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Reflections: Beauty in Ten Ordinary Things…


“Every artist was first an amateur.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Reflections: Beauty in Ten Ordinary Things... Beauty in Sleeping... Eros Sleeping

Reflections: Beauty in Ten Ordinary Things... A Warm Smile

After a four day absence to attend a yoga/meditation retreat with Amma (the hugging saint) in Boston, I came back to over a thousand emails and a lot of catching up to do; reading and commenting back on blog buddy and new posts, getting back to household chores and appointments, following up on my kids schedules, and refocusing on the present. Some of the lessons of the retreat fit today’s prompt and included a reminder to appreciate the simple things in life; to see the extraordinary in the ordinary, to be immensely grateful for the good we enjoy, to share our gifts generously with others, and to offer our service and goodwill to all; especially those who have none. 
The first thing that came to mind when I saw the #Trust30 prompt was the beauty in sleep; good, sound, rejuvenating sleep. I have been on a sleep challenged roller coaster for over a year and it is a blessing when one can get to sleep well… Sleep is something seemingly ordinary that we forget to think about the beauty of it.

#Trust30 is an online initiative and 30-day writing challenge. The #Trust30 Prompt: To be an artist one has to find beauty in ordinary things. Find 10 things of great beauty in the landscape that surrounds you. For example, crumple sheets on your bed in the morning, the smell of coffee making its way around a busy office.

✿♡✿ The Beauty in Sleep
✿♡✿ The Beauty in a Cup of Tea/Coffee
✿♡✿ The Beauty in Clean water
✿♡✿ The Beauty in a Smile
✿♡✿ The Beauty in a loaf of bread

Reflections: Beauty in Ten Ordinary Things... Clean water

Reflections: Beauty in Ten Ordinary Things... A loaf of bread ... (Credit below Jronaldlee)

When we think about the simple things we enjoy everyday, the things that happen routinely and add ease to our lives, like clean water for tea and bread, we cannot help but show our gratitude by saying a simple prayer of thanks or sharing a random act of kindness with others. Above and below are my ten beauty ordinary things list. We can find beauty in the magnificent and the mundane; no one thing holds all of beauty and once we set aside our superficial differences, we are, at heart, all the same. What are your ordinary things to celebrate? More Below. 😉

“Unrest of spirit is a mark of life; one problem after another presents itself and in the solving of them we can find our greatest pleasure.” Karl Menninger

Reflections: Beauty in Ten Ordinary Things... Beauty in a butterfly in nature

Reflections: Beauty in Ten Ordinary Things... Clean Laundry ... (via TomyLees)

✿♡✿ The Beauty in a strolling/walking path …  and butterflies in nature
✿♡✿ The Beauty in a Sunrise … even sunlight
✿♡✿ The Beauty in Clean Laundry
✿♡✿ The Beauty in Rain Showers
✿♡✿ The Beauty in all things we dismiss because we forget… breath

Reflections: Beauty in Ten Ordinary Things... Rain showers...

Reflections: Beauty in Ten Ordinary Things... Breath of life.... breath

I find that when I am experiencing discomfort or frustration over delays or the things that aren’t “working” in my life,
I can choose to wallow in self-pity even outrage or shift my mind to the needs of others. How can I be of service to another? How can I help ease someone else’s needs? These are questions that can help us change direction and refocus on what truly matters… learning to appreciate the life we have. Of course, the real secret to this exercise is that there is always the extraordinary in the ordinary. What about you? What are your thoughts? What ten things fit your beauty in the ordinary bill? Do you find time to share your appreciation and how? What other things would you add to the list? Do share! Thank you. 😉

This post was inspired by a prompt from To be an artist one has to find beauty in ordinary things. Find 10 things of great beauty in the landscape that surrounds you. For example, crumple sheets on your bed in the morning, the smell of coffee making its way around a busy office.

Positive Motivation Tip: See the beauty in the ordinary and share your delight.

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos Eros Sleepingbutterfly in nature,  a smile, clean water, rain showersbreath, via Wikipedia.    A loaf of bread by JRonaldLee  and Clean Laundry by TomyLees via Flickr

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

24 Comments leave one →
  1. 16/07/2011 12:22 am

    I think if I don’t focus on what bugs me or of things that are not working for me, and focus on other people’s needs and wants: that helps me. If I want something, I create a vision board and let it go. Sometimes I write it in my notebook and forget it, the next thing I know it all comes true for me. Great blog Eliz.

    • 16/07/2011 1:31 am

      Thank you Jackie!
      I love the vision board idea; visualizing and writing down what our needs are. I have had success with it too. I found that it works when I feel an inner prompting to try it. And we get what we need not what we want.
      I will be completing commenting on yours and others blogs over the next day or two as I fell behind during my two sets of absences. TY! 🙂

  2. 16/07/2011 1:33 am

    sunlight, a smile in a face, to read your blog – three steps to heaven 🙂

    • 16/07/2011 1:37 am

      Thank you Frizztext.. I like your three steps to heaven line… beautiful! 🙂

  3. 16/07/2011 1:55 am

    Great post! I believe that beauty is all around us, we just have to see it. I find that beauty can be found in silence, silence is something some people find uncomfortable and awkward, it can be awkward, but I also think that silence and being comfortable with is a beautiful think that helps a person connect with another, and themselves on a more deeper level, it also allows a person to think, and dream in which is also beauty in an ordinary way. I also believe that a smile is a beautiful gesture, it has the ability to make a person feel differently and affects their mood as well as those. give a smile, and we get a smile in return and sometimes all it takes is a smile to make a persons day. ah the beauty in that is priceless. Everything has beauty, we just have to see it, be open minded, allow yourself to see, feel, smell, touch, etc. i think that if we look at something ordinary for a certain time, we can start to see it in a different way, be creative and open minded and that simple thing or idea can be something new different. The beauty of seeing something ordinary as something new with more that one uses for it.

    Really enjoyed this post! 🙂

  4. 16/07/2011 3:11 am

    Beauty is all around us – and in the simplest of things that so many of us take for granted.
    Great post Eliz and welcome back! We missed you.

  5. 16/07/2011 4:29 am

    I so agree. The pleasure in simple things is often overlooked and yet they are also a source of many of our greatest joys and blessings

  6. 16/07/2011 4:33 am

    Such a beautiful post Eliz. Thank you, as always, for sharing your thoughts. You are a constant reminder that beauty isn’t only outer beauty, but inner beauty as well.

  7. 16/07/2011 4:37 am

    Beauty in sleep – OH YES! I have been sleep challenged this last year too, and if one is a sleeper, like I am (8 hours a night, please) lack of sleep makes one realise the true beauty of a good night’s sleep!!!

    Life is such a bustle these days, we need to remind ourselves to take the time to smell the roses. Very timely article, Elizabeth.

  8. 16/07/2011 5:23 am

    I like how you’ve taken some unexpected turns here.

  9. 16/07/2011 10:27 am

    Hi 737,
    When you no longer have any money, trust me, you DO learn to appreciate the simple things in life. Also living closer to nature you also stand back and admire it for it’s simplicity and beauty…

  10. 16/07/2011 12:07 pm

    Eliz, I hope you had a restful retreat. For me, when I am tired, it is hard for me to see beauty in anything. This is the time I find most important to stop and pay attention to what is around me. By taking the focus off my weary self, I am able to finally get much needed rest. Miriam

  11. 16/07/2011 1:40 pm

    Beauty is Sidey’s Weekend Theme this week as well. This fits right in.


  12. 16/07/2011 2:01 pm

    Welcome back, Elizabeth! Hope you get to ease into the emails, the work, the schedule and your life so you can extend the time spent with Amma.

    Good post, as usual, Elizabeth. Right on target. Just this morning I had a conversation with my godmother about the same topic. I’ll tell you what I said to her — that I’m finding beauty in being still, looking within and finding time to write.
    Glad you’re back,

  13. 16/07/2011 2:28 pm

    A yoga retreat sounds heavenly. Glad you’re back.

    Since I have found an interest in photography, I do see beauty in ordinary things, mundane things, rusty things, dead things . . . I think most photographers discover this.

  14. 16/07/2011 4:35 pm

    A truly restful 8 hours of sleep is a thing of beauty for sure!

    Beautiful post…Thanks!

  15. 16/07/2011 9:47 pm

    Another great post….kind of goes along with my “Flawless” post in that there is beauty in the ordinary. 🙂

  16. 16/07/2011 10:58 pm

    This makes all of us appreciate the ordinary things that has extraordinary value. The pictures are beautiful as well. Thank you. Inspiring as always.

  17. 17/07/2011 1:55 am

    Welcome back. Don’t feel pressured to answer all those emails or respond to comments. Take you time and ease gently back into your real life after that retreat.

  18. 17/07/2011 7:08 pm

    Welcome back. I agree with Judith. Don’t feel pressured to catch up. Start from where you are. That’s always the best place to start from. 🙂

    Right now I am finding beauty in the things that keep me cool in this heat wave we’re having. Cold drinks, the shade of the old maple tree, an umbrella to keep the sun off, a swim in the pond.


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