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Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandoned


The road to positivity is strewn with the abandoned vehicles of the faint-hearted. Peter McWilliams

Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandoned Spaces and Things

Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandoned Spaces and Things

Even though, I take pictures of all sorts of things, I often don’t take pictures of abandoned buildings because there is usually a sadness about them. But the truth is that at different points in our lives, we move on, abandoning what no longer serves our lives … It is part of our growth process. We must learn to embrace the change. Here are a few things I found that in their own way show the abandonment of spaces and things.
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Old books that have ceased to be of service should no more be abandoned than should old friends who have ceased to give pleasure. Bernard Baruch

Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandoned Spaces and Things

Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandoned Spaces and Things

The struggle of my life created empathy – I could relate to pain, being abandoned, having people not love me. Oprah Winfrey

What  have you abandoned in your life? What abandoned things are you drawn to? What comes to mind when you think this topic? Do you have a story to share?  Do let me know in a comment below.Thank you EVERYONE!

This post was inspired by a prompt from Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandoned For this week’s photo challenge, show us abandoned. You can go literal, as I have, and share a photo of ruins, a desolate place, or your idea of a wasteland. Or you can interpret it in other ways, from images of overlooked things to forgotten people.  In a post created specifically for this challenge, share a photo that shows us abandoned.

For more, check out how others interpreted the theme – WP Daily Post: Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandoned  What have you abandoned?

Positive Motivation Tip:  At different points in our lives, we move on, abandoning what no longer serves our lives … It is part of our growth process. Embrace the change.

More Weekly Photo Challenge Posts

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos from my Personal Collection.

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

26 Comments leave one →
  1. 01/03/2014 12:50 pm

    Great captures 🙂

  2. 01/03/2014 1:02 pm

    Sometimes I think about people in my past that I have lost touch with, but then I think to myself that there must be a reason they are not in my life anymore.

  3. 01/03/2014 1:06 pm

    Those are great images. You are so right about the growth process and sometimes you just have to move on from things or situations that don’t serve our best interest

  4. 01/03/2014 2:30 pm

    Those are beautiful photos. Funny we have different outlooks on the abandoned buildings. Of course I focus more on old abandoned barns and see nothing but beauty in them, I get picked on all the time as everyone says that they are shacks that need to be torn down and I see them and think they are beautiful and just need a little tlc.

  5. 01/03/2014 6:27 pm

    Beautiful photos! You’re so right – abandonment is part of the growth process.

  6. 01/03/2014 7:07 pm

    I agree with you that there is a certain sadness around abandoned buildings. They seem so alone.

  7. 02/03/2014 12:26 am

    I used to feel sad if I lost touch with a friend, but realise that people always come and go, it’s impossible to keep everyone in our lives.

  8. 02/03/2014 4:37 am

    Sometimes it’s good to revisit and touch base of the past. Those abandoned places looks peaceful and a nice place to bike.

  9. 02/03/2014 5:35 am

    That is a nice attitude to have, regarding the need to embrace change. I think abandoned barns are pretty in pictures, but not in person. 😉

  10. 02/03/2014 6:07 am

    What beautiful images! Abandonment is part of life but I agree, there is a certain sadness around it!

  11. Aisha Kristine Chong permalink
    02/03/2014 6:59 am

    Lovely photos. For me, it’s all just part of life – I do think about it from time to time but I just believe that – there are reasons for why things have happened the way it did.

  12. 02/03/2014 11:43 am

    I like abandoned buildings. Something about them that just grabs at you. It can be spooky, it can be bright. I don’t know there’s always something.

  13. prettyopinionated permalink
    02/03/2014 12:39 pm

    There is something so deeply sad yet encouraging about an abandoned building. On the one hand, it’s sad to see it all alone and devoid of life. On the other, it’s full of possibilities!

  14. 02/03/2014 2:02 pm

    Wonderful post – I especially like the Baruch book quote! 🙂

  15. 02/03/2014 2:45 pm

    Beautiful photos. I enjoy seeing old abandoned buildings. There seems to be something rich with history about them and that they hold a story that is worth discovering.

  16. 02/03/2014 7:45 pm

    When I think “abandoned” I always get a mental picture of an old house sitting in the middle of nowhere that has not been lived in for many years.Sometimes I see a child left at the front door of someone’s house..but must time I see a house…

  17. Mandy Young Carter permalink
    07/03/2014 3:30 pm

    I have never really thought about abandoned buildings. But now that you mention it, there is a sadness to them


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