • 16/11/2010 2:17 am

      I love Thanksgiving too; the whole season creates hope and more…
      Thank you for stopping by.
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  11. 16/11/2010 2:13 am

    Happy SITS Day! I love your Thanksgiving tips – I’m going to print those out and use them, if you don’t mind! 🙂

    • 16/11/2010 2:18 am

      Be my guest and do share it! 🙂 Thank you for stopping by.
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  12. 16/11/2010 2:14 am

    Truly uplifting post and all great ideas. Congrats on your day being saucy. And the world would definitely be better over Thanksgiving if we would all just do one of these things.

    • 16/11/2010 2:19 am

      So true… we would all be richer insider too. Thank you for stopping by.
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  13. 16/11/2010 2:19 am

    Hi Elizabeth, happy to meet you through SITS. Thanks for your tips, will definitely try to apply as many as I can this year. Always good to find someone that motivates you!

    • 16/11/2010 2:21 am

      Thank you too! The sentiments are mutual. 🙂
      Thank you for stopping by.
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  14. 16/11/2010 2:22 am

    What a lovely blog! Congrats on your SITS day! You have a stunningly beautiful family.

    • 16/11/2010 6:43 am

      Oh Rebekah, Thank you so much! 🙂
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  15. 16/11/2010 2:33 am

    Happy SITS day!!! How exciting!! Can’t wait to read more of your blog!

    • 16/11/2010 6:42 am

      Merci Kristi! Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  16. 16/11/2010 2:36 am

    Happy SITS day! I hope that it’s a great one! It’s really neat what you’re doing over here & I love it that you’re an international nomad! Very cool!

    • 16/11/2010 6:42 am

      Are you one too? Thanks again Kate!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  17. 16/11/2010 2:37 am

    Have a great SITS day…that is some great Thanksgiving advice!

    • 16/11/2010 6:41 am

      Awesome Lynn!Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  18. 16/11/2010 2:50 am

    Hope your SITS day is very wonderful. Thanks for reminding us that Thanksgiving can be a sad time of year for many people. I love the pictures of your family. They are very, very beautiful!

    • 20/11/2010 5:00 pm

      Hi Kaishon,
      What a joy to see you here again… it has been a while.Yes, there are many for whom this season brings pain not joy and we must remember them too.
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  19. 16/11/2010 2:52 am

    What lovely suggestions. I think that these ideas are exactly what I need to get in the spirit of the holiday.

    • 16/11/2010 6:39 am

      I need them too!Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  20. 16/11/2010 2:54 am

    Have a happy SITS day! I love your blog and the message you are sending. We need to surround ourselves with more positive energy and less negative! Have a great day and a Happy Thanksgiving!

    • 16/11/2010 6:39 am

      I agree; a great day to you too Sara!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  21. 16/11/2010 2:55 am

    grats on your SITS day 🙂

    • 16/11/2010 6:38 am

      Got it! Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  22. 16/11/2010 3:07 am

    Too often we don’t appreciate things until they are gone, or have threatened to leave our lives. It’s always wonderful to step back and count your blessings.

    Congrats on your SITS day, enjoy!

    • 16/11/2010 6:38 am

      Blessings to you Karen!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  23. 16/11/2010 3:09 am

    Happy SITS day! Thanks for the super Thanksgiving post. Love your blog and pictures. Keep that real inspiration and motivation going! It’s good stuff.

    • 16/11/2010 6:37 am

      Glad you enjoyed it!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  24. 16/11/2010 3:10 am

    Love these tips to express thanks for this Thanksgiving! This is such a good reminder of why we do the turkey and stuffing and the football and the family. Thank you!

    And, happy SITS Day!

    • 16/11/2010 6:37 am

      Thank you too!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  25. 16/11/2010 3:10 am

    I love the random act of kindness idea! What a great and thoughtful post.

    • 16/11/2010 6:36 am

      Credit to Oprah!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  26. 16/11/2010 3:11 am

    Happy SITS Day! I am glad to make your acquaintance through SITS!

    • 16/11/2010 6:36 am

      The spirit is mutual Margaret!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  27. 16/11/2010 3:12 am

    Thank you so much for reminding us that we are really celebrating being Thankful and sharing a feast. There is so much commercialism, sadness, and broken treaties and as a Native American woman it can be a grief-filled season. I thank you for giving me a reason to smile.

    We can learn together


    • 16/11/2010 6:35 am

      Oh, you made my day! Be blessed 🙂
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  28. 16/11/2010 3:12 am

    Happy sits day and thanks fr the wonderful tips! i totally agree and I’ll try t remember what’s important this Thanksgiving!

    • 16/11/2010 6:34 am

      I will too!Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  29. 16/11/2010 3:13 am

    Congratulations on your SITs feature! I hope you enjoy your day in the sun:-)

    • 16/11/2010 6:34 am

      Sunny it is and many thanks Susie!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  30. 16/11/2010 3:32 am

    I absolutely love your positive outlook and upbeat attitude. I’m going to look around a little more. I’ll definitely be reading you regularly. Happy SITS day!

    • 16/11/2010 6:32 am

      Thank you Grams and I will reciprocate!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  31. 16/11/2010 3:41 am

    Happy SITS day! I really like your Thanksgiving idea. This year is going to be tough time for my family.

    • 16/11/2010 6:33 am

      Sending you prayers and blessings… it’s not easy here.
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  32. 16/11/2010 3:50 am

    This is a lovely post coming up to American thanksgiving. I love the idea of thanksgiving and the history behind it. It’s nice to occasionally borrow foreign customs and traditions, we had a mock thanksgiving with my family last weekend.

    Congratulations on you SITS day too – have a wonderful thanksgiving when it comes.

    • 16/11/2010 6:31 am

      Hi Jade, glad to see you here!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  33. 16/11/2010 3:55 am

    I love your positive attitude. I’m definitely going to do something nice for strangers this Thanksgiving. What a lovely idea. Just imagine if everyone did this!

    • 16/11/2010 6:31 am

      Random acts are great!Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  34. 16/11/2010 4:06 am

    What a beautiful Thanksgiving To-Do List! At our Thanksgiving Celebration, everyone around the table tells something for which they are thankful (no cheeky answers). It is amazing the things that pour from my family’s heart! Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

    • 16/11/2010 6:30 am

      Many blessings to you too!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  35. 16/11/2010 4:09 am

    Happy SITS Day and thank you for some wonderful ideas regarding gratitude. They were really just what I needed today.

    • 16/11/2010 6:30 am

      Me too!Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  36. 16/11/2010 4:33 am

    Happy SITS Day! What a powerful blog! I think I spent more time reading your interviews and blog posts, then on the actual SITS post. I really enjoyed my time here and I will be sure to connect with you via your contacts.

    • 16/11/2010 6:29 am

      Thank you so much Chaplain Donna… Will connect with yours as well!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  37. 16/11/2010 4:40 am

    What a wonderful list of suggestions—keep up the good work!

    • 16/11/2010 6:28 am

      Hi Kim, TY!Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  38. 16/11/2010 4:42 am

    Happy SITS Day!

    Thank you for your ten simple acts. I will make a special effort to practice gratitude today.

    • 16/11/2010 6:28 am

      Gratitude is a great gift for us all… TY!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  39. 16/11/2010 4:50 am

    LOVELY! Perfect inspiring post for your SITS day!

    • 16/11/2010 6:27 am

      Merci too!Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  40. 16/11/2010 4:54 am

    Good morning and Congrats on your SITS day! I’m so inspired by your message to remember others during the holiday season. It’s a much needed reminder and I do intend to do so. Thanks your for the list…I’ll share it with my family. Will be following via RSS. Enjoy the day!

    • 16/11/2010 6:27 am

      Thanks for your inspiring comment too.
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  41. gourmetgadgetgal permalink
    16/11/2010 4:57 am

    HI Elizabeth, glad to connect through SITS. It is a blessing to recognize our blessings! Nice post.

    • 16/11/2010 6:26 am

      Be blessed!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  42. 16/11/2010 5:00 am

    Congratulations Elizabeth! I truly enjoyed reading your tips. I’m volunteering at a shelter this year, but I’m going to push myself to write 10 thank you notes as well. Thank you & keep shining your light!

    • 16/11/2010 6:23 am

      Thanks Michelle. I will be doing same…
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  43. 16/11/2010 5:00 am

    Congrats on your SITS Day!

    • 16/11/2010 6:23 am

      Merci!Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  44. 16/11/2010 5:32 am

    I hope you are enjoying SITS day! Reading your ideas for Thanksgiving really made me wish we had something similar in the UK…

    • 16/11/2010 6:22 am

      Right? I do love this holiday season…
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  45. 16/11/2010 5:50 am

    Happy SITS Day! Wonderful suggestions to show loved ones how much they are appreciated!

    • 16/11/2010 6:21 am

      Glad you approve.Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  46. 16/11/2010 5:50 am

    Great blog! Congrats on your SITS day. I love finding new blogs to read. keep up the great work.

    • 16/11/2010 6:21 am

      Thank you Jill…Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  47. 16/11/2010 5:50 am

    CONGRATULATIONS! I was so happy to see you are the SITS blog of the day… you so deserve it!
    Your Thanksgiving tips are spot on, and exactly what I’ve come to expect from you. I’m going to work on implementing all that I can.
    congrats again!
    Great post, as always!
    xo barbara

    • 18/11/2010 3:16 pm

      Thank you again dearest Barbara! You have been a great blogger friend and support. I THANK YOU!!!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  48. 16/11/2010 5:57 am

    Great ideas to keep the spirit in the holiday!

    • 16/11/2010 6:20 am

      Holidays are great! Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  49. 16/11/2010 5:58 am

    I often stop at giving thanks for the things I do have, but the next step is to give back to others. I need to get better at this to teach my girls to do the same.
    Congrats on a well-deserved SITS Day!

    • 16/11/2010 6:19 am

      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  50. 16/11/2010 6:18 am

    Great tips for remembering how to be thankful and give back this holiday! Happy SITS day!

    • 16/11/2010 6:47 am

      Blessings to you and yours!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  51. 16/11/2010 6:21 am

    I love your list of to dos (or suggestions). Congrats on YOUR day!! How thrilling…I know you’re just so excited. It’s such fun to see all the wonderful blogs that we’d probably never stumble upon with SITS!! Love that…

    • 16/11/2010 6:46 am

      Yes, I’m thrilled to bits PatriciaD!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  52. 16/11/2010 6:23 am

    Happy SITS Day! What a wonderful blog you have! I love these ideas that you have shared. I try to incorporate several of these whenever I can. Why stop at Thanksgiving??

    I also just read your post above this one and really appreciate it as well. I think we are all prone to worrying about how we will be taken care of, don’t you? But if we step outside of ourselves and concern ourselves with serving others, things fall in to place within our own lives. I’m not saying that I am great at doing this, but I’m trying, and that’s what will make the difference.

    Have a wonderful day!

    • 16/11/2010 6:45 am

      That is so true Jenny! I am a work in progress too; I live and learn from the process.
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  53. 16/11/2010 6:47 am

    Those are all fantastic suggestions. Thanks for sharing!

    P.S. Happy SITS Day! 🙂

    • 16/11/2010 6:48 am

      Hi Bean, glad to share! Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  54. 16/11/2010 7:16 am

    Happy SITS day!

    • 17/11/2010 7:32 am

      Gracias! Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

    • 18/11/2010 3:14 pm

      LB, enjoy the season!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  55. 16/11/2010 7:18 am

    Congrats on your SITS day!

    Thank you for these thoughts about slowing down and being thankful before Thanksgiving. I really needed to read something like this because I’ve been stressing out. so, thanks.

    • 18/11/2010 3:12 pm

      Hello MM, How are ya? Stop stressing and enjoy the holiday season… life is short. 🙂
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  56. 16/11/2010 7:29 am

    Congrats on your SITS day! We love Thanksgiving in our family but we do take our expensive trips to the store for the grass-fed free range turkey and all that we serve with it a little bit for granted. So thanks for the reminder to be thankful and to let others we know and don’t know hear those words from us. I do believe that what goes around, comes around so I think I mostly err on the side of doing nice things for others.But sometimes, we forget.

    • 17/11/2010 7:31 am

      You are right that what goes around, comes around… daily karma! Appreciate your visit.
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  57. 16/11/2010 7:34 am

    Great post. Congrats on SITS day though I found you through Communal Global. I want to re-read this so I am putting a bookmark here definitely.

    • 17/11/2010 7:30 am

      Hi Laurie, What is Communal Global as I would love to check them out?
      Love global interactions; I will check out your blog too.
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  58. 16/11/2010 7:37 am

    I really like the quote you shared by Mata Amritanandamayi Devi.

    Blessings & Giggles

    • 17/11/2010 7:28 am

      Same here … and that is why I added the french translation too. It is a terrific prayer for the holiday season!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  59. 16/11/2010 7:37 am

    Congrats on your SITS day!!

    • 17/11/2010 7:26 am

      Many blessings to you!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  60. 16/11/2010 7:45 am

    This is tremendous. The list and the good things to be grateful for. The prayer by Mata is just beautiful. Thank you for sharing you love and light with the SITS girls today.

    My MIL has been in ICU since Sep. 26th for a brain aneurysm. We are so THANKFUL she is still with us this Thanksgiving. We may not have a big fancy dinner, but we will hold hands with her at her hospital bed in thanksgiving for her life and miraculous recovery.

    • 17/11/2010 7:26 am

      Hi Angelia, Sending prayers and blessings for a speedy recovery to your MIL!
      We are keeping it simple in our household this year too. Your kind words are appreciated too!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  61. JDaniel4's Mom permalink
    16/11/2010 7:50 am

    Happy SITS day! I love the idea of focusing on service and others for Thankgiving.

    • 18/11/2010 3:11 pm

      JD4’s mom, I’m glad you came by and I love the idea of service too.
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  62. 16/11/2010 8:23 am

    Happy SITS Day SITStah from non-thanksgiving celebrating England x

    • 17/11/2010 7:23 am

      Oh you are funny… we do have lots of holidays we celebrate there like … Boxing Day 😉 Lol!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  63. 16/11/2010 8:25 am

    Congratulations on your SITS day! Thank you for the incredible list of tips! I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts. What a beautiful and inspiring blog!

    • 17/11/2010 7:22 am

      Thank you Jean and I love your blog too!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  64. 16/11/2010 8:27 am

    Happy SITS day!

    • 17/11/2010 7:16 am

      I appreciate your visit too!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  65. 16/11/2010 8:56 am

    What great ways to celebrate – and be thoughtful. It is so important to give back but so many times we get too busy to think of others. Thank you for the reminders!!

    • 17/11/2010 7:18 am

      Hi Nan, how are ya? That is correct about the business getting in the way; that’s why i need reminders too.
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  66. 16/11/2010 8:57 am

    Congrats on our SITS day Lovely 🙂 Some fab ways to celebrate Thanksgiving x

    • 17/11/2010 7:15 am

      Hi Emma, Great to see your fab self here too! How are ya?
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  67. 16/11/2010 9:27 am

    Congratulations on your SITS day!

    • 17/11/2010 7:14 am

      Merci Niki! Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  68. 16/11/2010 10:34 am

    Happy SITS day! Love your positive energy!

    • 17/11/2010 7:13 am

      Khara, thank you so much and I do love your name.
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  69. 16/11/2010 10:58 am

    Happy SITS Day! I think you were my SITS Lamby Tribe leader, but I’m guessing I visited you over at Positive Kismet, because I don’t think I’ve been here before!

    • 17/11/2010 7:12 am

      Yes, yes… we are in the Lamby team together and I have two blogs. I appreciate you stopping by!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  70. 16/11/2010 11:00 am

    HAppy SITS DAY! Love these ideas!

    • 17/11/2010 7:10 am

      Ditto here too! Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  71. 16/11/2010 11:47 am

    LOVE your message on your blog! Happy SITS Day and I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving!!

    • 17/11/2010 7:09 am

      Blessings coming right back-at-cha! Many thanks too 😉
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  72. 16/11/2010 11:47 am

    Congrats on your SITS Day! Your post is a great reminder to all of us to be thankful for what we have and to look for ways to give to others. Thank You!

    • 17/11/2010 7:08 am

      Yes, we have to be thankful especially during these tough economic times…
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  73. 16/11/2010 12:21 pm

    Congrats on your SITS day! I love the quote about Thank You being prayer enough. I heard that on Oprah once and I remembered that in my most tired nights putting my infant to sleep in his crib. I would stand at his crib, too tired to think of great words for a prayer, so if I ever felt that way, I would not judge myself, I would say, “Thank You, God,” and I would know THAT WAS ENOUGH. 🙂

    • 17/11/2010 7:07 am

      Beautifully said… It is a powerful prayer and covers a lot of ground…. TY!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  74. 16/11/2010 1:48 pm

    Congrats on your SITS day!

    • 17/11/2010 7:05 am

      Merci, Merci! Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  75. 16/11/2010 2:07 pm

    Wonderful ideas! – Thanks so much for sharing them! 😀


    • 17/11/2010 7:05 am

      It’s a pleasure… loved working on this post.
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  76. 16/11/2010 3:01 pm

    Happy SITSday! Beautiful reminders for this week before Thanksgiving!

    • 17/11/2010 7:04 am

      Amen and may we all remember!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  77. 16/11/2010 3:45 pm

    Happy SITS day!! What a great way to enter the Thanksgiving holiday.

    • 17/11/2010 7:04 am

      I love Thanksgiving Season too…
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  78. 16/11/2010 5:13 pm

    Thank you so much for your tips and reminders to be thankful this Thanksgiving! Happy SITS day!

    • 17/11/2010 7:03 am

      Thank you too as I needed the reminders as well.
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  79. 16/11/2010 6:36 pm

    Hurray, my Lamby leader is being featured. =) Congrats. I love the photo of your Thanksgiving table before the meal. And those deviled eggs look yummy! Thanks for sharing some great ideas!


    • 17/11/2010 7:02 am

      Oh Mimi, you are the best! Thank you so, so much for your support too.
      You noticed those deviled eggs, eh? 😉 Lol!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  80. 16/11/2010 7:19 pm

    you are a bright light in a dark world sweet bella, thank you for shining on us and sharing these amazing gifts – keep shining and have a glorious day…

    “be kind, for everyone you know is facing a great battle” ~ philo of alexandria

    • 17/11/2010 7:00 am

      Thank you for such a beautiful message! 🙂 The sentiments are mutual and I do love your blog.
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  81. 16/11/2010 7:59 pm

    Congrats on your SITS day, and it’s nice to meet you! I appreciate knowing that there’s someone out there encouraging the world to be a better place.

    • 17/11/2010 6:59 am

      Thanks Amy! I believe you do same with your lovely blog…
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  82. 17/11/2010 2:52 am

    I think it’s so incredible that you grew up on 3 continents! The experiences you’ve had must be amazing.

    • 17/11/2010 6:58 am

      Thanks Liz and, you know, I never spent time thinking of it in that way until I started blogging!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  83. 17/11/2010 5:11 am

    Congratulations on your SITS day! Hope that you get a lot of traffic and subscribers 🙂

    Great post. There are so many ways to be thankful and to help others. Everyone should be able to do something regardless of their status or income. Unfortunately we can always find someone needier than ourselves, but the positive side is that it leaves lots of opportunities to be giving! May we all reach out and bless at least one person this season!

    • 17/11/2010 6:57 am

      I’d say a big Amen to that… so true that we all can find someone to help, some way to give back and be thankful.
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  84. 17/11/2010 8:46 am

    I am late for SITS Day, but Congrats!!! Your blog is awesome. I will be back. (on my way to friend you on twitter…)

    • 18/11/2010 2:59 pm

      Thank you WJ. I will definitely friend you back!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  85. 17/11/2010 12:18 pm

    Wonderful Message! Thank you.
    Have a Joyful Thanksgiving.

    • 18/11/2010 3:05 pm

      Annie welcome back! I am always delighted to see you here… 🙂
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  86. 17/11/2010 2:16 pm

    Congratulations on your SITS day! I am grateful to be reminded about gratitude – always. Thank you.

    • 18/11/2010 3:05 pm

      Oh Colleen I am grateful to you too!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  87. 17/11/2010 7:18 pm

    Happy happy SITS day! Thanks for the suggestions for Thanksgiving…wonderful ideas!

    • 18/11/2010 2:57 pm

      You are welcome Amy!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  88. 17/11/2010 8:17 pm

    stopping in late but wanting to congratulate anyways! happy sits day!

    • 18/11/2010 2:56 pm

      I appreciate your visit Christy; never too late!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  89. 18/11/2010 11:22 am

    Hi Elizabeth,

    So pleased you had your SITS day and I’m able to celebrate with you if belatedly! You serve up true soul food on your blog and that’s a wonderful thing to share, especially with Thanksgiving coming up.

    Stay blessed,


    • 18/11/2010 2:55 pm

      Glad to see you here Uju!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  90. 18/11/2010 8:09 pm

    Wow, what a wonderful way to share your SITS day! Great reminders, especially #2. I’m going to have to do that one!
    Thank you! -CK

    • 19/11/2010 5:28 pm

      Hi CK, I’m working on them too…
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  91. 18/11/2010 11:43 pm

    Congrats on your sits day!

    • 19/11/2010 5:28 pm

      I appreciate you feedback A!
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  92. 20/11/2010 5:39 am

    Hello! I am visiting from SITS. I read this post a couple of days ago when it was original posted and it really inspired me. I am following your lead, and I wrote a post for Thanksgiving that lists the ten things that I am thankful for. It is scheduled to post on Thanksgiving day. Thank you very much for the inspiration, and keep up the good work!!!

    • 20/11/2010 3:46 pm

      Awesome that you wrote a special TY for Thanksgiving! Will check it out when you post it.
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  93. 22/11/2010 2:41 am

    What an awesome list and a great way to honor and celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday! Congrats on your SITS day, I hope it was wonderful!

    • 22/11/2010 5:56 am

      Thank you for stopping by Julie and I hope your week is wonderful too.
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment…
      Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂


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